Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1120 Murderous Intention

Zhou Peng didn't go to Panhuang Academy these two days because he had to reshape Nana's body.

However, Zhuo Bufan left Zhuoyue with Zhou Peng, so even if he faced any danger, Zhuoyue could help him.

They knew very well that Feng Lao Mo and his men had already chased them to Kaitian City, and there would definitely be a fierce battle next.

They were ready for the battle, which was why Zhou Peng was so anxious to revive Nana.

They needed Nana's power for the next battle.

Of course, they didn't know that someone in the Rakshasa group had already started to turn against them.


"Ghost boy, you were not here yesterday, now I will tell you the plan we discussed yesterday."

Feng Lao Mo didn't suspect that there was anything wrong with the ghost boy, he just thought that the little ghost was just having a childish temper.

"According to our plan, we will do it tonight."

"It's midnight. When they go to bed, they will be defenseless. It's the best time for us to do it."

"We will stay in the hotel where they are later. In the evening, you and Zhen Xu will guard the back of the hotel to prevent them from escaping."

"Yu Luosha will guard the front door, and I and Ghost Face Shura will be responsible for assassinating them."

"This is the specific plan. There is one more thing I need to tell you. Ghost Face Shura has the command power. You must obey his command. Do you understand?"

Feng Lao Mo told the ghost boy.

After listening, the ghost boy didn't say much, just nodded.

Now he doesn't need to obey anyone's command. He only needs to complete the task assigned by the Chanyi Saint.

Soon, night fell--

After class, Zhuo Bufan rushed back to the hotel as soon as possible, and then met up with Zhou Peng and others.

"What's going on? Have they taken any action?"

After rushing back to the hotel, Zhuo Bufan asked Zhou Peng.

Zhou Peng shook his head. He had been adjusting Nana's new body all day today.

Fortunately, when he left Jiangmi City, he moved his entire home away.

In his suitcase, there was his entire home.

Among them was the spare body that Zhou Peng had prepared for Nana.

After Nana got the body, she was still a little uncomfortable, so Zhou Peng spent the whole day adjusting it.

And Nana kept saying sorry all day.

If she hadn't been easily fooled by the ghost boy, she wouldn't have made herself so embarrassed.

Of course, Zhou Peng didn't blame Nana.

He knew very well that Nana was now more like a child in her teens, and her mind was not mature enough.

He knew that the Bu Tian Stone could give the puppet personality.

So Zhou Peng spent all his energy to get a piece of Bu Tian Stone.

Relying on the Bu Tian Stone, he let Nana get personality.

It's just that because the power of the Bu Tian Stone is not enough, the mind is not mature.

Zhou Peng will not blame Nana for this matter.

"I suspect they will take action tonight. After all, in two days, we will go to take the entrance examination of Panhuang College."

"They will definitely take action in the next two days, so we'd better take turns to rest at night."

Zhuo Bufan suggested.

Zhou Peng had no objection to this.

"You are right, I will listen to you on this matter."

"Well, you have been busy all day today, so take a rest first! I will guard the first half of the night."

Zhuo Bufan guessed that tonight was an uneasy night, so he suggested taking turns to rest.

Zhou Peng did not say anything polite to Zhuo Bufan. He was indeed busy all day today and was a little tired.

Zhuo Bufan brought Zhuo Yue to the living room, waiting for the night to fall.

Sitting in the living room, Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes silently, and then felt the Wahuang Love Seal in his soul.

He had not talked to his two wives in the Yin and Yang world for a long time.

When Zhuo Bufan's mind connected to the Wahuang Love Seal, Bai Su and Xuan Su rushed to talk to him.

Bai Su: "Husband, have you been okay recently? Have you eaten well and slept well? Have you encountered any difficulties or dangers?"

Xuan Su: "Husband, my sister and I miss you so much. We can't wait to go to Daluotian to find you. We miss you so much!"

Facing the deep love for his wife, Zhuo Bufan was also very uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, I'm fine! I have slowly adapted to this new world."

"Is everything okay at home? How are the three children?"

In order not to worry Bai Su and Xuan Su, Zhuo Bufan had to report good news instead of bad news.

Xuan Su replied: "Husband, don't worry, everything is fine at home."

Bai Su replied: "The three children are also fine. Zifan is now a little god king, and he has officially become a disciple of Emperor Xuan and is practicing with his grandfather. Zi Nian is also practicing with her master Qingdi. Yaya is still with us, but she has completely recovered her mind and become the Nine Heavens Mysterious Woman."

Hearing the situation at home, Zhuo Bufan felt very warm in his heart.

Although he didn't have a smooth life in Daluotian, as long as his family was safe, he was not afraid of the wind and rain outside.

Next, Zhuo Bufan told Bai Su and the others what he had seen and heard in the past year.

He shared everything with Bai Su and the others about the people he had met, the things he had seen, the friends he had made, and the knowledge he had learned.

The purpose of doing this was to reassure his family members who were far away in the Yin and Yang world.

"Madam, it's getting late, you should go to bed early!"

"I will take the exam of Panhuang Academy in two days, wish me success."

There might be a big battle next, so Zhuo Bufan didn't plan to continue chatting with Bai Su and the others, lest they worry.

Bai Su: "Husband, you must be fine."

Xuan Su: "Yes, husband, this Panhuang exam is not a problem for you."

"Thank you madam, I will do my best."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he disconnected from Emperor Wa's love seal.

Then he slowly opened his eyes, with a happy smile on his face.

"Brother, you laughed!"

Zhuo Zhuo on the side couldn't help but ask after seeing Zhuo Bufan's smile.

Zhuo Bufan heard this and replied.

"I just met your two sisters-in-law."

"Sister-in-law? What is that?" Zhuo Zhuo asked in confusion.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled and replied.

"These are the two women I love most, do you understand?"

"Just like your second brother loves your second sister-in-law."

Zhiqiang still nodded vaguely understanding.

"Then where are sister-in-law and the others?"

"They, they are in a distant and peaceful world. That world is very beautiful..."

Next, Zhuo Bufan told Zhuo Zhuo some things about the Yin and Yang world.

For Zhuo Bufan, the only thing he can rely on in Daluotian is excellence.

In fact, Zhuo Feifan is another Zhuo Feifan, equivalent to his clone.

Zhuo Bufan did not treat Zhuo Fei as a puppet.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know that his words reached Meng Chanyi's ears hundreds of miles away.


"So, do you already have someone you love?"

Meng Chanyi was slightly disappointed. After all, she had been waiting for the man in her heart for a million years.

But now, he finally waited for that person to be reborn, but he had a wife.

In fact, Meng Chanyi had already been mentally prepared for this.

After all, the current Zhuo Bufan doesn't even have the memory of Ji Xuanhao, let alone Luo Tian's memory.

Therefore, he did not remember Meng Chanyi at all.

Although Meng Chanyi had long been mentally prepared that Zhuo Bufan might have a lover, when she really knew the news, she still felt a little uncomfortable inside.

She has not practiced Taishang Qingqing Gong, and she will never forget that man.

"As long as you live well in this life, that's enough."

Meng Chanyi doesn't dwell too much on Zhuo Bufan's past. For her, as long as Zhuo Bufan can live, that's fine.

She didn't want to see Zhuo Bufan enter reincarnation again.

Zhuo Bufan still doesn't know that he still has a love that is difficult to let go of in this world.

Bai Su is his lover in this life, and Xuan Su is his lover in his previous life, Ji Xuanhao. As for Meng Chanyi, she is his lover in his first life.

Three lives, three women, Zhuo Bufan is destined to be unable to escape this fate.

In the middle of the night, the moon is in the sky!

Feng Laomo and the others finally took action.

Zhuo Bufan and the others saw a figure shaking outside the door, so they immediately said to Zhuo Zhuo.

"Zhuo Zhuo, go wake up your second brother and the others and get ready to fight."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that the people in the Rakshasa group were actually preparing to take action tonight.

There were ghosts and shadows outside the door, and Zhuo Bufan vaguely felt great pressure.

"come yet?"

Zhou Peng rushed out with Nana and saw the movement outside the door.

At this time, their door suddenly opened with a creak, and for a moment there was a strong wind and a dark wind.

They took a closer look and saw two towering figures outside the door.

"Hey hey hey! I didn't expect the little devils to be so alert and stay up so late at night!"

A familiar sinister laughter came from one of them. Zhuo Bufan and the others followed the sound and saw the bad old man with yellow teeth.

"Feng Laomo, you guys still dare to come here. Didn't you learn a lesson last time?"

Zhou Peng looked at Feng Laomo and began to gather energy in his hands, preparing to fight.

After hearing this, Feng Laomo snorted coldly.

"Little bastard, grandpa will make you look good later."

"Tell them nonsense, kill them."

The ghost-faced Shura on the side didn't want to waste time. As soon as he finished speaking, a sharp murderous intention suddenly struck towards Zhuo Bufan's head.

"Brother, be careful!"

Zhuo Zhuo felt the murderous intent of the other party at the first moment, and he pushed Zhuo Bufan away.

At the same time, he grabbed it out of the air with his other hand, and as a result, a large decapitation knife like a death sickle slowly appeared in the air.

Looking along the beheading sword, I saw a puppet wearing a cloak, hat and mask, who did not know when he appeared in the room.

This puppet is none other than Ghost Faced Shura's puppet, the Killing Ghost!

The Slayer has an invisibility seal on his body, so he can attack while invisible.

Fortunately, the excellent ten-aperture exquisite telepathic power far exceeds that of ordinary puppets.

So he immediately grabbed the opponent's beheading sword.

"Slayer, I'll leave it to you."

After Ghost Face Shura finished speaking, he killed Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng in the room with a bang.

Facing the crazy attack of Ghost Faced Shura, Zhuo Bufan naturally had no ability to fight back.

Fortunately, Zhou Peng had the cultivation level of Tianyuan Realm. He stood up and took the initiative to fight Ghost Faced Shura.

"Nana, protect Zhuo Bufan."

When Zhou Peng challenged Ghost Face Shura, he did not forget Zhuo Bufan who needed protection.

Zhuo Bufan has the lowest cultivation level among them. His cultivation level in the Human Yuan realm means he has no resistance in this battle.

You should know that there is another Feng Lao Mo on the opposite side.

And Feng Lao Mo's puppet is still unknown.

"Then I will come to kill this little ghost."

Feng Lao Mo is also a Tianyuan realm cultivator. Seeing Zhuo Bufan alone, he directly killed Zhuo Bufan.

However, with Nana blocking in front, he did not succeed in the first time.

And Zhuo Bufan was not idle either. He used the vitality in his body to the utmost, using suction palm and repulsion palm, and helping Zhou Peng and Nana with sharp needles.

The battle between the two sides soon entered a white-hot stage.


On the other side, Gui Tong and Zhen Xu, who were waiting in the backyard, were responsible for intercepting Zhuo Bufan and his friends who were about to escape.

But it was obvious that Zhuo Bufan and his friends could not escape.

"It seems that we can rest easy tonight. They obviously can't escape."

"With Feng Lao and Ghost Face Shura, I think we can easily kill them both."

Zhen Xu, that is, he is a demon man.

When he challenged Zhuo Bufan before, his puppet was crushed by Zhuo Yue.

Now his puppet is still being repaired, so he actually has no fighting power.

This is why Feng Lao Mo arranged him to wait in the backyard.

"Ghost boy, you are too childish. You see, we can get 10% of the profit without doing anything, you should be happy."

"Where did you go yesterday? Didn't your puppet hold you and hide and cry?"

This Zhen Xu has been laughing at the ghost boy.

And just as he was chattering, suddenly a sharp knife pierced from his back, directly piercing his heart and chest.


Zhen Xu looked at the blade on his chest with a confused face, and then slowly turned around and looked at the ghost boy behind him.

"Little ghost, you, you..."

Zhen Xu fell to the ground before he finished speaking.

He couldn't figure out why the ghost boy wanted to kill him until his death.

The ghost boy looked at Zhen Xu lying in a pool of blood with a slightly cold look.

"It's time to end things with you."

Ghost Boy decided to leave the Rakshasa Group. He knew very well that the people in the Rakshasa Group would not let the betrayers go.

Someone had defected from the Rakshasa Group before, but was hunted down and killed by the people in the Rakshasa Group. Even his family was not spared, and his entire family was implicated.

Since Ghost Boy planned to leave the Rakshasa Group, he would not let the Rakshasa Group disturb his life again.

So, he decided to make the entire Rakshasa Group disappear completely from this world.

After killing Zhen Xu, Ghost Boy looked up at the people fighting in the hotel.

"It's time to help them."

Ghost Boy did not forget the mission of the Chanyi Saint. If he could not guarantee the safety of Zhou Peng and the others, then everything he had now would be taken back by the Chanyi Saint.

In his heart, the Chanyi Saint was like a god.

So he would complete the Chanyi Saint's orders at all costs.

"Mom, it's our turn!"

"Let's go!"

Ghost Boy rushed into the hotel with his "mom" beside him.

When he arrived at the battlefield, he went straight to the Ghost Face Shura without saying anything.

The thunder whip in his hand suddenly wrapped around the Ghost Face Shura's hand, and then directly pulled him out.

"Ghost boy? What are you doing?"

Feng Lao Mo obviously didn't react.

At this time, he only heard the ghost boy say to the puppet beside him.

"Mom, do it!"

As soon as the voice fell, his puppet "Mom" went towards the Ghost Face Shura's puppet Killing Ghost General.


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