Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1439 1439: I came from the sky

Looking at the turbulent waves and the violent and terrifying whirlpool in front of him, Zhuo Bufan faced the sea and fell into deep thought.

Although he had made enough psychological preparations before, he was still a little frightened when he really saw the whirlpool!

This whirlpool spread all over the sea, madly swallowing the surrounding seawater, and any creature that approached would be swallowed by it mercilessly.

The deep-sea giant whale under Zhuo Bufan's feet didn't even dare to approach.

Now there is no life in the entire Demon Sea.

Those who escaped escaped, and those who died died. The entire sea area was left with endless darkness.

The violent whirlpool made the creatures only stay away.

"Huh! Success or failure depends on this one move."

Although Zhuo Bufan was uneasy in his heart, he had made enough psychological preparations.

"If my inference is correct, the revolutionary formula for time rewriting can also be used as a time archive."

Zhuo Bufan had already made plans on the way here.

He planned to use the ability of time rewriting to leave a time clone on the side of the whirlpool.

Then he entered the whirlpool again.

If he encountered any situation, he could escape from the whirlpool in the first place.

"You go back first! Next, you don't have to take risks with me."

Zhuo Bufan asked the deep-sea giant whale that came with him to leave the Demon Sea in front of him.

After all, the place Zhuo Bufan was going to next was very scary.

He couldn't implicate the innocent, so he asked the deep-sea giant whale to leave first.

After the deep-sea giant whale left, Zhuo Bufan immediately released the divine ring, and then summoned the revolutionary formula, and time was rewritten.

For a time, twelve gods surrounded Zhuo Bufan to form a huge clock dial.

"Time rewrite!"

"Time setting!"

Zhuo Bufan recalled his understanding of time in the Sea God Temple on Jiaozhu Island.

On those twelve stone walls, all the perceptions of time by the Saint Tianmeng were left.

That Saint Tianmeng believed that there was a long river of time between heaven and earth, dominating everything.

This concept obviously coincides with the long river of time.

Based on this, the Saint Tianmeng realized the most powerful time magic.

The Saint Tianmeng also said that if humans can build a boat in the long river of time, they can travel freely in time.

This concept gave Zhuo Bufan a deep inspiration.

If he can use time rewriting to mark a time node, he may really be able to gain the power to travel through time and space.

Therefore, what Zhuo Bufan has to do now is to use the power of time rewriting to leave a save at this point in time.

Just like his own save door.

Because he has experience with the save door, Zhuo Bufan still has a certain understanding and comprehension of the concept of time save.

Through his own understanding, Zhuo Bufan soon had a clue.

If he can really master the ability to manually save, then the dilemma of the save door can be solved.

"Determine a time node first!"

Zhuo Bufan began his own experiment.

He first locked a time node and then marked the soul.

Then, Zhuo Bufan jumped into the whirlpool without thinking.

The moment he jumped into the whirlpool, a powerful devouring force directly swallowed up his body and soul.

After countless turns in the whirlpool, Zhuo Bufan finally saw a ray of light in the darkness.

"It's light, the passage to another world!"

Zhuo Bufan let the whirlpool take him to the end.

Finally, after passing through the white hole at the end of the whirlpool, a brand new world appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

When Zhuo Bufan saw that world, his eyes lit up.

At this moment, he suddenly appeared from the depths of the seabed to an altitude of 10,000 meters.

All around him were lightning as thick as a giant python.

If these lightnings hit Zhuo Bufan, he might be struck to ashes on the spot.

"Damn, miscalculated."

Zhuo Bufan began to fall rapidly from the air.

But he was still calm. When he felt that he was about to fall to the ground, Zhuo Bufan immediately launched the arcane.

Then, the ground where he landed suddenly turned into a huge mud pit.

Zhuo Bufan used the earth escape technique at the same time and got into the mud pit.

He survived like a fish entering the sea.

When Zhuo Bufan got out of the ground, he suddenly found that there was endless heavy rain above his head.

Above the sky, dark clouds covered the sky.

Only lightning bolts shuttled through the clouds.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he saw this scene.

"Could it be that these rains are the sea water of that world?"

Zhuo Bufan seemed to understand something.

After the sea water from the opposite world leaked into this world, it became heavy rain.

"What should I do next?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little dull because of the heavy rain.

If these rains are really the sea water of another world, then this heavy rain will probably not stop for a while.

A city was found not far away.

It was a stone city. Under the heavy rain, there were still faint lights flickering.

Zhuo Bufan didn't care about anything and headed towards the stone city.

When he arrived outside the stone city, he found that there was a moat around the stone city.

The flood in the moat was surging. The heavy rain that fell into the city was drained into the moat through the drainage system, and then flowed from the river to the vast ocean.

Zhuo Bufan used the arcane to make a stone arch bridge across the moat.

After crossing the moat, he came to the stone city.

However, when Zhuo Bufan entered the stone city, he did not see any people.

As for the light he saw in the distance, it was just a kind of self-luminous stone.

This kind of stone was used as a street lamp and placed on both sides of the road to light up the stone city.

The architectural style of the entire stone city is very strange. All the buildings are mushroom-shaped and made of huge stones.

"Earth arcane?"

Zhuo Bufan saw at a glance that these buildings were not made by man, but made using earth arcane.

It can be said that the entire stone city is made of earth arcane.

There is a drainage ditch in front of every household, which can completely drain rainwater out of the city.

It can be said that the drainage system of this stone city is very perfect. Even if there is a terrible rainstorm overhead, this small city will not be flooded.

This city is completely suitable for human habitation.

However, what makes Zhuo Bufan feel a little strange is that.

He did not see any traces of human habitation, and even did not see any human figures.

He could feel the smell of human habitation in this stone city, but after entering the city, he did not find anyone.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Is there anyone?"

Zhuo Bufan came to the only tower in the center of the city and shouted at the tower, but there was no response from the house.

When he walked into the house, he found that the house was clean and there was nothing.

To be precise, this is not a house, because there is no furnishings in it, not even a bed.

There is only a pillar with a diameter of about one meter standing in the center of the tower.

"Strange, is it an empty city?"

Just when Zhuo Bufan thought that this city might be an empty city.

Suddenly he felt a heat wave coming from his feet.

Zhuo Bufan looked down and saw a row of fist-sized holes under the central pillar.

From the holes, waves of heat blew out.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan hurried over and knocked on the central pillar.

What surprised Zhuo Bufan was that the pillar was empty.

"There's something in here!"

Zhuo Bufan fumbled around the pillar and finally found a thumb-sized touch mechanism.

When he pressed the mechanism, the pillar in front of him suddenly opened a door.

"It's really empty, what is this? An elevator?"

When the door opened, Zhuo Bufan found that the pillar was hollow inside, and there was a space similar to an elevator.

Zhuo Bufan stood on it, and then he began to slowly descend.

Not long after, a huge underground world appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Under the hollow pipe, there was actually a huge underground cave.

In the cave, the light was bright and bright.

What surprised Zhuo Bufan was that there was actually a city underground, and it was also a stone city.

"We're almost there!"

Soon, the elevator came to the bottom.

Just as the elevator door slowly opened, a group of people holding strange weapons outside aimed at Zhuo Bufan in the elevator.

"Who is it? Come out, come out quickly! Hold your head with both hands, come out for me."

These people shouted at Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan frowned.

He didn't expect these people to be so hostile to him.

"I'm just passing by here, and I have no ill intentions."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to cause trouble, so he honestly raised his hands.

Seeing this, the other party rushed up and handcuffed Zhuo Bufan's hands behind his back.

"Catch him and hand him over to the city lord for interrogation."

These people were obviously law enforcers. They didn't talk nonsense with Zhuo Bufan and took him directly to the city lord's mansion.

From beginning to end, Zhuo Bufan did not resist.

In fact, when he saw people again, he was a little happy in his heart.

At least it proves that there are humans living in this world.

Obviously, these humans live underground to avoid the heavy rain.

The stone city on the ground may be where they lived before.

However, after the heavy rain, they all changed to live underground.

Zhuo Bufan was taken to the city lord's mansion by this group of people, and then taken to a palace.

A group of law enforcers, holding strange weapons in their hands, pointed at Zhuo Bufan's head. As long as Zhuo Bufan dared to move, they would attack and blow up his head.

Zhuo Bufan still did not resist. Now he has no idea about this world.

So he actually has no idea what he will face next.

As long as it does not threaten his life, Zhuo Bufan will accept it honestly.

Not long after, a man in formal clothes walked into the hall and came to Zhuo Bufan.

The man was wearing a neat black formal suit and a strange round hat, like a mushroom head.

Perhaps that hat represents his identity and symbol as the city lord.

In addition, he wore half a pair of glasses and had two curly mustaches.

Zhuo Bufan sensed the powerful force of the arcane quantum fluctuations from the other party.

Obviously, the other party is an arcane master.

Moreover, it seems that he is an earth arcane master, because Zhuo Bufan and the other party have a feeling of mutual appreciation.

The other party smiled slightly after seeing Zhuo Bufan.

"I am the lord of this Benge City, Klein!"

"I don't know what your name is, and why did you come to my Benge City?"

The other party was very gentlemanly. Facing Zhuo Bufan, who had trespassed into his territory, he did not act too strong.

Seeing that the other party was so polite, Zhuo Bufan would naturally not be too arrogant.

He answered calmly.

"You can call me Gain!"

Zhuo Bufan remembered this name, Gain, the god of arcane who passed on all the earth arcane to him.

"I also came to your territory unintentionally, and then I accidentally entered here."

"I just arrived here, and before I could react to what happened, I was escorted here by your people."

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's answer, Klein quickly waved his hand, signaling the guards to put down their weapons.

"I'm sorry, respected Lord Gain. Recently, our Benge City has encountered a lot of troubles. So everyone is more cautious."

"This damn heavy rain has made many people nervous for no reason."

"Everyone is panicking, worried that if the rain continues, sooner or later it will flood the whole world."

After hearing what the other party said, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

It can be seen that although these people are living peacefully underground now, there is a kind of fear and worry between their brows.

Perhaps just like Klein said, these people are worried that if the rain continues, sooner or later it will flood the world.

"How long has it been raining?"

Zhuo Bufan saw that the Lord of Klein was easy to finish, so he continued to ask.

After hearing this, Klein suddenly looked at Zhuo Bufan with a little confusion.

"Why, don't you know?"

Zhuo Bufan shrugged and shook his head.

"I don't know!"

The other party was very surprised.

"Don't you know about the Leaky Day?"

"The Leaky Day? I don't know."

"How is it possible? You don't even know about the Leaky Day? May I ask, sir, who are you? Where are you from?"

That Leaky Day is a day known to everyone in this world.

After all, after that day, the sun completely disappeared, and the rain in the world never stopped.

This rain lasted for eighteen years, and the whole world was irrigated.

Facing the other party's question, Zhuo Bufan had to answer honestly.

"If I say that I came from the sky, do you believe it?"

Klein said with his eyes wide open.

"What? You came from the sky?"

"To be precise, I came from another world."

"And, I know why it rains all the time in your world."

When Zhuo Bufan said this, everyone present looked at him in disbelief.

This human who fell from the sky may be the savior of this world.


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