Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 111 The second new spell [Please recommend]

The Great Sun torture room is a room made of three light spells: glare, scorching light, and aurora!

Inside the torture chamber, the top, bottom, left, and back sides were all white and smooth.

The material of this wall is similar to glass, and the white light emanates from the wall.

Zhuo Bufan only took a cursory look at the big sun torture room, and then more attention fell on Huang Haotian, who had been locked up in it long before him.

"No wonder I didn't see you in the classroom. How did you provoke that female devil?" Zhuo Bufan sat down and looked at Huang Haotian with great sympathy.

Huang Haotian's face looked a little haggard, as if he had endured torture.

He is a very charming-looking man, and of course he is more of a tease.

After hearing this, Huang Haotian laughed.

"My woman invited me here."

"My woman" in Huang Haotian's mouth is obviously Lan Miaoren.

On the first day of class, this guy threatened to take Lan Miaoren into his harem.

After Huang Haotian finished speaking, he looked at Zhuo Bufan, who rolled his eyes and looked at Huang Haotian speechlessly.

"Okay, to be honest, that dazzling spell is too difficult and I can't understand it."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly and asked in surprise.

"You haven't even figured out the dazzling spell?"

Zhuo Bufan thought that Huang Haotian should be a very smart and talented human monster.

Unexpectedly, the other party didn't even understand the most basic dazzling spell.

Is he an idiot?

"Huang Haotian, who are you?"

Zhuo Bufan Xia Ran didn't believe that Huang Haotian was a fool. Huang Haotian, no matter what he is wearing or how he looks, or the weird temperament he exudes, or his golden pupils.

Everything shows how extraordinary this man is.

How could such an extraordinary person be a fool?

Huang Haotian glanced at Zhuo Bufan, who was very interested in him, and then said with narrowed eyes.

"Me? I'm afraid I'll scare you to death if I tell you. In order not to scare you to death, I'll give you a warning. I'm the best in the world!"

"I am number one in the world, what is that?" Zhuo Bufan asked in confusion.

"Hahahaha, guess it yourself! I am so mysterious and noble."

Zhuo Bufan rolled his eyes at him, saying that he didn't say anything. But Zhuo Bufan had a vague feeling that he would deal with Huang Haotian again in the future. This man is unusual.

"Forget it, let me ask you again, there is a new person in the classroom, the one sitting in my seat, do you know?"

Besides Huang Haotian, Zhuo Bufan was more concerned about that girl.

To be honest, Zhuo Bufan didn't know why he cared about that girl.

After hearing this, Huang Haotian raised his eyes and looked above his head, thinking about something, and then he said.

"Oh, that woman, I know. She came yesterday. My woman said she was transferred from Yufushuyuan."

"What type do you like? Pretentious, loveless, loveless! I still like women like Xiao Lanlan, with explosive personalities. I must get her. Hehehehe!"

Huang Haotian showed a slutty smile, and his mind was already occupied with the unspeakable things being done between Yiyan and Lan Miaoren.

Zhuo Bufan found that he could no longer complain. This guy was simply a nympho and an idiot.

"By the way, what is that woman's name? Chu Jian! Yes, her name is Chu Jian!"

"Based on my countless experiences, this flower looks like a lotus, but it's actually a rose with thorns. You'd better not play with it."

Huang Haotian warned.

"Crazy." Zhuo Bufan rolled his eyes at him.

Huang Haotian looked at Zhuo Bufan, sighed and said.

"Hey, you're still too young. As for women, you can't just look at their appearance."

"For example, look at my little Lanlan. She is a violent woman and a big devil in front of others. In fact, this woman has a tender side, a sensitive heart, and a kind heart."

"It's just not easy to conquer, but of course it's worth the challenge."

Zhuo Bufan could tell that Huang Haotian was serious about getting Lan Miaoren.

"I heard that you have a harem of three thousand, do you think Lan Miaoren will accept you?" Zhuo Bufan said with a smile.

"Three thousand weak water, only take one scoop. With her, those women don't need it."

Three thousand weak water, only take one scoop!

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that Huang Haotian, who looked very carefree, would actually have such a side, and he secretly admired him in his heart.

"Of course, the children who have been born cannot be abandoned. After all, they are the fruits of my hard work!"

One moment, Zhuo Bufan admired Huang Haotian, but the next second he said these words, Zhuo Bufan almost cursed.

"Damn, you guys have children?"

"Yes, of course there is, and the house is full of children. I don't even remember how many there are. Anyway, if you sow seeds everywhere, a single tree will become a forest!"

Huang Haotian said proudly, as if those were all his achievements.

"A single tree makes a forest? You guy, a big stallion!"

Zhuo Bufan was unable to complain, Huang Haotian's weirdness far exceeded his imagination.

"You two guys had a great time chatting!"

Just when Zhuo Bufan was marveling at Huang Haotian's big stallion, Lan Miaoren's voice suddenly came from the Da Ri torture room for no reason.

"Since you are so happy, I will have fun with you."

"The Sun Torture Chamber has four levels of energy. Which level do you want to try?"

Lan Miaoren was asking Zhuo Bufan and the others, and Huang Haotian on the side shouted.

"Little Lanlan, use this big day torture room to convey your love for me! The first gear means you are moved by me, the second gear means you admire me, the third gear means you can't help yourself, and the fourth gear means you love me so much that you can't extricate yourself!"

"What the hell, you are still flirting with girls at this time?"

Zhuo Bufan was speechless. This guy is more suicidal than himself.

Sure enough, the next moment, Lan Miaoren gritted his teeth and said.

"You want me to play with you, right? Okay, this gear shows my anger at you!"


There was only a bang, as if a mechanism was turned on. The next second, Zhuo Bufan was shocked to find that the six walls began to release dazzling light.

The light was so dazzling that it was comparable to looking directly at the headlights of a car. And in the light, there was a faint scorching temperature, just like a sauna.

But this is not over yet!

"This second gear represents my hatred for you!"


There was another sound of a mechanism, somewhat like the sound of a car shifting gears.

This time, the light on the six walls was even more dazzling, and the brightness of the light directly changed from the headlights of the car to the spotlights of the football field.

The dazzling light has completely covered the entire Big Sun Torture Room. And the temperature has also become extremely terrible, and it has begun to burn the skin.

It's not over yet!

"This third gear represents my hatred for you!"


With the third gear shift, the Big Sun Torture Room has really become a room as bright as the sun.

At this moment in the room, Zhuo Bufan didn't dare to open his eyes at all, and could only cover his eyes with his arms.

For the first time, he felt that the light also had such terrible lethality.

"You can't sit and wait for death, you will die."

Zhuo Bufan used the mysterious energy of life and death in his body to wrap himself up, barely resisting the eye-catching light and the burning heat of the skin.

"This fourth gear means I want you to die now."


The fourth gear of the Great Sun Torture Chamber is activated. This is the most powerful gear of the Great Sun Torture Chamber.

In the world of Zhuo Bufan and Huang Haotian, it seems that only a piece of light is left.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan seems to be in the sun. This Great Sun Torture Chamber is like a small sun. The light is already so strong that it is unimaginable, and the temperature is even more terrifying.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

Zhuo Bufan's body surface even began to emit a burning sound.

"Ah, Lan Miaoren, are you going to roast us? This is simply a microwave oven!"

"Microwave, microwave, microwave..."

Just when Zhuo Bufan was about to die, his soul actually sensed a mysterious spell behind the Gate of Truth at this time.

"No way, I'm going to discover a new spell again?"


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