Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1007 Entering the Underworld

As the world god of the real world, Zhuo Bufan's life and death now affect the survival of all living beings in the entire cultivation world.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan's trip is definitely very risky.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan has a save door, and he has saved it before entering the underworld.

"Nian Nian, you must not be in trouble!"

Zhuo Bufan set foot on the underworld -

The underworld is no different from what Zhuo Bufan imagined.

It is still green water and green mountains, blue sky and white clouds.

The environment here is very similar to the virtual world.

However, unlike the war in the virtual world, the underworld is peaceful.

"Master's wife told me that the creatures in the underworld are ferocious, so I'd better be cautious."

"Ask about the deer god first!"

Although Zhuo Bufan is the god of the real world, he dare not be too ostentatious. After all, he, the god of the real world, is useless in the underworld.

His world god power cannot control the creatures in the underworld, not even a hair can move.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan can only rely on his original cultivation and strength.

Of course, he is now a great sage, and has a powerful divine power.

Zhuo Bufan should have no problem fighting a first or second level super sage.

However, there is still a gap between him and the top masters in the underworld.

The most important thing is that Zhuo Bufan cannot expose himself casually now.

Because, in Zhuo Bufan's memory, he had a romantic debt in the underworld in his previous life.

And this romantic debt is not simple.

The Queen of Yin, one of the two supreme gods in the underworld, was the little lover of Ji Xuanhao in Zhuo Bufan's previous life.

Unfortunately, Ji Xuanhao failed her in the end.

The Queen of Yin was furious and chased Ji Xuanhao. Ji Xuanhao finally had no choice but to flee back to the world of cultivation.

The Queen of Yin hated Ji Xuanhao to the bone.

If she found out that Zhuo Bufan was the reincarnation of Ji Xuanhao, she might start the hunting mode.

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to provoke the two supreme gods in the underworld.

You know, the strength of the Queen of Yin is comparable to that of the Emperor Xuan.

She is also one of the beings with the highest belief in divine power in the entire Yin world.

"The romantic debts of the previous life cannot be entangled in this life!"

"In this life, I have determined that Bai Su is my only woman."

Zhuo Bufan does not want to be a playboy, so he must not meet the Queen of Yin during this trip to the Yin world.


"There is a city ahead, go down and ask around."

Zhuo Bufan rode the Avici beast for a long time and finally saw signs of human activities.

"Xiao Lin, go back to the Xuan Bone Ring first, I'll go and see!"

Zhuo Bufan left Meicheng in the cultivation world. He came to the Yin world wearing only the Xuan Bone Ring left by the Emperor Xuan.

The Xuan Bone Ring is a different space that can hold life, so the Avici beast will not have any problems in the Xuan Bone Ring.

At the moment, it is a city built on a waterfall.

The city is very lively.

The thousand-foot waterfall roars with thunder.

Zhuo Bufan restrained his aura of a strong man and flew down.

He landed on a 300-meter-long bridge at the edge of the waterfall.

This long bridge is the airport for spacecraft and the take-off platform for flying mounts.

"Let's go find a library first and learn the language of this world!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't know the language of the underworld, so he couldn't communicate normally with the people of the underworld.

He turned into a spiritual wind and entered the city.

Then he found a library and used his soul to explore all the books in the library.

In a short while, he completely mastered the language of the underworld.

Not only that, he also learned some basic information about this world from these books.

The underworld is the same as the virtual world, cultivating divine power.

Every species has its own gods.

Among them, there are two supreme gods in the underworld, the Yin Emperor and the Yin Queen.

Although they are the Yin Emperor and the Yin Queen, they are not husband and wife.

Their relationship is the same as the Sun God and the Moon God in the virtual world.

Of course, this world also has the Sun, Moon and Star Gods, but the Sun, Moon and Star Gods can only be ranked in the second echelon in this world.

The third echelon is the elemental gods, that is, gods such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder.

The fourth echelon is the mountain gods, flower gods, beast gods and the like.

The Deer God that Zhuo Bufan is looking for is only the fifth echelon, which is under the jurisdiction of the Beast God.

Although the Deer God is under the jurisdiction of the Beast God, this Deer God is not simple.

As a god of the fifth echelon, he has repeatedly won extraordinary achievements in the Jingyuan battlefield.

There are more than three emperors, Qingdi, Baidi and Xuandi in the Jingyuan battlefield. There are also many ancient ancient clans in the world of cultivation.

Zhuo Bufan left in a hurry and did not visit those ancient races.

There are more than 130 ancient clans and more than 300 million warriors in Jingyuan.

Their ancestors have followed Xuandi and others to defend Jingyuan since the beginning of ancient times.

So they became the strongest line of defense in the world of cultivation.

And this Deer God killed many ancient clan leaders in the Jingyuan battlefield, so its reputation in the underworld is getting higher and higher.

Many people believe that it will become the next beast god.

And it was this madman who deceived Nian Nian.

Now it seems that this Deer God deceived Nian Nian not to threaten Emperor Xuan and others.

After all, it has been so long and it has not made any movement.

Zhuo Bufan also learned from the book that this Deer God lives in Luyu Mountain, which is more than 100,000 miles away.

However, Zhuo Bufan soon thought that this Deer God should not be in Luyu Mountain now. After all, he is being hunted by Emperor Xuan and Emperor Qing at the same time, and he will definitely not return to his old nest to wait for death.

"Where is this damn guy going?"

Zhuo Bufan held a book and tapped his forehead.

"Go and find out."

Later, Zhuo Bufan came to the library counter and greeted him in fluent underworld language.

"Boss, you have the "Feng Bo Sutra" written by Lord Deer God here!"

Zhuo Bufan said casually, of course there was no incident at all, he was just trying to strike up a conversation and attract the Deer God.

This boss is humanoid, has two goat horns, and belongs to the Goat tribe.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's inquiry, he stroked his goatee, then narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"I have been selling books all my life, why haven't I heard that Lord Deer God wrote "The Sutra of Wind and Waves"?"

It narrowed its eyes and looked at Zhuo Bufan, with suspicion in its eyes.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he held the scripture in his hand and said.

"The Wind and Waves Scripture is a war scripture written by Lord Deer God after his great victory in the Jingyuan battlefield! It just came out, so you may not know it."

Zhuo Bufan's skill at making up lies can be considered top-notch.

He made it out of nothing, making the boss really think that there was this scripture.

"It's interesting, little brother, where did you get the news?"

"Listen to what you say, this "Feng Bo Sutra" should be very powerful."

"Of course, this Deer God is on the Jingyuan battlefield, but he is a generation of war gods who are invincible in all battles. The guys who fought in Jingyuan are frightened by the news."

Zhuo Bufan has completely assimilated himself into the underworld.

When the boss heard this, he became interested and said quickly.

"I know this. Mr. Deer God has become famous recently. But for some unknown reason, he suddenly disappeared in the Jingyuan battlefield."

"Yeah, this is really strange. Where does the boss think this Lord Deer God will go? He won't die in the battle!"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

When the boss heard this, he quickly said.

"Death in battle? Impossible! The Deer God is so powerful."

"I do think that the Deer God may have returned to his Luyu Mountain."

The boss said that the Deer God had returned to Luyu Mountain, but Zhuo Bufan had just rejected this idea.

But Zhuo Bufan changed his mind. No matter what, he still had to go to Luyu Mountain to have a look. Maybe he could find it?

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"I know where the Deer God is!"

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was immediately startled and looked at the sound.

I saw only a girl in a black dress with a clever smile, looking at Zhuo Bufan with a smile.

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