Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1371 The Last Reincarnation

Finally, with Zhuo Bufan's efforts, he completed the reincarnation mission in the seventeenth reincarnation world.

The seventeenth reincarnation world taught him to change.

Turning evil back to good is obviously the most difficult change.

Reincarnation is just a change.

Zhuo Bufan, who returned to the reincarnation tower, was full of expectations at this moment.

He was a little excited, because he only had the last reincarnation world left.

In the eighteenth reincarnation world, as long as he completed the reincarnation mission in this world, Zhuo Bufan would have completed the trial of the reincarnation tower and would be able to comprehend the true law of reincarnation.

At that time, Zhuo Bufan, who had mastered the law of devouring and the law of reincarnation at the same time, would be unprecedentedly powerful.

At that time, there would be no problem in competing with the second reincarnation for the final dominance.

"One more, one more and I will succeed."

Zhuo Bufan's first reincarnation was a little excited at this moment.

He didn't know how many vicissitudes he had experienced in the seventeen reincarnation worlds.

Because the time of these reincarnation worlds is different from that of the chaotic void.

So Zhuo Bufan stayed in some worlds for tens of thousands of years, and in some worlds he may have stayed for one or two years.

However, no matter how many years he had gone through, he had indeed completed the reincarnation mission of the seventeen reincarnation worlds.

Now, he only had one last one left.

"The last one, I will definitely succeed."

Zhuo Bufan finished speaking and was about to start the trial of the eighteenth reincarnation world.

However, at this moment, the reincarnation tower suddenly trembled.

"What's going on?"

It was not an ordinary tremor. Zhuo Bufan felt that the reincarnation tower was being refined by a powerful force again.

And that force was very familiar.

So he immediately released his soul and began to sense the world outside the reincarnation tower.

As a result, the souls of Zhuo Bufan's first and second clones collided with each other.

The two clones exclaimed almost at the same time.

"How is it possible?"

Zhuo Bufan's first clone exclaimed first.

"Damn, is it here so soon?"

"What is this bastard doing? He wants to refine the reincarnation tower?"

Zhuo Bufan's second clone was a little shocked.

"What a powerful soul! His soul power has surpassed mine by a lot. Is this the result of his trials during this period?"

"Sure enough, he is still getting stronger. I can't let him get stronger. I must refine the Samsara Tower quickly."

Both sides are afraid of each other.

One is afraid that the other party will refine the Samsara Tower, and the other is afraid that the other party will become stronger.

No matter which side, they are afraid.

Similarly, they turned this fear into strength.

"Damn it, no, no! I must enter the last Samsara world immediately and complete the Samsara trial before him."

The first clone is obviously the most anxious, because he can feel that the second clone's refining speed is quite fast. At this speed, it won't be long before he refines the Samsara Tower for himself.

At that time, not only the Samsara Tower, but even himself will become the other party's plaything.

So, the first clone didn't think much, he took back his soul at the first time, and then entered the last Samsara world without hesitation.

When the first clone entered the last reincarnation world, the second clone was stunned for a moment.

"Have you entered the last reincarnation? I must speed up."

After saying that, the second clone began to fire at full power. He wanted to completely refine the reincarnation tower in the shortest time.

At that time, Zhuo Bufan inside would no longer be his opponent.


On the other side, Zhuo Bufan's first clone directly entered the reincarnation this time.

However, this last reincarnation caught him off guard.

The sleeping body woke up among the dead branches and rotten leaves, and the sound of crows came to his ears.

Gaga Gaga!

The bright moon broke through the dark clouds, and a white light was projected on a mass grave.

"Puff!" A hand as white as jade broke out of the wasteland!

The moonlight scattered on the hills and projected on a disheveled boy.

He looked around, looking around blankly, and there were only crows and beasts howling around.

The moon was cold and the light was cold, and the wind was strong at night.

He looked at his clothes covered with dirt, and everything seemed so familiar.

"I, am reborn?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned, completely stunned.

Because everything was so familiar.

This was the scene of his first entry into the world of immortal cultivation.

Withered vines, old trees, crows, and that mass grave!

"Is this my last reincarnation?"

"What is my reincarnation mission this time?"

This time, Zhuo Bufan was completely stunned.

Because he never expected that this last reincarnation world would be his third reincarnation.

What is this, a reincarnation within a reincarnation?

You must know that Zhuo Bufan's life was originally Luo Tian's third reincarnation.

And this time, his eighteenth reincarnation world in the reincarnation tower was actually the beginning of his third life.

That's right, starting from that mass grave.

It doesn't matter if it starts from the mass grave, Zhuo Bufan can accept it.

But what Zhuo Bufan couldn't accept was that he couldn't find his reincarnation mission in this life.

Because he has not lived a clear life. How does he know what his mission is in this reincarnation?

Although he was a little confused, Zhuo Bufan still tried to stand up.

"No matter what, I must speed up, grow, and then find the direction, and find the reincarnation mission of this life."

"I must complete the reincarnation mission of the last life before that guy refines the reincarnation tower."

Zhuo Bufan quickly calmed down.

Although he was a little shocked, Zhuo Bufan's heart had actually been prepared to start over again a long time ago.

Moreover, he had already evolved hundreds of times what he would do to start over again.

"The first thing, save!"

Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes silently, trying to find the save door deep in his soul, and then save it.

However, when Zhuo Bufan tried hard to find the three save doors, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"What's going on? Where is the save door?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly discovered that he didn't have a save door.

In this reincarnation, he didn't have a save door.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan panicked again.

"No, it's very wrong!"

"Since it's reincarnation, why is there no save door? Is it different from my current life?"

Zhuo Bufan soon discovered that things might not be as simple as he imagined.

Although his eighteenth reincarnation world is the world of immortal cultivation where he was reborn at the beginning.

But this time, there is no save door.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan began to be confused.

Under this double reincarnation, Zhuo Bufan was a little confused.

He walked from the immortal cultivation world step by step to the present, and experienced too much.

If he really started from the beginning, Zhuo Bufan would probably be exhausted.

"If everything continues to develop according to reality, will my reincarnation this time catch up with my current state?"

Zhuo Bufan thought of a very serious problem.

That is, if he continues to reincarnate in this eighteenth reincarnation world, sooner or later, he will rush out of the world of cultivation, enter Daluotian, and then enter the chaotic void, come to the reincarnation clan, and then enter the reincarnation tower according to the guidance of fate. Then he continued to complete the reincarnation tasks of the eighteen reincarnation worlds.

As a result, when he arrived at the last reincarnation world, he entered the world of immortal cultivation again, and everything started all over again.

Then Zhuo Bufan was trapped in an eternal reincarnation, and he would never be able to leave this reincarnation tower.

"If this is true, can I really complete this eighteenth reincarnation world?"

Although this is just a guess, Zhuo Bufan is now very worried that this guess will really happen.

After all, he is already confused.

If he really falls into a permanent reincarnation, how can Zhuo Bufan escape?

So, Zhuo Bufan did not leave the mass grave immediately this time, but sat there and began to think about his life.

Zhuo Bufan now has two problems to solve. One is to figure out what the reincarnation task of this reincarnation is.

The second is to break the situation of permanent reincarnation.

Only in his own memories can he find a way to break the situation.

"My life, I think it is also magnificent."

Zhuo Bufan, who was trapped in his memories, obviously could not break the situation in front of him for a while.

Outside the Samsara Tower, Zhuo Bufan's second clone was still speeding up the refining of the Samsara Tower.

"At this speed, I should be able to completely refine it in less than a month."

"As long as the Samsara Tower is refined, then I will win."

Zhuo Bufan's second clone believed that as long as the Samsara Tower was refined, the contest between him and Zhuo Bufan's first clone would naturally end.

However, it would obviously not be so smooth for him to refine the Samsara Tower.

Because he had concerns and responsibilities.

Because Zhuo Bufan's second clone promised Mo Chichi that he would protect her and Li Mei's safety.

He would not let Mo Chichi and Li Mei be harmed by Jealous Heaven.

Although Zhuo Bufan took Mo Chichi and Li Mei and hid in the underground palace of Samsara Star, accompanying his brother and sister-in-law Donghuang Qin.

However, Jealous Heaven, who was able to lock onto the incarnation of Heaven, once again haunted and chased him.

That's right, Jealous Heaven, who haunted, is here again.

Obviously, this time, Jealous Sky felt the Samsara Star Domain in full condition.

His hunting compass indicated that Mo Chichi and Li Mei were in the Samsara Star Domain.

So Jealous Sky came all the way here just to kill Mo Chichi and Li Mei.

As long as Mo Chichi and Li Mei were killed, Jealous Sky would become stronger than ever.

Because Mo Chichi and Li Mei were already the last two incarnations of Heavenly Dao.

That's right, Jealous Sky had killed the strongest Ao Zhitian Ba ​​Tu.

Now Jealous Sky, after gaining the power of Ba Tu, has broken through the sky in strength.

Even Zhuo Bufan's second clone is probably only comparable to it.

As long as Li Mei and Mo Chichi are killed, Jealous Sky will probably be unstoppable.

Unless Zhuo Bufan's two clones can merge.

So for Jealous Sky, he must kill Mo Chichi and Li Mei.

With the power of Mo Chichi and Li Mei, Jealous Sky completely merged the power of all the incarnations of Heavenly Dao.

By then, he would be the only incarnation of Heaven in this world, equivalent to another Daluo Heaven.

In short, Jealous Sky is now in great danger.

Zhuo Bufan was too busy to take care of himself because of his clone problem, and he didn't take Jealous Sky seriously. So after knowing that Jealous Sky had grown stronger, Zhuo Bufan might not be able to kill Jealous Sky easily.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan only wanted to refine the Samsara Tower.

He didn't even notice that the terrible Jealous Sky had come to the Samsara Star Domain.


Of course, it wasn't just Jealous Sky that entered the Samsara Star Domain.

In addition to Jealous Sky, there was another uninvited guest who came to the Samsara Star Domain, that is Qiankun.

Since the last separation, Qiankun realized that he was inseparable from Li Mei.

During the time when he was most lost, Li Mei had always been by his side.

Now without Li Mei's company, Qiankun found that his heart was empty.

But because he had to protect Blue Water Star and the Ronin, Qiankun had always hidden his thoughts and pain in his heart.

However, all of this was seen by Kaila and Ronin Shun.

Finally, Kaila and Ronin Shun had a long talk with Qiankun and the other two overnight.

The two of them encouraged Qiankun to find Li Mei.

So, before the two encouraged him, Qiankun followed Li Mei's breath and rushed to the Samsara Clan.

So, it was not only Jealous Heaven who came to the Samsara Star Domain this time, but also Qiankun.

The two of them came to the Samsara Star Domain at the same time, and now it depends on who finds Mo Chichi and Li Mei first.

At this moment, Li Mei and Mo Chichi had not yet discovered that Jealous Heaven had already chased them.

They are now staying in the underground palace with Donghuang Qin.

The curse time of the Samsara Clan has not ended yet, so Donghuang Qin dare not leave the underground palace now.

And Mo Chichi and Li Mei promised Zhuo Bufan to protect Donghuang Qin, so they will not leave.

However, the two women were extremely anxious during the time they stayed in the underground palace.

Because not long ago, they sensed the death of Tyranny.

Tyranny died, obviously because of Jealousy.

Now, the incarnations of Heaven are only Mo Chichi and Li Mei. So the two girls are inevitably a little nervous.

"Chichi, when will Zhuo Bufan come back? I'm afraid that Jealousy will come soon."

Li Mei knew that after killing Tyranny, Jealousy would definitely hunt them down as soon as possible.

Jealousy also specializes in hunting down the incarnations of Heaven, so no matter where they hide, they will be discovered sooner or later.

Now, the only one who can protect them may be Zhuo Bufan.

However, Zhuo Bufan disappeared again at this time, just like before.

This time, Mo Chichi still chose to believe Zhuo Bufan.

"Are you scared?"

Mo Chichi looked at Li Mei and said.

Li Mei snorted after hearing this.

"Would I be scared? At worst, I'll die. I'm tired of living."

Mo Chichi smiled slightly after hearing this.

"That's good! Don't worry, we won't die, definitely not."

After Mo Chichi finished sensing, a burst of laughter suddenly came from his soul.

"Hahahahaha, Mo Chichi, I have the final say on whether you live or die."

The Jealous Heaven is here!


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