Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1152 Return to the Gate of Reception

The emperor's counterattack in the name of Nishi really caught Hai Xiaoyun off guard.

Ni Shen Ni Qiang has too many followers among the people, and most of them are slaves.

In this way, the slave votes that Hai Xiaoyun pulled earlier may bounce.

At this moment, in a chamber of commerce in Lingbo City.

Hai Xiaoyun and his men fell into silence for a while because of the emperor's counterattack.

"Did you miscalculate? I didn't expect that the emperor would actually go against the gods in the name. If this happens, all the slave votes we won earlier will be in a wait-and-see mode."

Hai Xiaoyun frowned.

At this time, a short, fat man wearing a long gray coat said.

"Lord, I have said long ago that the votes of slaves should not be sought."

"Slaves are now almost in the hands of their owners. They will choose whoever their owners tell them to choose. This is because the servility of slaves is deeply rooted in their souls. Therefore, any attempt to think It is almost impossible for them to become the masters.”

Obviously, Hai Xiaoyun's team is not completely working together.

This fat man opposed Hai Xiaoyun's speech "Declaration of Freedom" from the beginning.

At this time, Li Yun, the man in white on the side, sneered after hearing this.

"Leihong, you are worried that after the Lord abolishes slavery, many of your chambers of commerce will be affected! After all, you started by selling slaves."

Li Yun's words were like a fuse, instantly detonating the atmosphere present.

After hearing this, the fat man named Lei Hong looked at Li Yun angrily and roared with a ferocious expression.

"Li Yun, I'm warning you, don't talk nonsense. My, Lao Lei's loyalty to the Lord can be learned from heaven and earth. Stop stirring up trouble on the sidelines, you guy."

When Li Yun heard this, he hummed.

"Spreading trouble? Who is making trouble? You are loyal to the world. Since you are loyal, you should support the Lord unconditionally."

"I am ready to abolish any commercial channels related to slaves in my name. Do you dare?"

Lei Hong was irritated, looked at Li Yun viciously, and then yelled.

"You are just pretending to be here, you are just a salt buyer, what kind of slave do you have?"

"Who says there isn't? The slave workers in my mine are all slaves."

Because of this incident, Li Yun and Lei Hong had a huge quarrel, which made Hai Xiaoyun's head get very upset.

"Okay! Why are you arguing? You two are my God of Wealth. What's the point of arguing like this?"

"Our battle has just begun, are you planning to admit defeat?"

"The emperor, in the name of rebelling against the gods, has indeed disrupted our plans. But we cannot mess up our own situation."

"Sit still and discuss countermeasures."

Facing Hai Xiaoyun's thunderous wrath, Li Yun and Lei Hong finally gave up.

Indeed, as Hai Xiaoyun's God of Wealth, the two of them are indispensable logistical support for Hai Xiaoyun's campaign.

Therefore, Hai Xiaoyun must consider the feelings of the two of them.

Just after the scene calmed down again, an old man holding a cane on the side said slowly.

"I think it is not wrong for the Lord to do this. Although the slavery system has existed in our empire for two hundred thousand years and is deeply rooted. But it is precisely because of this that we should change."

"Just think about it, in the past 200,000 years, the Lord has never done anything that was thought to have been done by the Emperor. So you can imagine the great achievements of the Lord!"

"If the Lord can really free the slaves, then the Lord will become the greatest emperor since Taizu."

The old man's words made everyone present shine.

After hearing this, Lei Hong looked at the old man and said.

"Pu Lao, what you said is correct. If the Lord can really liberate the slaves, then the Lord's achievements can be said to be as boundless as the ocean, and their utilitarian benefits will last forever."

"But we all know very well that slavery has existed for 200,000 years, and emancipation does not mean that it can be liberated."

"There are too many interests involved."

"Especially the nobles, they enjoy the life of being served by slaves, and they can't live without slaves. So they are absolutely opposed to the Lord's proposal."

"The Lord chooses to liberate the slaves, which means that the Lord has given up the power of the nobles. He has given up more votes. I think it is not worth the gain."

What Lei Hong said after calming down woke everyone up.

Everyone felt that what he said made sense.

"But now that the matter has come to this, we are on the verge of breaking out and have to take action."

"I think that the Lord has no choice now and must go all the way to darkness."

Pu Lao also agreed with Lei Hong, so the only way for them to win now is to continue on this path.

After hearing this, Hai Xiaoyun nodded helplessly.

"There is no other way. Let's go to Master Zhuo first and listen to his opinions."

"Father, please help me prepare the next speech. Just follow your wishes, and we will go to the dark side."

Hai Xiaoyun agreed to Pu Lao's proposal.

After the meeting, he left his residence and came to the hotel where Yu Zhuo Bufan was staying.

"Brother Zhuo, the above-mentioned countermeasures discussed by the retainers, I wonder if Brother Zhuo has any instructions for the next step?"

After seeing Zhuo Bufan, Hai Xiaoyun told Zhuo Bufan exactly the results of their discussion.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled.

"Let me ask you, do you really want to free the slaves?"

Zhuo Bufan's words made Hai Xiaoyun stunned and stayed in place.

After a while, he answered.

"To be honest, before this, I really had no idea of ​​rescuing the slaves. After all, as a Marquis of Ziyi, I have enjoyed the service brought by slaves since I was a child. It can be said that once there are no slaves, this empire will probably into chaos."

"But now, I'm on the verge of making a decision. Now that I've made this decision, I can only keep going."

After hearing Hai Xiaoyun's reply, Zhuo Bufan slowly shook his head.

"This is not the answer I want to hear. Hai Xiaoyun, if you are not really determined to rescue the slaves, do you think the slaves will believe what you say?"

"Do you think they will believe you or Nitianqiong?"

"On the one hand, you have your own beliefs, and on the other hand, you are the duplicitous nobles. Even if you let me choose, I will not believe you. So why should I vote for you?"

"Do you know why I made an agreement with Niqiang from the beginning that everyone has the right to vote, including slaves? Because in my eyes, slaves are also human beings and have their own due rights."

"Do you know why I asked you to give your first speech a declaration of freedom for the emancipation of slaves? Because I believe that the future of this empire should not be based on raising slaves. This is rotten and dirty."

"So I'm sorry Hai Xiaoyun, I can't help you with this matter. You can only make your own decision."

"Next, I will be away for a while, and you can only walk the next road by yourself."

When Zhuo Bufan said he was leaving, Hai Xiaoyun became nervous.

"Brother Zhuo, do you want to leave?"

"Yes, it may take three to five months. But don't worry, I will come back and witness your enthronement with my own eyes."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you this question. Anyway, after I leave, I hope you can continue to walk according to your sincerity."

"Before I leave, let me give you a piece of advice! If you want to rescue the slaves, then you must first become a hero in their eyes."

"Take away the slave market and walk away. Slaves are not just servile, they also have faith."

"Before I leave, I will leave my brother Zhuo Zhuo as your personal guard. He can ensure your safety."

Zhuo Bufan obviously had already made arrangements, and he had already decided to leave before Hai Xiaoyun arrived.

And when he leaves this time, he won't take Zhuo Zhuo with him. Zhuo Zhuo needs to stay with Hai Xiaoyun to protect his safety.

Hai Xiaoyun knew that Zhuo Bufan wanted to leave, so he couldn't stop him.

After all, Zhuo Bufan is a powerful person in the Yuanshen realm. Such a being can run rampant in the world, unfettered and unstoppable.

"Xiao Yue, just stay with him and protect his safety. Remember, his safety is very important to me, brother. When you encounter an invincible enemy, go find Zhou Peng. I have already contacted him. I believe it won't be long. He will rush to the Sea Dynasty and help you."

If Zhuo Bufan wanted to leave, he would naturally be worried about Zhuo Zhuo, so he contacted Zhou Peng early.

When Zhou Peng learned that Zhuo Bufan and the others were in Hai Dynasty, he got up and rushed over immediately.

"Hai Xiaoyun, I have informed my friend Zhou Peng, and he will also come to help you. Since you have no choice now, just follow this path and continue on!"

"Become a hero to the slaves and become their new religion."

Zhuo Bufan's words deeply touched Hai Xiaoyun's soul.

After a moment of silence, Hai Xiaoyun nodded.

"I understand, Brother Zhuo! Do you need me to give you a ride?"

"No, don't let anyone know that I have left. It's best to keep this matter a secret."

Zhuo Bufan obviously didn't want anyone to know about his departure.

"Brother Zhuo, don't worry. When you come back, I will definitely become the new emperor of the Hai Dynasty."

At this moment, Hai Xiaoyun also felt inexplicably confident.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he looked at Xiao Yue and said.

"Xiao Yue, after I leave, you must ensure his safety. If there is any situation, report to me in time."

After hearing this, Zhuo Zhuo nodded and said: "Brother, don't worry, I will definitely complete the task you gave me. Also please be careful, brother, this trip is dangerous, please be careful."

Zhuo Bufan patted Zhuo Zhuo on the shoulder, and then disappeared into the room with a hiss.

Zhuo Bufan just left. Hai Xiaoyun and Zhuo Zhuo who were present all stared blankly.

"Your brother, where are you going?"

Looking at the ceiling of the room, Hai Xiaoyun couldn't help but ask.

Zhuo Zhuo shook his head and replied.

"I said I wanted to resolve a personal grudge, but the eldest brother didn't say what it was."

"Forget it, Brother Zhuo is an expert in this world, and what he does must be more important than the battle for the throne."

"Then Brother Zhuo Zhibo, I will trouble you next."

Hai Xiaoyun looked at Zhuo Zhuo and said.

He always felt weird about excellence. It was obvious that Zhuo Zhi was just a puppet, but he felt the breath of human beings in Zhuo Zhi.

Strangely enough, he felt that Zhuo Fei was easy to get along with, even easier than Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Zhuo replied.

"Please rest assured, Marquis Ziyi, Zhuo Zhuo will definitely protect your safety. This is also the task that my brother has given me."

After listening to Zhuoyue's painting, Ziyi Hou Hai Xiaoyun was relieved.

"With Zhuoyue's protection, I am naturally completely relieved. Then Zhuoyue, please follow me back to Yiyuan first! I heard that Master Zhou Peng has also arrived. With your help, my confidence has increased greatly."

Hai Xiaoyun had studied at Panhuang Academy in Kaitian City before, so he was quite familiar with Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng.

Although Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng both became Xuanyi disciples, Ziyi Hou was also their senior.

So, Hai Xiaoyun waited for Zhou Peng's arrival and then began to fight back with all his strength.

Before that, he had decided that he would rescue all the slaves of the Hai Dynasty and he would be the savior in the eyes of the slaves.


On the other hand, after leaving the Hai Dynasty, Zhuo Bufan set off for the Wahuang Territory.

He didn't want to waste time. During the months when Hai Xiaoyun was running for election, Zhuo Bufan planned to go to Jieying Gate to settle the previous grievances.

Originally, the plan was to get the Heaven Seal first and then go to the Jieying Gate.

But Ni Cangqiong showed up halfway and disrupted Zhuo Bufan's plan, so Zhuo Bufan had to go to the Jieying Gate first.

This time, Zhuo Bufan went to the Jieying Gate mainly to get rid of it.

The Jieying Gate is a huge trap, specially used to harm those who ascended from the small world.

Zhuo Bufan still remembers the mysterious laboratory and the monster of the Void Clan called the Void Emperor.

Zhuo Bufan must go back to destroy the Jieying Gate and rescue these ascenders.

Not only that, Zhuo Bufan actually plans to establish an ascender alliance and a real Jieying Gate.

A few days later, Zhuo Bufan returned to the Wahuang Territory and returned to the Jieying Altar where he ascended.

After he arrived at the altar, he activated the altar magic array.

For a moment, a bright light shot up into the sky, shocking all directions.

After activating the altar, Zhuo Bufan used a secret method to hide all his Yuanli, turning himself into a mortal.

If his cultivation was not at the Saint Yuan Realm, it would be impossible to tell that Zhuo Bufan was already at the Yuanshen Realm.

The reason why Zhuo Bufan did this was actually to sneak into the Jieying Gate.

He did not intend to directly kill his way into the Jieying Gate, because for him, doing so was not only impulsive, but also very dangerous.

Zhuo Bufan was still unclear about how powerful the Jieying Gate really was.

This time he sneaked into the Jieying Gate in order to investigate the specific situation inside the Jieying Gate.

And to obtain the stored Hongmeng Yuanqi in the Jieying Gate secret realm.

Most importantly, he also wanted to gain the trust of these ascenders, so that he could gather these flyers together and establish an ascender alliance.

Not long after the Ascension Altar was restarted, a crane cry was heard in the sky.

Zhuo Bufan looked up and saw a huge bird-shaped puppet flying towards him.

Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly when he saw this scene.

The person who was going to take him away had arrived!

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