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Chapter 1395 The Emperor Returns (Part 2)

In the Fairy Palace venue, the deity Xuan Emperor suddenly decided to ascend to Daluotian in the near future, and he wanted to bring back Zhuo Bufan, who had lost contact.

Because Emperor Xuan could feel that everyone was missing Zhuo Bufan and hoped that Zhuo Bufan could come back.

As a god, he is the only one who can ascend to the Great Luotian, so of course he has to do his part.

This time I ascended to the Great Luotian, not just for my daughter and grandchildren.

Even more so for the whole heaven and the whole fairy palace.

So no matter what, he must find Zhuo Bufan and bring him back to the Yin and Yang world.

How did Emperor Xuan know that Zhuo Bufan had already returned to Da Luotian, and now he was hiding behind the Immortal Palace?

When Zhuo Bufan himself heard the news, he was extremely moved.

When Bai Su on the Immortal Platform heard this, he wanted to say something, but Emperor Xuan said it first.

"Queen of Heaven, I know what you are going to say, but as of now, I have made up my mind."

"This world needs the existence of the Emperor of Heaven. It also needs the rule of the Emperor of Heaven."

"So after this grand event is over, I decided to fly to heaven to look for the Emperor of Heaven."

"Don't worry, I will definitely find the Emperor of Heaven and bring him back."

Emperor Xuan had obviously made up his mind, and Emperor Bai on the side also stood up and said.

"This world cannot live without the Emperor of Heaven, so you can rest assured that we will definitely find the Emperor of Heaven."

"This time we go to Daluotian. After we find the Emperor of Heaven, we will rush back as soon as possible. So you can rest assured."

After Bai Emperor finished speaking, Qing Emperor on the side said.

"Let's leave this matter to the two gods! Now the emperor is alone and has not been heard from for a thousand years."

"The safety of the Emperor of Heaven is related to the safety of our entire world, so I personally fully support the two Heavenly Lords in going to Daluotian to pursue the Emperor of Heaven."

The three great gods had unified their views long before their arrival.

That's why now, Emperor Qing will spare no effort to support Emperor Xuan and Emperor Bai's decision.

The Three Gods, as the three most powerful people in the world today, their words are naturally the final decision, and no one dares to object.

This is great news for all priests.

After all, finding the Emperor of Heaven is indeed a top priority.

However, Daluotian is full of dangers. As a dangerous place, even when the Emperor of Heaven arrived there, there was no news.

Therefore, it is really worrying for the two gods to go there.

"Lord God, let me go with you!"

"I also want to go and take back my father in person."

At this time, Bai Zifan took the initiative to stand up and asked to follow Bai Emperor and Xuan Emperor to find Zhuo Bufan.

After Bai Zifan stood up, Bai Zinian couldn't sit still anymore, so she also ran out and said.

"I want to go too, and I want to bring dad back."

Yaya said unwillingly.

"I am coming too."

It can be seen that Zhuo Bufan's children are all missing him and wanting him to return.

So everyone can't wait to find their father.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan, who was hiding in the dark, was once again moved to tears.

Although the children didn't say anything, Zhuo Bufan knew that they missed him.

Over the years, I have been fighting for the life and death of Da Luotian.

But it was entirely because of this that he was unable to take care of his family.

He did not witness the growth of his three children and did not work hard for his family.

I am not worthy of being a father, nor am I worthy of being a husband.

"Zifan, there are two girls left, don't mess around!"

"With your current cultivation level, you are not capable of ascending to the Great Luotian, do you understand?"

When Emperor Xuan saw that the two girls and Bai Zifan also wanted to go to Daluotian, he immediately stopped them.

Bai Zifan said after hearing this.

"Grandpa, I can do it. I have been practicing hard for this day."

"I just want to fly to Daluotian one day to find my father.

Bai Zifan said excitedly to Emperor Xuan.

Over the years, he has practiced harder than anyone else.

Although the current Bai Zifan is not as good as the three gods, he is definitely qualified to fly into the Daluotian world.

After hearing this, Emperor Xuan shook his head.

"My child, ascending to the Great Luotian is not as simple as you think!"

"There is a long river of time between Daluotian and our world. Only those with the power to transcend time can ascend to Daluotian."

"Throughout the ages, only a handful of people have been able to go to Daluotian."

"In the entire Yin and Yang world, perhaps no one can enter the long river of time alone except me and your father."

Emperor Xuan was right. Only those selected by the Lord of Time are eligible to go to Daluotian.

Because the Yin and Yang world is not an affiliated world of Daluotian.

There is a long river of time between the Yin and Yang world and Da Luo Tian.

Only those recognized by the Lord of Time are qualified to enter the long river of time.

Therefore, throughout the ages, there are only a handful of people who have traveled from the world of Yin and Yang to the Great Luotian.

You must be a reincarnation recognized by the Lord of Time to be able to travel through the long river of time.

Emperor Xuan is the person recognized by the Lord of Time. He is also qualified to enter the river of time, but the time he can stay is very short.

Therefore, even if Emperor Xuan goes to Daluotian, it is very risky, not to mention that he has to take Emperor Bai with him.

With Emperor Xuan's ability, the most he can guarantee is that he can take Emperor Bai to Daluotian. They had tried many times before coming here.

Bringing Bai Emperor with him was already the limit of Emperor Xuan, so it was impossible for him to bring Bai Zifan with him.

"Children, don't worry, I will definitely bring your father back."

Emperor Xuan said to Bai Zifan and the others.

"But, but!"

What else did Bai Zifan want to say? He had obviously worked hard for so long just to go to Daluotian.

But now Emperor Xuan told him that he didn't have the qualifications.

Just when Bai Zifan felt extremely regretful, suddenly the entire Immortal Palace was filled with auras.

A gentle and bright light enveloped the entire fairy palace.

Powerful energy penetrated into the bodies of all the priests present, and everyone felt that their bodies were filled with magical energy.

Their status seemed to have become the power of the country at that moment.

Seeing this scene, Bai Su and Xuan Su knew that it was Zhuo Bufan who was hiding in the dark. They couldn't bear it anymore and were ready to come out.

"What's this?"

The priests present exclaimed.

At this moment, a gentle yet majestic voice suddenly sounded in the Immortal Palace.

"Everyone, this emperor is back."

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure emerged from the infinite light.

With the arrival of that majestic sound, Zhuo Bufan appeared in the immortal palace dressed in golden holy clothes.

When he appeared in the venue, everyone present widened their eyes and looked at the man in the air.

Behind him, nine dazzling haloes of golden light emerged.

At that moment, all the priests present knelt down and worshiped.

For this great god who suddenly came, there were cheers of worship.

"The Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor of Heaven!"

"I'm not dreaming, am I? The Emperor of Heaven has returned?"

"Is this an illusion? Emperor of Heaven, is he really Emperor of Heaven?"

"Oh my god, why is the Emperor of Heaven still here? It's really the Emperor of Heaven!"

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's return, all the priests present showed expressions of disbelief.

That's right, they couldn't believe that Emperor Zhuo Bufan would actually appear here, just as they were talking.

They thought this was all an illusion, perhaps an illusion created by the two divas.

However, as Zhuo Bufan's children, it was impossible for them to mistake their father's aura.

They could feel that their father's extraordinary aura was flowing through the illusion in the sky.

"It's Emperor Father, it's really Emperor Father."

Bai Zifan discovered immediately that the person in the sky was not an illusion, but reality.

Then Yaya and Bai Zinian also reacted.


Yaya and Niannian laid down towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan, on the other hand, opened his arms, waiting for the arrival of his two precious daughters.

"Yaya, Niannian, daddy, I'm back."

Zhuo Bufan held his two grown-up daughters in his arms and laughed heartily.

It's been a thousand years. They haven't seen each other for almost a thousand years.

The pain of lovesickness surged into my soul like a spring.

Gods also have emotions, and this is the divine court established by Zhuo Bufan.

What Zhuo Bufan wants to build is a heaven filled with this person's seven emotions and six desires, not a group of law enforcement agencies without any emotions.

This is perhaps the biggest difference between Huao Doofan and Daluo Tiandao.

The way of heaven is ruthless, so Daluotian will not hesitate to wipe out the existence of all life and restart the world.

But the divine court established by Zhuo Bufan was different.

Here, there is human warmth and touch.

Now Zhuo Bufan knows that the destruction of Da Luotian will not have an impact on the Yin and Yang world, so he can ignore Da Luotian's affairs now.

In the past, Zhuo Bufan would have worked hard to solve the crisis in Daluotian because he was concerned about his family's lives.

Now it seems that Zhuo Bufan can just ignore it.

After Daluotian is destroyed, it will still restart again.

And it is enough that you only need to manage your own Yin and Yang world.

Zhuo Bufan is the way of heaven in this Yin and Yang world, so he only needs to stay in a corner and protect his own little world.

Anyway, no matter which world it is, it's just the Lord of Time's amusement park.

"Is he really the Emperor of Heaven?"

"The Emperor of Heaven is back, the Emperor of Heaven is really back."

"Our Emperor is back."

The priests present wiped away tears with excitement when they saw Zhuo Bufan's return.

Even Emperor Xuan and the others were moved to tears when they saw Zhuo Bufan.

After waiting for a thousand years, the person they were waiting for finally came back.

"Sorry everyone, I kept you waiting."

"Thank you for waiting for me to come back."

As the Emperor of Heaven, Zhuo Bufan lowered his stature and expressed his gratitude to all the priests present.

He even bent down and bowed.

In the eyes of other priests, it may be that they are sincere and fearful.

But in Zhuo Bufan's opinion, this is what it should be.

In the past thousand years, he, the Emperor of Heaven, has not put any effort into this world. He has only relied on the help of the priests present to establish Heaven and this world.

So this is a thank you, which is appropriate for Yu Zhuo Bufan.

However, the priests had been frightened for a long time, and all the priests present knelt down.

"Emperor of Heaven, please don't say such things. Building the Heavenly Court and protecting the world are the duties of all the priests present here."

The Emperor Xuan represented all the priests and spoke out what everyone was thinking.

The White Emperor beside him was also moved and wiped his tears and replied.

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back."

The Green Emperor laughed and said.

"When did you come back, kid? Why didn't we feel it at all?"

"Has the matter of Daluo Heaven been dealt with?"

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly landed on the ground and walked in front of the three gods.

"Hello, three gods! In fact, I have been back for a while, but I just wanted to give everyone a surprise, so I didn't show up until now."

"If I had known that everyone had such deep feelings for me, Zhuo, I should have come out long ago."

"So, please forgive me."

Zhuo Bufan didn't have the airs of an emperor of Heaven at all.

After hearing this, the Emperor Xuan said.

"It's good to be back, don't worry about other things."

"Today is the thousand-year holy canon established by Wuping Tianting. Your return on this day is the greatest blessing for my Tianting."

The Green Emperor also said.

"That's right, in this way, Lao Xuan and others don't need to risk entering the Daluotian world to find you."

"It's good to be back. Now that you're back this time, you won't leave!"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan looked at the children beside him, and then looked back at the two queens on the fairy platform.

Finally, he nodded.

"I won't leave. This time I'm back, I'll be my Zhuo Tiandi well."

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly.

"Really, Daddy?"

Nian Nian looked at Zhuo Bufan, her two big eyes full of expectation.

Zhuo Bufan nodded when he saw this.

"Of course it's true. After all, the outside world is not as good as home."

"That's great, Daddy!"

Nian Nian hugged Zhuo Bufan tightly.

Although Zhuo Bufan didn't want to admit it, Bai Zi Nian was indeed the only relative of Zhuo Bufan in this world who had a real blood relationship with him.

Zifan is his adopted son, Yaya is his child from his previous life, and Bai Zinian is his real daughter in this life, the daughter of Zhuo Bufan.

So Zhuo Bufan hugged Nian Nian, his eyes filled with tears.

What he regretted most was that he had not been with his daughter and witnessed her growth over the years.

After seeing this scene, Bai Su and Xuan Su also flew down from the immortal platform.

"Everyone, today is the thousand-year holy ceremony of my heaven."

"Now is the great day of the return of His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven."

"So today is a double happiness. This queen announces that the whole world will celebrate and bless the earth. Return the power to the Emperor of Heaven and pardon the world."

"Everyone, cheer!"

Bai Su and Xuan Su joined hands and announced the most important thing.

That is to return all the power they have established in the heaven for a thousand years to Zhuo Bufan.

From now on, Zhuo Bufan is the real emperor of heaven in this world and the only one who holds real power.

For a moment, all the priests present cheered.

They cheered for the Millennium Holy Scripture and the return of the Heavenly Emperor.

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