Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1061 Testing Chu Fan

Zhuo Bufan resurrected Chu Fan, which is undoubtedly great news for the Dawn Organization.

Of course, the most shocking thing is that the legendary leader of the Mad Sect, Zhuo Bufan, is back.

"Master Sect Master, you are back. Are Sister Meng and the others also back?"

In addition to caring about Chu Fan's life and death, A Li also cared about Yi Meng, who left this world a hundred years ago.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Don't worry, Yi Meng is fine now and is happy every day."

"Brother Chu, we haven't seen each other for a long time, let's chat!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the newly resurrected Chu Fan and said.

After hearing this, Chu Fan nodded.


"Then let's go out first!"

After A Li finished speaking, he took everyone in the room and left the wooden building.

Only Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su were left.

After everyone left, Zhuo Bufan sat down.

"Introduction, this is my wife, Bai Su! And my daughter, Yaya!"

Zhuo Bufan introduced Bai Su and Yaya to Chu Fan.

After hearing this, Chu Fan bowed slightly and did not dare to look more.

"Thank you, Brother Zhuo, for saving your life. I wonder what Brother Zhuo's orders are? I will never hesitate to die."

Chu Fan knew that his life was saved by Zhuo Bufan, so he naturally responded to Zhuo Bufan's orders.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan didn't need him to make any sacrifices. On the contrary, Zhuo Bufan wanted to give him supreme power.

"Brother Chu, a lot of things must have happened in this world in the past hundred years since I was gone, right? Why don't you come and tell me about it?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't really want to know what happened in the past hundred years, because he knew it completely.

But he needed Chu Fan to tell him, and he wanted to see if Chu Fan was the person he was looking for.

After hearing this, Chu Fan replied.

"In reply to Brother Zhuo, since you followed the King of Hell on the expedition, the world has begun to change."

"In less than two years after you left, all the marks of slavery on the foreheads of everyone in this world will disappear."

Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly. The disappearance of the slave mark meant that the King of Hell was dead.

And it was he who killed the King of Hell.

“When the slave mark disappears, the system of slavery disappears with it.”

“Without the power of the slave mark, the slaves began to form a huge force and launched a riot.

During that time, so-called revolutions were being launched almost all over the world.

The ghost tribe was basically slaughtered completely.

The war lasted for ten years. After ten years, there were no more slaves on this land, let alone any nobles.

People burned temples and toppled idols.

This world has ushered in a freedom and liberation.

However, less than a year after liberation, a more violent war began.

Many former slaves united to form an army, and kings of various mountains and wild lands began to claim kingship.

For a time, the world was once again plunged into war.

In order to compete for resources and territory, the lords began to fight against each other, and the war burned the entire southern and northern countries.

For the next fifty years, the world was basically in flames of war and constantly collapsing.

Fifty years later, the situation in the entire world began to stabilize, and the northern and southern realms each had five major lords.

Now, the entire world is under the rule of these ten lords.

And just twenty years ago, the former slavery system struck again.

The lords felt that slaves were the easiest to rule.

Although there is no longer a slave mark, the slavery system has returned and the world has become a slave world.

Our Dawn Organization has been suffering for decades, but in the end we failed.

We cannot rid the world of slavery, but we are always working towards it.

As a result, our Dawn has become a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh of many lords.

Just three days ago, Thunder Lord Thunder King and Storm Lord Wind King joined forces to besiege our Dawn.

I was struck by King Thunder's Thunder God Curse and almost died. "

Chu Fan told Zhuo Bufan the general situation of hell.

But there was one thing he didn't say right.

That is, he didn't almost die, but really died, but was saved by Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan asked with a smile.

"Then let me ask you, what have you been working hard for all these years? Is it just to abolish the slavery system?"

Zhuo Bufan's words made Chu Fan slightly stunned.

Because of this issue, he really hasn't thought about it.

"There are too many slaves in this world. Can you, Dawn, save them all?"

"And as long as there is rule, there will be slaves, just like you said. Slavery was abolished a hundred years ago because of the awakening of the slaves."

"But a hundred years later, the same group of slaves resurrected slavery again. Because these slaves knew very well that slavery could make their rule more stable."

"Slaves in those days have now become slave owners. This is the bad nature of human beings. You can't stop slavery, no matter what era."

"The only thing you can do is change the world."

"Change the world?" Chu Fan frowned.

He had never dared to think this sentence, let alone say it.

Changing the world is definitely not something that an ordinary person can do.

"Yes, Brother Chu, change the world. Do you have the determination to change the world?"

"This world needs to change. If someone really needs to rule the world, I hope it's a good person."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly slapped Chu Fan on the forehead.

Immediately, Chu Fan's soul left his body, and then entered the test assigned to him by Zhuo Bufan.

Bai Su on the side saw this and couldn't help but ask.

"Husband, what are you doing?"

Zhuo Bufan replied.

"A test that belongs to him. If he can wake up, I will leave it to him to manage the world from now on."

Although Zhuo Bufan is the World God of Hell, he does not have much energy to manage this world.

This world needs development, construction, survival, and someone to lead the world toward beauty and happiness.

Zhuo Bufan weaved a severe test for Chu Fan.

This test allows Zhuo Bufan to see the deep feelings in Chu Fan's heart and see if he can be entrusted with important tasks.

At this moment, Chu Fan, after being patted on the head by Zhuo Bufan, found that the environment around him had changed dramatically.

He was sitting at a dining table with a roast duck on it.

The roast duck is filled with an alluring aroma that makes people salivate.

For some reason, Chu Fan found that he was very hungry, and a feeling of hunger surged over him like a scourge.

The whole stomach started to make a gurgling sound.

When Chu Fan saw this, he couldn't help but pick up the roast duck in front of him and started to eat it.

However, when Chu Fan quickly gnawed all the roast duck.

He immediately discovered that the skeleton in his hand had turned into a completely uneaten roast duck.

And that feeling of hunger began to become more intense.

He couldn't help it anymore and started to chew it.

He found that the more he ate, the hungrier he became, and the more he ate, the hungrier he became.

And I couldn't finish the roast duck in my hand. After taking a bite, the meat grew again.

No matter how much he ate, he couldn't finish the roast duck.

No matter how much he ate, he never felt full.

There was only a strong sense of hunger that made him unable to stop at all.

But his size began to grow bigger and bigger.

Because I eat more and more, I become fatter and fatter, and my whole body is about to explode.

If he continues to eat like this, his body may really explode.

"Husband, what kind of test is this?"

Bai Su looked at the picture above Chu Fan's head and asked doubtfully.

Chu Fan in the picture was eating and drinking like a pig, with no intention of stopping.

His body was already like a hill, about to burst.

But Yaya on the side was drooling at the sight.

"Daddy, I want to eat too."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan casually transformed Yaya into a duck leg.

Yaya took the duck leg and started to chew it, while Zhuo Bufan said to Bai Su.

"I call this level the Hungry Food Tribulation. People in this calamity will feel very hungry. Once they start eating, they won't be able to stop at all."

"Because the more you eat, the hungrier you get, and the more you eat, the hungrier you get. If you don't stop in time, you will just fall into this endless cycle."

"Is it difficult to eat when you're hungry?" Bai Su frowned slightly, not sure what Zhuo Bufan's intention was.

She thought for a while and then suddenly realized.

"Does your husband want to test his control over desires and ability to discern?"

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly after hearing this.

"Oh? Madam, come and listen."

Bai Su continued: "Ordinary people are already full after eating a roast duck, so if you have a firm attitude and have the ability to discern, you should find that you have fallen into an illusion."

"No matter how hungry you are, you must stop immediately. But because you have fallen into a cycle of eating more and getting hungrier, you need to stop in moderation at this time, that is, you must control your desires."

"As the arrow is on the string, you have to shoot it. But if you are facing the person you love most, then even if the arrow is shot, it must be stopped."

Bai Su's metaphor made Zhuo Bufan's eyes light up.

"What a wonderful metaphor, madam!"

"Yes, this difficult test for me is his control over irreversible things and his discernment of the truth of things."

"It's almost time, he should have noticed something."

Zhuo Bufan had just finished speaking.

Suddenly, Chu Fan stopped in the illusion.

"No, no! I can't eat anymore. Oh my God, how did I become like this."

Chu Fan looked at his fat ball-like body and was so frightened that he threw the roast duck in his hand to the ground.

But as soon as he threw it away, he regretted it.

Because that terrible feeling of hunger started to hit me like crazy.

"Hungry, I'm so hungry, I can't stand it anymore, I'm starving to death."

Chu Fan was so hungry that he stretched out his hand with difficulty and grabbed the roast duck on the ground.

But when he was about to catch the roast duck, he stopped and started shaking his head violently.

"No, no! Can't eat it, can't eat it anymore."

"I have to restrain myself. If I can't restrain this temptation, how can I have the face to be the leader of Dawn?"

"Don't eat, don't eat."

After Chu Fan finished speaking, he gritted his teeth.

Then he raised his foot and stepped on the roast duck on the ground.


Just after he stepped on the roast duck, he found that the uneaten roast duck began to rot, then began to grow maggots, and began to emit a foul smell.

When Chu Fan saw this, he couldn't help but started to vomit.

This vomiting was like a flood, vomiting out everything he had eaten.

And his body began to gradually shrink.

Until finally, he returned to his original appearance.

Bai Su smiled when she saw this scene.

“He is really not simple to pass the hunger and food difficulty of my husband.”

Bai Su knew very well that Zhuo Bufan did not let her off.

Ordinary people simply cannot endure this hunger and food difficulty.

Because once you open your mouth and eat the first bite of meat, you can't stop at all.

The desire to get hungrier and hungrier is definitely unbearable for ordinary people.

And Chu Fan succeeded. When he decided to trample on the roast duck, he had already passed the hunger and food difficulty.

Zhuo Bufan smiled indifferently when he saw this scene.

“I did not misjudge him, but this is only the first difficulty.”

“He, the leader of Dawn, is still far from becoming the leader of this world.”

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly had an idea and began to create the second tribulation for Chu Fan.


And Chu Fan, who was in the illusion, was about to vomit bile.

He was so nauseous that he just wanted to lie on the ground and not move.

Suddenly, the environment around him changed again.

The original ground turned into a comfortable bed.

For Chu Fan, this was like a sleepy man meeting a pillow.

He was very tired to begin with, and now lying on this comfortable bed, he gradually felt a strong sense of sleepiness.

"It's so comfortable, I want to sleep so much."

Chu Fan couldn't stand the tiredness and sleepiness, so he closed his eyes silently.

And at this moment, he suddenly heard someone shouting outside the house.

"It's on fire, it's on fire, come and put it out!"

As he spoke, a raging fire broke out outside, and there seemed to be many people in the corridor outside the door going back and forth to put out the fire.

"It's on fire? No, I have to get up to put out the fire."

Chu Fan suddenly opened his eyes and wanted to get up to put out the fire.

However, his body seemed to be nailed to the bed, and he was willing but unable to do so.

He was too sleepy, and he couldn't resist the sleepiness at all.

"No, I want to sleep so much, I'm too sleepy!"

"Someone is already putting out the fire, I shouldn't be needed anymore!"

"I'd better continue sleeping, this bed is so comfortable and warm."

"Yes, let's sleep like this! No matter what, even if the sky falls, I will sleep, sleep, sleep..."

Chu Fan kept hypnotizing himself, and finally he closed his eyes again.

Even if the fire had enveloped his entire house, he was still snoring, regardless of life or death.


"Husband, let me guess, is this difficulty a sleepy difficulty?"

Bai Su suddenly said with a smile and joked.

Zhuo Bufan laughed when he heard it.

"Sleepy difficulty? Well, this name is good, let's call it a sleepy difficulty."

Zhuo Bufan smiled indifferently.

This difficulty is a little different from the previous difficulty of starving.

The starving difficulty tests a person's firm heart, and this difficulty tests a person's awakening heart.

If hunger and food are a kind of mental and physical torture, then sleepiness is simply a kind of enjoyment.

People are like this. In suffering, they will fall into the quagmire and find it difficult to extricate themselves.

And in comfort, they will degenerate and find it difficult to awaken.

Chu Fan passed the hunger and food difficulties and struggled out of the quagmire.

And now he is degenerating in comfort, will he break this comfort and awaken?

Not only Zhuo Bufan is looking forward to it, Bai Su is also looking forward to it.

And Yaya on the side said-

"Mom, I'm sleepy!"

After the girl said that, she threw herself into Bai Su's arms and fell asleep...

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