Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1281 The Battle Begins [Subscribe]

The war in the Eternal Star Domain finally broke out on a large scale.

This originally brilliant starry sky was shrouded in flames of war for a while.

The flames of war between the Pastoral Alliance and the Primarch Alliance covered the entire star domain.

The collision between planets. The battle between warships.

Death and destruction filled the entire battlefield. The terrible smoke of gunpowder was everywhere.

In this war, I don’t know how many people were displaced.

I don’t know how many people paid their lives for it.

But the war has started, and everyone living in this star domain will have no way out.

Everyone was forced to join this war.

Even outsiders like Zhuo Bufan had to join the battlefield.

It can be said that this war was destined to be a catastrophe from the beginning.

All the stars dragged into this quagmire cannot escape.

They don’t know who they are fighting for. Anyway, wherever they see, they are enemies.

They just want to survive.

So the flames of war will only burn more and more.

In this war, the Pastoral Alliance is undoubtedly more advantageous.

The Shepherd Alliance recruited more than half of the power of the Eternal Star Domain.

And completely controlled this power in their own hands.

In this regard, Yuan Zun is obviously far inferior to the Shepherd God.

The Shepherd God has the ability to control their souls.

So he can ensure that his subordinates are absolutely obedient and loyal to him.

But Yuan Zun simply summoned his own alliance.

But this alliance is relatively scattered.

Everyone has their own ulterior motives and acts on their own.

So, when the war officially started, the Primarch Alliance soon suffered a painful blow.

However, the Primarch Alliance was not completely defeated.

Because the allies recruited by the Primarch Alliance are all the strongest in the Eternal Star Domain.

The Primarch Alliance has gray bodies that are powerful enough to be immune to physical damage,

Star Devourers that are terrifying enough to swallow stars,

and the Beastmasters who can summon Chaos Beasts at the slightest disagreement.

In short, the Primarch Alliance is very strong, even if they act on their own and have their own ulterior motives, it is not something that the Shepherd Alliance can solve in a short time.

And this war has just begun.

The Shepherd Alliance directly expanded the battle line to the entire Eternal Star Region.

Then it launched three simultaneous attacks, radiating to the Primitive Alliance in a fan-shaped manner.

The first route was led by Zhuo Bufan's legion, trying to tear a gap from the Gray Body and then directly penetrate the belly of the enemy alliance.

However, Zhuo Bufan, the great military strategist, failed at this critical moment.

He is about to be turned against by the Gray Body.

Dou Shi, one of the nine holy envoys of the Shepherd Star, is responsible for unified operations on the front line.

At the beginning, according to the plan of the Shepherd God, they divided their troops into three routes.

Zhuo Bufan was originally responsible for conquering the Gray Body.

But after more than half a month, there was still no news.

This made Dou Shi, who was in charge of the operation, anxious.

Dou Shi immediately communicated with the three heads of the Brain Demon Clan and the two star masters of the Oron of the Orfa Clan.

"What's the situation on your side? It's been so long, and the Gray Star has not been attacked yet?"

After connecting to the other party, Dou Shi cursed directly.

After hearing this, Sanshou and the others responded with grievance.

"Dou Shi, we dare not act rashly now!"

"The great military advisor went to Gray Star alone to spy on the military situation and has not returned yet."

"If we act rashly, I am afraid that the great military advisor will be imprisoned."

Sanshou and Aolong knew the importance of Zhuo Bufan to the Shepherd God.

After all, Zhuo Bufan came from the Three Emperors Star Region. If the Shepherd God wants to march into the Three Emperors Star Region in the future, then the importance of Zhuo Bufan can be imagined.

So for the safety of Zhuo Bufan, they dare not act rashly.

However, this delayed the entire war.

Zhuo Bufan, as the most important main force of the right wing, is now stagnant on Gray Star.

"What a joke? I don't care whether the great military advisor is dead or alive, I will give you another seven days."

"If you can't take Gray Star within seven days, you can wait to accept the punishment of Lord Shepherd God!"

Dou Shi was angry.

He didn't expect that it was Zhuo Bufan who delayed the big thing.

That's right, for him, it's just Zhuo Bufan.

In the eyes of outsiders, Zhuo Bufan is the great military strategist of the Pastoral Alliance and a favorite of the Pastoral God.

But the nine holy envoys knew very well that Zhuo Bufan was just a chess piece of theirs.

Now this chess piece is going to interfere with the entire battle situation, and he doesn't mind abandoning this chess piece.

So for the Pastoral God and these holy envoys, Zhuo Bufan is a dispensable character.

"Remember, you only have seven days."

"Destroy the Gray Star, annihilate the Gray Body at all costs, and then meet me on the Black Star."

The Dou Envoy issued an ultimatum to the two star masters.

After hearing this, the two star masters looked at each other in confusion.

"What should we do? Now the Dou Shi wants us to attack Gray Star!"

"The Grand Military Advisor is still on Gray Star. If we attack Gray Star, the Grand Military Advisor will probably be in danger."

"The Grand Military Advisor is the most important guest of Lord Shepherd God. If something happens to him, Lord Shepherd God will definitely not let us go."

"But if we don't attack Gray Star and cause serious consequences, Lord Shepherd God will still blame us."

"Asshole, now we are really dead anyway."

"Fight! We have no choice. If something happens to the great military advisor, we will tell the Shepherd that he died in the battle."

After discussion, the two sides finally decided to attack Gray Star.

"Well, follow the previous plan and move the tiger away from the mountain."

"We, the Offa clan, are responsible for moving Gray Star's large forces away from Gray Star. You take the opportunity to attack Gray Star and save the army at the same time."

After discussing with Aolong, Sanshou finally decided to follow Zhuo Bufan's previous method.

Use the strategy of diverting the tiger away from the mountain to attack Gray Star.

After Auron got his mission, he immediately returned to his Austrian clan's camp.

Then the leader led hundreds of thousands of Austrian elites and rushed towards Gray Star.

Above the Gray Star, the Lord of the Gray Star looked a little depressed.

He didn't expect that Huilian would drive him out and leave Zhuo Bufan alone.

He didn't understand why Hui Lian did this, but it was Hui Lian's choice and it was impossible for him to object.

He is just the guardian of Gray Lotus, not its owner.

"I really don't know, who is that kid?"

"Luo Tian, ​​I have never heard of this name before."

"But Gray Lotus turned out to be Luo Tian's heart. It seems that this Luo Tian is really no ordinary person."

The Lord of Gray Star only heard some fragmentary information.

He only knew that Gray Lotus was the Lotus of Chaos, and it was also the heart of a man named Luo Tian.

How powerful it is that a man's heart can actually create a clan.

In other words, their gray bodies can be regarded as the descendants of Luo Tian.

It was Luo Tian who created them.

"Who is this Great God Luo Tian?"

The Lord of Gray Star is guessing about the identity of Great God Luo Tian.

At this moment, he suddenly sensed a murderous intention coming from outside the starry sky.

"Is there any hostility?"

Just when the Lord of Gray Star sensed the other party.

Suddenly, a few of them also rushed into the main hall of Gray Castle.

"Star Lord, there is a powerful enemy coming!"

When the Lord of Gray Star saw Hula and the others acting in a different manner, he knew that the ten came were not good.

"Notify the whole hospital and get ready for battle. I will go and find out first."

As soon as the Lord of Gray Star finished speaking, he instantly disappeared into the hall.

The next moment, the Lord of Gray Star arrived outside the sky and saw the enemies coming in force in the starry sky not far away.

"Lord of Gray Star, I am here!"

The person who spoke was none other than Auron, the Lord of the Arcane Star.

The person hasn't arrived yet, but his supreme arcane magic has already arrived.

It was a terrifying group of meteorites.

Countless meteorites carried terrifying fiery energy, then destroyed everything and struck towards Gray Star overwhelmingly.

If so many meteorites fell on the Gray Star, they would definitely be riddled with holes.

However, in the face of such shocking power, the Lord of Gray Star remained undaunted.

"Little tricks!"

The Lord of Gray Star snorted coldly and raised his hand to draw a circle in front of the king.

Immediately afterwards, a mass of overwhelming gray fog expanded towards the meteorite group.

In an instant, gray fog filled the entire chaotic void, covering the entire space with a radius of thousands of miles.

Those meteorites, in the gray mist, began to move slower and slower, until finally, they became completely still in the sky.

Gray fog can remove all energy.

The energy of the meteorite impact was obviously absorbed by the gray mist.

Auron looked at this scene with cold eyes.

I saw him shout low again and shouted:

"The secret of divine order, the hand of the sky!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Auron, the master of the Arcane Star, raised his hand and grabbed it in front of him.

For a time, the meteorites that were still at rest began to move again.

Immediately afterwards, these meteorites began to crackle together.

Then a big hand covering the sky formed.

The sky-covering hand grabbed directly towards Gray Star.

To that big hand that covers the sky, Gray Star is as small as a small rubber ball.

That big hand that covers the sky can crush it with one hand.

He is worthy of being the star master of the Arcane clan, and he is extremely proficient in the use of mysteries.

With a raised hand, it was a god-level kindness that would destroy the world.

If it were a star, the iron nail would be crushed by Auron on the spot.

However, the stars in front of Auron were no ordinary stars.

It is the Gray Star that is known as the most difficult to break through in the Eternal Star Territory.

And above this Gray Star, there is also the powerful and unfathomable Lord of Gray Star.

"court death!"

The Lord of Gray Star looked at the sky-covering hand reaching towards him and Gray Star behind him.

He suddenly manipulated the gray fog in front of him, and then formed a ten-thousand-mile long knife completely condensed with gray fog.


Under the control of the Lord of Gray Star, the ten-thousand-mile-long sword slashed towards the sky-covering hand.

Just in an instant, the big hand covering the sky was cut off by the long sword.

The five fingers collapsed one by one, which was extremely terrifying.

The first confrontation between the Lord of Gray Star and the Lord of Arcana was already earth-shattering.

The next battle is naturally even more extraordinary.

However, after two fights, the two sides stopped at the same time with a tacit understanding.

At this time, Auron, the Lord of Arcana, flew towards the Lord of Gray Star, and then stopped ten thousand meters away from the Lord of Gray Star.

The two sides began to communicate with each other's souls.

"Where does this villain come from, dares to sneak attack on me, Gray Star, are you tired of living?"

The Lord of Gray Star was not polite and scolded the other party angrily as soon as he came up.

After hearing this, the other party immediately snorted coldly.

"Lord of Gray Star, you are too arrogant."

"Dare you to disregard the grace of my Shepherd God just because you have a gray body?"

"I asked you to join the Shepherd Alliance, but you were so shameless that you refused."

"Today is the day when your Gray Star will be destroyed."

As a star lord, Auron is naturally fearless.

And he also knows many powerful soul mysteries, so he is confident in fighting against the Lord of Gray Star.

Of course, Auron has never fought with the Lord of Gray Star.

He doesn't know what a terrifying monster he is facing.

"So you are the running dog of the Shepherd God!"

"You still want to speak arrogantly in front of me and destroy my Gray Star?"

"Just you? I can kill several ants like you with one hand."

After the Lord of Gray Star finished speaking, a more terrifying gray mist began to disperse from his body.

These gray mists are very thick, more terrifying than the gray mist released before.

When the gray mist is released, the place covered is full of coldness, gloom, and nothingness.

What is gray mist?

The gray fog comes from the Chaos Lotus, which is the Chaos Air spit out by the Chaos Lotus.

Chaos Air is the original power of the universe.

When the Chaos Air was born, time was also born at the same time.

Therefore, the power of this gray fog cannot be described in words.

It can be said that time is after chaos.

The Lord of Time is already recognized as the most powerful existence in the Chaos Void, so is it possible that there is another Lord of Chaos before the Lord of Time?

Let's not talk about it, just look at the present.

The Lord of Gray Star suddenly released the Chaos Gray Fog, and the powerful gray breath covered the entire void.

Seeing this, the Lord of Arcane, Oron, stared at him.

"Not good!"

"This Lord of Gray Star, I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with!"

After the Lord of Arcane finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and shouted.

"God-level mystery, Eternal Shield!"

He released an extremely powerful energy shield to protect himself.

The next second, the long sword in the hand of the Lord of Gray Star suddenly flashed a cold light.

In the chaos, a cold light suddenly appeared.

Then, the knife flashed and cut off the galaxy.

Seeing this, Oron was stunned.


Oron's first reaction was to run away.

Run away at all costs.

Facing the knife of the Lord of Gray Star, the Lord of Arcane told him intuitively that it was not his shield that could withstand it.

The Lord of Gray Star was much stronger than him.

So in front of the Lord of Gray Star, Oron showed incomparable strength.

However, the Lord of Gray Star was much stronger than Oron.

But even if Oron ran away, it was too late.

The Lord of Gray Star's knife cut on his back.


This knife directly cut off the body and soul.

Oron screamed, and then hugged the injured soul to avoid it.

"Retreat, retreat! Retreat quickly."

Oron shouted to the people behind him.

After hearing this, his Oron people began to follow their star lord frantically to escape.

Seeing the people of the Orfa tribe running away, the Lord of Gray Star saw this and shouted hurriedly.

"Chase them!"

When the Lord of Gray Star saw that Oron was running away, he quickly chased him.

At the cost of cutting off his own arm, Oron actually completed the plan of luring the tiger away from the mountain.

The Lord of Gray Star didn't know that when he led his army to chase Oron.

The three stars of the Brain Demon tribe quietly raided their Gray Star.


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