Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1256: Submission [Subscription Request]

The Eternal Star Territory is the second world in the chaotic void where self-consciousness of heaven was born.

It is obvious that many forces have started a battle to compete for the immature will of heaven.

Currently, the Eternal Star Territory is divided into two camps.

Among them, Mu Faxing, who advocates law and order, masters the secrets and laws of the Eternal Star Territory.

The original body star, which advocates freedom and power, controls the energy and force of the eternal star field.

It can be said that the two camps completely represent two completely different forces.

Because they each advocate different ideas, the conflicts between them can be said to have existed since ancient times.

The Mufa Star and the Original Body Star have also become the two most powerful stars and races in the Eternal Star Territory.

Seeing the contradictions and frictions between the two sides becoming more and more serious.

They began to form gangs all over the Eternal Star Territory.

Start recruiting your own supporters and forces.

Obviously, both sides are preparing for the final battle.

This battle is likely to determine the final destiny of the Eternal Star Territory.

This messenger from Mufa Star visited Blue Mercury seven days ago.

They issued a recruitment order to Blue Mercury, hoping that Blue Mercury could join their Mufa star camp.

At that time, Yu Ji, as the Star Lord, rejected the other party immediately.

So much so that the two sides even had a fight.

In the end, Yu Ji, as the star master of Blue Mercury, was even more powerful and repelled the messenger of Mufa Star.

But Yu Ji also knew that the messenger of Mu Faxing could not just give up.

That's why she later regarded Zhuo Bufan as a traitor sent by Mu Faxing.

As the star master of Blue Mercury, Yu Ji only hopes that her world and her people can live in peace and freedom in this world.

She did not want to participate in the decisive battle between Mufa and Primarch.

But now, she seems to have no choice.

"Star Lord, the other party is coming fiercely, I'm afraid we are in doom!"

"Yes, Star Lord, when they come this time, I'm afraid they won't give us a chance to choose. If we choose to refuse to join their camp, they will definitely start a war with us as soon as possible."

"Star Lord, make a decision! No matter what decision you make, we will support you."

These fishmen elders all looked at the Star Lord sitting on the throne.

Regarding the future of their fish-men clan, they could only place their hopes on this young clan leader.

After hearing this, Yu Ji stood up from the throne silently.

Then she stood up and said.

"Elders, I know what to do."

"It's a matter of our clan's survival. I will definitely protect Blue Star."

Yu Ji is the guardian chosen by Blue Star's will, so her strength is not too weak even in the entire Eternal Star Territory.

After all, it is the power of the Star Lord.

However, Yu Ji's power also has its limits.

No matter how strong she is, she is still no match for those powerful opponents in Mufa Star.

However, now that the enemy is facing her, she has no way out.

"I'll go with you!"

Just when Yu Ji felt a little lonely and helpless, Zhuo Bufan suddenly asked to accompany her to face Mu Faxing's mission.

Yu Ji was obviously stunned after hearing Zhuo Bufan's words.

"You go with me?"

"Yes, I'll go with you! I think you might need my power now."

Zhuo Bufan was not joking. He could see that Blue Mercury was facing an unprecedented disaster.

Once it is not handled properly, it may really become a catastrophe for Blue Mercury.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan didn't decide to go with Yu Ji just to help them, Blue Mercury.

His purpose in doing this was to take this opportunity to sneak into Mufa Star.

Zhuo Bufan also heard that the purpose of Mufaxing's coming was to win over Yu Ji and the others.

To put it bluntly, it is recruitment.

Zhuo Bufan didn't understand why Yu Ji and others were so opposed to recruiting An.

But for Zhuo Bufan, surrendering to Mufa Star may be a way for him to break into Mufa Star.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Yu Ji was silent for a moment.

Then she said.

"You think you can help me?"

"I think you can try it! After all, you have no choice."

Zhuo Bufan insisted on going with Yu Ji.

Yu Ji thought for a moment and finally agreed.

"Okay, but if you do anything out of the ordinary, I will kill you immediately."

"I can do anything to protect my people."

Obviously, Yu Ji still couldn't completely believe Zhuo Bufan.

After that, she flew out of Blue Mercury with Zhuo Bufan.

Arriving outside the void of Blue Mercury, I saw rows of mighty fleets, surrounding the entire Blue Star.

Zhuo Bufan was deeply surprised after seeing this scene.

"This is too exaggerated!"

"I see you have no choice but to surrender."

Zhuo Bufan thought about it and said to Yu Ji beside him.


After Yu Ji heard this, she gritted her teeth and was so angry that she wanted to shoot Zhuo Bufan to death immediately.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan explained in time.

"Don't worry yet!"

"Have you ever thought that surrendering to Mufa Star is not a bad thing?"

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero. Your stubborn resistance may bring disaster to you."

Zhuo Bufan actually followed Yu Ji to come here not to help her deal with the messenger from Mufa Star.

Instead, he wanted to persuade Yu Ji to surrender to Mufa Star.

This action obviously made Yu Ji a little angry.

"You really have bad intentions, I shouldn't have brought you out."

After Yu Ji finished speaking, she was about to seal Zhuo Bufan again.

At this moment, a beam of light suddenly rushed towards them.

In just a moment, it appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan and Yu Ji.

From that light, three people walked out.

They were wearing very grand and grand decorations, and their whole bodies were shining.

There were scepters, tall hats, holy swords, golden clothes...

It looked a bit exaggerated, but it gave people an extremely majestic aura.

These three people were obviously the messengers from Mufa Star.

"What a wise man who knows the times is a hero."

"Yu Ji, the little man next to you is obviously more knowledgeable than you."

Obviously, the three people heard what Zhuo Bufan just said.

So they had a good impression of Zhuo Bufan.

"Yu Ji, you should know the purpose of our coming today."

"Last time, I came here in person and told you to join the alliance of my Shepherd Star."

"I didn't expect you to severely injure me without explanation."

"Today, I will bring the expeditionary force to meet your Blue Water Star in person."

"If you can obey the rule of my God of Shepherd in the near future, then we can forgive you."

"But if you still resist today, what you will face on Blue Water Star will be the raging wrath of my Shepherd Star expeditionary force."

"What is not mine is my enemy!"

"Do you want to be a friend or an enemy of my Shepherd Star?"

"Whether your fish people will be destroyed or survive depends on your thoughts."

The three envoys directly put the conditions in front of Yu Ji.

Zhuo Bufan can see this scene clearly from the side.

If Yu Ji chooses to resist, then the blue star behind her may really be destroyed.

The assassin's Yu Ji felt very uncomfortable.


"I, Blue Water Star, only advocate peace and freedom, why is it so difficult?"

"I promised you that I would never participate in the war between your Shepherd Star and the Primarch Star, why are you forcing us?"

Yu Ji was still hesitating, she didn't want to lead her master to join this war.

Their race loves peace and is the most gentle singer in the Eternal Star Domain.

But once they join the competition between the two major alliances, their people will only live in endless wars in the future.

In the long run, their fish people will eventually be destroyed in this protracted war.

This is why Yu Ji has been unwilling to agree.

Just when Yu Ji was distressed, Zhuo Bufan said again.

"Perhaps, you had no choice from the beginning."

"You thought you could stay out of it, but have you ever thought that your Blue Water Star is still the star of life in the Eternal Star Domain."

"You are part of the Eternal Star Domain, and this cannot be separated."

"So, you can't stay out of this war from the beginning."

"Unless, you are willing to take your people and flee the Eternal Star Domain, just like the Ronin, traveling aimlessly in the chaotic void."

"But, do you know that the legendary race was almost exterminated not long ago?"

When Zhuo Bufan told the ending of Ronin Star, Yu Ji was stunned.

"What? Ronin Star, exterminated?"

"How do you know?"

Yu Ji seemed very excited.

Zhuo Bufan could see from her excited expression that Yu Ji definitely knew the Ronin Tribe, and even had a good relationship with them.

"Hahaha, you are a very interesting little person."

"It seems that you understand the situation better than the Queen of Blue Star."

"Little person, tell me your name, are you willing to join my Mufa Star?"

The three envoys were attracted by Zhuo Bufan's efforts to persuade Yu Ji.

In their opinion, although Zhuo Bufan is a little person, he is very sensible and knows the times.

He is a talent that can be cultivated.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled and said.

"I am Zhuo Bufan, from the distant Three Emperors Star Region."

The three envoys of Mufa Star were stunned when they heard it.

"Oh? You are from the Three Emperors Star Region?"

"It's a bit interesting. The Three Emperors Star Region is probably millions of light years away from our Eternal Star Region. You can come here from such a distant Three Emperors Star Region. It seems that you are really not a simple person.."

The other party was obviously attracted by Zhuo Bufan's background.

Zhuo Bufan chose to say that he was from the Three Emperors Star Region, which was obviously the right decision.

As the most mature life star field in the Chaos Void, the Three Emperors Star Field has always been worshipped and yearned for by the Eternal Star Field.

And so far, many races in the Eternal Star Field have come from the Three Emperors Star Field.

It can be said that the birth of the Eternal Star Field is largely due to the fact that those who escaped from Daluotian gathered here and built it.

However, the people in the Eternal Star Field now only know about the Three Emperors Star Field from the legends passed down from generation to generation by their ancestors.

However, they know that the Three Emperors Star Field exists.

"Very good, it turns out to be Senior Zhuo from the Three Emperors Star Field."

"If you can join our Mufa Star camp, it will really be even more powerful for us Mufa Star."

The three envoys immediately changed their names to Zhuo Bufan and called him Senior Zhuo.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan knew the purpose of these three guys.

Nothing more than wanting to find out something about the Three Emperors Star Region from Zhuo Bufan.

So they definitely want to win over Zhuo Bufan now.

And it just so happened that Zhuo Bufan wanted to enter Mufa Star again, so he did not refuse at all the solicitation of these three Mufa Star envoys.

"Just in time, I also want to know about the customs of your Eternal Star Territory. I promise you."

In this way, Zhuo Bufan agreed to the three envoys in front of him.

He also successfully blended into Mu Faxing's camp.

Next, all we need to do is wait for Mo Chichi's arrival at Mufa Star.

"Before joining you, I can help you persuade this Blue Star Lord to let them Blue Star join your camp."

Zhuo Bufan needs to give Mu Faxing a little greeting gift, so taking the opportunity to win over Blue Mercury is undoubtedly the best choice.

When the three envoys heard this, they were delighted.

"If Senior Zhuo can really persuade Yu Ji to join our Shepherd, the three of us will definitely ask you for credit in front of the Shepherd."

"Yes, being able to win over Blue Mercury is a great achievement. I believe Master Shepherd will reward Senior Zhuo well."

Zhuo Bufan chuckled after hearing this.

"Okay, just give me a little time. I want to talk to this Star Master alone."

After hearing this, the three of them looked at each other, and then they turned and left one after another.

"Okay, let's give you some more time, Senior Zhuo."

After the three of them finished speaking, they disappeared.

Zhuo Bufan and Yu Ji were left behind.

"What is your relationship with the Ronin clan?"

At this moment, Yu Ji suddenly asked Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan responded.

"I have a close friend who is the sixth elder of the Ronin clan."

"What? The sixth elder of the Ronin clan is your friend?"

Yu Ji suddenly looked at Zhuo Bufan with excitement.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Yu Ji's excited look and frowned.

"Do you know Shun?"

Zhuo Bufan seemed to have guessed something.

After hearing the name Shun, Yu Ji's face obviously turned pale.

"No way. Is this such a coincidence in this world?"

Sure enough, Yu Ji knew Shun, and her relationship with Shun was not simple.

"You just said that the Ronin tribe was almost wiped out. What happened?"

"Also, how is Shun?"

Yu Ji was so concerned about Shun's situation, which made Zhuo Bufan even more convinced that Yu Ji must have something to do with Shun.

However, Zhuo Bufan was unable to answer Yu Ji's question.

Because he doesn't know what's going on with Shun now.

"I can tell you the situation of the Ronin tribe, but I still have to advise you."

"For the sake of your people, you have to make a choice now."

"Do you think you are qualified to be enemies with Mufa Star now?"

"I know you are worried about involving your tribe in this war."

"But now, you have no choice. Either live or die with your people."

"Either follow me to Mufa Planet and fight for the future of your Blue Mercury Star!"

I have to say, Zhuo Bufan's words are very convincing.

Under Zhuo Bufan's pleading and persuasion, Yu Ji finally said after being silent for a long time.

"I want to discuss this with the elders."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly and said.


Later, Zhuo Bufan watched Yu Ji return to her planet.

Everything is developing step by step according to Zhuo Bufan's plan.

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