Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1394 The Emperor Returns (Part 2)

When Chu Mubai gave the book in his hand away, all the lower gods present held their breath.

Because Chu Mubai had said before that he would give Bai Su a copy of the Yin-Yang Hedao Sutra.

That was a dual cultivation technique. In front of all the gods, he gave the Queen of Heaven a copy of the dual cultivation technique.

Chu Mubai might have been tired of living.

However, just when everyone thought that Chu Mubai was about to die, Bai Su suddenly took the book with her delicate hands.

Then she looked at the cover of the book and couldn't help saying.

"The Legend of the Heavenly Emperor, what is this?"

The book that Bai Su took was not the Yin-Yang Hedao Sutra, but a book called The Legend of the Heavenly Emperor.

Bai Su was surprised to see this.

Others present were also stunned.

"It's not the Yin-Yang Hedao Sutra? The Legend of the Heavenly Emperor, what is it?"

The evil god Chu Mubai laughed after hearing this.

"This Biography of the Emperor is a biography of Emperor Zhuo Tian written by me."

"It records all the adventures that Emperor Zhuo Tian and I have experienced since the first day we met."

"It contains many secrets of Emperor Zhuo Tian!"

"Many secrets, even the two Queens of Heaven may not know."

"In this book, the two Queens of Heaven will learn all the interesting things that Emperor Zhuo Tian has experienced over the years."

"I spent a lot of effort to write this book. I would like to thank the demon god Xiaomei for her guidance."

After Chu Mubai finished speaking, he looked at the demon god Xiaomei not far away.

After hearing this, Xiaomei crossed her arms and snorted sullenly.

Because Chu Mubai got her drunk at the beginning, he found out about the embarrassing things with Guan Yu Zhuo Bufan from her.

Xiaomei once had a soul contract relationship with Zhuo Bufan, so Xiaomei knew everything about Zhuo Bufan.

This Biography of the Emperor records many of Zhuo Bufan's past adventures and past.

There are some things that even Bai Su and the others don't know.

After hearing this, Bai Su and Xuan Su suddenly became very interested.

"I didn't expect that the evil god would personally write such a biography for Zhuo Lang. I accept this gift."

"After I finish reading it, if I think it's wonderful, I will definitely promote it for the evil god."

Chu Mubai was grateful when he heard it.

"Thank you very much, my lady."

"If my lady thinks it's good, I will print a few more copies and circulate them to all the immortals."

At this time, Zhuo Bufan, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help shaking his head and sighing when he saw Chu Mubai's gift.

"This old swindler is making money from my embarrassing things again. He is still so greedy for money after becoming a god. He shouldn't have been named the evil god in the first place, but the god of wealth."

Zhuo Bufan was not surprised by the gift from the old swindler Chu Mubai.

In fact, he was very grateful to Chu Mubai and would understand the hard work of Bai Su and Xuan Su.

Writing such a book about the Emperor of Heaven, I think it is also to help Bai Su and Xuan Su relieve their lovesickness.

"Although the old swindler is greedy, he is really thoughtful."

Zhuo Bufan was very moved.

At this time, in the hall, the most dazzling Sun True Lord Bai Zifan came forward, and then knelt down to Bai Su and Xuan Su.

"My two mothers, I also have a gift for you."

Bai Zifan raised his hand and waved.

For a moment, a hundred black swords appeared in the air of the temple.

The old swindler Chu Mubai was stunned when he saw this.


The Qianxie Sword was originally the sword given to Zhuo Bufan by the old swindler Chu Mubai.

So he was naturally more familiar with this sword than anyone else.

When Bai Su and the others saw the sword being drawn, they were also stunned.

"Qianxie Sword? Zifan, where did you find it?"

Qianxie Sword disappeared with Zhuo Bufan. I thought the sword was completely lost, but I didn't expect to see Zhuo Bufan's sword again today.

Bai Zifan quickly replied after hearing this.

"I found this Qianxie Sword in the void crack of the world wall. As the sword that my father used to wear, its importance is self-evident."

Bai Su nodded after hearing this.

"That's right! That's great. I'm sure Zhuo Lang will be very happy after seeing this Qianxie Sword!"

Bai Su accepted Bai Zifan's gift with great satisfaction.

Zhuo Bufan, who was behind him, was very moved.

When he saw that Bai Zifan had grown up to be a handsome guy, he was so happy that he couldn't say it.

"Time flies so fast! I didn't expect that the little guy back then has grown so big now."

Zhuo Bufan still remembers the first time he met Bai Zifan.

He held his infant sister in his arms and sat alone outside the gate of the Su Nu Sect, waiting for his mother to return.

It was at that moment that Zhuo Bufan recognized this adopted son, and from then on, he raised him as if he were his own son.

Unknowingly, Bai Zifan had grown up and was qualified to take over his position.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan was quite looking forward to Bai Zifan and was quite satisfied with him.

Seeing her brother Bai Zifan give a gift, her sister Zi Nian finally couldn't hold back.

Bai Zi Nian rushed to the stage, then excitedly raised his head and said to the two queens on the fairy stage.

"My two mothers, I have prepared gifts for you too."

Hearing this, Bai Su smiled faintly and said.

"Girl, what have you prepared?"

Bai Zinian replied.

"This is a gift that my sister, my aunt, and I prepared together."

After Bai Zinian finished speaking, Yaya and Xiaomei also stepped forward.

This gift is the result of the joint efforts of three people, and it is obviously a very thoughtful gift.

"As queens, I know that no treasure can be as important as a sincere heart."

"So this gift is not that precious, but it incorporates everyone's thoughts."

After Bai Zinian finished speaking, he stretched out his hand.

A colorful book flew into the air.

Another book, but this one is obviously more mysterious than the one Chu Mubai sent.

Bai Su stretched out his hand, took the mysterious book, and then asked.

"What's this?"

After Bai Zinian heard this, he quickly replied.

"Mom, you will know when you open it."

After hearing this, Bai Su opened the first page of the book.

For a moment, I saw only a ray of light projected from the book into the air.

In the light and shadow, a woman in blue waved to everyone present.

"My dear Master, oh no, I should be called Emperor Zhuo Tian now. Do you still remember me? I am Lan Miaoren. Before I know it, a thousand years have passed, and now only Haotian and I are left among those former classmates. "

"Thousands of years have passed by in a blink of an eye. When I think back, it seems like it was yesterday."

"Remember when you first arrived at the Talisman Castle, I targeted you everywhere. However, when you discovered the Light and Shadow Talisman, I was overwhelmed by your talent and ability."

"You are indeed the outstanding man I admired. I didn't expect that you would later become the God of the World and our Emperor Zhuo Tian."

"Today is a grand day that marks the establishment of the Heavenly Palace for a thousand years. Thousands of words can be combined into one blessing. I wish that the Heavenly Palace will be glorious forever, and I wish that the Emperor of Heaven, the two Queens of Heaven, and the priests all over the sky will live forever."

Lan Miaoren is a very interesting woman that Zhuo Bufan met when he was studying spells at Fu Bao.

The current Demon Emperor Donghuang Haotian was once her pursuer.

When Donghuang Haotian saw the person in the picture, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Miaoren, is Miaoren still there?"

Donghuang Haotian never expected that Lan Miaoren was still alive.

When the demon destroyed the temple city, Donghuang Haotian immediately went to look for Lan Miaoren, but in the end he did not find the woman he once loved deeply.

I didn't expect to see my former love here today.

"Your Majesty the Moon Goddess, where did you find this wonderful man? Where is he? Tell me quickly!"

Donghuang Haotian ignored the atmosphere and rushed towards Bai Zinian and the others.

Xiaomei on the side saw this and replied.

"She is in our city now. You can go see her after the banquet is over."

After Xiaomei finished speaking, Donghuang Haotian quickly thanked her.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Demon God Temple, thank you very much."

At this time, Bai Zinian continued.

"Two mothers, this sister named Lan Miaoren was once a classmate of my father when he was learning spells."

"My aunt, sister, and I spent a lot of effort to find her."

"When I learned about my grand gathering in heaven today, I specially asked her to send her blessings."

"Mom, please read back, there are more surprises."

After Bai Su listened, he continued to read.

Turning to the second page, another spiritual light was projected out, forming a light curtain.

Above the light curtain, three people stood.

There were two men and one woman, two of the men looked exactly the same, and the woman stood between them, smiling happily.

"Your Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, do you still remember us?"

"Little girl Zhou Yu, standing next to me are the two brothers Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao."

"That's right, my aunt took them both in."

"A cute little girl came here today. She should be your daughter!"

"She said we were your former friends, so she hoped we could leave you a message."

"I don't know if I am your friend, but today is a thousand-year event in heaven. Even as an ordinary citizen, I want to express my gratitude to you, the two queens, and all the gods on my behalf."

"Thank you for protecting our world over the past thousand years."

"I want to say that as one of your people, I am very happy and happy."

"Everyone, keep up the good work!"

When all the gods heard Zhou Yi's gratitude, they all showed happy smiles.

These gods, although it is their mission and bounden duty to protect world peace.

But they were still very happy to hear the gratitude of the people.

When Bai Su saw Zhou Yu in the picture, he smiled lightly and said.

"This is Zhuo Lang's friend too, right?"

After hearing this, Xiaomei nodded quickly.

"That's right, this little girl is a friend of the Emperor's early acquaintance."

"Mother of Heaven, please continue reading, there are more surprises behind."

After hearing this, Bai Su continued to turn to the third page.

This time, there were actually more than a dozen people in the light curtain projected.

Standing at the front were two women, one wearing red and the other wearing autumn yellow.

Among them, the woman in a yellow skirt looked at the screen with a smile and said.

"Hello everyone! My name is Mo Qiu, one of the original Four Seasons, Mountains and Rivers and the Twenty-Four Solar Terms."

The woman in red on the other side said calmly.

"My name is Su Hong! I was one of the 24 solar terms envoys of Four Seasons Mountain and River."

There are many people behind him, and they introduce themselves one by one.

These people, without exception, all come from the same organization, Four Seasons Mountain and River.

Four Seasons Mountain and River, in Zhuo Bufan's life, undoubtedly has a very high position.

That was the first organization that Zhuo Bufan joined when he came to this world, and it was also Zhuo Bufan's initial understanding of this world.

It has a very high position in Zhuo Bufan's mind, just like when Zhuo Bufan reincarnated, he would proudly return to Four Seasons Mountain and River to see Mo Qiu and Su Hong.

And more importantly, Four Seasons Mountain and River is an organization with deep ties that his sister Ji Linglong once established.

However, this Four Seasons Mountain and River was disbanded when Zhuo Bufan was still a small character.

It is incredible that these people can still be found now.

Zhuo Bufan, who was hiding behind, was extremely touched when he saw this scene.

This gift is not so much for Bai Su and the others as it is for Zhuo Bufan.

After reading these messages and images, Zhuo Bufan was extremely moved.

Flipping down, all of them were messages from some friends Zhuo Bufan had met in his early days.

Teachers from the Talisman Temple, friends from Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers, confidants from the Tianyi Sect, and so on!

Memories of the past, one by one, emerged in Zhuo Bufan's mind.

Zhuo Bufan then realized that he had unknowingly met so many friends in the process of growing up.

But he also unknowingly forgot their existence.

However, whether they were forgotten or not, they were the most important existence in Zhuo Bufan's life journey.

Hearing these blessings, Zhuo Bufan was deeply moved.

Isn't it that people live for something to be left behind?

Bai Zinian's gift moved Zhuo Bufan, and also moved Xuan Di and others standing behind.

Xuan Di could feel that everyone's gifts, although on the surface, were given to the Queen of Heaven.

But in fact, they all expressed their longing for the Emperor of Heaven, Zhuo Bufan.

Whether it was "The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven" written by Chu Mubai, or the Qianxie Sword given by Bai Zifan, or the friend's message book given by Bai Zinian.

Everything is related to Zhuo Bufan.

Obviously, everyone is missing that person.

That person has been gone for a thousand years, it's time to come back.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Xuan finally couldn't hold back his inner emotions. He took a step forward and said to his daughter Bai Su on the fairy platform.

"In this case, I will also give a gift."

Emperor Xuan suddenly spoke, and all the priests in the audience gathered their eyes.

Bai Su was stunned when she heard this.

"Father, don't be too polite. Today's grand event is not a grand event for our two queens, but a grand event for the entire heaven and even the entire world. So..."

Before Bai Su finished speaking, Emperor Xuan said.

"So my gift is also for the whole world."

"Today, in front of all the gods, I have decided to ascend to the Daluotian world tomorrow to find our emperor back."

When Emperor Xuan said this, all the priests present were stunned.

They didn't expect that the god Emperor Xuan would make such a decision.

Even Bai Su and the others on the fairy platform were surprised.

Zhuo Bufan, who was hiding in the dark, smiled slightly.

See, no one has forgotten him!

It seems that his surprise is about to appear.

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