Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1151 Declaration of Freedom

Hai Dynasty, inside the palace!

The emperor was furious because of the birth of the election law.


The golden and translucent jade glass lamp was smashed into powder by him.

The furious emperor wanted to blow up the entire palace.

"Asshole, asshole, asshole!"

The emperor didn't know who he was yelling at, but he was so unhappy. He wanted to kill a few people to vent his anger.

However, the emperor was the emperor after all, and he soon calmed down.

The calm emperor made the hall extremely quiet. The servants standing in the hall were sweating profusely.

Such an emperor was even more terrifying, because the whole hall was full of murderous aura.

"Go and call the prime minister and others to me."

After the emperor only knew left and right, he lay on the dragon chair.

Not long after, Prime Minister Jin Ziweng came to the hall with a group of old ministers.

"Your Majesty!"

"No need to be polite, old man. Tell me what you plan to do next."

The emperor trusted Jin Ziweng very much and knew that once the election law was promulgated, Jin Ziweng would certainly try his best to help him with ideas.

After hearing this, Jin Ziweng kowtowed.

"Your Majesty, I think this is also an opportunity for us."

After hearing this, the emperor frowned slightly.

"Opportunity? What do you mean?"

"Your Majesty, in fact, we now know very well that the so-called battle for the throne is actually a battle between Nishen and that Master Zhuo."

"Obviously, this battle is also very important to Nishen. Nishen naturally does not want you to lose to that traitor."

"So, I suggest that we do the opposite and seek help from Nishen. It is obvious that Nishen will not ignore you, Your Majesty."

The prime minister's words made the emperor's eyes brighten and he understood a little more.

For a long time, the emperor had only resentment towards Nishen and never thought of asking for help from Ni Cangqiong.

But Jin Ziweng's words suddenly made him understand.

Ni Cang Qiong used him to attack the man surnamed Zhuo, so why can't he use Ni Cang Qiong in turn to attack Hai Xiaoyun?

At the beginning, it was a relationship of mutual use.

"Keep talking!"

The emperor became interested.

Prime Minister Jin Ziweng continued.

"Your Majesty should be very clear that Ni Shen has countless believers among the people. If we run for the throne in the name of Ni Shen, I believe the votes we get will be unimaginable."

Jin Ziweng's words made the emperor happy again, and he even clapped his hands in admiration.

"Yes, if we run in the name of Ni Shen, we can say that I represent Ni Shen and am the spokesperson of Ni Shen. Then, wouldn't those believers of Ni Shen be..."

The emperor seemed to have found a way to accomplish things.

"This is a good idea, very good. Old man, you go down and do it now. The national tour will be handed over to you. I am the spokesperson of Ni Shen, so you are my spokesperson, do you understand?"

The emperor is the emperor after all, and it is absolutely impossible for him to go on stage to give a speech and canvass for votes.

How could the emperor be like those mountain bandits?

Prime Minister Jin Ziweng did not object to this, because in his opinion, the emperor should sit in the palace and make plans.

The matter of canvassing votes should be left to these ministers.

"By the way, old man, you go and mobilize the city lords of these 100 cities and order them to let their people vote for me at all costs. Otherwise, I will kill them without mercy."

The emperor obviously had to make two preparations.

One hand is soft means, the other hand is hard means. Only by using both soft and hard means can things be accomplished.

The prime minister deeply agreed with this.

Not only do they have to win, but they also have to win thoroughly and make Hai Xiaoyun lose miserably.


On this side, the emperor has to use an iron fist to forcefully influence the votes.

On the other side, the Purple-Robed Marquis Hai Xiaoyun's tour began.

His first stop is Lingbo City, the most important central city on the coast of the East China Sea!

Lingbo City is known as one of the eight holy cities of the Sea Dynasty. It ranks first in terms of economic and political status.

As the largest Guocheng on the coast of the East China Sea, it has a population of nearly five million.

So Hai Xiaoyun is very interested in the speech for the first battle.

And the speech for the first stop was actually provided by Zhuo Bufan, called "Declaration of Freedom".

This "Declaration of Freedom" was adapted by Zhuo Bufan based on "I Have a Dream" by a great man on Earth, and the theme is to liberate slaves.

Zhuo Bufan has not been idle during this period. He has been investigating the current stubborn problems of the Sea Dynasty.

He found that even though this empire is so powerful, there are still many corrupt problems.

For example, human rights, such as slaves.

Slaves exist in any society.

After all, slaves symbolize rule, free labor, and also a potential class contradiction.

To this day, the Sea Dynasty still has slavery, not just the Sea Dynasty, but the whole world has such a system.

Labor slaves, servants, female slaves, etc.!

This empire even has many slave markets that specialize in selling slaves.

There are several slave markets in Lingbo City.

After investigating these, Zhuo Bufan decided to write such a "Declaration of Freedom" as a speech for Hai Xiaoyun's first stop.

"Declaration of Freedom" is adapted from a great work - "I Have a Dream".

This speech has strong appeal. Zhuo Bufan believes that it will be Hai Xiaoyun's first stop and attract a lot of votes.

Hai Xiaoyun seemed a little shocked after seeing the first speech given by Zhuo Bufan.

He did not expect that Zhuo Bufan would ask him to liberate the slaves of this empire. What a bold idea this was.

You must know that slavery is deeply rooted in this empire, and it cannot be abolished by just talking.

This speech was not even approved by his think tanks.

However, when Hai Xiaoyun calmed down, he realized the significance of what Zhuo Bufan wanted him to do.

That is a mission and an honor.

If Hai Xiaoyun can really liberate the slaves of this empire, maybe he will become the greatest emperor in the history of the Hai Dynasty.

So, in the end, Hai Xiaoyun agreed to Zhuo Bufan's speech.

The magma at his first stop in Lingbo City was this "Declaration of Freedom."

On this day, it was raining continuously in Lingbo City.

But the central square in the center of the city was crowded with people.

Today is a great day, a day that will be recorded in history, so everyone wants to witness it.

When Hai Xiaoyun came to the stage wearing the iconic purple clothes, everyone in the room was excited.

In order to prevent Hai Xiaoyun from being assassinated, Zhuo Bufan personally went to the scene to act as his bodyguard.

Now that the gambling game has begun, Zhuo Bufan cannot let anything happen to his chess pieces.

“I am pleased to join you today in what will become the greatest rally for freedom in the history of our maritime dynasty.”

At the beginning of the speech, Hai Xiaoyun used his repeatedly rehearsed tone and movements, and began to shout affectionately again and again.

After each sentence, he would deliberately pause for a few seconds, and then the audience would burst into thunderous applause involuntarily.

Of course, the person who took the lead in applauding must be Hai Xiaoyun.

And these people were deliberately joined by Hai Xiaoyun at Zhuo Bufan's request.

Since we are soliciting votes, we must do whatever it takes to infect the people who hold the votes in their hands.

Zhuo Bufan stood aside and looked at Hai Xiaoyun who was giving a speech.

He was very satisfied with Hai Xiaoyun's speech.

When the speech ended, the audience burst into roars again.

The speech at this first stop was very successful.

Hai Xiaoyun successfully gained the approval of most people in Lingbo City. After the speech was over, the content of his speech quickly spread throughout the streets.

"Free the slaves, Marquis Zi Yi really dares to say that. You have to know that slavery is not only in our empire, but also in the entire world. It is a deep-rooted system. How can it be changed so easily?"

"Having said that, Zi Yihou's words are obviously meant for the slaves! After all, he is soliciting votes now. Zi Yihou seems to be planning to get the votes of the slaves."

"Yes, there are at least two to three hundred million slaves in our Hai Dynasty. If all these slaves vote for his paintings, then his victory will be even greater."

"So, the Ziyihou's move is really powerful. He only gave the slaves a promise, but he was able to get away with nothing. In any case, he has aroused the enthusiasm of the slaves."

"It seems that Zi Yihou is very confident this time. He has firmly controlled the votes of the slave class in his own hands."

"But in this case, the nobles will definitely vote against him! After all, the nobles will not allow him to abolish slavery."

"There is no way. Since he has chosen slaves, he must give up being a nobleman. Only when you give up can you gain, and it is impossible for him to get all the votes."

"Now let's see if there is any movement on the emperor's side."

People all over the world paid great attention to Hai Xiaoyun's first speech.

His idea of ​​abolishing slavery was dangerous, but it won the support of a large number of slaves.

According to regulations, slaves also have the right to vote, so Hai Xiaoyun took the initiative and firmly grasped the votes of the slaves.

As soon as Hai Xiaoyun's speech here ended, the emperor on the other side began to formulate Hai Xiaoyun's "Declaration of Freedom" and start to come up with countermeasures.

Above the main hall, the emperor looked at Hai Xiaoyun's "Declaration of Freedom", then threw the scroll on the main hall, and finally laughed.

"Hahaha, it's so ridiculous, so ridiculous!"

"I thought Hai Xiaoyun was up to something, but I didn't expect that this guy actually planned to liberate the slaves. Idiot, hopeless idiot. Slavery has existed since the ancestor Hai Long's time, and has been deeply rooted in the development and rule of the empire. . With just two or three words from Hai Xiaoyun, it’s like abolishing slavery, which is simply a dream of the Spring and Autumn Period.”

Haitu smiled. In his opinion, Hai Xiaoyun's "Declaration of Freedom" was tantamount to seeking death.

In the end, not only may they not get the support of the slaves, but they may also be resented by the nobles.

After all, slaves are still in the hands of these nobles.

As long as these masters tell them not to choose Hai Xiaoyun, how dare these slaves vote for Hai Xiaoyun.

Perhaps, deep down in their hearts, the slaves want to vote for Hai Xiaoyun, but the servility of these slaves is already deep-rooted, and they must obey their master's orders.

Therefore, Hai Xiaoyun's first lecture was an absolute failure in the emperor's opinion.

"Prime Minister, it's our turn to fight back. Are you ready?"

The emperor looked at Prime Minister Jin Ziweng, who nodded in response.

"Your Majesty, we are all ready. I believe that the public has now learned that Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven, the spokesperson of Nishen Ni Cangqiong."

Prime Minister, according to the emperor's instructions, you are ready to use the reputation of Ni Cangqiong and the name of the Son of Heaven appointed by Nishen to spread this news to the public.

In less than a day, this news has spread throughout the streets and alleys of Haomiao City.

People in the public began to discuss this news.

"Well done, old man, I will leave it to you next."

As the emperor's most trusted person, the prime minister naturally accepted the most important mission.

And the emperor believed that only the prime minister could represent him to give a speech.

As expected, the next morning, on the central square of the imperial capital Haomiao City, the prime minister, on behalf of the emperor, delivered a speech entitled "The Son of Heaven's Declaration".

This declaration was very simple and crude, and it directly stated that the emperor was the spokesperson of the Nishen and the emperor selected by Ni Cangqiong.

With this sentence, the believers of Nishen were boiling.

In the eyes of many people, Ni Cangqiong was a god-like existence, and they worshiped it as a belief.

The believers were crazy, and they were willing to do anything for their servants.

Since the emperor was the emperor appointed by Nishen, these believers were willing to fully support and support the emperor.

Therefore, the emperor's side could be said to have completely mastered the believers of Nishen at once.

Interestingly, among these believers of Ni Cangqiong, almost all of them were slaves.

Because for slaves, Nishen like Ni Cangqiong represented the rebellion they did not have, so the slaves all believed in Ni Cangqiong and hoped to have the rebel spirit like Ni Cangqiong.

However, they did not have such courage, so they worshipped and believed in Ni Cang Qiong even more. They completely deified Ni Cang Qiong and waited for Ni Cang Qiong to come and save them one day.

Now, the slaves learned that the person supported by Ni Cang Qiong was the emperor.

At this moment, the slaves were at a loss.

On the one hand, they supported Zi Yi Hou and believed that Zi Yi Hou could completely abolish slavery.

But on the other hand, their inner faith told them that they should believe in Ni Cang Qiong. Only Ni Cang Qiong could bring them the future.

So now the slaves have begun to be confused and don't know who to choose.

It can be said that the emperor's counterattack hit Hai Xiaoyun's dead spot beautifully.

This was a beautiful counterattack, which put Hai Xiaoyun, who had just completed the Declaration of Freedom, into a passive position.

However, the contest between the two sides has just begun.

Although Hai Xiaoyun and Hai Tu looked down on each other, they dared not slack off against their opponent.

After all, this battle was about the future of this empire.

Similarly, this was still a war between Ni Cang Qiong and Zhuo Bufan.

The real fight for the throne has officially begun.

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