Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 14 Chapter 177: Rimuru's battle plan

Because of the information that Victoria sent to Limuru in the early stage, there was a faint feeling that even if the threat was indeed depicted, he still regarded the human army as something that could be taken away at any time, which made Limuru almost underestimate his opponent. .

It was only after the last piece of information was sent that Rimuru regained his senses.

"Speaking of which, it seems that Verustila collected a large number of cut souls to help resurrect Klauenpith. Can a large number of souls be collected to promote evolution and give birth to others? Diabo Luo."

Rimuru asked Diablo, who was too competent to be the second secretary (the only practical secretary).

Diablo: "This common sense only applies before the awakening of the Demon Lord, Rimuru-sama."

Rimuru: "That's right, otherwise the other demon kings should have a greater tendency to kill. However, Klauenpis has not awakened to become the real demon king, so the path that Velustila has done is not wrong. Dia Polo, what happened to the soul of the enemy I killed in other villages and towns in the Demon Kingdom last time?"

Diablo: "Naturally, all of them are well stored so that Mr. Mulu can use them whenever he needs them."

Rimuru wondered where this demonic act came from.

Oh yes, he is the devil.

However, if sacrificing thousands of enemies can save a few close ones, Rimuru is very willing to do it. It's just that sometimes you have to look a little further—

Rimuru: "If Diablo is yours, it is premised on seizing (not capturing) a large number of the enemy's souls. Is there any way to reduce the enemy's losses, and let us win a big victory and stand on the side of morality?"

Diablo: "The simplest solution is to try to cause civil strife in some countries, so that they can't take care of themselves, and then let the countries that have established diplomatic relations with the Demon Kingdom send a request for assistance."

Rimuru felt that this was possible, but he couldn't manage to obtain souls that would be of great use to resurrecting his companions. Combining Diablo's advice and Victoria's information, there was a somewhat outrageous plan brewing in his heart. stand up.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an overly fanciful plan, but he wants to do it.

As for how to do it, he himself just asked the [King of Wisdom Raphael] to calculate and reason with the information and data recorded, who to send to have the highest success rate, and then assign the task.

"Diablo, I'll give you an assignment... Don't be in a hurry to be hit. This is very important. Although it is not at all noticeable, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is related to the future destiny of the Demon Kingdom."

Next, Rimuru summoned all the subordinates in charge of the Demon Kingdom's military to hold a battle meeting.

Unexpectedly, the old **** Benimaru was there, despite Limuru's unreasonable demands of "reducing casualties on both sides as much as possible, at least leaving all the corpses behind" and "trying not to expose the true combat power of the Demon Kingdom", Benimaru. Still well arranged.

The core idea of ​​the battle is that the high-end combat power only deploys all the combat powers other than Veldora that have already fought openly on the human side. At present, there are people who are willing and strong enough in the "visitors from other worlds" received by the Demon Kingdom. On the field, you can reduce the morale of the enemy.

If there are any deficiencies, use the "space battleship" that Ramiris and Veldora play together to make up. Although the overall strength of that thing is not very good in Benimaru's eyes, I have to admit that it is very efficient to destroy humans. It is also quite scary in the common sense of "Visitors from Another World" - people from the world of hot weapons and times will never forget the fear of being pointed at by guns!

This is enough to deter Western high-end combat power such as Sakaguchi Hinata and the hero Masako, who are "visitors from other worlds", and it can also reveal that this is not a simple country of monsters, but a civilization they know, and it can also be observed and understood secretly. And the Eastern Empire, which mass-produces hot weapons, thought that it was the trump card of the Demon Kingdom.

At the same time, through the study of the basic operational principles of the guns on those warships, the military combat methods for the main equipment of thermal weapons have also been formulated. If the Eastern Empire dares to deploy a gun, a gun or armor for several people The unit's army invaded. Benimaru dared to guarantee that they would come and go at a very small price. With the help of those angels and demons to save their souls, and the Su Sheng magic they had already mastered, that very small price might also be erased.

Rimuru couldn't help but feel—isn't there anything to do with him here?

No, there are still. That is to defeat and recover the shards that Klauenpis was used as a prop on the enemy's side, and we must save her.


As Diablo was about to leave, Ultima came to report to him.

"Oh, Diablo, did the peace-loving Rimuru-sama block the way for peace talks?"

"That's true, but I'm also not going to do anything against Rimuru-sama's orders."

"The trouble is on our side, right? Or is it that Rimuru-sama has obtained a better soul extraction technique than Verustila?"

"Don't be too complacent, Ultima, the last time you visited the mission was terrible, you can use this mission to wash it away."

"Since the master has ordered us to serve Lord Rimuru, I will naturally do my best, but like you, it will never go against the will of the master. If the master is willing to give the order to go all out. Ah. The goal is to send an ultimatum to the Kingdom of Farmus, who attacked with malice first, so that the battlefield can be completely concentrated there, right? When that country is beaten to pieces, then support Youmu. A hero is king, come out to clean up the mess?"

"If you can't even see this level of scheming, I'll have to talk to Lord Rimuru to replace you."

"It's a pity that we are the executive minister, and you don't have the power yet. Before this body is destroyed, we will act with the interests of Lord Kloenpith as the center. But it has nothing to do with us, you can just **** it. "


Farmus Kingdom, Miora Frontier Leader—

"Really, is it really okay to fall asleep in this position?" Clownpith's phantom floated above Victoria, looking at the men and women who were sleeping with a negative contact distance.

"Get up, get up, idiot." Klauenpith called to Victoria, who was still asleep even when dawn came.

She was a little annoyed. At first, she only thought about what the hero must be able to do by accident, but ignored the character that these elves have taught her subordinates.

She can take over Victoria's body at any time and force her to wake up, but taking over her body in this state will definitely be ruined by the sudden stimulation, at least when the contact distance between her and Zheng Xing changes from a negative number to a positive number , it would be better if he reconnected his consciousness to Victorya.

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