Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 140: Only the winner is qualified to make a joke

The Raiders team has just reappeared to the outside world, welcoming thousands of cheers, and the "bone-born winner" Ainz Ur Gong in the eyes of everyone is the first to be embraced by the beauty.

The person who came was Mesette. Although the impact of the level 90 swoop was like a collision of a truck, the sound of wind pressure was generated at the moment of contact, but because of the high level, the wind blown out will take Mesetto’s hair and The turban was raised, but it seemed to be just right.

Messette put his face on Ainz's collarbone, and glanced at the more conspicuous bright red reinforced armor, and his tone was as if he had added a sentence in the script: "Brother, you have worked hard too."

"This is so close! There is still a soft and fragrant feeling?! Does the Death Empress race have this setting?" Ainz roared in his heart, and the green of "forced not panic" and "forced not excited" flashed directly on his body. Light.

"Well...this is the figure and clothes that Master Ainz gave me, and the Death Empress does not seem to be stinky at all, so I deliberately changed to ordinary and elegant perfume this time. How does Master feel?" I blinked.

Although Ainz wanted to dismiss it with "Is it time to make this joke?", let alone married in his past and present life, he has no real feelings about the experience of getting along with close women-Mordred does not treat himself as a woman and does not allow others Think of her as a woman, so it doesn't count.

So it's so astringent. Although there is almost no desire for the reproduction of offspring among the three major desires, he is not a skeleton undead who changes in accordance with the normal process, resulting in the personality residue that has always been in response to Mesette’s becoming more mature white. The porcelain-like body exudes the same atmosphere, telling him that he wants to proceed according to his feelings.

But his rationality as an undead stopped him. Others are not poor, and even less poor. There are other people around, who have the strength and qualifications and the existence of his current level of view. At this time, it is time to take the spirit and proceed.

Ainz didn't remember what figure and clothes he had sent, but now it is like this, it should be that the death empress has an "adult" setting and forced her figure to be just an adult.

And the clothes are just things that have appearances and negative energy construction settings. After all, the monsters that are created and summoned with skills in the game cannot have nothing all over. You need to prepare the player for additional equipment. That clothes is something of that level. . But after all, the game still attaches great importance to appearance, and the dress of the Death Empress is indeed beautiful.

So Ainz said in a tone that he considered to be a popular man: "Mesette, you are quite attractive now."

"Eh...Thank you for the compliment, that would be great."

"I'll go!" Irut shouted, pointing far away, "You're playing a game of raising young wives! Before, she was a small girl with no outstanding points, but now she... grows so fast! Obviously! There are already beauties like Mordred who are still hugging left and right—"

Before he could say anything, Mordred immediately crossed the distance between the teams, and the sword pointed directly at Irut.

Irut didn’t know where he was offended by that sentence. His reaction was slow but he still avoided Mordred’s blow. The exhaustion was not completely relaxed; on the other hand, Mordred was just a threatening attack that didn't take his life.

But Mordred obviously hasn't calmed down yet, or if the other party doesn’t dodge the sword given to her and touched it gently, it won’t be even more exciting. The arms crossed Mordred's sword.

Immediately afterwards, the black double-edged sickle struck her back, causing her to escape from the confrontation and dodge back.

"Come on, I saw you playing hard just now, come again—"

"Death to death, don't make trouble! Ahem, Mordred girl... Well, Mordred Swordsman, he was really rude just now, but you shouldn't use force?"

"Hey, you have enough of that, hurry up and apologize."

"Just kidding you, I'm very sorry." Irut immediately bent down and bowed. He naturally knew that this matter couldn't go sideways. He who had a galgame brain felt that it was terrifying for a woman's inverse scales to be driven mad, and then he was right. Ainz and Mesette apologized.

"Mordred, he still doesn't know about you. I don't care about the atmosphere and there is something wrong, so forgive him." Ainz took this step to put Mercedes down and said to Mordred.

"Huh, let's not take it as an example." Mordred also knew it was her own problem. She was not unaware of her gender, so she sullenly took the sword.

"You are quite leisurely, shouldn't it be time to discuss the issue of the distribution of trophies between us and the thousands of people over there and the resurrection of the dead?" Kraunpisi touched his hands and called "Sister" in his arms. The two Alice who acted like a baby shouted towards the conflict area.

Although several players with the blood of the player wanted to vomit "Then what are you doing again?", they just felt that they were not serious when they said that they lost.


Ibiluya Jingjingyi sat on the edge of the dirt wall of the camp and looked at the scene in the camp.

The camp is divided into many song groups in an orderly manner and lined up to distribute various trophies.

From time to time there was noise and quarrels.

It is more harmonious than imagined.

There was no overly fierce dispute, probably because the few negotiated and finally decided to adopt a simple and easy-to-understand distribution for each leader, and did not directly disclose the effects of those magic equipment and props.

Those things that are taken out for distribution are basically garbage in the eyes of transcendors. Forcing them to use, you have to worry about whether the durability will be damaged too quickly, but in the eyes of the residents of this world, ordinary people cannot maximize the performance of the equipment. Treasures, UU reading www.uukanshu. With their own level of appraisal, com will only have the feeling of "wow, this performance is great". Even if they can further understand all the effects in the future, it is possible that a new war will break out because of each other's gains, as long as they are not fighting here. When you get up, there is nothing about the convener.

"What are you doing here? You won't just slip away for the next banquet?" Kraunpisi came to Iblu Yai to sit down and asked.

"It's nothing, but it's okay for me now, right?"

"But didn't you just give up the artifact-level equipment that could have been allocated to you? It makes people feel that way."

"Nonsense, when I come, the only artifacts left are swords, axes, and plate armor. What do I want to do as a magic caster?" Ibiriyayi looked angry.

"For this, you can go there and get a little more compensation, as long as you speak." Kraunpisi pointed to the trash mountain in the eyes of the transcendence and the Baoshan in the eyes of ordinary people. "It's useless for you, when is it missing? You can sell it if you have the money."

(to be continued)

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