In another area far east of where Destiny City was located, an orc was kneeling before the orc king. "So you are saying your entire squad was wiped out by a bunch of humans!?"

"Your Majesty, it was these new kinds of weapons they were using. Not to mention they had two powerful non humans as well. The man said that if we ever touch his people again, he would wipe out the entire orc clan…." The orc reporting in was the same orc Blake let go a long time ago. He had finally reached his clan's new stronghold.

"Oh? Some measly ants dare to threaten my orc clan!? Normally I should kill you for your failure but since you still have some use, I will keep you alive." The orc king stood up and turned to an orc in full body armor and said: "Send word. Have all our forces return at once. They have one month. We will be moving to wipe out this ant who dares threaten to wipe us out. Do they think we orcs will just take such words sitting down!?"

The orc leader who suffered under Blake, face paled. He felt that maybe his king was too impulsive. The weapons those people were using alone were enough to wipe out his men before they could do anything, and they were mixed races!  There was not just one race!


A few weeks earlier, in another area northeast of their location in a newly fortified city. Grace Towson stood on top of their metal wall and waved her hand. "Fire rain!" Her city had come under attack by a dragonic and a bunch of dragons. But they were no longer scared of such foes. Grace had a knack for magic to the point that she was creating her own spells and her mana seemed limitless. She was the new age humans' number one mage outside of the humans in Destiny City.

"You damn witch!" The male dragonic, who was one of the weaker dragonics, yelled. He thought with the help of a bunch of dragons, he could easily storm this city and kill the humans while searching for the one person that the prince was looking for, but he never thought the resistance would be this great.

"Call me what you will, but this is our world, our land. You outsiders came from god knows where and began killing our people. You have no right to even be here. I will say this now. Humans will rise up and we will reclaim what belongs to us!" Grace's mind had become slightly twisted since she came into her magic powers and grew stronger. She was pro human without any leeway. If she saw another race, whether they were kind or not, she would instantly kill them. They had already massacred many of the new races when they showed themselves.

"Hahaha!? Your world!? My race has long been in this world before your human race ever existed! You new age humans are just bugs to be stepped on and eaten by us dragonic!" The dragonic yelled out. He then waved his hand, creating a huge magic circle. The sky grew dark as a huge meteor appeared.

"Like I would believe that!" Grace waved her hand, forming a huge magic circle herself but on the ground. The earth under the dragonic began to rumble, causing him to quickly fly out of range of the magic circle.  A tower of earth shot up into the sky, and the massive meteor collided with it, causing an explosion that sent shock waves in all directions. With another wave o her hand, she created a barrier keeping the city safe from any harm.

Sadly the dragons were not so lucky as they were either crushed in the collision since they could not get out of the way in time or blown a few miles away from the shock wave. Grace stared at the dragonic flying in the sky who had a sour face. He couldn't believe he was being pushed this far. He looked at what forces he had left and decided anymore was not worth it. While his pride was hit hard, he still did not see an outcome to this confrontation at this time. He quickly turned and fled!

Grace's eyes did not turn away from the direction the dragonic ran in. She did not know if he would come back or not. Only after thirty minutes did she finally lower her guard. She turned to the humans down below and yelled out:  "We have won!"

"Yaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!" A loud roar came from below. Grace took a deep breath. She had to admit this was her hardest battle yet. But she felt battles like these would grow more and more intense. With this thought in mind, she yelled out: "Training will now be doubled! We will all grow stronger and gain back our lands!"


A few days later, In the dragonic palace to the north, Trien was sitting at his desk, his sister curled up in his lap as he looked at the messenger in front of him. "So you are saying one team disappeared, and another dragonic was forced to retreat? Has our race really become so weak!?"

Trien slammed his fist off the desk and stared at the messenger. He took a deep breath and said: "Investigate the team that disappeared. Find out where they last were. This might be where we will find that bastard!"

"Yes, your highness…." The messenger bowed his head and disappeared.

Trien leaned back in his chair and gently caressed his sister's face. "Don't worry Iseles. I will get revenge for you."

Iseles, whose face was still scarred, nodded her head as she hugged her brother's waist. "Trien…. Can we?" Trien smiled and waved his hand, sealing off the room before slowly stripping Iseles.


A  few weeks passed, and Blake now had his golems all practicing military combat and how to use the newly improved muskets, which were now automatic. With his new invention, he was able to do many new things that allowed for the muskets to no longer need any kind of canister and could not suck a great deal of mana out of the air and even condense it on command. This was only possible because Blake had created a method of doing this for his golems so they could cast magic which most could now cast any magic spell they had been taught.

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