Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 40: The tragedy of immortality

Even if Rampads is a god, he still has his own race, a monster. How credible is a monster? Just like the six gods are not all human races, two of them are not humans, so the temple only believes in the four gods.

In those years, the people who supported and followed the "Hell Fairy", the devout believers were not so many and so widespread as in today's era. Except for a few families such as Gushmont, most of the others were investors directly drawn by them. Dealing with the devil with the vision of dealing with things, hoping to benefit from the "Hell Fairy". Precisely because of this, there is no way to be unaware of the things the monsters give away for nothing.

However, God is angry that no one dares to accept the gift of eternal life.

In the end, it was Imia and Count Lille who volunteered to go to the test, because they all knew that they were old and sick, and they didn't have much time to live. This is a gamble.

"You guys, try your best to recall your past, the most satisfying time, the happiest and most energetic moment."

After God declared this way, Emiya copied everything, even if it is a scam, it is false, and what is waiting for her may be killed, and then a mimicry of her monster goes out and declares eternal life, but she can only regard the revolving lantern as hospice care. .

Then she awakened, awakened as a monster.

But, what she is, she doesn't know, the inconsistency between her memory and her new body makes her a little uneasy: Did she directly change from a human to a monster that appeared in her youthful posture, or did she stuff her soul into her Is the memory modeled on the monster whose appearance has been shaped, or is she just a monster whose memory has been named Yimia?

I can't think of anything, I can only give up.

However, one thing is certain. In the past, there was no doubt that the various sense of mission that had been given to her in her life disappeared.

She is like a young girl who hasn't reached her puberty. After returning to the mansion, she ran to find her husband and couldn't wait to show her extremely young look.

This is the beginning of the tragedy.

The husband is crazy.

Having already abdicated to provide for the aged, he began to fight for power with his son. At that time, Yimia's husband was over 90 years old, and the current head of the family was naturally not young. Even if the family is exhausted, it will not be able to offer the immortal quota for the two in a short time.

Even my in-laws want to join this battle.

Even Imia, who wanted to say "you deserve it" before, couldn't stand it.

But even if she did not speak maliciously, it sounded more like a mockery.

Then, the clutches of the clutches stretched out towards Imia at the same time.

The Imperial Ministry of Magic has conducted experiments to transform humans into magical creatures in order to break through the limits of human magical literacy.

Some of the discarded dross flowed out.

Imia, who was **** at home, could only watch that she was constantly fiddling with, and adding those dregs technologies, she brought out the husband who seemed to extend his life but was hanging in a half-dead state.

"No, it's not over yet. This will gain time, and our family will definitely be able to give enough tribute to God during this time to get more opportunities for eternal life!"

The half-hearted "immortality" abandons the way of human existence. If the way is improper, the way of thinking is also fixed at that moment.

However, in order to achieve the fixed obsession, it is necessary to squeeze out all the nobles who intend to compete for places, and the consequences of doing so are also obvious.

If they are young, maybe they should be able to make a more rational judgment, but even their minds are temporarily frozen when they have this obsession, and they can no longer listen to other opinions.

This is no problem.

The struggle between the nobles already exists, and the nobles are allowed to have very few private arms. There are emperors and goblin temples on it. The nobles who rely on contribution competition will not form an armed struggle regardless of their inner thoughts.

Obviously, I didn’t think so, but it resulted in an increase in the number of people and an increase in income-in order to increase taxes and a unique product more suitable for tribute, the people’s life was obviously improved. Little nobles have also increased.

However, this is the beginning of the collapse.

What was the purpose of hoping for eternal life? Isn’t it just to continue to enjoy the wealth and glory accumulated throughout your life? These are cellar wines that you will be indulged in the wonderful taste after you have tasted them. You cannot extricate yourself from it. In order to continue to make these wines more delicious, you can give up everything except life (the literal meaning of the two words separately).

So, what happens when this expansion is fixed? What is frozen is not the current situation, but the expansion of desire itself. Moreover, time is stretched forward infinitely.

The country is not infinite, even if it develops itself, it will touch the cake of others.

Such monsters are not allowed by the outside world.

So, after this, Imia's son succeeded in taking the throne.

Before his son took office as the next Earl of Mayfair, he bowed his head deeply to his biological mother, Imia, who seemed to be younger than her, and said in a pleading tone with a voice with fear: "Mother, please Now, I know this request is extremely rude, but, please, I will be satisfied with what kind of life you need, but, can you please... stop appearing in the eyes of outsiders?"

Although Imia was sad, she felt very thankful that her son was not crazy.

"I understand your difficulties, and I promise you, but... if you have the opportunity to hug your great-grandchildren, hug them before they grow up, and walk in the sun, it will be fine." She only had this request. That's it.

Even if the crime did not expand, the fate of the family's decline and decline is inevitable, but she already felt that it didn't matter.

Even if the next few decades passed without further decline ~ ~ still fought in the Hundred Days War, the power only recovered to about 60% of its heyday, that is now.

The above is the history that Imia told everyone.


"Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-" Nikosfia was about to fall asleep, lying on her head and yawning.

The history of this kind of nobility's merits and demerits is recorded in the empire, and it can be investigated by deliberate investigation, but at most it is only a few words, and the most you can know is that the Fimmel family had done taboo research and was demoted.

For people who don’t care much about human history, if it’s not about things that have an impact on her life, it’s enough to understand brief information. Even if you add a lot of words, you won’t be interested.

However, such a story made the elders who were itching to listen with gusto.

Of course, the young ladies just listen to the story as if they were listening. Even if the heart of compassion or indignation is moved, there will be no empathy.

(to be continued)

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