Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1282 Nine Stars Collision [Subscribe]

Auron was actually seriously injured, so he had to flee.

Of course, this also implemented the plan of luring the tiger away from the mountain by mistake.

The Lord of Gray Star is an extremely conceited person.

He would naturally not let go of the fleeing Oron.

The Lord of Gray Star does not know what it means to not chase after a desperate enemy.

He only knows that he must kill Oron to eliminate this worry.

Otherwise, if he lets the tiger go back to the mountain, Oron will definitely not give up and will come back again.

So in order to avoid future troubles, the Lord of Gray Star decided to kill Oron.

And the gray body is warlike, so he led the army to chase Oron.

But in this way, their Gray Star was completely depleted.

The main combat power of Gray Star went to chase Oron, resulting in the current defense of Gray Star being extremely weak.

The three heads of the Brain Demon Clan took advantage of this opportunity and led their people to raid Gray Star.

Gray Star obviously did not expect that there were far more than just the race of the Offa Star coming to attack them.

The brain demons are the real nemesis of their gray bodies.

And on the gray star, only some old, weak, sick and disabled people are left.

So, when the three heads invaded the gray star with the great king, the gray body suffered an unprecedented massacre.

This day was the most tragic day in the history of the gray star.

The three heads of the brain demons directly released tens of thousands of soul dragons and began to devour all the gray bodies that survived on the gray star.

However, although the gray bodies suffered heavy damage.

But soon after the brain demons entered the gray star, they also suffered a counterattack from the gray star.

The gray fog released by the gray star completely enveloped the brain demons.

The gray fog is the most powerful defense of the comet.

These gray fogs have various mysterious abilities.

They are the fog of chaos, one of which is to affect the minds of others.

That is a powerful means of soul attack.

You must know that the layer of gray fog on the surface of the gray body life is originally the soul power.

That power can absorb all physical damage.

The gray fog is undoubtedly the key to this power.

The gray fog itself is extremely powerful as a soul power.

So, when the gray fog was released, the gray body began to invade the souls of these brain demons.

The brain demons have the strongest average soul power in the Eternal Star Domain.

Therefore, the brain demons are the nemesis of the gray body.

However, the powerful soul power of the brain demons has also become its most fatal weakness.

The gray fog began to amplify their soul power when invading their brains.

In this way, all the brain demons began to howl because they could not bear such a powerful soul power.

They began to go crazy, began to scream, began to be confused, and began to attack their own kind.

The brain demons began to go crazy collectively under the invasion of the gray fog.

"No, this gray fog can affect our mind!"

The three heads of the brain demon star master reacted immediately.

The power contained in the gray fog will make the souls of the brain demons crazy.

So the brain demons began to go crazy not long after they were on the gray star.

They were so confused that they could not attack.

Originally thought that all the gray bodies could be wiped out in one fell swoop, but unexpectedly, all the brain demons fell on the gray star.

"Retreat, retreat!"

Seeing that the situation was not right, Sanshou immediately asked everyone to retreat.

She didn't want all her people to die here.

So he quickly took the brain demons and moved them all outside the gray star.

This battle for the gray star ended with the retreat of the brain demons.

However, both sides suffered heavy losses, especially the gray bodies, although they had gray fog as cover.

But in this battle, they were plundered by the brain demons and suffered equally heavy losses.


"Damn, what the hell is the gray fog on this gray star?"

After retreating with his people, Sanshou returned to the sky and hid.

Sanshou is the patriarch of the brain demons. The reason why he is called Sanshou is because he has three heads.

On weekdays, the middle head is the dominant one.

But when he is alone, the other two heads will take the opportunity to speak.

Three heads, communicate with each other.

"That gray fog has a strong impact on the soul. I'm afraid that's the energy released by the legendary gray star core."

"The facts prove that the great military advisor did not lie to us. There is indeed a terrifying gray fog here."

"Then what should we do now? Both sides suffered heavy losses in the battle just now."

"Not only heavy, but our people are all crazy now."

"They have completely lost their fighting spirit. It may be difficult to recover."

"What should we do? Continue to attack?"

"No, if we continue, it will cause irreversible consequences to our people."

"But if we don't attack, how can we explain to the Dou Shi?"

"Explain? Why should we explain?"

"If he has the ability, he can do it himself?"

"You are talking fast now, but it's useless. If you have the guts, say it in front of the Dou Shi! Don't forget who is behind the Dou Shi. It's Lord Shepherd."

"Shut up!"

Just when the three heads began to contradict themselves.

Suddenly, the dominant head shouted angrily.

"The problem now is not whether to fight or not, but how to fight!"

"Even if we want to fight, we must solve the problem of the gray fog on the Gray Star!"

"It is indeed a problem. If we can't solve the gray fog on the Gray Star, we can't attack the Gray Star at all."

"Time is running out. I'm afraid the Lord of Gray Star will be back soon!"

"We can't pin our hopes on Oron. He is not reliable at all."

"The Lord of Gray Star is so powerful that Oron can't hold on for long."

The mission of the three heads is to take down the Gray Star.

Oron has already completed the task of luring the tiger away from the mountain.

The rest depends on whether the three heads can take down the Gray Star.

Of course, it is not easy to take down the Gray Star.

"Maybe I have a way to create a world-shaking gale to blow away all the gray fog on the Gray Star!"

"That's a good idea, but this is not an ordinary gray fog. Ordinary wind can never blow it away!"

"So I said, this is a world-shaking gale."

"World-shaking, how to shake the world?"

"Use the stars to hit it, we use the power of all the stars around to destroy it."

It is said that three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang. These three elm heads together really came up with a solution.

They want to use the power of the stars around to destroy the Gray Star.

This has to be said to be a sinister plan.

"But in this case, what about the military advisor?"

"Yes, the military advisor is still on the Gray Star."

"Won't the military advisor save him?"

"How to save him? Just say he died in battle! It's important to take down the Gray Star."

The three heads talked to each other and finally decided Zhuo Bufan's fate.

They obviously didn't plan to save Zhuo Bufan.

After all, who cares about Zhuo Bufan's life or death at this time.

"In that case, let's do it!"

"Gather all the stars around and encircle and annihilate Gray Star!"

After the three heads finished speaking, they mobilized all the subordinates who could still move, and then began their evil plan.

They began to push the surrounding stars and then moved towards Gray Star.

They gathered nine stars at once, and then all of them flew away with Gray Star as the center.

For a while, the scene was extremely spectacular, and it could even be described as terrifying.

When the lives on Gray Star saw the nine stars coming towards them, they all howled in fear.

They could only watch all the stars coming.

They wanted to save their planet, but they were powerless.

The three heads watched the nine stars crash into Gray Star, and they were naturally very proud.

"They are dead now!"

In the eyes of the three heads, Gray Star was doomed this time.

But just after this or death, nine huge arms suddenly grew from the Gray Star.

The nine arms pushed towards the nine stars.

"What is that?"

The three heads stared at the nine arms stretched out from the gray star in amazement.

"That is gray fog, the gray fog on the gray star."

"This damn gray fog can actually block the stars?"

The three heads were shocked by what they saw.

They didn't expect that the gray fog could actually turn into nine sky-covering hands and block the nine stars.

"What a joke, can it block this?"

The people of the Brain Demon Clan stared at the nine sky-covering hands released by the gray star in amazement.

They only saw that the nine sky-covering hands transformed by the gray fog began to wrap up the nine stars.

Then the gray fog began to devour the nine stars.

For a while, an extremely spectacular spectacle formed above the void.

Nine stars are linked together in the gray star.

A huge gray star field is formed.

The energy of the nine stars is being continuously devoured.

If this continues, the energy of the nine stars will completely disappear.

At that time, the three heads' method of using the energy from the collision of stars to destroy the gray star would completely fail.

The three heads who saw this scene immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Don't give him a chance to fight back!"

"All tribesmen, push!"

Seeing that the gray star began to fight back, the three heads immediately informed all the tribesmen and began to push the nine stars!

For a while, a shocking tug-of-war broke out.

All the capable people of the brain demon tribe began to push the stars.

This was an unprecedented battle.

Whether it was the gray body on the gray star or the powerful brain demon tribe, they were fighting desperately.

"Move, move! Destroy the gray star in one go."

Under the crazy push of the full-strength brain demon tribe, the nine stars once again hit the gray star.

They approached the gray star little by little, crushing the gray star little by little.

And under the crushing of the nine stars, the gray star began to fall apart little by little.

The surface of the gray star has begun to collapse.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions...

All kinds of horrible disasters began to tear the Gray Star apart.

"Hahahaha, it's done, it's done!"

Seeing that the surface of the Gray Star was collapsing, Sanshou and other people from the Brain Demon Clan began to push the stars even harder.

Nine huge stars, almost with a crushing momentum, began to squeeze the Gray Star.

For some reason, the gray fog above the Gray Star suddenly became much weaker.

Seeing this scene, Sanshou naturally thought that their chance had come.

But at this moment, a terrifying voice suddenly came from behind.

"Villain, accept your death!"

Sanshou looked back and saw that it was the Lord of the Gray Star who had come back.

The Lord of Gray Star held a long sword with the divine light of world destruction, and chopped it off directly from the top of the head of the three heads.


That sword was as fast as a meteor, shocking the world.

One of the heads of the three heads was cut off on the spot.


He screamed, and then fled thousands of miles away in an instant.

"Where to escape!"

The Lord of Gray Star was furious. He didn't expect these people to be so insidious.

Just now, the Lord of Gray Star suddenly heard the cry for help from the Chaos Lotus.

The Lord of Gray Star almost didn't think about it and rushed back as soon as possible.

The Chaos Lotus was merging with Zhuo Bufan. At this critical moment, it naturally didn't want anyone to disturb it.

So at this time, the status of the Lord of Gray Star as a guardian became very important.

After receiving the cry for help from the Chaos Lotus, the Lord of Gray Star rushed back as soon as possible.

As expected, he saw the Gray Star that was suffering from destruction.

The Lord of Gray Star must have been furious when he saw this scene.

In his rage, millions of people died!

The Wanli Long Sword began to chop the nine stars frantically.

With one chop, a star was directly chopped and exploded into dust.

With another chop, another star was directly chopped and exploded!

The Lord of Gray Star was just like a peerless god or demon. With every chop, a star was directly chopped and exploded.

This scene made the three heads stunned.

In his opinion, the Lord of Gray Star was simply not a human.

As a star lord, the Lord of Gray Star seemed to be much stronger than them.

At least with their abilities, it was impossible for them to chop the stars with a sword.

Of course, although the Lord of Gray Star was invincible.

But even for him, continuously chopping stars was a great consumption for him.

Nine stars were chopped down one by one by the Lord of Gray Star.

But the Lord of Gray Star began to weaken rapidly because of this.

His power originally came from the Lotus of Chaos.

Now the Chaos Lotus is merging with Zhuo Bufan.

The Chaos Lotus itself is very weak, so after the Lord of Gray Star cut down nine stars in a row, he suddenly felt that his power was depleted.

"After realizing that the situation was not right, the Lord of Gray Star immediately called out."

"Everyone retreat to Gray Star, open all the gray trees for defense!"

The Lord of Gray Star obviously felt that he was a little overwhelmed.

So he immediately asked the gray army to evacuate all the gray bodies back to Gray Star.

Then they opened the most powerful gray tree on Gray Star for defense.

For a while, all the gray trees on Gray Star began to grow wildly.

Soon, they grew into towering trees.

All the gray trees began to sprout and grow leaves.

Pieces of gray leaves began to spew out mysterious gray mist.

These gray mists began to permeate the entire Gray Star, once again wrapping up the Gray Star.

Obviously, this gray tree is the reserve energy of Gray Star.

There is a lot of gray mist stored in the gray tree.

Only when the Gray Star is faced with a life-or-death moment, these gray mists will be released.

Now the gray mist of the Chaos Lotus begins to dissipate, which is a life-or-death moment for the comet.

Therefore, the Lord of the Gray Star almost did not think much before opening the last defense of the Gray Star.

For a moment, the Gray Star was completely shrouded in gray mist.

Outside the Gray Star, the people of the Brain Demon Clan and the Orfa Clan were stunned when they saw the defensive Gray Star.

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