In order to choose a suitable administrator for Hell, Zhuo Bufan began to conduct a difficult test on Chu Fan.

The first level is hard to eat when hungry!

Chu Fan relied on his strong determination and will to pass without any danger.

However, when it came to the second level where it was difficult to fall asleep, Chu Fan began to feel a little overwhelmed.

The difficulty of falling asleep had already weakened Chu Fan's will from the very beginning.

It is difficult for people to be strong in the face of sleepiness.

What's more, what Chu Fan endured was a thousand or even ten thousand times more sleepy than what ordinary people can feel.

Under this sleepiness, there is only one word in his mind now, and that is sleep.

However, the room where he was was already on fire, and the fire began to spread towards the wooden bed where he was.

If he doesn't wake up, he will end up in a sea of ​​fire without a complete body.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, was also deeply worried about Chu Fan.

Chu Fan is the administrator he likes, and of course he doesn't want his vision to go wrong.

"Husband, if this continues, the fire will burn him."

Bai Su saw that the fire had spread to the foot of the bed.

This is not an ordinary flame, but a divine fire that can burn the soul.

If Chu Fan doesn't do anything anymore, he will be killed in a sea of ​​fire.

Although he will not die, he will definitely endure the most unforgettable pain in his life.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was a little worried about Chu Fan's condition, suddenly, Chu Fan, who was lying on the bed, rolled over like a carp.

"Ah ah ah, I can't sleep anymore. If I do, I'll be dead."

As soon as Chu Fan finished speaking, he suddenly grabbed his left hand with his right hand, and then ripped off his left hand.

After tearing off his left hand, Chu Fan howled.

The severe pain shook his spirit, and the intense sleepiness was overshadowed by the pain for a moment.

Then Chu Fan stood up and rushed out of the sea of ​​fire regardless of his own safety.

After he broke through the door——


For a moment, the sea of ​​fire turned into countless butterflies, dancing gracefully.

The original house also disappeared.

Instead, there was a dreamlike wonderland.

Spirit flowers, fairy grass, and bursts of pink mist...

"Using pain to overwhelm sleepiness, this person is very decisive and determined."

Bai Su smiled when she saw Chu Fan passed the second difficulty of dozing off.

"It seems that your husband did not choose the wrong person."

Bai Su said.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan shook his head and said.

"This is not a wise move, but it is not bad for a strong man to cut off his wrist in order to survive. I just don't know that he can pass the third difficulty."

After hearing this, Bai Su asked: "What is the third difficulty?"

Zhuo Bufan said after hearing this.

"Is the girl asleep?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly looked back at Yaya. At this moment, Yaya had fallen asleep due to Chu Fan's difficulty in falling asleep in the second level.

Seeing Yaya sleeping, Zhuo Bufan breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's wrong, husband?"

Bai Su looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

"It's nothing, it's just that the third difficulty is not suitable for children. I call it the difficulty of lust!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, bursts of laughter as sweet as bells came from the pink mist of the wonderland where Chu Fan was in the illusion.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

There were bursts of laughter, as if a group of fairies were playing in the bush.

After hearing this, Chu Fan couldn't help but follow the sound.

After she pushed through the heavy powder mist, she came to a misty hot spring lake.

Standing on the shore, he couldn't help but take a closer look.

There was a group of women taking a bath in the lake.

They played in the water, entwining themselves like water snakes.

The scene was extremely charming for a while.

After Chu Fan saw this scene, he suddenly felt an irresistible evil thought rushing out of his heart.

Immediately afterwards, his lower abdomen felt extremely hot, as if he was holding a furnace and felt like it was about to explode.

Seeing this scene, Bai Su couldn't help but blush on Xiafei's cheeks.

"Why would my husband think of setting up such a difficulty?"

Bai Su asked.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan said very frankly.

"Because this level is one that even I can't pass. If he can pass this level, then his mind will be stronger than mine and he will be qualified to become the manager of hell."

Zhuo Bufan did not hide it. The reason why he set up such a sexual difficulty was actually because he and Bai Su also suffered such a disaster back then.

At that time, neither of them could withstand the test, and they ended up becoming enemies.

Zhuo Bufan failed the test. If Chu Fan passed it, then Zhuo Bufan would really recognize him.

After hearing this, Bai Su bit her lower lip, feeling very ashamed.

"I'm not ashamed. Fortunately, the child is asleep."

"Hahaha, what's there to be ashamed of? Fortunately, I didn't survive it back then, otherwise how could I have gotten you?"

Zhuo Bufan said, hugging Bai Su beside him in his arms.

In the current environment, Chu Fan faced a group of naked fairies exuding charming aura in front of him and felt extremely hot all over.

He came to the water, knelt down, and washed his face.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the fairies in the lake suddenly swam toward him.

Seeing this scene, Chu Fan immediately widened his eyes.

He fell down, sat down on the ground, and then nervously started to back away.

"Don't come over, don't come over."

But the more he retreated, the more the fairies rushed to him.

With the soft jade in his arms, Chu Fan felt that his body was about to explode.

He wanted to vent, and wanted to press these women under him.

These little fairies entangled him one by one, making him suffer from the torment of lust.

"No, no!"

Chu Fan screamed heartbreakingly. He didn't want to do that, but his hands began to push the fairies in front of him involuntarily.

Just when he was about to fall on the woman, suddenly, Chu Fan's soul trembled.

"Master Chu Fan, Master Chu Fan, Master Chu Fan..."

At this moment, Chu Fan seemed to hear the familiar calls.

He suddenly opened his eyes wide and said involuntarily.

"Ali, Ali!"


Chu Fan thought of Ali, and the little girl who had been following him and supporting him silently.

As soon as he thought of A Li, Chu Fan's heart slowly calmed down.

He closed his eyes silently. Although his body was still hot and unbearable, he was firm in his heart and did not indulge in any more fantasies.

Gradually, he let go, let go of his obsession, let go of his remaining thoughts, let go of everything.

As Chu Fan let go, the fairies around him began to disappear one by one.

Finally, a heavy rain fell from the sky, extinguishing Chu Fan's inner desire and passion.

At this moment, a beam of light suddenly projected on Chu Fan.

The next second, Chu Fan woke up from the illusion.

When he opened his eyes again, he found Zhuo Bufan looking at him with a satisfied smile.

"Brother Chu, are you tired? Why did you fall asleep?"

Everything that happened just now was like a dream to Chu Fan.

He shook his head woodenly, then hurriedly looked at his left hand and found that his left hand was still there.

"I just fell asleep?"

"Yes, maybe I just woke up and I'm not used to it yet."

Faced with Zhuo Bufan's answer, Chu Fan was deeply skeptical.

But he didn't say much, because everything that happened just now was really intriguing.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan suddenly patted Chu Fan on the shoulder.

Then, a burst of golden storms suddenly flew out of the house, instantly lighting up the whole house.

Chu Fan was stunned when he saw this.

"Brother Zhuo, what are you going to do?"

At this time, an extremely powerful aura emanated from Zhuo Bufan.

That aura made Chu Fan want to kneel down and worship.

That feeling was like he was not facing a person, but the whole sky.

"Chu Fan, I won't beat around the bush with you."

"You have passed my test and are eligible to be selected by me."

"Now, I will give you the name of Ksitigarbha. From now on, Ksitigarbha Chu Fan will be the manager of this world."

"You will protect this world for me, do you understand?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hand, and a powerful force began to gather in his palm.

Then, he turned his palm, and the force poured directly into Chu Fan's head.

For a moment, Chu Fan felt a force against the sky merge into his body.

He became the master who controlled the life and death of all creatures in this world.

In the entire hell world, there is only one person who is more powerful than Chu Fan, and that is Zhuo Bufan.

Chu Fan stared at his hands blankly, feeling the incredible power of Li Liang's night shift in his body.

He didn't expect that he would inexplicably possess the power to change the world.

"Change the world, change the world? Is this what you mean by changing the world?"

Chu Fan finally understood what Zhuo Bufan meant by changing the world.

That is to let him have the power to change the world!

"Why, don't you dare to bear it?"

Zhuo Bufan said to Chu Fan with a smile.

He handed over the management of the hell world to Chu Fan. Now in the whole hell, no one can be his opponent except Zhuo Bufan.

Chu Fan frowned slightly when he heard it.

"You, are you the world god?"

After Chu Fan obtained the power given by Zhuo Bufan, he gradually understood that Zhuo Bufan was the supreme world god of this world.

Zhuo Bufan smiled and said after hearing it.

"You can also say that, yes, I am the world god of this world."

"So, don't think that you can do whatever you want after you have the power to dominate everything in this world, because there is still me above you."

"As long as I want, I can take back your power at any time."

"Now, I will ask you again, are you willing to take on this responsibility and change this world?"

Zhuo Bufan said so much, in fact, he wanted Chu Fan to help him manage this world.

Now his children are in charge of the cultivation world, and his other wife Xuan Su is in charge of the underworld.

Now hell also needs someone to help him manage it, and Zhuo Bufan chose Chu Fan as this person.

He hopes that Chu Fan can lead the people of this world to a better future, instead of making this world in dire straits every day.

Therefore, this person needs strong ability and excellent qualities.

Chu Fan is undoubtedly the best candidate Zhuo Bufan can think of.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, Chu Fan fell into deep thought.

After a while, he finally mustered up the courage and raised his hand to say.

"I am willing to take this responsibility."

"I swear to you that I will use the power you gave me to build this world."

"I will not let you down, nor will I let the billions of people in this world down."

"I want to change this world and protect this world."

After knowing Zhuo Bufan's intention, Chu Fan began to express his determination to Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled indifferently.

"Very good, I will give you this opportunity."

"Remember what you said today. If you dare to break your oath today, I will let you experience a more painful punishment than in the illusion."

Zhuo Bufan was very satisfied. He found the person who could help him manage and build this world.

In this way, he can leave the hell world and go to the Yang world with confidence.

After hearing this, Chu Fan once again felt the endless power in his body.

"No problem, don't worry! This world is left to me."

Seeing Chu Fan so confident, Zhuo Bufan was naturally very happy.

"Well, from now on, you are Ksitigarbha! The supreme god of this world, second only to me."

"As long as you protect this world, you will always be in this position."

Chu Fan is now truly second to one person.

Except for Zhuo Bufan, everything in this world is up to him.

Zhuo Bufan can be said to have handed over almost all the authority of the administrator to Chu Fan.

Except for the power to formulate and change rules, which is in Zhuo Bufan's hands.

"Ksitigarbha obeys the Supreme Law!"

Chu Fan knelt down to Zhuo Bufan again.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and quickly helped him up.

Then he said.

"Okay, I should leave too. From now on, this world will be handed over to you."

Since the management of hell has been handed over to Chu Fan, Zhuo Bufan can leave with peace of mind.

When Chu Fan heard this, he quickly took Zhuo Bufan out of the wooden building.

When they walked out of the wooden building, a group of people surrounded them, cheering and rejoicing, and were happy for Chu Fan's resurrection.

"Lord Chu Fan!"

The happiest person among them was Ali.

When Chu Fan saw A Li, he couldn't help but rush forward and hugged her.

At that moment, everyone present was stunned, including A Li herself.

Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su just smiled indifferently.

Only they knew why Chu Fan did this, because A Li had an irreplaceable position in his heart.

It was A Li who made him pass Zhuo Bufan's last test.

"Just send it here! Dizang, remember what I said, if you dare to break your oath, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, and in the surprised eyes of everyone, he took Bai Su and Yaya and disappeared on the spot.

A Li looked at Zhuo Bufan who disappeared in a daze, and couldn't help asking.

"Master, is he gone?"

Chu Fan beside him answered after hearing this.

"Yes, he is gone. But he will come back."

"Then Lord Chu Fan, what should we do next?"

"Yes, leader, what should we do next?"

Seeing the leader resurrected, the people of the Dawn Organization were naturally very excited.

After hearing this, the leader Chu Fan looked at the direction where Zhuo Bufan disappeared and muttered to himself.

"Next, change the world."


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