Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 41: Killer

The external reaction is not good, but it doesn't matter. Regarding the story of Imia, the noble daughters present were very interested.

However, just as a story can not achieve Fendi's purpose of enhancing team cohesion and clearer goals, and improving the stability of these people's positions.

"What I want to express here is—" Fendi Leite added, "What the "Blood Chain Lock God Group" has to do is to do something as dangerous as this. Whether it will be wooed or hostile, it will only be due to the nobility. It’s just that you got into riots for different reasons, and some of you should have sisters sent to the Fairy Temple, right? The "Blood Chain Chain God Group" must be at odds with the Fairy Temple. This is not a simple task, but also related to the safety of your family. "Bang bang" on the wall.

"Excuse me, Master Fendi Retto, can I ask Master Imya for something?" Someone raised their hand, hoping to ask questions.


"Since Imia’s son is in the top position, someone should have killed the old immortal... Well, the sinner and his eldest son who prolonged his life using a taboo method? Is it the handwriting of Lord Imia? Are you righteous to kill your relatives, or Have been peeping for a long time until the right chance comes?"

This question is harsh, but it is also reasonable.

"I don't deny the latter." Yimia clasped her chest tightly, remembering something bad.


Before her husband committed a greater crime, a secret visitor from Felic's family found her and explained her intentions.

Emiya was shocked at the time: "What, want me to kill them? How could this be—"

"Now is the time for you to repay your gratitude. Do you think you would have today without the decision made by the Felic family back then? You should be able to use a few first- and second-tier magics now. The half-life guy has no problems with his other sons. In this way, the Fimmel family is actually ours."

"But...I, already..."

"Worry about the consequences of being treated as an abandoned child or leaking news? This is not a problem, because this matter is a stain on the Ministry of Magic and the Fairy Temple. The relationship has been cleared, and they will try their best to erase the evidence. Although I have considered sending someone to solve the problem, you who have been married into the Fimmel family may leave the least traces. Moreover, it is not for you to inherit the Fimmel family from the bloodline of Flick—your son. Is it a good thing?"

"...Yes, but can it really be covered? Since this matter is connected, then you should also know that it is not only me who has obtained this kind of body, and if other people have problems one after another, we will expose it sooner or later, right?"

"No, it's only the Fimmel family that has the problem. Because—Imia, you are the only woman who has attained immortality but has not been enrolled."

Male chauvinism permeates and governs all areas, from folklore to law. Women who gain immortality in the Fairy Temple are like tributes to the gods and the price of obtaining divine graces for the nobles. They will not interfere with their structure. However, the existence of Yemia subverts this point and acts as a tribute. God’s first batch of "works" did not dare to move casually, and Fimmel’s family could only try to rush to catch up according to the rules set by God. Even if Imia didn’t have the thoughts, they couldn’t let people not give birth to her and become dominant. Fear of the person.

What God created is beyond human control. It is just a hidden danger.

"Ah! My...wrong? If I didn't stand up then..."

"Yes, this is the last task given to you by the Felic family. After that, please find a chance to fade out of people's sight and go to seclusion."

Imia agreed, and she could feel that if she refused, the guards behind the visitor would rush to crush her to pieces. She can use several magics without magic education. This is the natural advantage of monsters. She does not need to work hard and has the foundation that humans need several years to complete. However, without experience, she can't beat the senior guards of the nobles. Just as an adventurer can kill monsters, but she can do it-get close to unsuspecting family members.

She is the best chess piece, but it is not the only one that can be used. The pieces that cannot be controlled will be disposed of. This has been carved into her soul in the initial education she received.

She seemed to have an illusion that she thought she could escape the bondage. The chain never disappeared. She tried to break the chain and connect the other end of the chain to fall over. She did not dare to face the consequences.

Well, she just seemed to have such an illusion, because—it was not an illusion at all.

I can only do it, and even if she was sent to Fimmel’s house as a maid to seduce the Patriarch, she really lived for decades, and she still had children. It’s a fake that she didn’t give birth to any feelings. So-can't watch the husband go wrong.

It's just sending people who should have been sent to the grave into the grave. There is nothing to be afraid of. Really, there is nothing to be afraid of............

No, she was so scared-she found out that she did not feel heartache when she killed her husband; she let other sons "accidentally" die one after another, but when she did it, no feelings of guilt emerged in her chest. She was scared of herself for a while, really scared.

Did her heart become demonic together, or is she really just a monster with the memory of Ymir as a human?

To talk about the benefits, it is probably that there is no desire to compete for fame and fortune like humans, which is really great for her who will need to live in seclusion in the future. She can not bear the torment of illness and no longer need to bear the responsibility between the two families, and she can still watch her children and grandchildren grow up. It is probably the best ending for her.

Of course, it’s impossible to say the above to the Hi, Miss Valerie, we are not here to discover the well-known secrets behind everyone. It would be rude to ask such questions in person. . Seeing that Emia looked upset, Fendi Ley scolded the girl who asked the question.

"Yes, I thought Imia-sama is detached from the world. If it is a nun in the fairy temple, she will answer my questions with a smile, so just ask. If it brings back bad memories, I apologize here."

Fendi Rede saw that Valerie really bowed his head to apologize, and then turned to everyone again: "Then, this is the end of the matter. Regarding the relationship between Lord Imia and the harm of the "Blood Chain Lock God Group", everyone still has What's the problem?"


"Please speak, Miss Limitz."

"Are there any signs that once the "Blood Chain and Chain God Group" seizes the technology of the present gods, it will be used as badly as the Imia-sama exemplified it?"

(to be continued)

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