-AN) Bonus Chapter for the 1k votes! Thank you all for the support! Happy New Year!--

Three months later…

Blake could hear a loud commotion as he walked towards the city gates to see a huge group of people. "What is going on?" Blake asked as he walked up.

"I am not sure, we have a huge influx of all races coming in. They were spotted by the outposts, and now we have a few thousand seeking refuge." One of the gate guards replied.

Blake nodded and walked over. He did not get too close in order for his charm to not cause too much of an issue and picked out one of the human men who was standing at the side. "You there, come here."

The man shook slightly before walking over to Blake. "Sir, you called for me?" The man kept his head lowered. He was a foot shorter than Blake and much thinner, so to him, Blake was like a monster bearing down on him.

"I just want to know what happened. Why are so many of you running in this direction?" Blake asked. He was truly confused about this.

"The people I came with ran into a huge orc army. As we made our escape, we ran into more and more people and different races. Each one of us is a refugee. We heard from the people at your outpost that we could come here to take refuge but were also told we had to sign a magical contract to ensure the citizen's safety. Even so, it is better than trying to find a new home." The man replied.

"Indeed. No worries. The contract is for the safety of the citizens and nothing else. Your free will is not restrained. We more than welcome you all." Blake answered. He then looked through the crowd. There were many races mixed in. There were many new races as well, cat girls, dog girls, and even bird girls that looked like harpies. You can tell they were of the new races due to their distrust of the others. They actually all huddled together to one side. The humans gathered together in their own group while the other races also did the same. Blake even saw a group of euruna for the first time. Dwarves, elves, lizard people of the beastkin race, and even fairies and pixies. None of them looked in good shape. But the numbers were quite amazing.

Blake patted the man on the shoulder before making his way over to the new races. They looked at him cautiously, but Blake hoped his charm would allow them to relax. Some barely wore anything at all, while some had their arms covering their chests to hide their breasts. Blake did not wish to scare them, so he knelt down to lower his height and said softly: "Do not worry. In this city, all races are treated with care. You all have just evolved and should still be confused about the world around you. Luckily you were able to escape."

"Big Brother!" Anna rushed over with Chi in tow. Not far behind them were Tina, Mina, and Josline.

"Anna, go back and get Lillia. Chi, take these girls to the base and settle them in. They will need to be told about the world they are now in." Blake barked out orders as soon as he saw the girls.

"Okay!" Anna quickly turned and flapped her wings disappearing from sight while Chi walked over to the three new races and smiled. "Do not worry. I, too, was once like you. My husband is very kind." It did not take long for the people of Destiny City to find out that Chi had been taken as a concubine. Their Idol had been taken, but this did not stop her from being the city idol!

One of the cat girls looked at Chi and then at Blake. She blushed and walked over to Blake, and bowed her head. "Nyank you… Nya will do what Nya can to repay…."

Blake smiled at the cute cat girl whose cheeks were bright red. He knew his charm was starting to take effect, but he couldn't help but reach up and scratch the cat girl's head. "Don't worry about that. Just live happy lives."

Blake's smile made the cat girl's whole head turn bright red as her tail swished back and forth. She suddenly jumped forward and gently bit Bake's neck before licking it. She then quickly stepped back and joined her people, hiding her face in one of her people's arms while taking sneaky glances at Blake.

But this also followed up with a dog girl hopping over with her tail wagging back and forth as she jumped on Blake, hugging him and licking his face. Tina, who was watching this, couldn't help but laugh. The girl looked like an excited puppy as she slobbered all over his face. Her cheeks turned bright red as she slowly backed up and ran away.

Blake smiled and shook his head. He knew the new races still had many of their animal instincts. As for the bird race, the girl who had the wings and feet of a bird slowly walked over and bowed slightly. "Thank you for taking us in."

Blake smiled and reached out and patted her head, which caused her to blush. "There is no need to thank me. This place is built to be a place for all races to live together peacefully. So you and your people are more than welcome to join."

The bird girl raised her head and smiled. She was petite and looked young, around eighteen, but her eyes were full of wisdom beyond her years. Just hearing her speak without issue showed just how much they had evolved compared to the dog girl who only licked his face and the cat girl who still had broken speech. In total, he could see around seven hundred between the three races. He could only guess that they had gone through a lot.

"Chi, take them inside. Lillia can do their contracts later." Blake said with a smile. Chi nodded and ushered the girls to follow her. Only the three who spoke to Blake took another glance at him before following Chi.

Mina flew in front of Blake and used magic to splash water on his face. "You must have liked being licked and bit!"

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