The ghost boy watched as his puppet stood in front of him in order to save him.

Three outstanding broken swords were heavily inserted into its back.

Two of the broken swords were inserted into the core of the puppet.

"you you you……"

The ghost boy looked at the puppet in front of him and was speechless for a while.

He clearly issued a death order and could only come back after killing Zhuo Bufan.

But he didn't expect that his puppet would disobey his orders and come back to save him.

His puppet has a mind of its own.

"What are you doing? Do you know what you are doing?"

The ghost boy looked at the puppet in front of him in disbelief.

He knew very well that it was just a puppet, not his mother.

He couldn't believe that his puppet had thoughts and life.

Isn't it that I have worked hard to make money just to obtain the Sky-Mending Stone and then let it develop a personality?

And at that moment, his puppet actually had a personality, how incredible it was.

"Child, don't be alone anymore."

"You must live well without me."

His puppet "mother" reached out and touched his face.

At that moment, the ghost boy saw a warm motherly look in her eyes.

At that moment, he felt an unprecedented maternal love.

This is the maternal love he has always wanted and longed for!


The ghost boy cried out, two lines of tears falling down his face.

He threw himself into the puppet's arms.

At this time, the puppet opened its mouth and spit out Nana's puppet core.

Then she handed Nana's puppet core to Zhou Peng who was standing aside.

"I hope you can abide by the oath! Let him go!"

"Mom" finished speaking, and finally reached out and hugged the ghost boy tightly.

Then she closed her eyes, and the puppet core on her chest extinguished and turned into a cold body.

Until the end, she was pleading for the ghost boy.

She really developed a personality and it was just unbelievable.


Feeling that the puppet was completely dead, the ghost boy hugged the cold body tightly and cried.

His cry was heartbreaking and heartbreaking.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Peng and Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly and sighed.


Although Zhou Peng wanted to avenge Nana.

But seeing the ghost boy's current appearance, he was unable to take action in the end.

"Okay, let's go!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he left first with Zhuo Zhuo.

Zhou Peng also held Nana's puppet core and left the bamboo forest.

The ghost boy was left alone, kneeling on the spot and howling and crying.

At that moment, he was really like a child, crying extremely sadly.

"You think, are we too cruel?"

After walking out of the bamboo forest, Zhuo Bufan and the others could still hear the cries of the ghost boy.

To them, the ghost boy is just a child.

A poor child without a mother.

In order to obtain his mother's love, he became a puppet master.

He created his "mother" according to his image of his mother.

In order to resurrect this fake "mother", he began to collect Yuanjing for the Sky Mending Stone.

In order to collect more Yuanjing, he became a puppet hunter, specializing in hunting puppets.

It can be said that the ghost boy is very pitiful.

In fact, he only has one wish in his life, and that is to resurrect his mother.

However, not only has he failed to resurrect his mother.

His "mother" died tragically trying to save him.

He lost his "mom" again, and the pain was naturally indescribable.

"He just paid the price for what he did."

"When he hurt other people's puppets, did he ever think that his Shanghai puppets were also vital to others?"

Zhou Peng did not pity the ghost boy.

After all, the ghost boy almost killed Nana.

For Zhou Peng, Nana's status is exactly the same as that of his family.

Unlike the ghost boy who only uses his puppet as a substitute for his mother.

Zhou Peng completely regarded Nana as his lover.

"Okay! We don't need to feel pity for these people. Since this guy has already arrived in Kaitian City, Feng Laomo and those people should have arrived too."

"Obviously, they're coming for us. We'd better be ready for a fight."

"Now Nana's body is destroyed. She will definitely not be able to continue fighting in the next few days."

"So next, the enemies we face can only be dealt with by the three of us."

After Zhou Peng calmed down his heavy heart, he began to warn Zhuo Bufan and the others.

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

"You're right, the enemy we have to face next will not be kind to us."

"Next, prepare to fight!"

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that there would be more battles to come.

The people in the Rakshasa group must still be waiting for an opportunity in secret.

So next, Zhuo Bufan must train well with Zhuo Zhuo to strive to be able to fight when he encounters a more powerful opponent.

After Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng left.

The crying in the depths of the bamboo forest slowly weakened.

But the ghost boy was still immersed in endless pain.

He began to recall the past between himself and "Mom".

He recalled the joy he felt when he first created "Mom".

The surprise he felt when he saw "Mom" resurrected.

He was immersed in his memories.

The more he recalled, the sadder he became.

He was so sad that he began to laugh.

He felt that his life was a tragedy.

He had been working hard to revive his mother all his life.

Who knew that his mother would always be by his side.

The ghost boy was tired, and his beliefs and dreams completely collapsed.

He stretched out his fingers, triggered the thunder, and prepared to commit suicide.

Just as the thunder was about to fall, a voice suddenly reached the ghost boy's ears.

"Child, do you want to save your mother?"

The sudden words made the ghost boy open his eyes.

"Who? Who are you? Can you save my mother?"

The ghost boy saw hope in despair.

"Don't you want the sky-repairing stone? Come to Fengyu Villa, a hundred miles north of the city, I'll wait for you here."

The voice was very gentle and pleasant, making people feel at peace physically and mentally.

The ghost boy didn't know whether the other party was lying to him, but at least he saw hope.

So he carried the body of his "mother" and rushed to Fengyu Villa, a hundred miles north of the city.

The ghost boy flew all the way and arrived at Fengyu Villa in two hours.

Fengyu Villa is an inn located in the mountains.

The ghost boy flew to the outside of Fengyu Villa and knelt on the ground with a plop.

"Senior, the ghost boy is here!"

"Senior, please save my mother. The ghost boy is willing to exchange his life for hers."

The ghost boy now only wants to save his mother.

And at this moment, a white shadow suddenly appeared in front of the ghost boy.

The ghost boy looked up and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Ah! It's you, it's you?"

The ghost boy was shocked and exclaimed repeatedly.

The person who suddenly appeared in front of him turned out to be the legendary disciple of the Queen of Nuwa, the Saint of Chanyi.

That's right, the person who planned to help the ghost boy was Meng Chanyi.

Meng Chanyi has been paying attention to Zhuo Bufan's every move.

Of course, she couldn't get close to Zhuo Bufan, and could only watch him from afar.

Gui Tong knew Meng Chanyi because some time ago, in the sensational incident of the God-defying and Mountain-carrying apology, this legendary saint Meng Chanyi appeared and shocked the world.

This most perfect woman in the world actually appeared in the mortal world.

Her appearance made this mortal world infinitely brilliant.

Meng Chanyi looked at Gui Tong kneeling on the ground and the puppet on Gui Tong's back.

Then she stretched out her finger and pointed at the puppet.

A ray of light merged into the puppet's body.

The next second, the puppet's body began to emit a holy light.

Seeing this, Gui Tong stared at the changes in his "mother" in amazement.

Soon, his "mother" stood up and opened her eyes.


Gui Tong shouted involuntarily.

At this time, he clearly saw that a smile appeared on his mother's face.

The puppet's body actually had a smile.

And her eyes were full of pity.

"Tongtong! My son!"

The moment he heard this, the ghost boy threw himself into his mother's arms.

At that moment, he felt unprecedented warmth.

His mother was alive.

Really alive.

She was no longer a puppet, but a living person.

At this moment, the ghost boy felt unprecedented happiness.

At the same time, he was also shocked by Meng Chanyi's peerless magical power.

Meng Chanyi, the second person in the world to master the art of repairing the sky.

Her art of repairing the sky can create countless stones for repairing the sky.

Just now, she just integrated a trace of the power of the art of repairing the sky into the body of the ghost boy puppet.

That's all, the puppet was resurrected and became a living person.

This is the heaven-defying part of the art of repairing the sky.

It is worthy of being the world's number one magical power, and giving life is only the tip of the iceberg of the ability of the art of repairing the sky.

After all, the art of repairing the sky can complete the ability of the Great Way of Heaven.

Meng Chanyi only touched lightly, and the "mother" that Gui Tong had fought for all his life was resurrected.

This is why ordinary people think that Meng Chanyi and others are gods.

In the eyes of Gui Tong and others, Saint Chanyi is a god.

After the mother and son were affectionate for a while, Gui Tong did not forget Meng Chanyi standing beside him.

He immediately knelt down to Meng Chanyi, and then nodded.

Every time he kowtowed heavily to the ground, he naturally had no way to repay Meng Chanyi for resurrecting his mother.

"Thank you Saint Chanyi, thank you Saint Chanyi. Gui Tong will never forget your great kindness. Thank you, thank you!"

"Okay, get up! I didn't help you just to make you grateful to me. The reason I helped you was to let you do something for me."

After Meng Chanyi finished speaking, Gui Tong immediately looked up at her.

"Saint, please tell me clearly, as long as Gui Tong can do it, even if it means dying."

"You don't need to die. I want you to help Zhou Peng and the others."

Meng Chanyi didn't say Zhuo Bufan's name, but Zhou Peng.

After hearing this, Gui Tong frowned slightly. He didn't expect Saint Chanyi to ask him to help Zhou Peng.

Does Saint Chanyi know Zhou Peng?

Of course, Gui Tong didn't dare to ask more.

Now he listens to whatever Saint Chanyi says.

"I know what you little bad guys want to do."

"Now I want you to betray your Rakshasa group, and then secretly help Zhou Peng and the others."

"As a deal, I upgraded your mother to the seventh energy level."

"Although she already has a personality, her body is still that of a puppet. Because her puppet core can only withstand the power of the seventh energy level at most. So I can only upgrade it to this state for the time being. But facing that ghost face Shura, don’t be afraid.”

Meng Chanyi's words made the ghost boy ecstatic.

He never expected that Saintess Chanyi would not only resurrect his "mother", but also give her a personality. Not only did it give her a personality, but it also raised her puppet's core strength to the seventh energy level, the highest level.

It was simply unbelievable that such a huge good thing would happen to his ghost boy.

"Now I ask you, do you agree or not?"

Meng Chanyi asked.

The ghost boy nodded without hesitation.

"I promise, of course I promise."

This kind of thing is what everyone wants.

The ghost boy felt that he was now the luckiest person in the world.

He did not expect that he would be favored by the gods.

"Well, this is the deal between us. Your mission is to protect Zhou Peng and the man beside him."

"Until they leave Kaitian City."

"Okay, go ahead! Those little villains from the Rakshasa group are probably going to take action too!"

"Remember our deal. If you break the agreement, I will take back everything you have now."

After Meng Chanyi finished speaking, she disappeared from the spot.

The ghost boy looked at the disappearing Meng Chanyi and said nothing. He knelt down again and took a heavy sip.

Meng Chanyi did this just to protect Zhuo Bufan.

The opponent Zhuo Bufan will face next is something they cannot fight against.

Although Meng Chanyi couldn't directly help Zhuo Bufan, she could borrow other people to help him.

And Ghost Boy is undoubtedly the best choice.

After all, Meng Chanyi still couldn't watch Zhuo Bufan die.

I couldn't help him in my previous life, so I must protect him well in this life.

Meng Chanyi is willing to be the woman who silently protects Zhuo Bufan.

After Saintess Chanyi left, the ghost boy stood up again with the help of his mother.

"Mom, let's go back!"

"We will go home after completing the mission of the Saint in Chan Yi!"

The ghost boy's wish finally came true, and he resurrected his mother.

After hearing this, the mother beside her stretched out her hand to touch the ghost boy's head, and then nodded slightly.

"Okay, let's go back."

Later, the ghost boy took his mother back to Kaitian City.

After returning to Kaitian City, Ghost Boy did not go directly to find Zhuo Bufan and the others.

Instead, he returned to the Rakshasa group.

As soon as he returned to the hotel, he met Feng Laomo and the others who were eating.

Feng Laomo also saw the ghost boy and shouted.

"Kid, where have you been?"

After hearing this, the ghost boy replied.

"If you feel bad, go for a walk."

At this time, the masked ghost-faced Shura snorted coldly.

"Let's take a walk? Could it be that you went to find those two people?"

"If I go, can I come back?"

The ghost boy snorted coldly.

"I've thought it through. One thing is what it takes, but after this vote, I will leave the Rakshasa group."

After the ghost boy finished speaking, he took his mother and sat down.

No one noticed that his mother had acquired a personality.

She just followed the ghost boy silently as usual, without saying a word or a word.

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