Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1074 Fusion of Virtual Tree

"That's not good! We've all been fooled."

Zhuo Bufan frowned because he had discovered the purpose of the mirror owner.

Bai Su on the side also frowned tightly. She could feel the uneasiness in her husband Zhuo Bufan's heart at this moment.

"Husband, what happened?"

Bai Su asked from the side.

She really wanted to share something with Zhuo Bufan, but Bai Su couldn't get involved in the current war.

"Child, tell me what you have discovered."

Bai Di was also a little anxious. She could see that Zhuo Bufan had discovered the mirror master's conspiracy.

"Master Wife, we have been fooled."

"The Mirror Master deliberately led Master and the others to the virtual world."

Zhuo Bufan said.

Bai Di asked quickly after hearing this.

"Go on, what's going on?"

Zhuo Bufan continued.

"Master Wife, if I guess correctly, the Mirror Master left a resurrection trap in the Void World Tree."

"My previous life, Ji Xuanhao, was probably killed by the Mirror Master. Or maybe he discovered the Mirror Master's conspiracy and was forced to enter reincarnation."

"And after reincarnation, I still became the mirror master's pawn."

"The Master of the Mirror arranged my future step by step, allowing me to become the God of the True Realm, the God of the Yin Realm, the God of the Unbounded Realm, and even the God of the Yang Realm."

"I have long discovered that there were big problems with the previous Yang Realm Collision. Things developed too smoothly."

"It's as if it was arranged. The Yang Realm is in apocalyptic crisis, and the Yang Realm Tree is forced to merge with me."

"Obviously, this was arranged step by step by the Mirror Master. He forced the Yang Jie Tree to merge with me."

"And now, he is using the same method to force the virtual world tree to merge with me."

When Zhuo Bufan said this, Bai Di suddenly realized something.

"Child, are you saying that the mirror owner did all this on purpose?"

"Did he deliberately let the World Tree of the five worlds merge with you?"

Bai Di asked.

Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

"Yes, I have always followed the path laid out by the Mirror Master. It was he who allowed me to become the world god of each world step by step."

"Why did he do this?"

Bai Su said in confusion.

"Because he wants the dove to occupy the magpie's nest and the fisherman to benefit."

"Because he knows that if he causes world catastrophes from all walks of life, the World Tree will not be able to merge with him."

"So he needed a chess piece to launch the doomsday catastrophe, and then he put the wedding dress on me."

Zhuo Bufan saw through the mirror owner's conspiracy.

"I am almost certain now that he left a trap in the Void World Tree."

"Once I merge with the Void World Tree, he will take the opportunity to invade my soul."

"Then take everything away from me."

When Zhuo Bufan finally said these words, Bai Su was so scared that she covered her mouth tightly.

She shook her head repeatedly and said in disbelief.

"No, it can't be like this. If this is really the case, husband, you must not merge with the virtual world tree."

Bai Su couldn't accept it, so the Mirror Master replaced Zhuo Bufan.

But after Zhuo Bufan heard this, he shook his head repeatedly.

"It's too late. Master has already started a war with the Mirror Master in the virtual world. This battle will definitely bring a doomsday catastrophe to the virtual world."

"I can already feel that the virtual world tree deep in my soul is about to move."

"It wanted me to merge with it, it wanted to give me all its power."

Zhuo Bufan can already feel that the virtual world tree has a tendency to merge.

Because the current virtual world is experiencing a doomsday catastrophe.

The virtual world tree needs Zhuo Bufan to become the god of the world and the savior to save hundreds of millions of people in the virtual world.

Just like when he was in the world of cultivation, the True World Tree actively merged with Zhuo Bufan at the last moment.

This process was something Zhuo Bufan couldn't refuse.

"Don't worry Susu, if I guess correctly, the door of rebirth created in the previous life exists to deal with the mirror owner."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought that he might have guessed that the mirror owner would plot his reincarnation when he created the archive door in his previous life, so he used this archive door just in case.

When Bai Su heard this, he nodded quickly.

"Yes, there is also a door to rebirth."

"If there is a door to rebirth, there is no need to worry."

Bai Su knew that Zhuo Bufan's door to rebirth could allow him to be reborn into the past.

"hope so!"

Zhuo Bufan smiled. He always had a hunch that loading files this time might not be that simple.


Just when Zhuo Bufan was worried, the virtual world tree deep in his soul suddenly trembled.

Immediately afterwards, the endless fallen trees rustled, and the leaves on the virtual world tree began to shake off, turning into rays of divine light and beginning to merge with Zhuo Bufan's soul.

"Give it a try. If there is a trap, choose to load the file as soon as possible."

For the first time, Zhuo Bufan resisted the integration of World Tree.

However, the fusion of the virtual world tree was so fierce that it was simply not something Zhuo Bufan could resist.

Just like the original True World Tree, when it merged with Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan didn't react at all, and then merged inexplicably and became the True World God.

Because of the battle between Emperor Xuan and the Mirror Master, the current virtual world has long been devastated.

The virtual world fell into a doomsday catastrophe, and the virtual world tree had to choose to merge with Zhuo Bufan.

As the virtual world tree merged, Zhuo Bufan carefully felt whether there would be a trap.

Just when the rule power of the virtual world tree turned into divine light and merged into Zhuo Bufan's soul, Zhuo Bufan suddenly found that the power of the virtual world tree was mixed with a terrifying and strange power.

These powers were like drops of ink dripping into clear water.

Soon, the clear water that was originally as clear as a mirror began to become turbid.

"No, it's coming."

Zhuo Bufan immediately discovered the trap hidden in the virtual world tree.

"It's a virtual body, it's the virtual body of the mirror master!"

Zhuo Bufan was extremely shocked, because he didn't expect that it was the virtual body of the mirror master that appeared at the critical moment.

The virtual body of the mirror master was like a tornado in the flat bottom, which suddenly swept Zhuo Bufan's entire soul.

Zhuo Bufan immediately discovered that his soul was being constantly assimilated by the virtual body of the mirror master.

"This guy wants to take over my body!"

Zhuo Bufan felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was about to destroy his soul, he found a handsome white-faced man in the depths of his soul.

He was pale, with white hair, and a smug smile on his lips.


He laughed, and in his laughter, there was a bit of vicissitudes, a bit of sinisterness, a bit of pride, and a bit of goodness.

"Finally I've waited for this moment, finally I've waited for this moment."

"Next, let me accept your body and soul!"

The mirror master laughed and began to invade Zhuo Bufan's soul frantically.

Zhuo Bufan felt powerlessness and fear for the first time.

From the invasion of the mirror master, he finally understood why the Green Emperor was so powerful, but he was also possessed by the mirror master.

"Reload, reload!"

Zhuo Bufan's soul roared for the last time.


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