Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 329: world partition negotiations

"What??!!" Ainz heard Klauenpith's remarks about the friction sparks between the planes, and a green light of "force not to panic" flashed across his body.

Crowenpith said: "It seems that the opposite is not uncommon for transmigrators, many of which are from that - after comparison, it is a world without magic but technology but not science fiction, I don't know how to express it better. Sorry, everything needs more investigation."

"How far is the investigation so far?" Ainz leaned forward slightly. Although his emotions had been suppressed, it was obvious that he had not completely recovered.

"I don't know much about it. At that time, a specific investigation is impossible. I only got to know some people in a hurry, and gave some alms when their situation was not good. I hired a few more subordinates, and then asked them to tell me something. "Klauenpis said with sloppy eyes, and then took out a map and spread it out, "This is the most detailed map I can get so far."

Ainz took out his translation glasses and scanned them slightly. He didn't expect to see anything, just to confirm whether the power could be activated smoothly. If the translation glasses didn't work, either the text on the map was scribbled casually, or the power of the rank magic system he mastered was invalid there.

After confirming that it was valid, Ainz put away his translation glasses and said, "Since... hmm, I don't remember talking to you in private, what would be a better name for you? Can Your Excellency Klauenpis?"

Klauenpis nodded and agreed: "Yes, Lampades, you can also hear that he directly took the name of the race in the myth, it is suitable for believers and servants to be called, it will feel awkward for you to call me. "

Ainz: "Well, then, Lord Klauenpis, if you really have a solid channel, can you tell me a thing or two?"

Klauenpith: "Then it depends on what price Mr. Gong can offer."

Ainz: "This is another thing I came here for this time. You know, Char has not responded to your technical output, but including him, the Dragon King of the review country is basically hostile. ."

Klauenpis: "Reason? Could it be the mundane reason that other countries are not stronger and richer than the reviewing country?"

Ainz: "If you want to record it in history, it seems that there is only such a reason. However, they believe that you are promoting technology that is equivalent to the era of innovation, and you are doing it on the condition that the countermeasures have been secured. The race is no longer inseparable from convenient technology, and after the ability to make 'hundred years of aftershocks' a disaster that can be resisted, the world can truly be under your control."

The corners of the Klauen faction's mouth rose, and this wave of analysis was in place. Although there was a gap in level, it was not far off.

Ainz continued: "As a confrontation, Char has given me a lot of benefits, and in exchange, I have to take out the things that were originally intended to be used within 'Ainz Ul Gown' and use my identity. and knowledge of another world, reproducing technology with a different foundation but a high degree of the same."

Klauenpis secretly said, is it worth revealing the information of the war of resistance against gunpowder from a mere information from another world?

In fact, it was actually understandable that Ainz stayed within the sphere of influence of the Fairy Temple for so long, just like Krawnpis went to his domain—

Ainz knew that he could not win.

With the acquiescence of the goblin, there is a narrow strip of the human kingdom that recognizes him as the leader who brings hope to the people in troubled times, and some people even propose to establish a country belonging to him.

After collecting the industries and technologies of that land, and exchanging certain technologies through trade, Ainz realized that he was out.

Even if this world is a fantasy world of swords and magic, even if this world has no fossil energy, even if the composition of material elements is not the same, the laws of physics are basically the same under normal circumstances, and there is no shortage of things that can replace the burning and heating of fossil energy—or There are also many renewable resources and materials that can replace alloys. The first step to popularize steam engines is not difficult at all.

The production method of magic crystals has also been made public. Although countries will definitely not use their own citizens to make them, the biological materials that can be used to make magic crystals are often the most in short supply. For the whole world, it has been a big change.

After the first step is to solve the problem of basic productivity, subsequent development will become easier.

The development conditions behind Ainz and Kroenpis were not on the same level.

Not only is there a gap in strength and sphere of influence, but Ainz's development is based on his original elementary school education knowledge and the ability acquired in the game, the technical achievements of robbing "Abyss" for a long time, and the independent study and research afterward; Empis's education and memory is a master's degree. Bianz does not know where he is. The development of magic, science, and technology not only obtains finished products for research and use from other worlds, but also transports the required knowledge and books in sets. .

Therefore, no matter what conflicts there were before, Ainz planned to show his favor.

He is now an immortal race of immortality. No matter how long the era dominated by goblins will be, he can watch it as long as he is alive.

He has been thinking about these things for a while, but there is no suitable opportunity. He took the initiative to come to the door and propose that it is like surrender, which is not conducive to his future situation. This time, the magical phenomenon that shook the world broke out, and as a result, there was an event of stable connection with other planes, UU reading www.uukanshu. com just gave an excuse.

Klauenpis and Ainz talked for another half an hour, nothing more than a superficial bargain.

Ainz let go of the competition in technology output, which was exactly what Klauenpis intended: You must know that Ainz would definitely not be able to win Crowenpis compared to the technical output, but he had the opportunity to increase the magical transformation ability of various races in various countries and The possibility of eliminating the seeds of Klauenpis's own existence, although the possibility is relatively small, is still possible. Countries and places that have players' inheritance must be able to immediately obtain the technology of Ainz that can penetrate the magic of rank. Gain magic power.

Before all the seeds were planted, Klauenpis didn't want this to happen.

The seeds of Klauenpis's own existence are not ordinary. The basis of this seed is the large tube wood system. Just like the self-created blood and subsequent boundaries can be engraved in the genes and continue to future generations, Crowenpis's "magic steam" Although steam engines are used in the era, magic is still needed for the basics—low-level magic that ordinary people have the opportunity to master, and practicing these magic and knowledge will engrave the seeds of Klauenpis in the genes of organisms and turn them into species a part of.

Before this was done, Crownpeace didn't want to be found out.

(To be continued, three volumes completed)

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