Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 14 Chapter 1: About the fact that I didn't reincarnate as Milim

Klauenpis is using the so-called magic steam engine output to plant his own race in the world. Once mature, her existence can be turned into a part of the world. As long as the species does not end, the world does not die. Even if her bones are broken and her soul is destroyed, she will not really die.

However, it takes time. Once it is leaked in the middle, it will be easily interfered, and maybe even the "seed" will be manipulated to cause Klauenpis to collapse from the inside.

It's nice to have the already grand "goal" of "exporting technology to conquer the world" as a cover.

Of course, the competition on the surface had to continue. In exchange for Ainz's resignation, Klauenpis continued to tell Ainz some information about that world and how to get there.

Klauenpis is not worried, unless the accidental collision between the planes like the last time leads to a locally connected accidental event, or masters the time and space capabilities of the size of Otsutsuki, otherwise the material life forms are basically unable to be able to. The possibility of passing, even if you master high-level space magic.

That is to say, there are not many objects in "Ainz Ul Gown" who meet the requirements for transmigration.

The world of Reincarnated Slimes has diverse populations, except for the number and proportions, it is not much different from the Overlord world, but the top combat power level of that world is much higher than this one. 』Even if there is a chance to benefit from that world, there will not be many waves.

After another ten days, Klauenpis personally presided over the examination of the forest sage king and Penny Kaoru.

The accident turned out to be quite good. Although magic was used to speed up the acquisition of knowledge and information, Klauenpis naturally would not prohibit it from using his own abilities.

For Klauenpis, after using up all NPC points and handing over the necessary arrangements to the Three Fairies of Light, the rest is the question of who will be reincarnated in the world of Slime this time. .

For Klauenpis, there is no need to assist his subordinates, so it seems that only the acquisition and research of the acquisition ability and the technology there are left, and only the same thing as in the past is left - looking for Created and summoned units of your own to experience and learn how to hang up.

At the same time, now that Klauenpis already has the bloodline of Otsutsuki, then Bai Yiji leaves what Crownpis is doing, she naturally has to give it a try. It is too dangerous to do in a world where she is spreading seeds, and she has to find A world with better affordability, then the choice has been made.


Regarding the matter of reincarnation slime, outside the Jura Forest—

Klauenpis appeared in this world in the same place as the last time he came to this world.

She is the only one, and the other compatriots and other members brought by her are all hidden in her **** tree body, so it will be easier to come here.

She dodged to a hillside and looked at the small town that had already appeared in the Great Jura Forest.

"Well, well done."

She immediately contacted Ultima and Picassi and ordered them to inform Rimuru so that the meeting would not be too hasty.

"Ah, it's a bit of a hassle to collide with Limuru and me in this time and space." Klauenpis muttered to himself, took out a mask and put it on his face.

In the time and space of the original book, Rimuru often wears a mask. This time, he chose a cat face mask with a completely different style, so he must not be mistaken.

Soon, she noticed that the welcoming party was coming, the most familiar of them should be Rimuru himself, and the others were named monsters. So, she slowly walked towards the town in the direction of the team.

In a moment, the golden slime jumped and quickly came to her.

"Long time no see, Klauenpis, are you here?"

"Oh, I'm here to play, Rimuru, but you look anxious, what's the matter?"

Klauenpis thought that he should get some brief information about the problems facing the demon king, but Limuru said, "That, your mask, that..."

"Mask, what's wrong? It's ugly?"

"No, shit—wait—"

The moment Rimuru blurted out, Klauenpis thought that one of the welcoming team who had not shown his face approached behind her at high speed.

It was a royal sister in a suit with purple hair tied into a big ponytail and a single horn on her forehead. She held up a thick and heavy knife similar to her height in both hands.

"Enlightenment!" She shouted, and the big knife aimed at Klauenpis's head and chopped it off!

At the same moment, a huge wolf-shaped monster roared, and a storm rushed towards Klauenpis, then turned Limuru up and ran away.

With a sound of "Keng!", Klauenpis deliberately stretched out his little finger to block the slash that slashed the ground into a terrifying crack.

The oncoming storm, mixed with "beep beep" lightning, vanished without warning as soon as it hit Klauenpis.

"Lanka and Shion, Ultima and Piksi didn't make it clear or what?"

After Klawenpis casually grabbed the blade against which her little finger was holding up, and flung Shion who dared to cut herself, countless steel wires surrounded Klawenpis.

"It's Souei and Benimaru this time?"

Klauenpis knows that if it is not much different from another time and space, Limuru named six great ghost clans, as the young master and princess, Benimaru and Zhuna, as well as Shion, Soying, Shirao, and Black Soldiers guard.

There have been three of them now, and that wolf should be Limuru's "trophy" after defeating the wolves.

Why beat her? Shouldn't she think of her as Milim?

"It's useless no matter how powerful it is, don't try to escape if you are bound by this thread." The male ghost man with blue hair dressed like a ninja pulled the tough thread and spoke without a word.

In fact, he didn't show up. It's just that his concealment didn't exist in the eyes of Klauenpis.

The silk thread is getting tighter and tighter, and it has made Klauenpis's mimetic magic clothing unable to automatically counterattack, which makes Klauenpis slightly impressed.

But this is only for a moment.

The tall red-haired ghost who came from the front raised his hand and launched the sorcery [Black Flame Prison] at Klauenpis.

"Send you to the West! Avenge the clan! We are no longer the ones you ravaged before, let's burn to ashes!"

The black spherical flames blasted towards Klauenpis, and Klauenpis felt the energy contained in it. If it was released without control, it would be burned to ashes within a radius of 100 meters.

And this was compressed to the black flame that just wrapped Klauenpis. As soon as it touched her, it was like Lanka's lightning storm just now. There was not even a trace of fluctuation, and it disappeared in an instant.

No, the victory is still there, that is, Souei's steel wire was burned.

Beat yourself up?

(to be continued)

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