Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 141: Going to rush

Although Kraunpisi suggested that Iblu Yayi should try to get more equipment and props that are not very eye-catching for her current level, and even if it is not good, she can exchange it for money when her hand is tight, but Ibluya Yi didn't care.

"I have taken enough of this in the Demon God's Residence, and these things are of great value to the average person, and it is not so easy to shoot." She said.

"It is easier for rulers to fear if they have power but have no desires and desires. Those who have the ability and regard money as fate will be welcomed by some rulers. Would you like it?" The bottle of drink was placed on top of the wall between them.

"Ah, you don’t need to preach. I know, because if you don’t show your desires, it’s unknown. It’s like a disaster that will explode when you don’t know. Properly.” Iblu Yayi took a sip of the drink placed by Kraunpisi, showing an expression of satisfaction with the taste for a moment, and then said, “Even if I did that kind of thing a hundred years ago, my strength was better than If the Demon God is weak, he will be killed by the Demon God. And considering what I did, it’s not surprising that the "Thirteen Heroes" killed me as a disaster like the Demon God. However, nothing like that happened, although they later The selfish desires and internal strife that occurred made me very disappointed, but in a sense they let me off and even saved me. So, since you helped me take revenge on my country, if you want to say what else I want, that’s I hope that this world will no longer bring completely unreasonable natural disasters to life because of the existence of another world traverser and the unprovoked conflict between the transcendence of this world. Rise and fall, but the kind of unreasonable natural disasters are completely different. For this I also need strength."

"Just be careful not to allow others to match you with the'destruction'. Did you deliberately change the highest-level race to the vampire ancestor to cover up? Speaking of this, I heard that the ancestors and the vampires under the gods have a lot of It is very different. While maintaining all the advantages of vampires, it has all the characteristics of living beings and does not have the traditional weaknesses of vampires. So-can you touch your wrist, neck and chest for me?"


"What are you embarrassing about, you don't have any idea whether your body is attractive to others, I am curious if you have a pulse and heartbeat."

"Then, please. Don't do strange things." Iblu Yayi casually raised his hand and lifted the cloak to reveal the body in the traditional magic costume.

"I have grown a little bit for so many years, but you haven't changed at all."

"Well-winded, the races are completely different!"

"Then, I touched it... Actually, it really felt like a tremor. Congratulations. Congratulations. Can I still live if I take out my heart? Can I try it?"

"You can live, but I refuse. Don't take it too far!" Iblu Yayi glared at Crow Enpis and pushed away her hand that was still doing the "black tiger's heart" action.

"That's really a shame, let's talk about it... But ah, Iblu Yai needs the identity of a living in order to better save people, right. The purpose is to save people or save the world, hehe, like this Say, if I show the idea of ​​destroying the world, you have to be my enemy."

"Do you think that way?"

"Just kidding, it's no good to destroy, and to conquer is nosy. Otherwise, why should I create a religion? It's just by force."

"Then it's okay. But even if you don't use your body and identity, Alice 0 is your eldest son, identity should be very important, don't you need to socialize at any time?"

"I have received a lot of entertainment, and the rest is handed over to the'sisters'." Crown Pith flipped her hand like a poker magic trick and turned a lot of all kinds of big and small in her hand. Invitation.

Except for those who need to resurrect their own people and have another banquet to reward them after playing, there are also many groups who hope that Alice from the previous sequence will come to the door to communicate.

"The shadow clone of a ninja is a great skill, understand?"

"In this regard, I don't know what the people who designed the shadow clone would think."

"I think he will be very happy. Then I'll go first." Kraunpith said, but his body didn't move.

"Aren't you still busy here?"

"Yeah, the rest will be given to the child 0 and Sunny. Recently, there have been a lot of things in our country. The anti-traverser organization has caused casualties and losses to some countries and needs to be dealt with. I will go first. Slightly."

"Well, goodbye. Need help?"

"No, Dad has arranged the manpower, it is not bad for you." Alice 0 said, got up and jumped off the inner wall and left.

"Huh, have you gone already."


"Novice wand?"

"Ah... the appearance is indeed very similar, but this is an artifact-level equipment called'Shadow of the World Tree'. Although the data crystal has not been embedded for matching and transformation, it may be a little uncoordinated, but it is also better than the current Mercedes. The crystal wand used is more supportive to magic. Since it is not a weapon for direct attack output, there is also a skill [negative weapon] in melee combat. There is no need to balance the magic wand. UU Reading I am very focused on introducing the items that I intend to give to Messette among the drops that I have obtained and scored this time.

But as the words went on, Messette kept rubbing up and down holding the wand that Ainz had handed over, and his body began to flash green, and the thoughts in his heart came out frantically—

"Why, what's going on... Why are you always being so good to me lately? Isn't it just to supplement combat power and give Charr face... Is it really interesting to me as they say? Master Ainz’s race is The death emperor, and then I am the death empress... Isn’t it true? Is it okay to have two emperors? What is the itchy feeling in my heart... I actually felt like I wanted to hold it before... Is it a race? Did I move anything in my mind when I upgraded, but the Death Empress has the passive ability of [Spirit Attribute Immunity]...No, no, it means the first time I received Master Ainz’s race upgrade. The whole body and mind are under his control, but Master Ainz has already stated that he does not like to use the undead as his subordinates. So what is the purpose of ruling my body and mind? People in one world seem to shout, "Young Wife Raising Game" or something. It means that? That's what it means? After all, it’s easier to understand what they think if they come from one world. Do you want to rush here? ?"

(to be continued)

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