Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1184 Space-Time Crack

Not long after Wang Ce of Suspicious Heaven left the Star of Life with his men, he immediately returned.

On the way back, Xu Zun Ning Wu under his command was still a little confused.

"King, don't you believe what that tree says?"

Ning Wu knew that Wang Ce was a very suspicious person.

He is the incarnation of the questioning of heaven, and questioning everything is his most essential personality.

Therefore, when he saw that Wang Ce decided to leave and come back, Ning Wu knew that Wang Ce did not believe what the tree said.

"I have never believed what that stupid tree said. I only had one purpose in doing that, and that was to lure out that kid."

Wang Ce was slightly stunned after hearing this.

"Bring out that boy? My subordinates are confused. What does the king mean? That boy will come out?"

Ning Wu obviously didn't think as much as Wang Ce did.

Wang Ce glanced at it and shook his head.

"You follow me and you don't gain any wisdom?"

"Although I don't know what method that kid found to block the pursuit of the Wheel of Life. But now that the other party has found a way to deal with it, it means that it will not be so easy for us to use the Wheel of Life to find the other party. "

"So at this time, instead of searching aimlessly, it is better to take the initiative to lure this kid out."

"That kid left a lot of soul eyes behind while escaping, and he wanted to use them to monitor us."

"Just now in the starry universe where the Tree of Creation is located, there were many eyes staring at us."

As a cunning guy, how could Wang Ce not notice Zhuo Bufan's eyes?

It was precisely because he noticed those eyes that he used a trick to trick Zhuo Bufan into showing up.

When Ning Wu heard this, he couldn't help but nodded.

"The king is wise. So, what the king said there was all for that kid?"

Ning Wu was still confused at first. According to Wang Ce's character, he would not explain what the Tree of Creation was to one of his subordinates.

But at that time, Wang Ce patiently explained to Ning Wu, and also said a lot of things that Ning Wu didn't understand.

Now that I think about it, these words were not meant for myself, but for Zhuo Bufan.

"Yes, I deliberately revealed the news that Da Luotian's Jianmu was originally the tree of creation. That boy has a very deep relationship with Jianmu, and even the sword in his hand was transformed by Jianmu. So when he heard By the time this happens, he will definitely come back to look for some clues that he thinks will be useful.”

Wang Ce is indeed cunning, and he has been plotting against Zhuo Bufan.

Burning the Tree of Creation with fire was just his plan to lure the snake out of its hole.

His strategy indeed worked.

It was precisely because of Wang Ce's words that Zhuo Bufan decided to return to the Life Star Territory to look for clues he thought were useful.

In this way, it would play into Wang's plan.

Therefore, Wang Ce went back and decided to encircle and suppress Zhuo Bufan.

When they rushed back to the Life Star, Zhuo Bufan also felt each other immediately.

"No, why are these guys back?"

Zhuo Bufan screamed in his heart that something was wrong, because in this case, he wouldn't be able to escape at all.

It was impossible for him to escape from the hands of an incarnation of heaven. This was a disaster for him.

The suspicious king Ce led three of Daxu's men across the void and instantly surrounded the star of life.

"It's over, I fell into this guy's trap."

Zhuo Bufan frowned. Only then did he realize that he might have fallen into Wang Ce's trap.

"He is above that star, blow it up for me!"

After Wang Ce rushed back, there was no unnecessary nonsense at all.

Instead, the energy within Jiyun's body was blasted towards the star of life.

The other three Daxu next to them also tried their best to explode the entire star.

They wanted to kill Zhuo Bufan completely and not let him have any chance to escape.

"It's over. Do you want to load the file?"

Zhuo Bufan screamed in his heart that something was wrong. In this situation, it seemed that he had no choice but to load files.

But at this critical moment, the seed of creation from the side said.

"Boy, there is a space passage here, follow me and escape."

When the Seed of Creation escaped from Da Luotian, it passed through a space-time rift in the chaotic void.

He obtained some space power from the cracks in space, and finally settled this power into the Star of Life.

Over the past millions of years, he has relied on this space power to dig a space passage.

This was originally a passage he used to escape, but now he is just a seed and doesn't have much power.

He needs Zhuo Bufan's protection to avoid being torn apart by the one coming from the space.

After Zhuo Bufan heard the words of the Seed of Creation, he reached out and grabbed the Seed of Creation without hesitation.

Then he punched open the space passage.

After the space passage was opened, Zhuo Bufan grabbed the Seed of Creation and jumped in.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan grabbed the Sealing Seal with his backhand.

"seal up!"

Activating the power in the seal, dozens of sealed dragon souls flew out, and then quickly weaved a seal at the entrance of the space passage.

Of course Zhuo Bufan had to do this, otherwise Wang Ce and the others would definitely follow this space passage and pursue them.

After Zhuo Bufan weaved the seal of the space channel, he took the seeds and ran towards the other end of the space channel without thinking.

The moment they escaped from the star of life.


Another star exploded into ashes in the chaotic void.

Ning Wu and other Daxu had smiles on their faces, but the suspicious king Ce frowned.

"Damn it, got away."

Wang Ce saw that after the star exploded, it left a vortex in the air that quickly disappeared. This made him immediately understand that Zhuo Bufan had run away.

"How is that possible? When we came, we immediately blocked the space around here. There is no way he would find an opportunity to open a space channel."

"And it takes a long time to open a passage. This is different from opening up a different space."

"Opening a different space is as simple as opening a door. But opening a passage is equivalent to digging a tunnel."

“If you want to escape far, you have to dig far enough.”

"This is the Chaos Void, and the space rules here are based on all rules. It is not easy to open a space channel in the Chaos Void."

"You must know that Your Majesty also needs specific spatial coordinates, and you can only open a spatial passage in one day."

Ning Wu on the side explained.

But it caused Wang Ce's dissatisfaction.

"Do I need you to explain? This passage was not dug by that boy at all, but by that damn tree."

Wang Ce was so smart, he could tell at a glance that it was the trunk of the tree of creation.

"That stupid tree is not dead at all."

"Not dead, not dead!"

Wang Ce murmured to himself, and then his eyes lit up.

He took out the Wheel of Life and then released the Star Map.

He began to quickly scan the red dot of life on the star path.

Soon, above the stars, a faint red dot of life suddenly began to flicker faintly.

"I found it. This broken tree is not dead. Because its vitality was too weak, the Wheel of Life didn't detect it at all."

"Now he has begun to regain his vitality. Although he is still very weak, he has already appeared on the wheel of life."

Wang Ce couldn't help but laugh when he saw the red dot of life on the Tree of Creation reappearing on the Wheel of Life.

"Chase me!"

Immediately, Wang Ce took him, Ning Wu and the others and continued to pursue Zhuo Bufan and the others.

At this moment, light years away, Zhuo Bufan escaped from the space channel with the Seed of Creation.

After escaping from the space passage, Zhuo Bufan breathed a sigh of relief with the seeds of the Tree of Creation.


Zhuo Bufan took a look at the surrounding environment. It was a dark world with almost no light around.

Only in the distant direction, there is a galaxy.

"Where is this?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After hearing this, the Seed of Creation replied: "This is a piece of uninhabited sky light years away from where I am."

"I have been digging the space passage for millions of years, and finally I have a use for it."

"Boy, thank you for helping me."

The Seed of Creation expressed its gratitude to Zhuo Bufan. If it hadn't been for Zhuo Bufan, it would have died under the joint attack of Wang Ce and others.

"You're welcome. What are you going to do next?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the Seed of Creation. Although this guy was not friendly to him before, now they have experienced life and death together and are in the same class.

"Find me a star and replant me! My mission is to create a new world."

Seed of Creation said.

As the tree of creation, its mission is to transform the star and turn the Death Star in the chaotic void into new worlds filled with life.

It's a pity that the previous star has been transformed for millions of years, and it already has preliminary world rules and prototypes.

However, he was attacked by Wang Ce, and all his millions of years of efforts were reduced to ashes.

"Reforming the world, why are you doing that? You should know that this is definitely not something that can be accomplished in a short time."

Zhuo Bufan asked, he also admired this tree of creation.

Because what they are doing is not the same as what Zhuo Feifan is doing now?

"Boy, you don't understand. Do you know that the Daluotian world will one day be destroyed. Once destroyed, all life will turn into nothingness."

"As early as tens of millions of years ago, many races have left Daluotian one after another. These races want to survive in this chaotic void."

"However, there are no conditions for people to survive in this chaotic void. But we, the Trees of Creation, can create such living conditions for them."

"In the boundless void, Da Luotian should not be the only living world. Any race has the right to survive."

"I want to create a world suitable for survival. I hope that one day, other lives will come to live in the world I created."

The seed of this tree of creation actually has a great dream.

In some ways, it can be regarded as a kindred spirit with Zhuo Bufan.

"I understand! I will find you a suitable soil for survival, so that you can create your world with peace of mind."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took out the Wheel of Life.

But at this moment, his eyes suddenly lit up.

In the center of the wheel of life, he saw the red dot of life that lit up again.

"No, why did it light up again?"

Zhuo Bufan thought that his death energy was leaked, so he covered his body with more death power.

But the red dot of life still showed no sign of weakening.

"Isn't it me?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly looked at the Seed of Creation aside.

"It turns out it was you. You have regained your vitality, and now the red dot of life has reappeared on the wheel of life. That old thing will definitely catch up again."

When Zhuo Bufan saw the red dot of life reappearing, he knew that Wang Ce and the others must have caught up again.

"Then what should I do? If that guy finds me again, he will definitely kill me."

"Boy, you can't ignore me!"

The moment Seed of Creation recalled Wang Ce's extinguishing death fire, his soul trembled with fear.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the seed of creation in his hand and fell into deep thought.

If he wanted to run away, he could definitely escape.

Because he has found a way to block the detection of the Wheel of Life.

But in that case, he would need to give up this seed of creation. Zhuo Bufan would definitely be intolerable to do that.

But if he ran away with this seed of creation, Zhuo Bufan would expose himself to Wang Ce at the same time.

With Wang Ce's speed, he will catch up with him sooner or later.

"By the way, I have an idea."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he looked at the seeds of the Tree of Creation.

After hearing this, Zi Zi raised his eyebrows and said, "What can I do?"

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan raised his hand, and a ball of black energy condensed in Zhuo Bufan's palm.

When Zi Zi saw the black energy, he was startled.

"Extinguishing the Death Fire, boy, how could you have this? No, no, this is not the Extinguishing Death Fire, but it is full of terrifying death power."

"Boy, don't come near me with that thing. Don't come over here."

The energy that the Tree of Creation fears most is the power of death, so when he felt the power of death in Zhuo Bufan's hands, he was so scared that his soul trembled.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he smiled.

"Don't worry, I'm just wrapping you with the power of death and won't cause you any harm. Only in this way will you not be discovered by that old thief."

"Do you choose death or a little grievance?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the Seed of Creation with a smile. After hearing this, the Seed of Creation became extremely entangled.

But before he could finish struggling, Zhuo Bufan had already condensed the essence of death into the seed.

"Ahhh! Brat, what are you going to do?"

After being entangled by the power of death again, the Seed of Creation began to scream.

His original life force is very weak now, and now that he is surrounded by the extraordinary power of death, he will be even weaker.

Although the Seed of Creation was screaming, Zhuo Bufan was not moved at all.

He looked at the Wheel of Life in his hand, and then discovered that the red dot of life on the star map had become much weaker.

"It's useful! But it's not enough."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he integrated more and more death power into the Seed of Creation.

The Seed of Creation has begun to collapse under the aura of death.

"Boy, I'm about to die. Are you going to kill me? I'm about to die!"

Life and death are two extremely opposing energies.

Now the vitality of the Seed of Creation is too weak, and it cannot withstand the invasion of Zhuo Bufan's death force.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly explained.

"Don't worry, I will control the amount. Now the red spot on your life has disappeared."

Zhuo Bufan watched the red dot of life on the star map disappear and smiled happily.

At the same time, Wang Ce, who was in charge of the pursuit, suddenly found that the red dot of life on the star map had disappeared, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Damn it, disappeared again?"

Seeing that there were clues to Zhuo Bufan again, however, at this critical moment, the red dot of life disappeared again.

This is undoubtedly a blow to Wang Ce.

Ning Wu on the side frowned after hearing this.

"What's going on? Wang, is it that boy's fault?"

After hearing this, Wang Ce replied: "Most likely, that boy found a way to block the detection of the Wheel of Life. Now he uses this method to solve the problem of life breath on the Tree of Creation."

"This bastard is really cunning."

Wang Ce now hates Zhuo Bufan more and more.

Zhuo Bufan had escaped the pursuits he deployed time and time again. Now even if he personally took action, Zhuo Bufan had escaped these killings again and again.

It's impossible not to hate him. Wang Ce now wants to eat Zhuo Bufan alive.

"So what do we do now?"

Ning Wu Xu Zun now also understands why Zhuo Bufan was able to escape from Tiandao.

This kid must not be treated with a normal heart. He is too smart and cunning.

"Go to the place where the red dot disappears first. It's impossible for them to leave no trace at all."

Wang Ce will not give up his pursuit of Zhuo Bufan. Now he can be regarded as the closest incarnation of the way of heaven to Zhuo Bufan.

He wants to capture Zhuo Bufan, and then give him to the main body first, and then ask the main body for a life span of millions of years.

The pursuit continues, and the escape will be endless.

Although Zhuo Bufan used the breath of death to shield himself from the seed of creation.

But he still had to run away.

Because the seed of creation simply cannot withstand the encroachment of Zhuo Bufan's death power.

Every once in a while, Zhuo Bufan would remove the power of death from the Seed of Creation so that the Seed of Creation could take a breather.

Otherwise, they will always be shrouded in the power of death, and sooner or later the seed of creation will die in the hands of Zhuo Bufan.

However, every time the power of death is removed, it is the time when the seeds of creation release their vitality, and it is also the time when their traces are exposed.

Once the power of death is removed, a red dot of life will be born on the wheel of life.

In this way, Wang Ce and the others had a direction to pursue.

"It appears, King! This red dot of life appears again."

Daxu Ningwu is always staring at the star map. Once he finds a red dot of life, he will report it as soon as possible.

From the beginning, he discovered that the red dot of life that disappeared before would appear intermittently on the star map.

After Wang Ce learned about this situation, he kept Ning Wu paying attention to Zhuo Bufan's escape route.

Zhuo Bufan's escape speed was obviously slower than their pursuit speed.

"It seems like this kid can't maintain that state for a long time."

"It's a good situation for us right now, we have to get him as soon as possible and go full speed ahead."

Wang Ce shouted, and then they moved forward at full speed to pursue Zhuo Bufan.

On the other side, Zhuo Bufan had to constantly inject vitality into the seeds of creation, so he also discovered that red dots of life would appear intermittently on the star map.

"No, if we continue like this, we will be caught up sooner or later."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the seed of creation in his palm and said.

Originally, he could escape alone, but now, he had to bring the burden of the Seed of Creation with him. He couldn't let this kind of thing fall into Wang Ce's hands, otherwise he would definitely die.

"Boy, forget it! Just throw me into the void. If I get caught, I'll get caught. Anyway, I feel like I'm going to die from you."

The Seed of Creation said feebly, his soul power was already weak enough.

Because Zhuo Bufan's power of death was constantly eating away at his vitality.

His vitality was originally very weak, but now he was on the verge of death under the devouring power of Zhuo Bufan's death.

"Whatever stupid thing you say, I won't give up on you."

"There must be another way. There must be other ways."

Zhuo Bufan frowned closely. He was looking for other ways. For him, getting rid of Wang Ce and the others was definitely not the best way.

The best way is to kill them.

However, it was impossible for Zhuo Bufan to kill Wang Ce and the others. At least it's not possible now.

"Is there any other way? Think of it quickly. Think of it quickly."

Zhuo Bufan knew that there must be other ways for them to avoid this disaster.

When he thought of this, Zhuo Bufan's eyes suddenly lit up.

"By the way, time and space cracks, time and space cracks in the chaotic void."

"Didn't you say before that you had seen a space-time rift? Where is it? It's not far. Take me there quickly."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought of a solution, which was the time and space rift.

"Boy, what do you want to do? The space-time rift is no joke. It contains powerful destructive power. Even time and space cannot escape the tearing power of the space-time rift. If you want to escape pursuit by getting into the space-time rift, , that is undoubtedly seeking death.”

"Don't say it's you, I'm afraid even the incarnation of Heavenly Dao can't withstand the tearing of that kind of powerful force."

"Time and space rifts are one of the most powerful crises in the chaotic void. Even high-level chaos beasts dare not approach the time and space rifts. Because the time and space rifts will tear them into pieces."

"Boy, I've said so much, do you understand? Things like time and space rifts are not something we can travel through."

Facing the reminder of the seed of creation, Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

"what did you just say?"

"I said, we can't travel through the cracks in time and space. That's impossible." Seed of Creation replied.

"That's not what you said before. Even high-level Chaos Beasts don't dare to approach the space-time rift, right?"

Zhuo Bufan asked excitedly.

After hearing this, the seed of creation replied.

"Yes, the space-time rift is a flaw in this void. It is an imperfect product of the entire chaos, and it is also the most dangerous place."

"If you are swallowed by a rift in time and space, there is absolutely no chance of survival."

"Did you just say that even the incarnation of Heavenly Dao would not dare to enter the cracks of time and space casually?"

Zhuo Bufan caught the most crucial sentence said by Creation Seed.

After hearing this, Seed of Creation replied gratefully.

"That's right, even the incarnation of Heavenly Dao will never dare to enter the cracks of time and space casually, because in the cracks of time and space, there are storms of time and space. Two powerful forces, enough to crush everything. Even the incarnation of Heavenly Dao will never exception."

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he suddenly had a plan in mind.

"Well, that would be great if that's the case."

"Since that guy has been chasing us, and since we can't escape no matter how hard we try, let's just eliminate him."

Zhuo Bufan no longer wanted to run away endlessly, he wanted to turn his passivity into initiative.

"You know where the space rift is, right? Take me there quickly."

Zhuo Bufan took the Seed of Creation and rushed towards the rift in time and space.

Along the way, the red dot of life of the Seed of Creation flashed intermittently.

On the other side, Wang Ce and others are chasing after him, and they are getting closer and closer to the red point of life where Zhuo Bufan is.

Zhuo Bufan left his soul eyes along the way to monitor Wang Ce and the others.

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan also discovered that Wang Ce was approaching him quickly.

If he continues like this, he will soon be caught by the Suspicious King Ce.

"We are almost there. The deep dark sky in front of us is where the rift in time and space is."

Although the Seed of Creation didn't know what Zhuo Bufan was going to do, seeing Zhuo Bufan being so confident, he naturally believed in Zhuo Bufan.

He led Zhuo Bufan to the deep dark sky.

"There used to be a brilliant galaxy there, but it was all swallowed up by the cracks in space and time."

"Now, there is only darkness there, a restricted area of ​​life that no one dares to approach."

"Boy, are you sure?"

The Seed of Creation said to Zhuo Bufan.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he silently took out the space crystal.

The space crystal was snatched by Zhuo Bufan from Daxu Song Yuan before.

Zhuo Bufan has never been able to find a way to use this space to sleep. Now, he thinks it's time.

"let's go!"

Zhuo Bufan held the space crystal and flew towards the time rift.

When he approached the dark and chaotic void, he felt a powerful devouring force early on, tearing his body apart.

"Boy, don't get too close. Be careful."

"If you get too close, you can't get it back."

The Seed of Creation is reminding Zhuo Bufan, because they are now approaching the time rift. Once they get too close to the time rift, the time rift will be like a big mouth of the abyss, sucking him firmly and not allowing him to escape again. Get out of this chaos.

Zhuo Bufan also knew very well that getting too close would only bring about his own destruction.

But he must ensure that this space-time rift can prevent Wang Ce from escaping.

If it's not deep enough, then with Wang Ce's power, he can definitely escape from the space-time rift easily.

That's right, Zhuo Bufan's plan is to lure Wang Ce into this rift in time and space.

He wants the time rift to solve Wang Ce's big trouble.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan needs to get closer, closer.

In the end, he had to use all his strength to prevent himself from being swallowed up in the cracks in time and space.

The current Zhuo Bufan is like a duck struggling to escape from the maelstrom.

If he got any closer, he would definitely be sucked into the whirlpool and would never be able to escape.

"Boy, don't come any closer, we will die if you come any closer."

The Seeds of Creation can also feel that the powerful tearing force of the space-time rift is already beginning to tear apart the energy on their bodies.

Zhuo Bufan even discovered that his own soul had begun to be stripped away.

"No, it's not enough! We haven't even entered the outer wheel of the space-time rift yet."

"If it were just this level of devouring power, it would be impossible to swallow up the incarnation of Heavenly Dao."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he gritted his teeth and drifted deeper into the rift in time and space.

"Boy, no, don't take me with you if you want to die."

"Boy, if you think of any other way, you are looking for death."

Facing the reminder of the Seed of Creation, Zhuo Bufan had to admit that if he continued, he might really be swallowed into the cracks in time and space.

"Then come here!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took out the space crystal.

The space crystal looks like it will break at any time in your hand.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he immediately took out the Sealing Heaven Seal.

"seal up!"

Several sealing dragon souls flew out from the seal, and then sealed the space crystal.

In this way, the space crystal will not be torn apart by the power of the space-time rift.

Of course, this situation is only temporary. Zhuo Bufan must let the space crystal shatter in the cracks of time and space.

Moreover, it must be broken just right. It cannot be broken on the periphery, because then it will not be able to trap the incarnation of the way of heaven.

But if it goes too deep, Wang Ce may not feel it at all if it is broken.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan cannot impose too many seals on this space crystal, but he cannot impose too few seals either.

So it depends on Zhuo Bufan himself whether he can grasp this degree well.

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took out the Sealing Heaven Seal and slapped a few sealing dragon souls on the space crystal.

Then, he looked at the sealing crystal in his hand, and frowned.

"I hope it works!"

Immediately, Zhuo Bufan threw the space crystal into the crack in time and space.

After the space crystal entered the space-time rift, it began to fly to the deepest part of the space-time rift.

As the crystal deepens, the cracks in time and space begin to continuously swallow the seal on the space crystal.

Along with the devouring of the cracks in time and space, the sealing power that sealed the dragon souls was slowly torn apart.

Until the end, until the last layer of seal is torn apart.


Wang Ce's space crystal shattered in the middle layer of the space-time rift.

"The crystal is broken!"

Wang Ce, who was chasing Zhuo Bufan, suddenly felt that his space crystal had broken.

After hearing this, Ning Wu on the side was surprised and said: "Space crystal? How is it possible? Whose crystal is it?"

"It seems to belong to Song Yuan, that guy is not dead yet!"

Wang Ce said.

"The location of the spatial positioning is almost in the same direction as this boy is."

"Should we rush over?" Ning Wu asked.

At this time, Wang Ce hesitated.

He was thinking whether this was Zhuo Bufan's conspiracy.

However, the location of the space crystal was fleeting. If he didn't make a decision, he might waste this good opportunity.

"Hehe, even if it is a conspiracy. In the face of absolute strength, it is meaningless."

Finally, Wang Ce made a decision.

Wang Ce raised the star staff in his hand and opened a space door in the air.

"Let's go!"

The next second, he took Ning Wu and other Daxu into the space channel.


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