Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1075: Zhuo Bufan's Death

Zhuo Bufan's soul was pierced by a powerful energy, and the mirror master integrated all his soul power into the depths of his mind.

Zhuo Bufan felt a strong crisis, which hit his soul directly.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to let his soul enter the save space and then read the save.

However, Zhuo Bufan unexpectedly found that he was disconnected from the save space.

The mirror master used his own power to curb Zhuo Bufan's suicide.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to destroy his soul, but he couldn't do it.

"Damn it!"

Just when Zhuo Bufan was angry, the mirror master appeared in front of him.

"Ji Xuanhao is indeed the smartest person I have ever seen, better than his self-righteous master."

"If I hadn't invaded the soul of the Green Emperor first, I wouldn't have known that you actually had something like the Gate of Rebirth."

When the mirror master mentioned the Gate of Rebirth, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

Few people knew about the news of the Gate of Rebirth, that is, Emperor Xuan, Emperor Qing, Emperor Bai, Bai Su and Xuan Su.

The Green Emperor knew about it, but what he didn't expect was that the mirror master learned about it through the soul of the Green Emperor.

I also know that Zhuo Bufan has the artifact of the Gate of Rebirth.

"This thing should be prepared by Ji Xuanhao to deal with me!"

It is obvious that this is not the first time that the mirror master has dealt with Ji Xuanhao.

His words made Zhuo Bufan frown, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"As long as your soul does not die, you can't be reborn."

"I have planned for so many years, and it is not in vain."

The mirror master got what he wanted and went to the last step according to the layout.

Now he has completely controlled Zhuo Bufan's soul, and Zhuo Bufan can only let him be slaughtered.

"Why do you do this?"

"What benefits can you get by using me?"

Zhuo Bufan tried to control the divine power, but he found that his soul had been completely kidnapped.

The soul is not under his control and has become a pawn in the hands of the mirror master.

Obviously, things have become very clear at this point.

The mirror master knew from the beginning that the world tree would only choose to merge with the host when a world crisis occurred.

So more than 200,000 years ago, it chose to provoke wars among all realms, wanting to start a war to plunge the five realms into a world crisis.

But later he discovered one thing, that is, as the one who provoked all the troubles, he was not qualified to be recognized by the World Tree.

This discovery made him understand one thing, that he needed a chess piece.

So he found Ji Xuanhao, the disciple of Emperor Xuan.

Originally, he was looking for Emperor Xuan at the beginning, but later he found that Ji Xuanhao was better than Emperor Xuan.

So he used Ji Xuanhao as a chess piece.

In order to play this game, the first thing the Mirror Master did was to seal himself.

That's right, the Mirror Master was not sealed by Emperor Xuan, but "sealed" himself.

Of course, the seals here are all fake, and the purpose of the Mirror Master doing this is to move from the stage to the backstage.

So, he began to manipulate everything in secret.

After he "sealed" himself, he spit out the Void Realm Tree.

However, the Void Realm Tree had already been set up by him.

He let the virtual world tree find Ji Xuanhao, and then merged with Ji Xuanhao.

After that, he guided Ji Xuanhao to merge the boundless tree and the real world tree.

Ji Xuanhao followed his plan step by step and merged the three world trees.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to his goal.

However, at this time, Ji Xuanhao found something unusual.

He discovered the conspiracy of the mirror master, so he chose the death reincarnation.

After death, Ji Xuanhao reprocessed the three world trees.

And most importantly, in order to prevent his reincarnation from repeating the same mistakes as himself, Ji Xuanhao went to Daluotian, participated in the Three Emperors Meeting, and obtained the Daluotian treasure, the Heart of Time!

He used the Heart of Time to build the Gate of Rebirth.

That is now the archive door.

Then he jumped into the reincarnation with this treasure that surpassed the power of the Yin-Yang Qiankun rules.

After entering the reincarnation, Ji Xuanhao was naturally reborn, and he became the current Zhuo Bufan.

But even if he became Zhuo Bufan, the mirror master could find him.

It was not difficult for the Mirror Master to find Ji Xuanhao's reincarnation body.

In fact, he was the first person to discover that Zhuo Bufan was Ji Xuanhao's reincarnation body.

"In fact, we have met long ago."

After the Mirror Master finished speaking, his face suddenly began to change.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly when he saw this.

The Mirror Master's appearance changed from a handsome man's face to a beautiful woman's.

And the woman in front of him made Zhuo Bufan dumbfounded.

"Miss Chu Jian?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

When he first came to the world of cultivation, he had seen this woman in Huoyun City Fubao, and they had met many times.

At that time, Zhuo Bufan didn't know her name, so he always called her Miss Chu Jian.

Zhuo Bufan still remembered this girl, because when he was with her, Zhuo Bufan always had a feeling of knowing each other in the previous life.

Now, he finally understood why he had such a feeling.

Because they really knew each other in the previous life.

Chu Jian was the Mirror Master.

To be precise, it is just a mirror clone created by the mirror master!

Virtual life is also called asexual life.

They have no gender distinction, they can be male or female, old or young.

Therefore, it is impossible for incorporeal beings to reproduce. Each of them is a separate individual, the result of ascending from other worlds.

Therefore, the owner of the mirror in front of him is neither a man nor a woman. He can become anyone as long as he wants.

The so-called mirror slaves are not real, they are all people possessed by the mirror master.

The Mirror Master has long spread his clones across the five worlds.

Beggars on the roadside, passers-by on the street, fellow disciples, believers among us...

The Mirror Master is already everywhere.

It can be said that everything Zhuo Bufan has done over the years has been under the attention of the mirror owner.

Rather than saying that Zhuo Bufan was following the arrangements of his previous life, it would be better to say that he was arranged by the Mirror Master from the beginning to get to where he is now step by step.

The mirror owner has done so much for one thing, and that is to let Zhuo Bufan integrate the five worlds until the last moment, when he comes to occupy the magpie's nest again.

Because he knew the fusion method of the World Tree, he created the Mirror World of the Yang Realm, triggering a great collision between the two realms.

The purpose of this is very simple, which is to allow Yang Jie Shu and Zhuo Bufan to merge as soon as possible.

Similarly, the war in the virtual world is also within his plan, and now the virtual world tree has to merge with Zhuo Bufan.

At this point, the Mirror Master's conspiracy has been fully realized, and everything is going according to his plan.

In order to be foolproof, the Mirror Master even controlled Zhuo Bufan's soul immediately.

Zhuo Bufan didn't even have a chance to commit suicide.

If he cannot commit suicide, Zhuo Bufan's soul cannot die. If he cannot die, he cannot enter the archive space.

Unable to enter the archive space, he cannot load the archive and start over.

The final result is,

mirror owner,

Will completely replace Zhuo Bufan.

He will fuse Zhuo Bufan's body and spirit, and then completely assimilate Zhuo Bufan.

"What to do? What to do?"

Zhuo Bufan found that his consciousness was getting darker and darker.

His soul was almost completely assimilated by the mirror owner.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan's consciousness will disappear completely.

He was confused and panicked at the same time.

He didn't know what to do. He only knew that his mental power was completely controlled by the mirror owner.

As his consciousness disappeared, Zhuo Bufan could not find the archive space.

"Is it really over this time?"

Zhuo Bufan said in panic.

He died countless times, and every time he was able to reload the file and start over.

But there has never been a time as difficult as this one.

This time, he really suffered the most difficult crisis.

During this crisis, Zhuo Bufan could feel that he might have walked into the camera.

The Mirror Master plotted against him step by step, but Zhuo Bufan still did not leave his fate in his own hands after all.

Ji Xuanhao arranged everything, but he didn't expect the mirror owner to be more cunning and scheming than him.

"Husband, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me. What's wrong with you?"

Bai Su looked at Zhuo Bufan, who was stunned, and called him in panic.

However, Zhuo Bufan was completely indifferent to Bai Su's call.

"It's over, it's really over this time."

Zhuo Bufan heard Bai Su's call, but he was unable to respond to the calls.

In the end, Bai Su's calls became weaker and weaker.

Zhuo Bufan even discovered that his Emperor Wa's love seal had been contaminated and blinded by the power of the Mirror Master.

The Emperor Wa's Love Seal is a divine seal sent down by Emperor Wa, one of the three emperors of Daluotian.

I didn't expect the mirror owner to have such powerful power.

"Zhuo Bufan, I remember this name. Don't worry, from now on, I will live your life for you."

After the mirror owner finished speaking, he strangled the last trace of Zhuo Bufan's soul.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan seemed to be swallowed into the mire of Zaoze.

Until his entire head completely sank into the mire.

"Su Su, Xuan Su, Zi Nian, Zi Fan, Ya Ya, Master, Master Niang, Xuanyuan, Lu Fei, old profiteer, everyone, goodbye!"

Zhuo Bufan was not able to summon the Gate of Rebirth until the end.

His consciousness was finally completely obliterated by the Mirror Master!

"Husband, husband, what's wrong with you?"

"Wake up quickly!"

Bai Su was still calling. She had just discovered that Emperor Wa's love seal could not contact Zhuo Bufan.

Only then did she realize the seriousness of the matter.

Emperor Wa's Seal of Love is a power that transcends this world, a power that even his own father cannot obliterate.

But now, Zhuo Bufan's love seal of Emperor Wa cannot be contacted.

Bai Su knew that something must have happened, and something serious.

Just when Bai Su was panicking, Zhuo Bufan suddenly opened his eyes.

"Husband, you're awake!"

Seeing this, Bai Su laughed excitedly.

However, just when she was about to pounce on Zhuo Bufan, Bai Di pulled Bai Su back.

"Susu, don't go."

Bai Di grabbed Bai Su, but Bai Su hadn't reacted yet.

When she looked up at Zhuo Bufan, she was shocked to find that Zhuo Bufan's pupils were completely dark.

At the same time, extremely terrifying energy surged through Zhuo Bufan's body.

When Bai Di saw this situation, he immediately understood that the man in front of him was no longer her son-in-law Zhuo Bufan.

"Susu, be careful!"

Bai Di pulled Bai Su back while looking at "Zhuo Bufan" in front of him with hostility.

"Zhuo Bufan" saw this and said expressionlessly.

"Bai Di! The daughter of Xihe, the Holy Mother of the True Realm, I will keep you useful and I will not kill you yet!"

"Zhuo Bufan" finished speaking and waved his hand towards Bai Emperor.

In an instant, Bai Di felt that the space and time around him began to stagnate.

Before Bai Di could react, she froze on the spot, motionless.

Immediately afterwards, crystal clusters began to condense one after another from Bai Di's body.

These crystal clusters are created by the forces of space and time.

Bai Di was trapped in the crystal cluster and couldn't move.


Bai Su looked at Bai Di who was completely motionless, and looked at "Zhuo Bufan" in front of him with frightened eyes.

The "Zhuo Bufan" now was no longer the gentle husband she had been.

The real Zhuo Bufan has been completely swallowed up by the mirror owner.

It is equivalent to saying that the current Zhuo Bufan is the mirror owner.

The owner of the mirror looked at Bai Su in front of him, with the same indifference on his face.

After a while, he said.

"It is indeed as beautiful as a flower. Flowers should be placed in a vase and become my collection!"

After the mirror owner finished speaking, he snapped his fingers towards Bai Su.

The next second, Bai Su was trapped by a crystal.

The crystal floated in the air and became a collection of the mirror owner.

Bai Su hit the crystal hard, but the crystal was created with the power of time and space and could not be broken at all.

Only now did Bai Su realize that his husband, Zhuo Bufan, had been replaced by the mirror owner.

"Father, come back quickly!"

Bai Su knelt in the crystal and screamed heartbreakingly.

Maybe he felt the crisis in his family, or maybe he heard Bai Su's cry.

Emperor Xuan, who was far away in the virtual world, suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky.

The battle in the virtual world is over.

Just now, Emperor Qing suddenly fell in front of Emperor Xuan.

When Emperor Xuan flew over and helped Emperor Qing up, he discovered that the mirror owner had disappeared from Emperor Qing's body.

After the mirror owner disappeared, Qingdi naturally recovered.

At the same time, all the four strange beasts in the Cholera World suddenly disappeared in an instant, and the virtual world instantly returned to peace.

In the battlefield, there was nothing left except the strong smell of blood.

"What happened? What happened?"

Qing Emperor woke up from his daze and looked at Xuan Emperor Jiang Taixuan in front of him.

Jiang Taixuan confirmed that the mirror owner had completely disappeared from Qingdi, and then he told Qingdi everything that had happened before.

After hearing this, Emperor Qing said in astonishment.

"Mirror Master? Have I become the Mirror Master?"

"To be precise, the mirror owner turned into you, and he controlled your soul."

Emperor Xuan explained.

"Then where is it now?"

Qingdi asked quickly.

He has recovered now, but where is the mirror owner? Why did the mirror owner suddenly disappear?

Emperor Xuan frowned when he heard this.

Suddenly, he thought of something and couldn't help but scream that something was wrong.

"Damn it! I was fooled!"

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