Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1355: Demonic Invasion

When the five sacred weapons were assembled, Zhuo Bufan successfully obtained the power of the last sacred stone.

Then the next second, Zhuo Bufan was bathed in the holy light of the five holy weapons.

When he came out of the Holy Light again, he was filled with an unparalleled divine power.

Now Zhuo Bufan has finally achieved his highest achievement in the elf world - the Elf King!

Zhuo Bufan, who became the Elf King, turned into a human form.

At the same time, six pairs of huge wings of light appeared behind him.

The five sacred weapons each became a part of him.

The branches of the sacred tree are woven into a crown, with the Holy Grail in the left hand and the Holy Sword in the right hand. There is a circle of holy fire surrounding the body, and the Holy Stone Key hangs around the neck.

Zhuo Bufan, who became the Elf King, possesses an indescribable divine power.

"Did I succeed?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that he would become the Elf King so smoothly.

This was his most successful reincarnation.

In previous reincarnations, it would take at least ten years to complete the reincarnation task.

In many cases, it may take tens of thousands of years.

However, this time, Zhuo Bufan became the Elf King in less than a month.

That's right, it's been less than a month since Zhuo Bufan came to this elven world.

From an ordinary elf to an elf king in one month, it can be said that even Zhuo Bufan himself did not expect this.

Zhuo Bufan looked at his current state with great relief.

"Now that I have become the Elf King, the reincarnation mission of this world should be completed, right?"

"Next, will my guiding Holy Light also come?"

This is not the first time Zhuo Bufan has completed the reincarnation mission.

He knows very well that once the reincarnation mission is completed, there will be a guide to guide him to the reincarnation tower.

Zhuo Bufan has become the Elf King. In his opinion, his reincarnation mission has been completed.

He doesn't want to stay in this world anymore. After all, he still has several reincarnation tasks waiting to be completed in the world.

Zhuo Bufan must hurry up, otherwise the longer the delay is, then things may change in Da Luotian.

"Come on, I have to find where the Holy Light is?"

Zhuo Bufan opened his hands, waiting for the coming of the Holy Light.

However, what he never expected was that after waiting for a long time, he did not feel the presence of the Holy Light?

"What's going on? Where is my Holy Light?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"Didn't I become the Elf King? Where is my Holy Light?"

Zhuo Bufan opened his hands again, waiting for the coming of the Holy Light. However, after waiting for a long time, there was still no reaction.

The other elven clan leaders present all looked at me, and I looked at you, as if they were fools.

"Is this the Elf King selected by the Holy Artifact? I think he is a fool."

The chief of the Tu tribe was very unconvinced.

He originally thought he would become the Elf King, but instead of him, the Five Sacred Artifacts chose Zhuo Bufan.

Therefore, he was actually a little unconvinced in his heart.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan talking foolishly to himself, the other Elf clan leaders also looked confused and confused.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan frowned again, because he discovered that there was no holy light coming at all.

"Damn it, am I wrong? Isn't the mission of reincarnation in this world to become the Elf King?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

Because Zhuo Bufan always thought that his reincarnation mission in this world was to become the Elf King.

But now, he has become the Elf King. However, he didn't get the Holy Light he wanted.

"Impossible! Do I have other tasks in this world?"

Zhuo Bufan's reincarnation mission needs to be discovered by himself, because the Reincarnation Tower will not give him a clear hint at all.

The Tower of Reincarnation will only throw him into one new world after another, and then let him experience the life in that world by himself.

As for the reincarnation mission in each world, Zhuo Bufan needs to discover it himself.

According to Zhuo Bufan's past experience, he thought that his mission this time was to become the Elf King.

So he has been working hard towards the goal of the Elf King.

But now, he has become the Elf King, but he has not completed the hidden reincarnation mission, which is a bit puzzling.

"Could it be? Am I wrong?"

"This reincarnation mission is not about becoming the Elf King at all?"

"Then what exactly is the mission?"

"According to past experience, anything that can affect the changes in the world may be my reincarnation mission. Doesn't becoming the Elf King still affect the structure of this world?"

Just when Zhuo Bufan was talking to himself and analyzing his reincarnation mission.

Suddenly, the sacred stone key around his neck began to tremble.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment when he saw this.

"what happened?"

The other elven clan leaders also stood up immediately.

At this time, suddenly the holy stone key flew into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a huge purple magic circle covering millions of kilometers suddenly appeared in the sky.

In the purple magic circle, a central door began to condense.

At this moment, the Holy Stone Key suddenly rotated.

Click, click, click!

With the sound of the key twisting, the next second, the huge central door was opened.

"No, the seal of the key is broken, it opens the door to the other world, and the alien demons are coming again!"

At this time, the other elf clan leaders also immediately understood what the holy stone key was for.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, suddenly had a bright eye.

"Could it be that my reincarnation mission is to stop the invasion of alien demons?"

Seeing the door to this world open like an unchangeable door of fate.

Zhuo Bufan knew that perhaps this was his real mission.

His mission is not to become the unique elf king in this world. His mission is to bring the elves of the whole world to save this land again.

Stop the invasion of alien demons, this is Zhuo Bufan's reincarnation mission this time.


As the central gate opened little by little, doors began to appear one after another in the huge sky magic circle.

These doors opened little by little.

When they opened a gap, you can clearly see that there are countless hysterical, howling black ghosts behind the gap.

They were arguing with their teeth bared behind the door, and they were all impatient to squeeze their heads out from behind the door.

However, the door of this world opened very slowly. It did not open on the spot.

Instead, it was opening slowly at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye.

At this speed, it would take at least a few days for the door to open completely.

The elf clan leaders who saw this scene said one after another.

"It's too late. We must rush back to our respective territories and prepare for battle!"

"The alien demons have really come again. This time it will bring a devastating disaster to the whole world."

"Elf King, what should we do now?"

"You are our Elf King now!"

When the Golden Clan leader shouted to Zhuo Bufan that he was the Elf King, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

That's right, he is the Elf King now.

This war of alien invasion needs him to stop.

Zhuo Bufan looked at this scene and understood it completely in his heart.

"Sure enough, it is so."

"My mission this time is to protect this world."

Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, his eyes fixed.

"It seems that the real war is about to begin."

"Since we can't escape, let's face this battle head-on!"

"Please all the clan leaders return to their own territories immediately, and then summon all the elves who can fight to gather under the central gate!"

"We must do our best to protect our world."

Since Zhuo Bufan is the Elf King, he has the obligation to protect this world.

Perhaps becoming the Elf King is also part of his reincarnation mission.

And this part is indispensable.

Only after becoming the Elf King will his second part of the mission come.

Zhuo Bufan, who learned about his mission, was suddenly filled with a strong will to fight.

But after hearing this, the other elf clan leaders were deeply skeptical.

"Can we do it? So many alien demons, they will destroy us all."

"It's too late. It will take at least several days for us to return to our respective races."

"When we rush back, perhaps the alien demons have already arrived, and even corroded the entire world."

After hearing these discouraging words, Zhuo Bufan said with dazed eyes.

"So are you just going to wait for death?"

"To protect this world, we have no choice. It's either life or death!"

"Since no one wants to die, let's fight!"

"I will open a space gate to each of your tribes. You should gather your warriors as soon as possible and prepare for battle!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he picked up the holy sword in his right hand and began to draw four circles in the air.

With the power of the holy sword, he cut through the space and cut out four space gates.

These four space gates lead to the water tribe, the wood tribe, the gold tribe, and the fire tribe respectively!

"Chief of the gold tribe, you should release Chi Yan quickly. The fire tribe needs his leadership."

Zhuo Bufan is now the Elf King, he is not just the chief of the fire tribe.

Next, he has to deploy his troops, and he must set up his own camp according to the five major tribes.

The fire tribe needs a new leader, and Chi Yan is undoubtedly the best choice.

After hearing this, the chief of the gold tribe immediately nodded and agreed.

"Don't worry, Elf King, I will go back and release the Fire Tribe Prince."

"Well, go and come back quickly! The gate has been opened for you, and I will wait for your good news here."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the other three tribe leaders passed through the space gate and returned to their tribes.

For a while, the entire meeting hall was left with only Zhuo Bufan, the Elf King, and the Tu Tribe Chief, who was dissatisfied.

Even if the Tu Tribe Chief was dissatisfied, he had to face reality now.

At present, the enemy is in front of him, and the alien demon will come soon. At that time, it will be related to the life and death of the whole world. He can't affect the battle at this time because of his selfishness.

What's more, the other party is already the Elf King.

As the Elf King, Zhuo Bufan has the right to kill him.

As long as Zhuo Bufan wants to kill him, he will have no power to fight back now.

So, after thinking about it, the Tu Tribe Chief finally decided.

"Dear Elf King, how do you plan to fight next? What kind of cooperation do you need from my Tu Tribe?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan looked at the Tu tribe leader and said.

"The Tu tribe leader is very clear about right and wrong, which is beyond my expectation."

"The Elf King is joking. Everything is for the sake of time and peace."

"What a world peace. In this case, please ask the Tu tribe leader to go down and prepare quickly. Gather all the brave men of your Tu tribe to prepare for this defense battle!"

"Oh, by the way, I'm afraid that your Tu tribe's meeting hall will be used as the general headquarters of this battle. The Tu tribe leader should have no objection, right?"

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, the Tu tribe leader smiled awkwardly.

"Haha, of course I have no objection. Everything is subject to the Elf King's orders."

"I will immediately ask my subordinates to organize this place into a general headquarters."

"Please rest assured, Elf King, this battle related to the future of the world, our Tu tribe will definitely not drag its feet."

The Tu tribe leader is very righteous, which makes Zhuo Bufan look at him with new eyes.

After all, this is a moment of life and death, and no one wants to drag their feet at this time.

"Then I'll go down and prepare first."

The chief of the Tu tribe said, and left the scene.

The chiefs of all the tribes began to go back to prepare to gather the army and prepare for the battle to defend the world.

Zhuo Bufan stayed in the conference room, thinking about the next deployment of troops.

If his reincarnation mission is to protect this world.

Then for Zhuo Bufan, this is also a mission that can only succeed, not fail.

So now, Zhuo Bufan is tied to this world.

In the next battle, he will also try his best, not only for the world, but also for himself.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was thinking about how to fight, suddenly an elf ran out from the space channel of the Jin tribe.

Zhuo Bufan looked closely and found that the person who came was Chi Yan.

"Oh, you are here! It seems that the chief of the Jin tribe is still a novice promise."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Chi Yan and said.

And Chi Yan looked at Zhuo Bufan and didn't say anything for a long time.

"You, you are Brother Lieyan? Have you really become the Elf King?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the other party with a shocked look and smiled.

"What? Are you surprised?"

"Nonsense, you really became the Elf King? This is too incredible!"

"When I heard the news at first, I thought the chief of the Gold Clan lied to me."

"I didn't expect it to be true."

"Oh my god, I'm so amazing. My brother really became the Elf King. This is too proud!"

Chi Yan was happier to learn that Zhuo Bufan had become the Elf King than if he had become the Elf King himself.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and laughed.

"Okay, stop being funny!"

"Now I'm telling you, it's true! I guess you also know that the alien demons are about to invade."

"Now I appoint you as the Elf King, as the chief of the Fire Clan, to prepare for the next battle."

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, Chi Yan replied without hesitation.

"I understand. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. Don't worry, I will definitely protect this world with my life."

Finally, this moment came, as the gate to the alien world in the sky slowly opened.

The alien demons began to descend!


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