Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1370 The End of Reincarnation

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan was about to successfully become the leader of the martial arts alliance, Xia Qinggui would naturally not let this happen.

So he stood on the ring and wanted to have a one-on-one duel with Zhuo Bufan.

"I have to say, I recognize your courage."

"With so many people here, you are the only one who dares to face me."

"The courage is commendable and worthy of praise."

Although Zhuo Bufan knew that this was the other party's conspiracy, he still showed respect to him.

No matter whether the opponent is strong or weak, good or bad.

After all, he is the most powerful demon in the world. Everyone present knows how powerful he is. Anyone who dares to challenge him is tantamount to seeking death.

The courage of all Xia Qinggui deserves recognition.

After Xia Qinggui heard this, he chuckled, with a calm and confident expression on his face.

"I know that everyone here has concerns. After all, Lord Tianzun's strength is unparalleled in the world, and I understand you."

"However, it is also disrespectful to Tianzun to allow Lord Tianzun to take the position of alliance leader so easily!"

"So I came out to fight with Lord Tianzun, how about helping Lord Tianzun ascend to the position of alliance leader?"

Xia Qinggui looked at Zhuo Bufan with a smile and said.

Zhuo Bufan knew that this guy had ulterior motives, but no matter how many conspiracies there were, Zhuo Bufan was not afraid.

"Want to come and help me out? Come on!"

After hearing this, Xia Qinggui continued.

"But compared with Tianzun, I am like an ant on the ground compared with the bright sun in the sky. I am afraid I am not the enemy of Tianzun with one move."

"If Tianzun doesn't let me, I'm afraid..."

The implication of Xia Qinggui's words was that he hoped Zhuo Bufan would give in to him.

Zhuo Bufan laughed after hearing this.

"In this case, I will use 10% of my cultivation level, then stay still and tie my hands."

"If you can make me move even half a point, you win."

Zhuo Bufan said confidently.

Upon hearing this, Xia Qinggui raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a proud smile.

"If that's the case, then I'm offended!"

Xia Qinggui just wanted Zhuo Bufan to make such a promise, so that he could give Zhuo Bufan a surprise kill.

As soon as Xia Qinggui finished speaking, he suddenly raised his sword and struck towards Zhuo Bufan.

The thin sword in his hand whipped up a storm and hit Zhuo Bufan directly in the face.

"What a fast sword!"

Everyone present couldn't help but couldn't help but feel excited after seeing Xia Qinggui's sword strike.

This was the first time they saw Xia Qinggui wield a sword. After all, Xia Qinggui had just become the leader, and none of the leaders present had seen Xia Qinggui's true strength.

As soon as Xia Qinggui made a move, the whole audience was shocked.

"This kid is hiding his secrets. With just this move, he can reach the level of a first-rate master."

"Didn't Xia Qinggui become the leader of the Qingshan Sect the year before last? He is indeed capable of becoming the leader of a sect at such a young age."

"Maybe he can shake Tianzun!"

"If Tianzun only uses 10% of his strength, I'm afraid he won't be able to parry this Xia Qinggui."

Tianzun Lan Ying had just finished speaking. He stayed still and tied his hands, and he only used 10% of his strength.

It can be said that he cultivated himself.

Obviously, everyone present thought that Tianzun was overconfident and underestimated the strength of Qingshan Sect leader Xia Qinggui.

Even the Silver Winged Eagle King felt nervous.

"No, this guy actually hides his strength."

Although Eagle King knew that Tianzun's strength was extraordinary, it would indeed be very risky to use only 10% of his strength to fight against Xia Qinggui's move.

What's more, if Tianzun moves even half a step, then he loses.

Can one move with all one's strength be able to shake Tianzun even half a step?

Just when everyone was looking forward to the final result, they suddenly saw Zhuo Bufan, who was motionless, with a stunned look.

The moment he raised his eyes, a terrifying thunder and lightning fell from the sky.



The thunderbolt suddenly landed on Xia Qinggui's head.

I thought it was over, but I didn't expect four thunderbolts to land in succession.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

The first thunder and lightning froze Xia Qinggui in place.

The second thunder and lightning directly shocked Xia Qinggui to the point of losing his intuition.

The next few lightning strikes directly turned him into a melon.

Xia Qinggui, who was struck by five thunders, instantly lost his temper and finally fell in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Before falling, Xia Qinggui looked at Zhuo Bufan and said desperately.

"Fuck, bastard!"

Xia Qinggui never expected that Tianzun Lan Ying could kill him instantly without even moving.

Where did that terrifying thunder and lightning come from? It's even more frightening.

"Master, master!"

When the people from the Qingshan Sect saw Xia Qinggui lying on the ring, they ran up one after another.

Everyone thought Xia Qinggui was dead.

Zhuo Bufan said.

"Sorry, sorry, I thought he was a very powerful character among you, so I took it a little more seriously."

"But don't worry, he's not dead yet!"

"After all, I only used 10% of my strength, so I couldn't kill him!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, everyone present looked at each other with shock in their hearts.

The five thunder strikes just now turned out to be only 10% of the strength, which shows how powerful this Tianzun Zhuo Bufan is.

"Are you kidding me? That move just now was only 10% of the power?"

"The strength that Xia Qinggui showed just now is already top-notch. Even I am ashamed of myself."

"Is this the strength of Tianzun? There is no comparison at all! One is in the sky and the other is on the ground."

The other heads were already dumbfounded.

They didn't expect that Tianzun's strength could be so terrifying.

Although they knew that Tianzun was the best in the world, they never expected that this number one in the world completely exceeded their imagination.

They never dreamed that Tianzun, the best in the world, could be so powerful, which has surpassed the cultivation ceiling of this world.

"Is he a god?"

Only now do these righteous people understand how foolish they are to go against the devil.

They originally planned to gather monks from all over the world to jointly defeat the Demon Sect and the demon Lan Ying.

Now that they saw the true strength of Tianmo Lanying, they realized that if they wanted to challenge him, they would undoubtedly die.

I'm afraid no one can know how powerful Tianmo Lanying is.

This person, in this world, is an invincible existence.

Facing the invincible demon, no one dared to resist.

After that, Xia Qinggui was carried down by his disciples.

He was not dead, but he was seriously injured and dying.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan himself did not expect that he could be so powerful.

"Hey, being invincible is so lonely!"

Although Zhuo Bufan had tried the lonely and invincible state a long time ago, he had never tried to become invincible from the beginning.

If I only use 10% of my strength, the world's top masters will not be able to bear it. This is the gap.

"So now, who else has always challenged me?"

Zhuo Bufan extended his hand to everyone present and said.

For a moment, everyone present silently took two steps back.

Obviously, no one dares to challenge Zhuo Bufan on stage.

Zhuo Bufan proved his invincible strength with one move.

At this time, Zi Xiao also came on stage and said.

"Tianzun's martial arts skills are world-class, and we are ashamed of them. So I think it's okay to compete in this arena competition!"

"How about we just start voting and elect the leader!"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan shrugged helplessly.

"It seems like this is the only way."

"But I still want to explain it once again. If I am elected as the leader of the alliance, I will definitely destroy the evil ways in the world."

"This is my blood oath, and I will never break it."

Zhuo Bufan was still working hard to win votes until the end.

In this martial arts competition, due to Zhuo Bufan's interference, there was only an arena match in the end.

Immediately afterwards, the final voting for the alliance leader began.

In the end, there was no doubt that Zhuo Bufan was elected as the leader of the alliance.

Among them, many people want to see if the former demon is really willing to change his ways.

For these so-called righteous people, it doesn't matter who is the leader.

After all, if they can choose Ze Zhuo Bufan as the alliance leader, then they can naturally choose someone else as the alliance leader.

Because Zhuo Bufan discovered the blood oath, many people want to see what will happen to this demon who took the blood oath.

At the end of the voting session, Tianzun Lan Ying got the position of alliance leader he wanted with an absolute advantage.

When it came time to give his speech, Zhuo Bufan said directly.

"Everyone, thank you for believing in me and allowing me to take the position of leader."

"In this case, I cannot let you down."

"From now on, I will personally lead all the righteous people to destroy the devils in the world."

"Please give me your support."

To exterminate the devil, we cannot rely on Zhuo Bufan alone.

After all, the purpose of Zhuo Bufan doing so much is to change the world's view of him as a demon.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan should try his best to keep himself in the right path.

Suppressing demons and doing more good deeds is undoubtedly the best way.

Although people have prejudices, Zhuo Bufan believes that with his own efforts, these prejudices will disappear sooner or later.

In the end, everyone in the world recognized him as the former demon.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, the dozens of leaders present felt dissatisfied, but now they had no choice to refuse or retreat.

After all, Tianmo has legitimately become the leader of the alliance.

As the leader of the alliance, you have the right and qualification to mobilize the forces of all righteous sects.

"In this case, I, Wanjian Villa, am willing to obey the leader's orders!"

"I am upright and willing to obey the leader's orders."

"We, Hongye Villa, are willing to obey the leader's orders."

"I, Fengbo Gu, are willing to obey the leader's orders."

The dozens of sects present finally expressed their determination.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded with satisfaction and said.

"Well, in that case, I will use the name of the righteous way to represent the righteous way and crusade against the evil sects in the world."

"Where is the Eagle King?"

Zhuo Bufan shouted lowly.

The Eagle King immediately stepped forward to obey the order.

"My subordinate is here!" Eagle King knelt in front of Zhuo Bufan, waiting for Zhuo Bufan to give orders.

"King Eagle listens to the order, pass on the order, and let all the disciples of Tianzun prepare for the war."

"I will destroy all demons in the world within one year."

"And inform all the major demon sects that if they don't want to be eliminated by Tianzun Mountain, they will disband the sects immediately."

"Otherwise, if I don't survive, I will flatten the mountain."

Zhuo Bufan is serious this time. He really wants all the demon sects of Xiaomei.

After all, only in this way can he become the leader of the righteous path and be recognized by the world.

Zhuo Bufan doesn't care about anything now. He just wants to complete his reincarnation mission as soon as possible.

And if he wants to get the recognition of the world as soon as possible, destroying all the demon sects is undoubtedly the best choice.

After all, people in the world hate the demon path.

If he can destroy these demons, then the world will certainly respect him.

Eagle King didn't expect that Tianzun was serious this time.

He thought that Tianzun just wanted to be a leader for fun.

Now it seems that Tianzun is really tired of being a demon. He wants to change himself and change the Tianmo Sect.

In this case, as a subordinate, he can only obey.

"I understand!"

"Don't worry, Tianzun, I will spread the news right away. From now on, Tianzun Mountain will hate evil and take it as its responsibility to uphold justice. As long as Tianzun Mountain exists, no one dares to do anything wrong."

"Zhuo Bufan said with satisfaction after hearing this."

"In order to make the action of eliminating demons and defending the way go smoothly, from now on, we will join forces with major righteous sects."

"Tell the disciples to restrain their behavior from now on. Only good can be done, not evil."

"Whoever dares to do evil, I will personally send him to see the King of Hell."

"Whoever dares to ruin the reputation of Tianzun Mountain, I will make him live a life worse than death."

"I want to change Tianzun, and there must be no one who drags me down."

After hearing this, the Eagle King responded immediately.

"I understand, I will go back and start preparing."

Zhuo Bufan nodded with satisfaction and said.

"Very good, next, it's time for my Tianzun Mountain to become famous."

Under Zhuo Bufan's arrangement, Tianzun Mountain allied with the righteous path and began to wipe out the demon sects in the world.

No one thought that this former world's number one demon really intended to turn over a new leaf.

In order to make the world believe in his determination, he even personally took action to wipe out the major demon sects.

Soon, the name of Tianzun Mountain began to spread among the people. Of course, there were naturally Zhuo Bufan's methods.

Zhuo Bufan deliberately let his disciples spread his good name among the people.

Gradually, Tianzun Mountain became a truly righteous sect and a sect that the demons were afraid of.

And Zhuo Bufan, as he wished, changed the world's view of him as the world's number one demon.

Finally, a year later, Tianzun Mountain became a truly righteous sect in the eyes of the world.

And Zhuo Bufan, as he wished, welcomed his holy light of guidance.

As expected, Zhuo Bufan's reincarnation mission in this life is to turn from evil to good and change the world's prejudice against him.

The theme of this reincarnation mission is change.

Change is a very difficult thing.

However, Zhuo Bufan still succeeded in changing the world's views.

In the end, Zhuo Bufan successfully completed the reincarnation mission and returned to the reincarnation tower.

So far, Zhuo Bufan has completed seventeen reincarnation missions.

However, when Zhuo Bufan returned to the reincarnation tower, he found that there was something wrong with the reincarnation tower.

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