Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1006: Nian Nian is captured

Bai Di also recognized Zhuo Bufan immediately. After all, she had met Zhuo Bufan in a spiritual thought she left in Yunmeng Realm that day.

"Junior has seen Bai Di!"

Zhuo Bufan was extremely excited after looking at Bai Di.

However, after Bai Di saw Zhuo Bufan, he was not as happy as he imagined.

"My child, listen to what you just said, you and Su Su should be reconciled!"

Bai Di looked at Zhuo Bufan with a smile.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded repeatedly.

"Thanks to Bai Di's guidance that day, I was able to persevere until Su Su changed her mind."

"And we have resolved the misunderstanding and I know who I really am."

"I didn't expect that Susu and I were destined to be together in this life."

Bai Di was surprised when he heard this, looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

"The fate of this life, my child, are you..."

"Yes, I am really the reincarnation of Lord Feng. Disciple, I have met Master Ni."

Zhuo Bufan came today and had no intention of concealing his identity.

He truthfully told Bai Di his reincarnation identity.

When Bai Di heard this, he was a little surprised at first, and then he laughed calmly.

"That's great. I didn't expect you to be the reincarnation of Hao'er. Su Su's father will definitely be very happy when he finds out."

"I really didn't expect that Hao'er would actually succeed in reincarnation."

Bai Di seemed a little excited now.

"It's just, kid, there's something I have to tell you."

Bai Di was hesitant. Ever since he met Zhuo Bufan, he seemed to be full of worries.

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly asked.

"Master, please tell me, by the way, where are Master, Master, Qingdi and the others? And that girl Niannian, she should be fine!"

Zhuo Bufan asked with a smile.

Bai Di said after hearing this.

"Son, I'm sorry, we didn't take good care of Nian Nian."

When Bai Di finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan's eyes widened.

Bai Di lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Zhuo Bufan.

"Niannian, what's wrong with Niannian?"

Zhuo Bufan became nervous. What he feared most happened.

He is afraid, he is afraid that Niannian has encountered something unexpected.

After hearing this, Bai Di continued.

"Niannian was bewitched by the Deer God in the underworld. By the time we found out, she had already left Jingyuan."

"Her grandfather Xuan Emperor and grandfather Qing Emperor have gone to the underworld to rescue her. It has been more than three months since they left, and there is still no news from my side."

Bai Di told Zhuo Bufan the whole story.

It turns out that Nian Nian was bewitched and taken away by a guy named Deer God from the underworld.

Nian Nian should not have encountered any accidents now, because Nian Nian, like Zhuo Bufan, is not affected by the law of hostility.

But after all, it is the underworld, a hostile force, and it is difficult to guarantee that the other party will not do anything to Nian Nian.

"Nian Nian, no, I have to save her!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that what he was most worried about would happen.

When Emperor Qing took Nian Nian away, Zhuo Bufan was very worried, so he deliberately left a file.

But later, Zhuo Bufan had already overwritten this archive.

Therefore, for Zhuo Bufan, it is too late to regret now.

"My child, you can't go now. The underworld is much scarier than you think."

"It's enough to save Nian Nian with Emperor Qing and Emperor Xuan."

Bai Di stopped Zhuo Bufan. After all, Zhuo Bufan was her uncle, and she couldn't let Zhuo Bufan encounter any accidents again.

However, Zhuo Bufan had to go and no one could stop him.

"I'm sorry, Master, I have to go!"

"Nian Nian is my daughter, I want to save her myself."

"Master, don't worry, I am capable of protecting myself now."

Zhuo Bufan was eager to save his daughter, but he couldn't care less about the danger ahead.

"My child, you must not do this. Didn't you just say that you and Su Su are getting married soon?"

"It's better for me to go, and you will guard Jingyuan for me to prevent people from the underworld from taking the opportunity to make a sneak attack."

The reason why Bai Di didn't go looking for Nian Nian together was because she wanted to guard Jing Yuan.

Now that Zhuo Bufan is here, she can hand over the task of guarding Jingyuan to Zhuo Bufan and go to support Emperor Xuan and Emperor Qing.

But after Zhuo Bufan heard this, he immediately refused.

"No, Master Wife, I can't let you take risks anymore. I will go to the underworld to rescue Nian Nian now."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he was about to go to the underworld.

However, Bai Di pushed it out with one palm, and endless sealing power fell from the sky.

The power was like a huge mountain suppressing it, and Zhuo Bufan was horrified.

He quickly released the Chaos Bell and blocked Bai Di's shocking attack.

"My child, I'm sorry. You are Su Su's husband, and that is my son."

"I won't let you take risks."

Bai Di finally blocked Zhuo Bufan.

However, Zhuo Bufan would not give up.

"The realm of Super Saint Da Luo!"

Zhuo Bufan could feel that Bai Di's cultivation level, in the realm of Super Saint Da Luo, was equivalent to the strength of the Three Supreme Saints in the Yang Realm.

"I'm sorry, Master. In order to prove that I can save Niannian, I can only defeat you."

Zhuo Bufan squinted his eyes and looked at Bai Di in front of him.

After hearing this, Bai Di was stunned for a moment.

She immediately sensed that Zhuo Bufan's cultivation level was only in the realm of a great sage.

Zhuo Bufan actually wanted to use the realm of the Great Sage to challenge her to the peak realm of the Super Saint Great Luo.

This made Bai Di feel that Zhuo Bufan was a bit foolish.

However, next, Zhuo Bufan made Bai Di realize why he was called Zhuo Bufan.

"Master Wife, you should be from the world of cultivation!"

Zhuo Bufan said while carrying the seal mountain of Baidi.

Baidi frowned slightly after hearing this.

"Yes, I am from the world of cultivation, not from the same world as your master."

"Your master is from the Yang world."

Baidi did not deny it.

"Then I'm sorry, Master, since you are from the real world, then your fate will be decided by me!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, his aura suddenly became strange.

Then, his eyes began to turn golden.

A pair of golden pupils looked at Baidi, and at that moment, Baidi was stunned.

"Child, you, are you..."

"Bai Shu, a creature in the real world, listen to my order! I am the god of the real world, and now I want to go to the underworld, get out of the way!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Baidi's sealing power began to weaken, and finally she even gave way involuntarily.

"Child, you have become the god of the world! You have merged with the real tree, right?"

Baidi obviously knew what was going on.

Zhuo Bufan, as the world god of the real world, has the final say on everything in the real world.

Although Bai Di is a super saint, she was born in the real world, she is a creature of the real world, and her fate is in the real world.

As long as her fate is in the real world, she cannot transcend the rules of this world, and she can only obey the orders of Zhuo Bufan, the god of the real world.

"I'm sorry, Master's wife, now I have to go!"

Zhuo Bufan walked to Bai Di, who was frozen in place at this moment, unable to move.

"Child, I can't stop you."

"But I still have something to say."

"Since you are already the god of the real world, now you represent not only yourself, but the billions of people in the entire real world."

"You must come back alive!"

Zhuo Bufan nodded heavily after hearing this.

"Yes, Master's wife! I promised Su Su that I would definitely come back alive."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he stepped towards the Yin Realm——


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