Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1257: Each with their own agenda [Subscribe]

Yu Ji returned to the tribe and discussed the decision with the elders.

Some of the elders did not make any comments, but just said that it was up to the Star Lord to decide.

They did not dare to make such a decision, and could only shirk responsibility from each other.

"Everything is decided by the tribe leader."

This is what some elders thought.

However, some elders expressed opposition.

"No, once we agree to them, then our mermaid tribe will be finished."

"Yes, tribe leader! Mufaxing wants us to become their running dogs to rule the Eternal Star Domain."

"Once we agree to join Mufaxing's camp, from now on, our Blue Water Star will never have peace."

"All tribe members will lose themselves and their loved ones on the battlefield."

What the opposition said is not unreasonable. After all, once they join this war, there will be no peace on Blue Water Star.

But now, they seem to have no choice.

"Do you think we still have room for choice?"

"You have also seen that the messenger of Mufaxing has surrounded us with a mighty fleet. As long as we refuse Mufaxing's request, we will only be exterminated."

"Do you want to be exterminated now and fight to the death?"

"I think the best way at present is to pretend to submit and then find a chance to escape the control of Mufaxing."

An elder proposed.

"I also agree with Elder Mu's method. We have no choice now."

"If you don't want to succumb to the tyranny of Mufaxing, then we can only sacrifice our lives and live and die together!"

"I think everyone doesn't want to see our world destroyed, so the best way is to pretend to submit."

After hearing this proposal, the people of the mermaid tribe were a little unwilling, but they had no choice.

In the end, they could only look at the tribe leader Yu Ji silently, waiting for Yu Ji to make this decision.

Yu Ji looked at all the elders present, and finally she stood up with a trident in her hand and announced——

"Sir, why should we let that unknown person enter the Mufa Star?"

"Do we really need to rely on its power?"

In the Mufa Star Envoy Group, three envoys were discussing secretly.

They were obviously discussing how to solve the problem of Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan's arrival surprised them.

After all, Zhuo Bufan claimed to be from the Three Emperors Star Region.

If what he said was true, then his origin would be very eye-catching.

"This person claimed to be from the Three Emperors Star Region, which is very important information for us."

"Think about it, what will Lord Mushen do next after ruling the Eternal Star Region?"

After hearing this, the other two envoys were dazzled.

"Lord Shepherd God will definitely rule the Eternal Star Domain and master the Heavenly Will of the Eternal Star Domain."

"Then what he will do next is to find the Three Emperors Star Domain and deprive the Heavenly Will of the Three Emperors Star Domain."

After hearing this, the military envoy nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, that's right."

"Lord Shepherd God will rule the entire Eternal Star Domain sooner or later."

"And once he rules the Eternal Star Domain, what he will do next is to embark on the journey to the Three Emperors Star Domain."

"If this kid really came from the Three Emperors Star Domain, then he is very useful."

"That's why I took the initiative to keep that kid."

After hearing this, the other two envoys nodded.

"Lord Soldier is really smart!"

"If this is the case, Lord Shepherd God will definitely be very happy."

The three envoys said complacently.

"Then we can bring those fishmen from Blue Water Star into our camp on Mufa Star. This time, the military envoy has done a great job. It's a cause for celebration!"

The other two flattered the military envoy.


On the other hand, Zhuo Bufan also had his own plan.

Tell them that he was from the Three Emperors Star Region, then Zhuo Bufan would have shown his value.

This value is absolutely important to Mufa Star.

Zhuo Bufan had never thought of the problem that the military envoy could think of.

When Zhuo Bufan heard that Mufa Star and Primitive Star were fighting for the will of the heaven in the Eternal Star Region, he thought that both sides were ambitious.

After they conquered this star region, the next destination would definitely be the Three Emperors Star Region.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan, who came from the Three Emperors Star Region, had a very important meaning.

It can be said that the god of Mufa Star not only wanted to use Zhuo Bufan, but also wanted to serve him as a VIP.

This was Zhuo Bufan's plan.

The fact is just as Zhuo Bufan expected.

The military envoy is indeed quite clever and treats Zhuo Bufan as a noble.

If he takes Zhuo Bufan back, he will also have done a great deed.

In addition, if he helps the military envoy to subdue the mermaids of Blue Water Star,

then Zhuo Bufan will not only have a token of allegiance, but also do the military envoy a favor.

In short, both sides have their own calculations.

And Zhuo Bufan is undoubtedly the most shrewd one.

Because he also took Yu Ji and the others into account.


"Senior Zhuo, it's almost time, let's hear an answer."

Soon, the soldier and his men came to Zhuo Bufan again.

The two sides met, smiling, each with their own ulterior motives.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan said with a smile.

"You came at the right time, it should be almost time."

"I think our mermaid queen will give us a satisfactory answer."

Zhuo Bufan finished speaking and looked back at the blue star below.

I saw Yu Ji flying up alone.

When Yu Ji appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan, the soldier beside him asked hurriedly.

"Yu Ji, you should make a decision."

"I believe you are a smart person and should make a smart choice."

But at this time, Zhuo Bufan stopped from the side and said.


"My envoy, I think that at this point, Yu Ji Star Lord must be willing to bring her people to join the camp of Mu Fa Star."

"However, what benefits will we get after joining Mu Fa Star?"

The soldier and Yu Ji beside him did not expect Zhuo Bufan to suddenly say such a thing.

Everyone present was stunned.

"Senior Zhuo, what do you mean?"

"The soldier frowned and looked at Zhuo Bufan."

Zhuo Bufan was actually testing, testing how much weight his identity as a visitor from the Three Emperors Star Region had in the other party's heart.

So, he continued.

"My lord envoy, I am not speaking for the mermaids."

"It's just that the Shepherd Star wants the fishmen to help you fight wholeheartedly and become your most loyal allies, so you Shepherd Star should give them certain promises."

Zhuo Bufan's words surprised the soldier and Yu Ji beside him.

Especially Yu Ji, she didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to speak for them.

But when Zhuo Bufan said this, Yu Ji immediately understood what he meant, so she hurriedly said.

"That's right, we on Blue Water Star can join the Shepherd Alliance, but we also have conditions."

Yu Ji had never thought about this before, let alone fighting for the rights and interests of her people.

Now that Zhuo Bufan said this, she realized that she should fight for some benefits for her people.

The envoy frowned slightly after hearing this.

He didn't expect that the two people in front of him would play a double act for him.

They dared to negotiate with him, which obviously showed that they didn't take Mufaxing seriously.

You should know that none of the stars they persuaded to surrender before dared to negotiate with them.

So he could just ignore it and directly wipe out the entire mermaid tribe.

However, the envoy now had to consider Zhuo Bufan's position here.

If he rejected Yu Ji's request, it would be equivalent to rejecting Zhuo Bufan's request.

He was still thinking about bringing Zhuo Bufan back to Mufaxing to receive the great merit. If he rejected Zhuo Bufan here, it would be impossible to win over Zhuo Bufan next time.

So, the military envoy hesitated now.

His hesitation made Zhuo Bufan basically understand his position in the other party's mind.

"It seems that this guy should need my power very much."

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly.

At this time, the military envoy said after thinking for a long time.

"Okay, tell me, what are your conditions?"

The soldier's retreat was obviously for Zhuo Bufan's sake.

Zhuo Bufan said when he heard it.

"Let me make the decision for the fishmen!"

Zhuo Bufan said, and looked at Yu Ji.

Yu Ji was stunned when she saw this.

She obviously hadn't kept up with Zhuo Bufan's rhythm, and didn't understand whether Zhuo Bufan was helping him.

But at this time, she could only believe Zhuo Bufan.

"I think the mermaids are not good at fighting, but their songs have a healing effect."

"So I suggest that the mermaids be incorporated into the alliance's logistics forces, responsible for support and medical treatment?"

Zhuo Bufan's condition made Yu Ji and the soldier stunned for a moment.

The soldier asked first: "Is that it?"

He originally thought that Zhuo Bufan would have some excessive demands, but he didn't expect that the other party just asked to incorporate the mermaids into the logistics forces.

"Yes, that's it! I wonder what Yu Ji thinks?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Yu Ji next to him.

After hearing this, Yu Ji nodded immediately.

"Yes, that's what we meant. My people are not good at fighting, so it's okay for us to join the Mufaxing Alliance, and we won't go to the front line."

"You can be responsible for logistics and medical care."

The reason why Yu Ji refused to join this war was that she was afraid that her people would be sacrificed in this battle.

If she didn't go to the front line, but only provided logistics support, it would be acceptable.

At least, this is the best way.

The soldier looked at Zhuo Bufan, and then looked at Yu Ji.

Then he responded.

"Okay, I promise you. As the soldier of Mufaxing, I have the power of the army and can arrange for you mermaids to join the logistics force."

"However, I also have a condition."

"What condition?"

Yu Ji asked.

After hearing this, the soldier replied.

"That is, as the leader of the fish people, you must represent the fish people and follow me to Mufaxing to join the alliance seat."

The implication of this soldier was that Yu Ji was needed as a hostage to go to Mufaxing.

Yu Ji also knew that this was Mu Faxing's method, and they were afraid that they would regret it.

She had to agree to this condition.

"Okay, I'll go with you to Mufa Star."

Finally, Yu Ji decided to go to Mufa Star as a hostage.

"Well, please also go with Senior Zhuo, so that we can do our best to be the host."

The ultimate goal of this soldier is actually Zhuo Bufan.

As for the mermaids, whether they join or not doesn't really matter to him.

The mermaids don't have much combat power anyway, and they are not of much help to Mufa Star.

The strength of the entire mermaids is not as good as Yu Ji alone.

The important thing is Zhuo Bufan, who comes from the Three Emperors Star Region, and his value is immeasurable.

This soldier is a smart man, so he agreed to Zhuo Bufan's previous requests.

Of course, for Zhuo Bufan, going to Mufa Star was also his goal.

It can be said that this time everyone got what they wanted, and no one's interests were damaged.

"Okay, I also want to see what kind of star the most famous Mufa Star in this world is."

Zhuo Bufan smiled inwardly.

In this way, he entered the Mufa Star without any effort.

Then the fleet of the Mufa Star soldiers settled in Blue Water Star, and they left a space portal on Blue Water Star.

Then, Yu Ji parted with her tribesmen and went to Mufa Star with Zhuo Bufan.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan and Yu Ji went to Mufa Star as allies and guests.

So they took the warship of the soldier.

However, the purpose of their trip was not to rush back to Mufa Star directly.

In addition to Blue Water Star, the soldier had another star to recruit.

This was also the purpose of his coming out this time.

"Next we are going to Giant Star. They are the giants in the chaotic void, and they are also the race that our Mu Shen wants to recruit the most."

"So we can only rush back to Mufa Star after we successfully recruit the giants."

"I hope you two can understand this point."

The soldier explained it to Zhuo Bufan and Yu Ji.

Zhuo Bufan and Yu Ji didn't care.

For Zhuo Bufan, it was okay to go to Mufa Star later.

After all, it would take a long time for Mo Chichi to get here.

For Yu Ji, it didn't matter, she wished she could go to Mufa Star later.

"In that case, then I'll have to trouble you two to go with us one more time."

After the soldier finished speaking, he led Zhuo Bufan and the others to rush to Giant Star.


"We're here!"

A few days later, the starship they were on finally arrived in the small galaxy where Giant Star was located.

It was a very large star, dozens of times larger than Yu Ji's Blue Mercury.

"No wonder it's called Giant Star, it turns out to be a giant!"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but be amazed after seeing Giant Star.

However, at this time, suddenly a fierce laser cannon bombarded the starship they were on.


The laser cannon, like the sun's divine light, bombarded from Giant Star.

Then with a bang, it hit the soldier's starship fiercely.

The soldier saw this, but just smiled coldly.

"Humph, you want to hurt me with your backward barbaric technology?"

"Zuo Chen, teach these barbarians a lesson."

As soon as the soldier finished speaking, one of his men controlled the starship they were riding on, and then began to counterattack towards the Titan below.

In an instant, an invisible energy net began to expand rapidly, and then quickly covered the entire Titan.

Then, all the nodes in the net began to blast out terrifying energy, bombarding the Titan below indiscriminately around the world.

For a time, the entire Titan was engulfed in a sea of ​​fire and smoke.


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