Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 112 First meeting [Please recommend]

Two days later, Zhuo Bufan walked out of the Dayi torture chamber.

His skin, originally white as jade, was baked into a bronze color.

Before leaving, he looked at Huang Haotian, who had been baked into a black man, and made a cheering gesture.

"Brother Huang, come on!"

In just two days of getting along, Zhuo Bufan and Huang Haotian became brothers in life and death who shared weal and woe.

"One day, if you can really knock down Lan Miaoren, I will call you big brother."

Zhuo Bufan was not joking. Whoever can catch Lan Miaoren is definitely a dragon among men. Such a person deserves to be called big brother by Zhuo Bufan.

Huang Haotian smiled and showed two rows of white teeth after hearing this.

"Then you can wait to be my little brother!"


The Dayi torture chamber was closed again, and Zhuo Bufan finally saw the light of day again, but Huang Haotian, it is still unknown how long he will be locked up in there. This guy has a serious tendency to be masochistic.

After two days of four-speed sun and scorching heat, this guy not only didn't say a word, but also sang love songs to Lan Miaoren in the Big Sun Torture Room.

Zhuo Bufan believed that he was completely implicated by this guy.

Walking out of the underground palace, Zhuo Bufan found Lan Miaoren, dressed in blue, standing at the door with her hands folded waiting for him.

Lan Miaoren looked at Zhuo Bufan, who had completely darkened several shades, and then smiled contentedly.

"Well, now you finally don't look like a pretty boy anymore."

"Are you here to mock me on purpose?" Zhuo Bufan rolled his eyes at her. He didn't want to see this woman now.

But Lan Miaoren didn't seem to care about Zhuo Bufan's disgust at all, and continued.

"Let me ask you, do you have any feelings during the two days in the Big Sun Torture Room?"

Lan Miaoren asked very seriously, and her words were full of sincerity.

This made Zhuo Bufan a little confused, and he spread his hands and said.

"What else can you feel? Try being locked up for two days and see what you feel."

Lan Miaoren frowned slightly and said, "Do you know that the Great Sun Torture Chamber is a talisman made of three talismans: dazzling light, burning light, and aurora?"

"But when you were in the Great Sun Torture Chamber, didn't you feel the fourth talisman energy?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

He suddenly realized that this woman locked herself in the Great Sun Torture Chamber as if for some other purpose.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly, looked at Lan Miaoren, and then asked.

"What do you mean? Should there be a fourth talisman energy?"

Although Zhuo Bufan's words raised questions, in fact, he did discover the fourth talisman energy, which is microwaves.

Microwaves, a total of energy waves that are both light-like and sound-like, are a high-frequency electromagnetic wave with a lower frequency than light waves.

If this is studied in depth, it will be terrible!

This world does not have the concept of electromagnetic waves. When Zhuo Bufan was in the Great Sun Torture Chamber, he suddenly realized that he might create a miracle in the talisman world.

Of course, he could only bury this matter in his heart first, and dared not publicize it everywhere.

But he didn't expect that Lan Miaoren would ask him about it. She seemed to have felt that there was the energy of the fourth spell in the Great Sun Execution Chamber.

If this is true, then Lan Miaoren threw herself into the Great Sun Execution Chamber, perhaps with ulterior motives.

"This woman is so smart."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly looked at the woman in front of him with a new look.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan did not forget the pain after the scar healed. The psychological trauma caused by what Lan Miaoren did to him was difficult to heal.

"You really don't have any other discoveries?" Lan Miaoren asked again, seeming to be unwilling to give up.

Because in her opinion, Zhuo Bufan should find out. After all, Zhuo Bufan is the man who discovered the "Light and Shadow Spell"!

Of course, Zhuo Bufan has no obligation to tell Lan Miaoren, but just answered.

"You are too naive. Even if I found out, there is no need to tell you! You are really a forgetful person. Have you forgotten that you tortured me for two days and two nights?"

"I still have hatred for you in my heart. Isn't it too whimsical for you to ask me these questions now?"

Zhuo Bufan said with a little anger.

As a result, Lan Miaoren looked at Zhuo Bufan silently after hearing this, then rolled her eyes at him and turned away.

The ponytail almost hit Zhuo Bufan's face.

"Tsk, stingy man."

After saying that, Lan Miaoren left without looking back.

Leaving Zhuo Bufan speechless.

"Damn, you made me like this and still say I'm stingy? This woman, is she too self-righteous?"

Zhuo Bufan roared in his heart, and then he ignored Lan Miaoren and went to the dormitory.

Halfway through the journey, he arrived at the foot of the dormitory. When Zhuo Bufan was about to step into the dormitory building, a faint fragrance of jasmine suddenly came from the wind.

Zhuo Bufan stopped and slowly turned his head to look at an octagonal pavilion not far to the left. He saw a woman sitting in the small courtyard.

She sat on a stone bench behind the stone table in the octagonal pavilion, holding a teacup made of bamboo joints in her hand, staring blankly at Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan's brows, which had just been tightly furrowed, slowly relaxed.

His mood, which had been depressed by Lan Miaoren, suddenly became sunny, and even a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Is it her?"

Zhuo Bufan was delighted in his heart. The woman he saw was the "first encounter" girl he had met once in the classroom.

He learned the name "first encounter" from Huang Haotian.

"Is she looking at me?"

Zhuo Bufan found that Chu Jian was sitting in the Octagonal Pavilion, looking at him blankly without moving his eyes or blinking his eyelids.

"Really looking at me!"

Zhuo Bufan looked around, then looked behind him to make sure there was no one else around but him!

The first time we met today, she was wearing a deep blue dress with a curly train. She was still sitting so dignified, with a pure and blue heart.

Seeing the other party staring at him intently, Zhuo Bufan slowly took his feet and walked towards the octagonal pavilion.

As soon as he took a step forward, he saw Hatsumi put down the tea cup in his hand, and then stood up from the stool.

She crossed her hands and hung them naturally in front of her body, looking extremely gentle and polite. Zhuo Bufan was embarrassed to walk over.

When Zhuo Bufan stepped into the pavilion, he bowed directly towards Zhuo Bufan and bowed slightly, making Zhuo Bufan a little at a loss.

Afterwards, Chu Jian stretched out his hand to signal Zhuo Bufan to sit down. Zhuo Bufan sat down opposite Chu Jian.

Then Chujian took out a bamboo cup from the tea set on the stone table and placed it in front of Zhuo Bufan.

She didn't say anything, she just poured Zhuo Bufan a cup of tea step by step!

After the tea was brewed, she extended her orchid finger to indicate to Zhuo Bufan to taste it.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know how to taste tea, so he took a sip and suddenly felt enlightened.

In the past two days, in order to resist the fourth level of torture in the Da Ri torture room, his soul had suffered a lot. Now, after drinking the tea made by the girl he met for the first time, he felt extremely relaxed.

“Nice tea, thank you!”

Zhuo Bufan didn't know what to say, so he just gave a normal thank you.

Chu Jian did not speak, but slowly shook his head, meaning no need to thank him.

"Are you waiting for me specifically?"

Zhuo Bufan continued to ask passionately.

However, this time, Chu Jian did not respond. Seeing that Zhuo Bufan finished drinking the cup, he slowly made another cup of tea for Zhuo Bufan.

After seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan suddenly didn't want to ask any more questions.

I just want to sit like this, accompany this mysterious girl I met for the first time, drink the fresh and refreshing mysterious tea, and then sit there all afternoon without any desire.

After that, the two of them really didn't say a word, or even made an unnecessary move.

It was as if they had a tacit understanding, sitting in perfect harmony, saying nothing, drinking tea, admiring the scenery, and then looking at each other and smiling!

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