Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1356 The Demonic Tree

A few days later, the elves of the five major tribes had all gathered.

This time, the five major tribes gathered more than one million combat elites.

These elves are all fighting to protect the world!

They lined up on the earth in a mighty manner, and then stood ready to face the catastrophe that was about to fall from the sky.

A battle to protect the world against the invasion of alien demons officially began!

Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong...

Above the sky, the magic gate of the alien world rang and vibrated like a clock.

When the twelfth sound rang, thousands of gates to the alien world opened with a bang.

Then, countless black creatures rushed out from those gates to the alien world.

They were like little ghosts from hell, roaring and roaring, blending into the flood and beasts, and rushing to the sky.


Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan, as the elf king of this world.

He shouted angrily, and then led millions of elves to kill the alien demons.

This battle was extremely crazy.

Zhuo Bufan held the holy sword and swept it across, destroying countless demons.

The eternal fire burned the earth. The holy water of the holy grail brought down a flood.

The tree of life provided life recovery for all elves.

From the beginning, this battle entered a white-hot stage.

Demons fell from the sky continuously, and the number of these demons exceeded Zhuo Bufan's imagination.

Originally, Zhuo Bufan thought that there might be only tens of millions of demons.

But now it seems that these demons are far more than that.

They are even hundreds of millions, billions, tens of billions, and even countless.

Zhuo Bufan and his men only have one million combat elves in total.

Even if these combat elves are protected by the tree of life, they can't resist the endless terrifying demons.

"No, if this continues, the whole world will be finished in less than a day."

Zhuo Bufan soon realized that relying on the legions of the five major tribes was not enough to win this war.

After all, there are too few elves, and compared to the alien demons, they are not worth mentioning at all.

The combat power of these one million elves is not as strong as Zhuo Bufan alone.

Zhuo Bufan alone can kill tens of millions of alien demons.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan realized a problem, that only he can win this victory.

"How did the Elf King stop the war?"

Zhuo Bufan was puzzled.

This alien demon is not the first time to invade the elf world.

The last time he came to this world, he was stopped by the previous Elf King.

So, the previous Elf King was able to stop that catastrophe.

Then Zhuo Bufan believes that he can also stop this catastrophe now.

However, Zhuo Bufan has not found a way for a while.

"The so-called bird thief first captures the king, but the other party has only appeared miscellaneous soldiers so far."

"If this continues, I am afraid we can't even beat the miscellaneous soldiers."

Zhuo Bufan realized the seriousness of the matter.

If he doesn't come up with a way to save this world, then this world will be finished.

Once this world is finished, he will also be finished.

Because Zhuo Bufan's reincarnation mission has not been completed.

"We can't defend all the time, we have to take the initiative to attack. Because these are simply endless!"

Zhuo Bufan quickly realized that they couldn't defend here all the time.

Although the alien demons are not strong, there are too many of them.

Just like an elephant facing tens of millions of ants, it will also be exhausted, and then its flesh and blood will be hollowed out, and it will become a pile of bones.

Zhuo Bufan doesn't want to become a skeleton, so he must take the initiative to attack.

"It seems that the leader of the alien demons should be inside the gate of the alien world."

"In that case, I will go to meet you."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly raised the holy sword and raised it to the sky.

A ray of destruction passed through the space gate directly above.

All the alien demons that were about to rush out of the gate were killed in an instant.

Zhuo Bufan's move instantly killed hundreds of thousands of alien demons.

After killing these alien demons, Zhuo Bufan rushed into the gate against the alien demons that continued to come.

When Zhuo Bufan came to the inside of the gate, he was stunned by what he saw.

Inside the gate, there was a huge glowing purple tree.

It was a magical tree, and also a huge tree.

The tree was so big that it could cover almost the entire world.

On the purple tree, there were purple light cocoons.

When Zhuo Bufan saw those light cocoons, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

Because he saw that in these light cocoons, there were actually alien demons that their elf world hated.

In other words, these alien demons were actually painted from this tree.

"What kind of tree is this?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little surprised when he saw such a tree for the first time.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was shocked.

"Crack, crack, crack!"

Accompanied by this crackling sound, a row of light cocoons in front of him soon cracked.

Then thousands of demons flew out.

These demons looked like bats, but they were more disgusting and terrifying than bats.

They flapped their huge wings and flew towards the space gate not far away.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan scanned the entire tree.

He suddenly discovered that there were countless light cocoons on the tree.

"No, I must destroy these light cocoons."

Zhuo Bufan picked up the holy sword and began to frantically destroy the light cocoons on the books.

Every sword strike could destroy tens of thousands of light cocoons.

However, compared to the whole tree, what Zhuo Bufan fought was just a drop in the bucket.

Compared to a cow, even if you pluck the hairs as fast as possible, if you only pluck one hair at a time, it will take a long time.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan has no way to completely destroy these light cocoons.

"This is not a solution, these light cocoons are not simple!"

Although Zhuo Bufan didn't want to admit it, the act of destroying the light cocoons did seem to be a drop in the bucket.

"It seems that this tree is the real culprit."

"As long as this tree is cut down, the alien demons will surely be eliminated."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought that since these alien demons grew from this tree, as long as the tree is cut down, the light cocoon where the alien demons are located will have no nutrients and will naturally not continue to be born.

So for Zhuo Bufan, cutting off the tree in front of him is the top priority.

So Zhuo Bufan flew down to the trunk of the tree.

However, when Zhuo Bufan tried to fly to the bottom of the tree and wanted to uproot it.

He found that the tree was so deep that he could not see the roots of the tree no matter how he flew.

"No, if this goes on, the elf world will be finished before I find the roots of the tree."

"Just cut the trunk directly."

Zhuo Bufan said, looking at the trunk in front of him.

However, when he looked at the trunk, he rolled his eyes again.

The diameter of the whole tree is at least tens of thousands of kilometers. Zhuo Bufan wanted to cut down the tree, but it was almost impossible.

However, even if it was impossible, Zhuo Bufan had to do it.

Zhuo Bufan picked up the holy sword in his hand, and then used his most powerful strength to chop down the tree in front of him.


The moment the sword chopped down, a ten-thousand-meter-long sword energy chopped on the trunk.

Then, Zhuo Bufan was surprised to find that the trunk of the whole tree was completely unscathed.

It looked like an ant biting a big tree trunk.

He didn't even cut the bark, let alone cut the trunk.

Although a little disappointed, Zhuo Bufan was not discouraged.

Instead, he grabbed the holy sword in his hand and continued to chop frantically.

He used his most powerful strength for every sword.

He wanted to chop down the tree and save the entire elf world.


At this moment, in the elf world, the patriarchs of the five major tribes were leading their respective warriors and struggling hard.

"No, we can't stop them if this continues."

"There are too many of these demons, we can't kill them all!"

"Yes, by the way, have you seen the Elf King? Where is the Elf King now?"

The chiefs of the tribes could no longer resist.

They began to look for Zhuo Bufan, because in their opinion, the only one who could stop all this now might be their Elf King.

However, Zhuo Bufan disappeared.

"Gone. No one noticed the whereabouts of the Elf King during the battle just now."

"The Elf King couldn't have died in the battle!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? You didn't die. How could the Elf King die?"

"I just saw the Elf King enter that door."

"The Elf King went in? Does the Elf King want to fight the leader of the alien demons directly?"

"It must be like this. Tell me, the thief captures the king first. The Elf King must want to kill the leader of the other side directly."

"Everyone, let's not let the Elf King down. We must wait for the Elf King to return triumphantly."

"Yes, let's hold on for a while until the Elf King kills the alien demon leader."

The chiefs of the major tribes began to build confidence for their subordinates.

They told the elves who had not died in the battle that the Elf King was fighting the alien demon leader again.

As long as he kills the alien demon leader, everything will be over.

So, in order to wait for the dawn, they have to fight with all their might.

After hearing these encouraging words, the elves started to fight desperately.

They were waiting for the Elf King to return triumphantly.

Waiting for the Elf King to chop the leader of the alien demons into pieces.

"We have to fight desperately too!"

The chiefs of several major tribes personally went to the battlefield and started to kill people.

The most dazzling one was Chi Yan, who had been baptized by 80% of the eternal fire.

Although Chi Yan's name was Chi Yan, his flame was as pale as frost.

It would never go out until it burned the alien demon to death.

The pale flame that never went out became the most terrifying killer on the battlefield.

Of course, the other chiefs were not to be outdone.

In this battle, the chiefs showed their strongest side one after another.

Because of the participation of the chiefs, this battle would obviously last longer.

And the role of the chiefs was actually to delay time.

However, the time they could delay was also limited.

After all, the elves' fighting power was limited.

The entire battle lasted a whole day.

At the end, only less than 30,000 of the millions of fighting elves remained.

This is the data that can be maintained under the condition that the Tree of Life continuously provides vitality.

If it weren't for the Tree of Life, these elves would have been destroyed long ago.

However, even if there is a Tree of Life, it is far from enough.

Because the life force of the Tree of Life is about to go out.

Before, the life force of the Tree of Life was corroded by the alien demons. Then after Zhuo Bufan saved the Tree of Life, the Tree of Life transferred most of its vitality to Zhuo Bufan.

It is said that the Tree of Life has infinite life.

But after consuming so much vitality, the Tree of Life also began to wither.

"No, the Tree of Life is withering! Without the aura of life, how long can we last?"

The chief of the Tu tribe found that under their Tushen Mountain, there were already densely packed with alien demons.

These alien demons completely surrounded them, waiting to destroy them.

In the end, only 30,000 seriously injured elves were left.

And now, there is no blessing of the life aura of the Tree of Life.

And the enemies they face are in the billions.

It can be said that their demise is doomed.

At this moment, all the elves looked up at the sky.

They looked up at the sky, waiting for the Elf King above the sky to come back and save them.

"Is the Elf King not back yet?"

"Maybe he has failed!"

"It seems that this is our fate! In this war of alien demon invasion, our elf tribe is bound to be destroyed."


The elves began to become a little lost and a little hesitant.

Facing this war, they have tried their best.

But what awaits them is still only destruction.

Elf King Zhuo Bufan, in the end, was unable to appear in time to save them.

At this time, the patriarchs of the five major tribes shouted loudly.

"Fight with them!"

So, with the last of their passion and fighting spirit, they rushed into the alien demon ocean.

Then, they disappeared in the alien demon ocean!


At this moment, Zhuo Bufan had no idea what was happening in the outside world.

He only knew that the situation was urgent and he had to race against time to destroy the tree.

However, the tree was too huge.

He chopped a little, but didn't even cut off the bark of the tree.

"No! I will never cut down the tree if I keep chopping like this."

"Is God going to destroy this world?"

"Did I really try my best?"

Zhuo Bufan questioned himself, whether he really tried his best for this war.

Now it seems that Zhuo Bufan is really fighting hard. At least he is fighting with all his strength where he can.

But this is not enough, and Zhuo Bufan's reincarnation mission in this world is about to fail.

At this moment, suddenly, Zhuo Bufan saw the roots of the tree.

Under the roots of this tree, there is a vast black ocean.

This ocean is naturally endless.

But soon, Zhuo Bufan discovered that this is not an ordinary ocean. This ocean is actually surging with countless strange energies.

That kind of strange energy made Zhuo Bufan's soul feel painful.

"Such a strong negative emotion, what is this?"


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