Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 14 Chapter 178: The troubled and leisurely life of the brave team

Klauenpis looked at the state in which Victorya and Masako were sleeping together, and hesitated for a while as to which way would be better to wake them up.

In the end, it was the people approaching outside the door who woke them up after the alert barrier set up by Victorya sounded an "alarm clock" that stimulated their ears and spirits.

Zheng Xing hurriedly flipped out of the big bed, rolled and crawled to get dressed and washed, while Victorya huddled in the duvet and dawdled for a while, and then used the skill [Magic Dress Up] to do it with one click.

She glanced at Zheng Xing, who was still drowsy, and lowered her head and whispered, "It's not enough for three rounds, I'm really not happy."

"Victoria, you should see that apart from the super strong buff used for backup, his own strength is not very good at all, right? He is not even a soldier, it should be said that the villagers are stronger than him." Pess laughed.

"But the 'that' in the depths of his soul is really delicious. It's obvious that if you get serious, you should have a bright future."

"It is said that he looks exactly the same as the Emperor Rudra of the Eastern Empire. He should have something to do with that powerful person, but what you see in front of you is just a young man from a peaceful society who doesn't need to fight, at least for now."

"Then you have to train him well and give him some motivation."

"You just let him let go of some of the burden in his heart with those nasty words last night, right? This little boy who is useless except for pretending is really easy to handle, but his body can't stand the toss." Klauenpis reminded again.

"It's two different things."

Victorya stepped forward and took Masakyuki's arm, and while Masako was enjoying it very much, a strange chill emerged in her heart.

Although Victorya managed to climb the soft touch with the pitifully small muscles, the way of contraction that was vaguely repulsive really wasn't shyness or disgust, but—

"Yes~ fortunate~ You really don't have a girlfriend?" Victoriya asked with twinkling eyes.

" could it be?" Zheng Xing's answer was a little guilty. He really never had a girlfriend. Before crossing the border, his conditions should not have been worrying in this regard, but I don't know why whenever he wants to have a relationship with him. When a good girl goes deeper into a relationship, she feels the chill of a lover coming to catch the mistress.

He didn't take the initiative last night either, he was below.

"Hey, you're not a hero, are you? At least, you haven't awakened the power of a hero." Victoria squeezed her soft arm and comforted, "It's really hard to keep doing hero activities with this body. "

"Ah, yes, yes, it's really hard work." Zheng Xing not only didn't feel the unease of being exposed, but was directly moved to the point of tears.

All along, the people around him have been touting him almost in addition to touting.

"Then, why are you still working on this? For the 'Visitors from Another World', it would be dangerous to engage in heroic activities that require battles without acquiring combat-related skills at the beginning?"

"Because, with this skill, even if I don't do anything, the situation won't get better." Zheng Xing smiled wryly, then picked up the bottle on the table and drank "Gu Du Gu Du" and burped a lot. , said, "Sometimes I really want to just get drunk and rest all the time."

"That... is Coke."

"You can't change the reality if you're really drunk! It's rare to see Coke, but it's so expensive!"

"After all, it was imported from Hekatia Tempest, who was declared an enemy country."

Victoria thought that it was okay to laugh at this, and instead said: "Until the real crisis comes, I will accompany you to do some real exercise."

"My ordinary body... Even if I exercise some muscles, I won't be able to use your terribly strong abilities. My role is probably only adding buffs." Masahiko rolled his eyes.

"But the experience of traveling through time and space to bathe in magic energy is something you will all have. In this case, I can teach you the correct way, although it is not a shortcut, but it will not be messy. At least let you increase the weight of the equipment first. You won’t have muscle soreness on long journeys, and it will last longer if you ride in a car.” Victoriya smiled seductively, and put her hands on the central axis of Masaki’s body and slid.

Zheng Xing fortunately thought that it might not be the way some fantasy galgames transmit power, so he blushed and tried to push Victorya away, but his strength was really too small.

Victorya thought that it was better to tease and stop. It was not good for Masayuki to really hate himself. Just when the door was knocked from outside, she smiled and asked him to open it.

After Zheng Xing finished dressing, he opened the door and saw his teammates Xunlei, Bonny and Ji Wu.

"Hehe, Mr. Zhengxing is the strongest, I promise not to be jealous, but he has become a friend so quickly." Xunlei said carelessly. Unlike the other two, he became a companion simply because of the effect of Zhengxing's skills. Yes, he was originally a rude adventurer, so he was not polite.

Bonnie said, "Fortunately, I can understand your mood, but you have to pay attention to moderation."

"Haha, thank you, I will... pay attention, let's go to breakfast." Masahiko said, he couldn't tell that he was the passive one. UU Reading

Even if his strength is not good, he has seen a lot of big scenes, and he can be unshakable when it comes to beauties throwing their arms around him—it means on the surface.

Going downstairs to the restaurant, I happened to see Sakaguchi Hinata and her paladin entourage eating here as well.

"Good morning, Hyuga-san, you also come here for breakfast." Masahiko greeted Hinata almost.

Unlike the Brave, Hyuga has a huge organization of her own. Although the army that is preparing to go out to conquer the Demon Kingdom is temporarily stationed here for some reason, there should be very little time to go out.

By the way, the reason for the garrison or the hero's coming is that the demon who visited Farmus Kingdom not long ago came to visit again in the same capacity, and gave Farmus Kingdom an ultimatum, requesting to withdraw from the war and give compensation.

Farmus Kingdom still has more than half of its troops, but the troops that are capable of fighting monsters are severely damaged. In addition, the people who were taken away by the female demon helped to spread the word, saying that "beautiful monster princess" blew up the Kingdom of Ingracia. The slaughter of tens of thousands of people in the capital was all planned and carried out by the Kingdom of Farmus, and there is also video evidence - the scene of a "beautiful monster princess" who looks like a "beautiful monster princess" but who has the temperament of an old man fighting a female demon and intends to silence the witnesses. The "Heroic Youmu-Monster Princess faction" that has been formed in China also took the opportunity to raise combat power to rebel and prepare to seize power.

In this world where human beings may be attacked by monsters no matter whether they go out or not, the control of armed forces can not be strictly controlled, plus the popularity of the fire is enough, the "Hero Yum - Monster Princess faction" has developed rapidly.

The domestic situation is in chaos.

(To be continued) Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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