Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 140: Da Ba Star Festival·Rose Valley

Franpisi grabbed the arms and legs of the honey ant Aiyu and pressed back and forth, wondering: "You have obviously practiced the honey ant, and there is such a golden ratio figure, the muscle ratio is appropriate, and there is no excess fat. It should be a training exercise. The material of physical skills, how could it be so weak?

"Is it inevitable that the mental system is weak? Even if the eater is Level5, you are only Level3, right? I also heard that there is a Level4 mental ability in Anbu who jumped from the second floor and rolled around safely."

Franpies said, taking a glance at the angle formed by raising her leg: "Well, is it okay for middle school students to wear black lace? It is also true that there is a mole on the hip in the record."

"What the **** are you trying to say!" The honey ant was blushing, and finally couldn't help but began to speak. She broke free from Fran Pis who deliberately let go. She turned her body around, and she hurriedly stooped and opened her arms to keep her balance, and she didn't fall into the ugly.

"Well, this balance is beautiful, and the proportion of your figure is in line with gold. It's a pity that you don't practice dancing and perform on stage?" Fran Pith casually praised.

"Standing on stage? Such a dazzling thing is not suitable for me." Honey Ant smiled bitterly, not so much timidity, more like physical rejection.

"In short, you don't have to worry about your foundation being broken on the spot. This was originally prepared by your previous director to deal with your dead opponent, Five_OverOS.Model_case_'MENTAL_OUT', because I felt its performance when I got it by the way. It's too useless for my power, it's useless, and it doesn't matter if you give it to you." Fran Pissi seemed to take out a big box out of thin air, put it in the hand of the honey ant subconsciously reached out and left.

This is just an activity to ask a question that satisfies curiosity and dispose of waste by the way.

The honey ant lowered his head and muttered in his heart: "Sure enough, am I still half-hearted?"


On September 23, the fifth day of the Great Domination Star Festival——

This morning is a turbulent night.

Just because the Academy City is such a city, this degree of vision will not cause panic among students and tourists, but will be amazed.

[Ajini's Festival Fire] It was cracked with the efforts of the pedestrians. There was no microwave-caused fire in the school city, and the fighting also avoided commotion. The atmosphere of the Da Baxing Festival was well maintained.

Those with Mikoto's electromagnetic wave ability and mental ability, combined with Dangma and Inticus, are invincible against that kind of enemy.

However, Franpisi, who temporarily moved to a high-end hotel, counted hundreds of [Brahma Astra] that fell to the academy city, and then complained fiercely: "You Indians TM is using the astrology I made to perform magic?!"

This is a dangerous signal. The Tower of Babel exists here. Since it is kept open, it doesn't affect anything even if ordinary people enter, but other magicians can use it.

Although they can’t directly use Franpis’s massive bombing on the tower and the art of suppression by the cross, they can do the same if their own magic system has an art that matches the tower of Babel and the current astrology. The feeling of ruining the world.

At night, after the entire Academy City no longer had any strong magical fluctuations for a while, Franpies said to the brightly lit Academy City——

"So many arrows with an explosion radius of 50 meters fell on the ground without causing any damage, commotion, or casualties. The girls who can manipulate intelligence and the hedgehog boy who can eliminate all magical abilities, you have worked hard."

Then, contact Anbe to arrest the escaped "Gate of the Gods" survivors.


September 24th, the sixth day of the Great Domination Star Festival——

Franpies was a little doubtful whether the size and organization of the magic side was good, one event per day.

Maybe the interference of different magic systems would be disadvantageous?

This time, it was the ancient family "Rose Valley" that Aleister mentioned once. For some reason, he focused on the existence of "Misaka Network" and "Dead Misaka Network". Although they were from the magic side, they were not The dark part "DA" on the scientific side has a personal connection, and the scientific side also wants to use those scientifically inexplicable powers on the magic side to create combat power and reach Level 6.

There are a lot of urban events in the school, but this is cliché.

However, the conflict has nothing to do with Fran Pith's power.

Because this matter can't be avoided by any means, the final work was thrown off by one side.

However, this can't stop Fran Pith’s curiosity. The "Dead Misaka Network" has obtained a much greater computing power than the "Misaka Network" because of the removal of all restrictions on the human brain. It is understandable to want to use this delusion to rush to Level 6, and it is compatible. What's the relationship with the magic side?

In short, first catch the surviving magicians of "Rose Creek Valley" and lock them with the remnant party of "Gate of the Gods Falling from the Sky".


September 25, the last day of the Da Ba Star Festival——

Under the arrangement of the upper level of the academy city, Kamijou Touma won a double ticket for a trip to Northern Italy, so Kamijou and Inticus took a plane to leave the academy city and flew to Italy.

The magic association "Scarlet Sunshine" also disappeared in the school city at the same time.

On this day, Franpies, who was invited to play with a half-bottled fluffy head and dressed as a child dressed up in a nearby amusement park looking up at the lift-off plane, gnawing sponge candy, said to the person on the opposite side of the ring-shaped phone, "Is this okay?" Aleister."

"Are you dissatisfied?"

"Even if you want to destroy the Queen's fleet that will destroy you and only the two of them are okay? If accurate coordinates can be provided, or the Academy City has the confidence to resist a blow, I can launch [God's Rod [RodofGod] or [ArrowsofBigDipper] crossed half of the earth to counterattack and defeated it. Didn’t it also annihilate the spell bombing last time."

"The British Puritan Church and the Roman Orthodox Church are not in a good relationship. What's more, the banned book catalog is theirs. Do you think they will leave it alone? Why do you need to pay for things that can be done for free by others?" Aleister said.

"as long as you are happy."

In fact, there are really many large and small organizations on the magic side that enter and exit the academy city during the Da Ba Star Festival.

For now, unfortunately, although Kamijou Touma is involved in the struggle to resolve the incident with his right hand waving every day, it is because Intiks is more famous as a library of 13 thousand books of magic books, even if Kamijou’s forces are In the intelligence of some organizations, there is a threat, and the magician is most concerned about Inticus and the British Puritanism, one of the three major sects of the cross religion behind it.

"The Scarlet Sunshine" is the largest and most authoritative magic society in the UK, and is said to be the most advantageous successor of "Gold".

(to be continued)

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