Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1440 1440: Sky Repair Plan

When Zhuo Bufan said that he came from the sky.

That Klein and everyone present looked at him in disbelief!

"You came from the sky? Are you kidding? The only thing that falls from the sky in this world is rain."

Klein was telling a cold joke, and the guards around him all laughed.

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly when he saw this scene.

"Is it funny?"

"You don't even know what happened in this world! You can only complain here."

"Pray to God for mercy on you? Let it stop raining, so that you can live as humble as dust?"

Zhuo Bufan saw these people laughing at him, and of course he couldn't stand it.

These people obviously didn't know what happened, and what they had to face next was endless heavy rain.

This rain will not stop, at least in Zhuo Bufan's opinion, it will not stop in a few decades.

After all, above this heavy rain, there is an endless ocean!

Facing Zhuo Bufan's questioning, Klein and others stopped laughing.

Zhuo Bufan's serious expression undoubtedly showed a more heart-wrenching pity for their laughter.

Zhuo Bufan's words touched the deepest pain in these people's hearts.

Yes, the world is now in danger.

The heavy rain above my head never stops.

Benge City has changed from a mountaintop city to an underground city.

They have changed from the high-ranking sun people to dark rats who can only live underground.

So, when Klein looked at Zhuo Bufan again, he no longer had a sarcastic tone, but apologized immediately.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gain, I was rude just now."

"Now let me apologize to you solemnly."

This Klein is not a fool, at least he expressed enough respect for Zhuo Bufan.

Although he had offended before, he knew to apologize in time.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan also put away his arrogance, looking at Klein in front of him, he said coldly.

"I accept your apology, but you obviously haven't figured out the dilemma you are facing."

"I just said that I came from heaven, and I know what happened in heaven!"

"I can tell you responsibly that this rain will not stop for a while."

"Perhaps your descendants, and your descendants' descendants, will all live under this rainstorm!"

When Zhuo Bufan said this, Klein and the others looked at Zhuo Bufan with incredible eyes again.

"Sir, what do you mean?"

"If you know something, please tell us."

"Now I believe you, from heaven! Tell us, what is there in heaven?"

Now Klein showed a fear, a fear of the unknown.

After all, behind this rain, there are all phenomena that they cannot understand.

The most terrifying fear is often the unknown.

Now the world is shrouded in a doomsday rainstorm. No one knows what happened, and no one knows why this rainstorm is so terrible.

Humanity has no way to face this rainstorm.

They were helpless and could only use all means to live a humble life like dust in this rainstorm.

Surviving was already their best effort.

Now, all the wisdom of mankind was used to survive in this heavy rainstorm.

It was a bit ridiculous to say that the rain, which was not worth mentioning on weekdays, became a catastrophe at this moment.

Now, for humans, they only wanted to figure out one thing, that is, where did this rain come from?

And now, Zhuo Bufan can tell them all this.

Because Zhuo Bufan came from that world!

Seeing Klein's sincere inquiry, Zhuo Bufan said.

"Give me paper and pen, maybe I can draw it more vividly."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Klein immediately asked the guards beside him to bring him paper and pen.

After Zhuo Bufan took the paper and pen, he began to draw a horizontal line on the paper.

Above the horizontal line, he drew a turbulent sea.

Below the horizontal line, he drew an endless rain curtain.

Then Zhuo Bufan pointed at the picture he had drawn and said.

"This is the truth!"

"The truth is that the rain in your world comes from the sea in another world."

Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, and drew a series of whirlpools in the sea above the horizontal line, and then said.

"These big whirlpools bring the seawater from the world above to the world below."

"These seawaters pass through the world wall, forming a rain curtain, and descend on this world."

"And I, even if I fell from these big whirlpools."

Zhuo Bufan finished speaking and looked at everyone around him.

They all looked incredible.

After a long time, Klein said with a trembling mouth.

"You mean, you fell from here?"

They obviously didn't believe it again.

If you fall from the sky, won't you be smashed into pieces?

Zhuo Bufan saw the other party's doubts, and he said calmly.

"Because I am an earth-based arcane mage. Falling from the sky won't kill me."

This is the truth I said, as for whether you believe it or not, that's your business. "

"What I can tell you is that the seawater in the world above has just begun to leak."

"According to the speculations of the world above, it will take at least a hundred years for this maelstrom catastrophe to stop."

"In other words, it will rain for another hundred years in the world below you."

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, everyone present looked at him in stunned silence, and for a while no one dared to speak.

Even Klein was silent for a long time before he spoke tremblingly.

"One, a hundred years?"

"If it rains for a hundred years, will our world turn into a vast ocean?"

It was hard for Klein to imagine how people in this world could survive a hundred years of torrential rain.

After all, now, they are starting to have a hard time.

At this time, a guard captain on the side said to City Lord Klein.

"City Lord, I think if what this Excellency says is true, we should immediately contact other city owners in the alliance to discuss it."

"The sky-repairing plan probably needs to be started in advance."

After hearing what the captain of the guard said, Klein, as the city lord, also nodded.

"If this is the case, other people in the league must be notified of this matter as soon as possible."

Zhuo Bufan on the side aroused his interest after listening to the conversation between the two of them.

"Plan to mend the sky?"

"It's interesting. Do you want to mend the sky?"

Zhuo Bufan could basically understand literally what the other party meant by the plan to mend the sky.

It's nothing more than trying to find a way to plug up the holes in the sky and stop this heavy rain.

After hearing this, Klein looked at Zhuo Bufan, nodded and said.

"The sky patching plan is a plan developed by our alliance to prevent this heavy rain."

"This plan is now in the preparation stage, and the secrets cannot yet be known to the world."

"Anyway, you did bring us extremely shocking news today."

"I will go to Federal City immediately and discuss countermeasures with other city owners."

"Captain of the guard, please give me a good welcome to Lord Gaien. He is a distinguished guest of my city. Do you understand?"

Klein was furious, and after saying goodbye to Zhuo Bufan, he left quickly.

For him, what Zhuo Bufan said was extremely urgent, and he had to tell the city lords of other alliances immediately and then discuss countermeasures together.

And Zhuo Bufan obviously also knew that this Klein said he treated him as a distinguished guest, but in fact he just sent a person to monitor him.

After all, he now has a special status and claims to be from heaven.

Therefore, it is impossible for Zhuo Bufan to leave Benge City easily now.

After Klein left, the captain of the guard became responsible for receiving Zhuo Bufan.

Obviously, the captain of the guard was also very interested in what Zhuo Bufan said, so when accompanying Zhuo Bufan, he would ask Zhuo Bufan some things.

"Sir Gain, if what you said is true, then where did those big whirlpools come from?"

"Also, will this heavy rain stop only after all the seawater in the world above has been drained away?"

Facing the question from the captain of the guard, Zhuo Bufan really didn't know how to answer for a while.

After all, Zhuo Bufan only learned about the situation of the Maelstrom from the Lord of the Demonic Abyss.

As for where this big whirlpool came from, even the Lord of the Demonic Abyss doesn't know.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan didn't know how to answer the captain of the guard's question.

"I don't know the origin of the maelstrom either. But we can make guesses."

"Perhaps the world wall between the two worlds collapsed, forming a loophole."

"So the maelstrom was created."

"As for whether you said it will stop only after the water flows out."

"I can't answer you on this matter."

"However, I heard a legend before I came here."

"It is said that tens of thousands of years ago, there was a big leak in the world above."

"So I want to ask you, tens of thousands of years ago, was there a rare heavy rainstorm in your world?"

Zhuo Bufan learned from the Lord of the Demonic Abyss and the Octopus Leader that tens of thousands of years ago, a large leak like the current situation also occurred in the upper world.

That time, sea levels dropped hundreds of meters.

Even the Famuli people changed from sea people to land people after the big leak.

If the two worlds are really connected, then tens of thousands of years ago, there should have been a heavy rainstorm that lasted for hundreds of years in this world.

So Zhuo Bufan turned to the captain of the guard and wanted to verify the matter with him.

The captain of the guard frowned after listening to Zhuo Bufan's words.

Then he quickly said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Wait for me for a while."

After the captain of the guard finished speaking, he suddenly turned and left.

Not long after, I saw him running back with a book in his arms.

Zhuo Bufan only felt a little baffled. He didn't know what this guy wanted to do?

At this time, the captain of the guard took out the book and opened the first page.

"Great Great Desolation!"

The beginning of this book is about a magnificent legend.

Legend has it that tens of thousands of years ago, the world suffered a terrible flood.

Floods swept across the world, and eventually even the mountain peaks sank to the bottom of the sea.

People could only live on boats and drifted in the sea for hundreds of years before they found land.

That era was called the Great Flood Era.

"This is our Bible. The first story described in it is the flood tens of thousands of years ago."

"It says that it was a heavy rainstorm that lasted for a hundred years. At the end of the rain, there was no land in the whole world."

"Humans spent hundreds of years on the boat and finally discovered a new continent."

"Oh my God, I always thought that what was written in the Bible was all legends. Is it all true?"

The book in the hands of the chief guard is called the Bible of Humanity.

It is the best-selling book in this world, and almost everyone has a copy.

"Can you show it to me?"

After listening to the words of the chief guard, Zhuo Bufan felt that what was written in this book might not be all legends.

Perhaps he could find a solution from this book.

After hearing this, the chief guard handed the Bible of Humanity to Zhuo Bufan.

For the next period of time, Zhuo Bufan began to study the contents of this book wholeheartedly.

He learned a lot about the stories of this world from this book.

I also have a general understanding of this world.

This world is called Arnold!

Arnold in this world means the ancient god.

Legend has it that this world was created by the ancient gods.

There are seven ancient gods in this world, namely Hertz, the ancient god of time, Yug, the ancient god of space, Tia, the ancient god of earth, Cohen, the ancient god of the sea, Youya, the ancient god of the forest, Lyle, the ancient god of the sky, and Aikun, the ancient god of chaos.

These seven ancient gods come from the legendary God Court Arnold.

They joined forces to build this world.

"Yug, the ancient god of space, isn't this the ancient god believed in by the Famli Empire?"

"And Cohen, the ancient god of the sea, is the ancient god believed in by the Demon Abyss Clan."

"Do these ancient gods really exist?"

"They not only created this world, but also created the world above?"

Zhuo Bufan slowly unraveled the truth of a world from this human Bible.

Perhaps at the beginning, the seven ancient gods did not just create this world.

They also joined forces to create the world above.

But for some reason, there is a problem with the world barrier between the world above and the world below.

Perhaps the ancient god of space went to sleep when creating the world, which caused a hole in the world barrier, and thus the current situation of the sea leak and the sky leak appeared.

After all, Zhuo Bufan is also the world god of the Yin-Yang world. Zhuo Bufan, who has the experience of creating the world, knows that creating the world is not an easy task.

"Now it seems that the only one who can solve this problem is probably the god of space, Yug!"

"If we can find this god of space, then we should be able to repair the world barrier between the two worlds."

Zhuo Bufan found a way to save this world from this book.

However, it seems that it is not easy to find this ancient god Yug.

After all, it only exists in legends.


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