Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1183 The Tree of Fortune

Zhuo Bufan followed the red dot of life on the wheel of life and came to this starry sky full of life force.

Zhuo Bufan cultivated the power of reincarnation, so his perception of this life force surpassed that of ordinary cultivators.

He could feel that the galaxy ahead contained unimaginable life force.

"Time is running out, the pursuers may arrive at any time, I must go and see."

Zhuo Bufan also knew that there would definitely be pursuers behind him.

And the one who was chasing him was definitely not simple. It was probably the legendary incarnation of Luo Tian.

As long as the other party was not a fool, he should have basically determined the direction of his escape.

Now Zhuo Bufan not only had to get rid of this group of pursuers, but also had to find a way to find the Lord of Time.

"I don't know if it's a friend or an enemy, I can only get close first and slowly understand it."

Zhuo Bufan didn't dare to rush in rashly. After all, in this chaotic void, there were dangers everywhere.

No one knew what kind of terrifying existence he would meet in the next second.

So after saving the game in advance, Zhuo Bufan slowly approached the center of the galaxy.

When he came to the center of the galaxy, he saw a pure green star in the center of the galaxy.

From it, layers of life light continued to spread.

All the life force that Zhuo Bufan felt was emitted from this green star.

"Interesting, what on earth is this? Such a strong life force can already affect the life rules in this void."

When Zhuo Bufan approached the green star, he found that there were circles of rune circles around the green star.

Those green rune circles, like the meteorite belts of other stars, entangled and protected the star.

When Zhuo Bufan wanted to board the star, countless rays rushed out from the rune circle and launched a strong attack on him.


After avoiding the power of the rune circle, Zhuo Bufan did not choose to approach immediately.

After all, the other party had issued a warning, and if he approached, he would only usher in a second round of attack.

"It's interesting! This star is definitely not simple. There is a great life on it."

"I must go and see it."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he came to the outside of the rune circle, and then began to release his own soul power to explore the life on the star.

However, as soon as his soul entered the rune circle, the rune circle sensed it immediately, and then flew out countless rune powers, bombarding Zhuo Bufan's soul.

"Can even the soul sense it? This rune circle is so abnormal!"

Zhuo Bufan had no time to think. He was chased by the rune power of the rune circle, and his soul kept flying towards the surface of the star.

Before he landed, he only saw that there was a huge tree on the surface of the green star.

The tree was so big that its canopy basically covered half of the surface area of ​​the star.

Its roots had already spread to every inch of land on the star.

It has become the overlord on this star, and it is the source of life on this star.

After seeing the tree, Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up and he said in amazement.

"What kind of tree is this? The tree is the planet, and the planet is the tree."

"Its roots have wrapped up the entire planet, and it is still growing, but unfortunately there is not enough land."

"Soul perception!"

Zhuo Bufan began to synchronize his soul channel with the soul channel of the tree.

This is the primitive power of the spell that Zhuo Bufan learned when he was still in the Yin-Yang world.

The soul perception spell allows Zhuo Bufan to communicate with other lives.

Although it is a relatively primitive power that Zhuo Bufan first learned, it is still of great use to him so far.

Zhuo Bufan used the power of the soul perception spell to try to communicate with the Overlord Tree.

Because behind him, there is still the rune of the tree, chasing him.

"I am Zhuo Bufan, not a villain. I just found this miracle of life in this busy chaotic void. What is your name?"

When Zhuo Bufan's voice reached the soul of the Overlord Tree, the tree immediately stopped the runes that were chasing Zhuo Bufan.

Then, it made a colder voice.

"I don't welcome you here. Go back to where you came from!"

After hearing the words of the Overlord Tree, Zhuo Bufan was slightly stunned.

He didn't expect that he would be so unwelcome.

"Don't worry, I have no ill intentions! I came from the other side of the distant void and am looking for the whereabouts of the Lord of Time."

"I don't know if you have heard of the Lord of Time."

Zhuo Bufan asked with a smile.

Although the other party did not welcome him, Zhuo Bufan would not give up.

It was not easy to meet a life in this endless galaxy. Even if it was just a chat, he would chat for a while.

However, there was only one word in response to Zhuo Bufan.

"Get lost!"

The cold shock from the other party's soul made Zhuo Bufan a little angry.

He didn't expect this broken tree to be so ungrateful.

"Sir, why do you keep people away like this?"

"I said, get lost!"

"If you don't get lost, don't blame me for being rude."

This tree has a perverse and arrogant personality, and it is obviously not easy to provoke.

Just when Zhuo Bufan wanted to teach the other party a lesson, Zhuo Bufan's soul suddenly moved.

"Oh no, the pursuers are coming."

Zhuo Bufan had used his soul power to leave a lot of soul eyes in the direction he came from.

This soul eye actually leaves his soul power in a certain place, allowing him to monitor the surrounding movements.

Just now, Zhuo Bufan found that his soul eye monitored four big voids.

It was less than a day's journey from where he was.

The opponent's speed was too fast, and the old man who led the group with a star staff in his hand was even more domineering.

"That old thief should be the incarnation of the way of heaven."

Zhuo Bufan shouted in his heart, and he couldn't help but feel his hair standing on end.

This place can no longer stay for a long time, and Zhuo Bufan doesn't want to continue to talk nonsense with this broken tree.

"Let's go!"

Zhuo Bufan said nothing, he left a soul eye in this starry sky, and then left the green star at the fastest speed.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan leave, the tree snorted coldly.

"You are smart, kid!"


At the same time, on the other side of the galaxy.

The Doubtful Heavenly King Ce had already led his three promoted subordinates to chase Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan spent more than three months escaping, but they caught up with him so quickly.

Along the way, the Doubtful Heavenly King Ce had already discovered that Zhuo Bufan had set up a lot of Soul Eyes along the way to monitor them.

The Doubtful Heavenly King Ce led Ning Wu and other Daxu to a black star, and once again sensed the Soul Eye left by Zhuo Bufan.

This time, Wang Ce did not turn a blind eye, but rushed up, caught the Soul Eye left by Zhuo Bufan, and then smiled at the Soul Eye.

"Boy, run! Grandpa is about to catch up."

"Hahahaha, run! Run with all your strength!"

Wang Ce laughed at the Soul Eye. For him, this time Zhuo Bufan must be doomed.

Zhuo Bufan, who was at the other end of the Soul Eye, frowned when he saw the old man.

"Damn, how could it be so fast?"

"Is this old man the incarnation of Heavenly Dao?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that there were many incarnations of Heavenly Dao in the large army chasing him this time.

The old man was obviously one of them.

Although the incarnation of Heavenly Dao was not Heavenly Dao, its strength was far beyond Zhuo Bufan's reach.

Facing the pursuit of the incarnation of Heavenly Dao, Zhuo Bufan seemed a little uneasy.

If this continued, Zhuo Bufan would be caught by the other party within a day.

It was obviously too late to escape, or it was meaningless.

Zhuo Bufan also knew that escaping was useless because he could not escape the pursuit of Yizhi Tianwang Ce.

Now Zhuo Bufan was like driving a car, while Wang Ce was flying a plane!

No matter how fast he ran, he would be caught.

Because on Wang Ce's plane, he had his own life position.

Therefore, for Zhuo Bufan, solving the life positioning of the Wheel of Life is the most important thing.

He locked his eyes on the Wheel of Life, which is a divine tool specially used to locate the existence of life.

In other words, as long as it is life, it is impossible to escape the pursuit of the Wheel of Life.

Unless this life is dead.

When Zhuo Bufan thought of this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Dead, if I die, will this red dot of life disappear on this Wheel of Life?"

"I don't know if fake death will work!"

Zhuo Bufan immediately came up with this self-mutilation method. He wanted to commit suicide to avoid Wang Ce's pursuit.

"Time is too late. I must create a method that can fake death, and it must be a method that is so real that it can be mistaken for real."

Zhuo Bufan began to think quickly about what method he could use to escape such a life of pursuit in a state of death.

He thought of virtual life.

Strictly speaking, virtual bodies should actually be considered life because they have their own souls and thoughts.

However, virtual bodies cannot be displayed on this Wheel of Life.

This shows that the Wheel of Life has different identifications of life.

It is likely to identify the existence of a life with a body.

For example, a human with a body like Zhuo Bufan, or a life like that tree.

Because the Wheel of Life has different definitions of life, the life he finds has certain characteristics.

"I once practiced the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death, which made me realize the true meaning of life and death."

"Life is death, and death is life. There is death in all life, and there is life in all death. Life and death are reincarnations, and life and death depend on each other."

"I don't know if the power of death, which is densely spread on my body, will disrupt the detection of this Wheel of Life."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he began to re-cultivate the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death in the Yin-Yang World, and cast his body into a mysterious body of life and death.

Then he began to release the power of death, completely covering himself in a dead aura.

What surprised Zhuo Bufan was that as he was covered by the aura of death, he found that the display of the red dot of life on his wheel of life was getting weaker and weaker.

This was great news for Zhuo Bufan.

"It's possible. If that's the case, we can definitely escape this disaster."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he used all his strength to activate his own death energy and completely wrapped himself in the power of death.

Just like that, Zhuo Bufan slowly disappeared on the star map of the Wheel of Life.

At this moment, Wang Ce of Doubt, who was originally chasing according to the red dot of life, was stunned when he saw Zhuo Bufan's red dot of life suddenly disappear.

"What happened? Disappeared?"

Wang Ce looked at the red dot of life that disappeared on the star map with a confused face.

"Impossible, this wheel of life can detect the existence of all life, how could this kid suddenly disappear? Could it be that he is dead?"

Wang Ce of Doubt thought Zhuo Bufan was dead, so he was full of incredible looks.

"No, that kid is definitely not dead. This kid is so cunning, how could he die so easily."

"Something must have happened, or this kid found a way to block it."

"If he really found a way to block the monitoring of the Wheel of Life, then it will be troublesome."

Using the Wheel of Life to find Zhuo Bufan is the only way Wang Ce can think of so far.

If the Wheel of Life cannot find Zhuo Bufan, then Zhuo Bufan will really be a fish in the sea and will never find the real thing again.

"This damn bastard, how did he know that I was using the Wheel of Life to monitor him?"

Wang Ce had too many things he didn't understand, but he couldn't solve them now.

At this time, the virtual master Ning Wu said.

"Wang, look, there is a red dot of life here, and it looks very powerful!"

"That kid obviously went for this red dot of life before."

"He encountered something here, so he suddenly disappeared on the Wheel of Life. So I suspect that this red dot of life is not simple."

Ning Wu pointed to the red dot of life on the star map and said.

That red dot of life is the strange sacred tree that Zhuo Bufan was looking for before.

Wang Ce was furious because he suddenly lost Zhuo Bufan.

As soon as he saw this red dot of life, he immediately decided to lead the rest of his men to this land of life to find out.


At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was indescribably happy when he saw his red life dot disappear on the star map.

"This way, it won't be so easy for you guys to find me."

Zhuo Bufan left the Soul Eye to monitor Wang Ce and his group.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan discovered that Wang Ce and his group had come to the galaxy where the tree was.

"Do they want to find that broken tree?"

Zhuo Bufan realized that Wang Ce and his group were moving towards the tree.

"These guys should want to investigate why I disappeared."

Zhuo Bufan probably guessed that after his life wheel disappeared, they would definitely find a way to find him.

And the tree of life was indeed a clue.

A day later, Wang Ce and his group arrived at the Shenshu galaxy.

"Wang, the green star in front is full of violent life force. Could it be that the kid is hiding here, using the life force here to hide his breath?"

Ning Wu's words made Wang Ce feel reasonable.

So he said, "Then destroy this life."

After Wang Ce finished speaking, he brought Ning Wu and other great voids to the green planet.

Around the green planet, there were circles of rune belts.

"What a big tree!"

After Ning Wu and others looked at the huge tree of life on the green planet, they were all shocked.

But just as they were shocked, the surrounding rune circles suddenly began to shoot out golden light and attacked Wang Ce and others.

"You are asking for trouble."

Seeing the rune chains of the tree of life coming, Ning Wu raised his hand and the endless energy of Daluotian rolled towards the green planet.

The rune chains of the tree of life vibrated out layers of powerful energy shields, blocking all the power of Ning Wu.

Seeing this, Ning Wu frowned slightly.

"Wang, this guy is not simple. His strength is not weaker than mine."

Ning Wu is a virtual master of the Daoyuan realm, and a powerful existence at the top of the pyramid in the virtual clan.

But the tree of life that wrapped the entire planet actually easily blocked Ning Wu's power.

Wang Ce laughed when he saw this.

"Do you know what this tree is called?"

Wang Ce obviously knew the origin of this tree.

Ning Wu asked after hearing this.

"I don't know what kind of tree it is?"

Wang Ce replied: "This is called the Tree of Creation! It was once one of the greatest lives in Daluotian, second only to the life of the Void Clan."

"In order to create more lives, Daluotian Tiandao integrated the power of rules into the seeds of a world tree. The seed of this world tree became the Tree of Creation that can create the power of rules."

"Tree of Creation?"

On the other side of the distant galaxy, Zhuo Bufan's soul eye secretly eavesdropped on Wang Ce and his conversation.

"Speaking of which, that tree does look like the World Tree."

"Just like the World Tree in the Yin-Yang World."

Zhuo Bufan thought of the World Tree in the Yin-Yang World. The leaves on those World Trees were all the rules of the world.

"This Tree of Creation can easily create the power of rules needed for a world."

"But the difference between the Creation Tree and the World Tree is that the Creation Tree is out of the control of the Heavenly Dao and has its own self. In other words, it has given birth to another Heavenly Dao consciousness."

"After the Heavenly Dao realized the self-Heavenly Dao consciousness of the Creation Tree, it killed the Creation Tree."

"But the Creation Tree knew in advance that it might be destroyed by the Heavenly Dao, so it released countless seeds before it died."

"Nearly 90% of these seeds were destroyed by the Heavenly Dao, but many still survived."

"Among them, the legendary sacred tree you know, Jianmu! It is one of the seeds that survived."

"Not only Jianmu, many seeds even escaped Out of the world, scattered throughout the chaotic void. "

"At the beginning, in order to kill these seeds, the Heavenly Dao created us clones and began to chase them in the chaotic void. "

"Of course, after these seeds escaped from Daluo Heaven, they flew everywhere, and there was no way to find the direction they fled. "

"So until now, these seeds have not been completely destroyed. "

"But once these seeds take root, they will create a world on their own. They will give birth to a Heavenly Dao consciousness on their own. "

"So, anyone who sees this tree of good fortune must destroy it without any reservation. "

After Wang Ce finished speaking, he looked at the tree of good fortune in front of him again.

With a bang in his hand, a black flame ignited.

"Looking for death!"

As soon as Wang Ce finished speaking, the black flame in his hand flew towards the tree of good fortune.

The small flame fell on the rune circle of the tree of good fortune, instantly igniting the entire rune circle.


The next second, the rune circle was directly burned to ashes.

"Extinguish the Death Fire, Extinguish the Death Fire. You are a life form of the Void Clan of Daluotian, you damn bastards."

The Tree of Fortune recognized the terrifying black flame at the first time.

This is the energy that the Tree of Fortune fears the most, because it is a flame that can burn all the power of rules.

The reason why the Tree of Fortune is powerful is that they can weave rules and create rules.

So, this extinction of death fire is the energy they fear the most.

"What do you want to do? Our clan has escaped from your Daluotian and is no longer a threat to Daluotian. Do you still want to kill us all?"

The tone of the Tree of Fortune was a little trembling. Facing the extinction of death fire, he obviously couldn't remain calm.

After hearing the wailing of the Tree of Fortune, Wang Ce began to ignite black extinction of death fires around him.

A total of twelve extinction of death fires formed a circle of fire around Wang Ce.

At this time, Wang Ce slowly approached the Tree of Fortune. The rune circle of the Tree of Fortune was frightened to avoid Wang Ce when it saw Wang Ce approaching.

"Don't come over here, get out of here, get out of here!"

The Tree of Fortune roared at Wang Ce.

It was obvious that it had an unspeakable fear of the extinguishing death fire around Wang Ce.

Facing the wailing of the Tree of Fortune, Wang Ce was not moved at all.


On his palm, a flame burned again, and at this time Wang Ce's soul began to ask.

"This king asks you, where is that kid now?"

"I don't know what you are talking about, bastard, get out of here. Don't let the fire in your hand get close to me."

Wang Ce didn't hear the answer he wanted, so he waved his hand and threw the extinguishing death fire in his hand towards the green star under his feet.


Seeing the black flame coming, the Tree of Fortune began to resist desperately.

Countless energies blasted towards the black flame, but the black flame was too terrible, extinguishing death fire, extinguishing death fire.

As long as it is not extinguished, it will never stop.

However, no matter how the Tree of Fortune resisted, the black extinguishing death fire still fell on the star where it was.


For a moment, the ghost fire, like a maggot, gnawed and destroyed its roots.


In a wailing, the Tree of Fortune began to scream in pain.

"I ask again, where is that kid?"

This time, the extinguishing death fire in Wang Ce's hand was ready to move again.

After hearing this, the Tree of Fortune wailed in pain.

"He ran away, that kid was chased away by me. Save me, save me, move this damn fire away from me."

The Tree of Fortune had already begun to beg for mercy from Wang Ce, because it could feel that the black extinguishing death fire had drilled into its roots.

If this continued, he would be swallowed by this damn fire sooner or later.

"Which direction did he run to?"

Wang Ce asked again.

After hearing this, the Tree of Fortune quickly raised its rune circle, and then pointed out a direction in the void.

That direction was not the direction Zhuo Bufan ran away.

This tree of good fortune did not betray Zhuo Bufan, which was incredible.

After hearing this, Wang Ce sneered.

"Is it really this direction?"

Wang Ce, who was suspicious, was very suspicious and would not easily believe what others said.

So facing the answer of the tree of good fortune, he was obviously not satisfied.

"I have already told you, quickly remove this extinguishing death fire for me, quickly!"

"I am dying, I am dying."

The extinguishing death fire burned very fast, and soon the black extinguishing death fire was burning everywhere on the green star.

Faced with the Tree of Creation's begging for mercy, Wang Ce remained unmoved. Instead, he once again threw a ball of black flames towards the green star.


At this time, the fire was burning more and more fiercely, and the trunk of the Tree of Creation had begun to burn.

And above the tree canopy, raging fires also began to burn.

"You don't have time anymore. If you don't tell me the true direction honestly, you're dead."

Faced with the aggressive questioning from the suspicious king Ce, the Tree of Creation couldn't stand it anymore.

He once again let the rune circle point out a direction in the void.

But this time, the direction pointed was still not the direction where Zhuo Bufan was.

This tree of creation still did not betray Zhuo Bufan.

Facing the second answer from the Tree of Creation, Wang Ce did not have too much doubt this time.

However, he did not let go of the Tree of Creation.

"Quickly put out the fire for me, hurry up!"

The Tree of Creation shouted, but what greeted him was more extinguishing fire.

Wang Ce threw all the surrounding extinguishing fire to the Tree of Creation below.

"Go to hell! The remnants of creation."

The flames fell on the crown of the Tree of Creation, and burned directly in the next second.

"Ahhhh, you liar, liar."

"I told you the truth you want, why do you want to harm me?"

The Tree of Creation, amid a burst of regret and screams, began to be burned until it was completely reduced to ashes.

"Let's go! It's time to chase our cutie."

After Wang Ce finished speaking, he flew towards the direction pointed by the Tree of Creation.

On the other side, Zhuo Bufan used the eyes of his soul that he had left before to see everything that just happened.

"The tree of creation, are the trees that used to be buildings also the trees of creation?"

"Interesting, the previous life of the Mercy Sword was the Tree of Creation."

"This Tree of Creation can create a world. Maybe I can do something with the seeds of this Tree of Creation."

“Hopefully there’s still a seed left.”

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he actually flew back in the direction of the Tree of Creation.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan returned to the galaxy where the Tree of Creation was located.

The glory of life that once existed has long since disappeared.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

"Really dead?"

Zhuo Bufan could no longer see the red dot of life on the Tree of Creation on the Wheel of Life.

If he really died, Zhuo Bufan would definitely be troubled.

"Go and have a look! I wish there were still seeds or something."

Zhuo Bufan really wanted to find even the slightest sign of life.

When he arrived at the green star, he found that the green star had turned into a wasteland and ruins.

The planet that was once full of life is now completely reduced to ashes.

However, Zhuo Bufan has not given up yet.

He returned to the star, then activated his soul and radiated the entire star.

"This guy just died like this?"

Zhuo Bufan tried hard to find the breath of life that might still exist in the Tree of Creation, but no matter how he searched, it was to no avail. There was no sign of life at all.

It was hard for Zhuo Bufan to imagine that such a powerful tree of life could die so easily.

You must know that before this, the Tree of Creation severely scolded him and told him to roll thousands of miles away.

Zhuo Bufan was obviously a little disappointed at the disappearance of a life.

Zhuo Bufan stayed on this star for a long time and scanned it countless times. Finally, he determined that there was no life on this star.

"Forget it, he should be finished. What a pity."

Zhuo Bufan felt a little pity, so he prepared to leave.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the depths of Zhuo Bufan's soul.

"Boy, are you leaving just like that? I helped you!"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, because he was familiar with that soul channel, which was the Tree of Creation.

"You guy, you're not dead?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up and he asked quickly.

"Of course I'm not dead. But life is worse than death now. Help me boy, I need your help."

The Tree of Creation begged Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan chuckled after hearing this.

"Okay, how can I help you? Where is your body?"

After hearing this, the Tree of Creation immediately replied.

"The center of the earth, you will know when you come to the center of the earth."

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan escaped into the center of the earth.

When he came to the depths of the earth, he discovered that there was a strange space deep in the earth.

In this strange space, there is a fist-sized green seed floating in the air.

"Haha, it turns out that you are lucky here, and you are not dead yet."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the seed and smiled.

"It's really not easy for you to escape that incarnation of heaven."

After hearing this, the Seed of Creation responded.

"Boy, I was discovered by those thieves from Daluotian. Take me out of here quickly."

"Sooner or later this place will be discovered."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan looked at this strange space.

He found that the spatial power in this strange space was very magical and different from ordinary alien spaces.

"This place is nice. Did you build it?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

The Seed of Creation replied: "When I was crossing the void, I encountered a space crack. I stole the space power from it, and then created such a small alien space."

"This is actually an escape space channel that can connect to a small star light years away."

"Take me with you, and I will take you away from here."

The reason why the Seed of Fortune did not betray Zhuo Bufan was that he actually hoped that Zhuo Bufan could come back and take it with him to escape.

However, just when Zhuo Bufan was hesitating whether he should agree to the Seed of Fortune.

Suddenly, a terrifying spiritual power came towards this starry sky.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned: "No, that guy is back!"

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