Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1497 1498: The Seal of the Queen

1498: The Seal of Wahuang

The dark void is intertwined with terrifying curses.

The cold and evil thoughts echoed in the ears, devouring people's minds.

Wahuang, the only surviving peerless emperor of Daluo Tiandao, was forced to flee at this moment.

Wahuang was not afraid of death, but the billions of people in Daluo Tian in her Bu Tian Stone needed her protection.

If Wahuang died, then the billions of people in the Bu Tian Stone would die together.

So Wahuang had to escape. Only if she survived, more people could survive.

Now Wahuang was being hunted down by the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

Wahuang never thought that the Eternal Heavenly Dao would secretly plan the war between the Three Emperors and Daluo Tiandao.

The Three Emperors and Daluo Tiandao didn't realize until the end that they were calculated by the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

So before Daluo Tiandao died, he told Wahuang a truth. That is the secret of the Lord of Time.

Daluo Tiandao told Wahuang that Yongheng Tiandao intended to dominate all the worlds.

And the only person who could stop this catastrophe was the Lord of Time.

It was only after Wahuang got this news that she made up her mind to find the whereabouts of the Lord of Time.

But it is not easy to find the Lord of Time. Wahuang did not actually get the exact news.

Up to now, Wahuang has only been aimlessly collecting information about the whereabouts of the Lord of Time in the chaotic void.

And Daluo Tiandao told Wahuang that the Lord of Time is in this chaotic void.

And as long as Wahuang is willing to find him, he will definitely find him.

It was only after hearing this that Wahuang tried hard to find the whereabouts of the Lord of Time.

However, even now, Wahuang does not know where the Lord of Time is.

And behind him, there are still enemies chasing him.

So now Wahuang's situation is very urgent and urgent.

Although Wahuang ran very fast, it was the Eternal Heavenly Dao that was chasing her.

Facing the pursuit of the Eternal Heavenly Dao, it was only a matter of time before Wahuang was caught.

As expected, after the 280th space jump, Wa Huang was finally caught up by Yongheng Tiandao.

Yongheng Tiandao appeared in front of Wa Huang first and sealed this chaotic space.

It was almost impossible for Wa Huang to escape again.

At this time, a figure slowly emerged in the void.

When Wa Huang saw the figure, he couldn't help but frown.

"Cangqiong, why are you like this!"

The guy who suddenly appeared in front of him was Ni Cangqiong.

Before, Ni Cangqiong was Pan Huang's apprentice and received guidance from Wa Huang. So Wa Huang was actually very sad that Ni Cangqiong had become what he is now.

After listening to what Wa Huang said, Ni Cangqiong replied indifferently.

"Wahuang, do you know why Daluo Tiandao chose me to be his incarnation of Tiandao?"

"Why did I become the Jealous Heaven?"

"Because I am jealous by nature!"

"I am jealous of everything, everything I have nothing."

"And the Eternal Heaven can give me all of this."

After listening to Ni Cangqiong's words, Wahuang sighed helplessly.

Ni Cangqiong can't blame anyone for becoming like this, but himself. As he said, he is jealous by nature, jealous of everything better than him.

Jealousy made him the Jealous Heaven of Daluo Tiandao, and jealousy made him the invincible war god of the Eternal Heaven.

And now, Ni Cangqiong has been possessed by the Eternal Heaven.

So the Ni Cangqiong in front of him is no longer the Ni Cangqiong that Wahuang knew, but a world-weary person.

Now, Ni Cangqiong's body not only has his personality, but also the personality of the Eternal Heaven.

The voice of the Eternal Heaven came again.

"That's all for reminiscing about the past. Wa Huang, tell me, what did Daluotian tell you?"

"Where is the Lord of Time?"

"I don't want to kill you. As long as you tell me the whereabouts of the Lord of Time, I will let you go."

Facing the inquiry of Yongheng Tiandao, Wa Huang slowly shook his head and smiled.

"Do you want to hear the truth?"

Yongheng Tiandao replied.

"Of course, you'd better tell the truth, otherwise I'm afraid you won't be able to leave today."

After hearing the words of Yongheng Tiandao, Wa Huang smiled faintly and said.

"The truth is, I don't know either."

"Daluotian only told me that the Lord of Time is in this chaotic void. He didn't say anything else."

In this regard, Wa Huang really told the truth and didn't deceive Yongheng Tiandao.

However, Yongheng Tiandao didn't believe what Wa Huang said.

"It seems that our Wa Huang is unwilling to cooperate with us!"

After hearing this, Wa Huang smiled.

"Sure enough, if I tell the truth, you won't believe it either."

Yongheng Tiandao replied.

"That's because you didn't say anything that I could believe."

"I thought you would tell the truth. I didn't expect that you, Queen Wa, were also stubborn."

Eternal Heavenly Dao obviously didn't believe what Queen Wa said.

He believed that Daluotian must have told Queen Wa about the news of the Lord of Time.

Queen Wa saw that the other party was determined to doubt, and she said helplessly.

"In that case, there is nothing to say."

"Let's fight!"

After Queen Wa finished speaking, she moved her palm and a magic sword appeared in her hand.

However, as soon as the sword appeared in her hand, she heard the Eternal Heavenly Dao on the opposite side slowly speaking.

"Do you want to use this scrap metal to resist me?"

As soon as the voice fell, the sword in the hand of the Queen Wa turned into a piece of scrap metal. "

The Queen Wa frowned when she saw this.

"Does the word come true? It is worthy of being the Heavenly Dao. The power here is indeed not something that humans can match."

After hearing this, the Eternal Heavenly Dao on the opposite side showed a smug smile with his face against the sky.

"It's good to know, why don't you surrender?"

After hearing this, the Queen Wa laughed.

"Surrender, that won't work! I don't want it to end like this."

Seeing this, the Eternal Heavenly Dao narrowed his eyes and said.

"Sure enough, you are not honest!"

"In that case, please dig out your eyes and kneel down honestly. "

As soon as these words came out.

Empress Wa suddenly found that her hands began to want to dig out her eyes uncontrollably.

Seeing this scene, Empress Wa's eyes were full of hesitation.

Empress Wa couldn't control her hands at all. At that moment, her hands seemed to no longer belong to her.

She could only watch her hands dig out her eyes.

Not only that, her legs also began to move out of control and she slowly knelt down.

Seeing this scene, Empress Wa quickly clenched her teeth, trying to resist this force that she couldn't resist at all.

"What a strong will, worthy of being the emperor of the human race. "

It was the first time that Yongheng Tiandao saw someone resist his power of the Heavenly Dao with just his will.

You have to know that he is the most powerful Heavenly Dao in the world, and what he says is what it is.

If he tells others to kneel down, then they will definitely kneel down, and it cannot be refuted.

But the one in front of him is the emperor of the human race, the most powerful human in the world.

She will not kneel, nor will she succumb to the other party's laws.

Not only did the Queen Nuwa not kneel down, but even her eyes that had been dug out before began to slowly recover.

When Yongheng Tiandao saw this scene, his eyes lit up.

"Is this your peerless magical power to mend the sky, right?"

"The legendary existence that can resist the power of the Heavenly Dao's laws."

"However, in front of me, your Heaven-Mending Technique has no effect. "

As soon as these words came out, the eyeball that had just been recovering began to fester again.

The Queen's sky-repairing technique just failed.

This is the Eternal Heavenly Dao, the power of the law.

He is the Heavenly Dao, and he controls all the laws and powers in this world.

Although the level of this law power is not the highest level, as long as he is in the chaotic world, he is the supreme ruler.

Even as powerful as the Queen, facing the Eternal Heavenly Dao, can only bear the rule distortion that she can't bear at all.

"Don't you kneel down?"

"Forget it, your will is worth a privilege from me, no need to kneel."

As soon as these words were finished, the strong urge to kneel down that fell on the Queen disappeared instantly.

At that moment, the Queen was relieved.

But her eyes were dug out after all.

Seeing this, the Eternal Heavenly Dao continued.

"That should be enough."

"Now, you should tell me where the Lord of Time is? "

Eternal Heavenly Dao once again used the power of "Words Come True" on Wahuang.

Eternal Heavenly Dao thought that he would definitely get the news of the Lord of Time this time.

However, Wahuang's answer was still the same as before.

This time, Eternal Heavenly Dao was angry.

He didn't know whether Wahuang was telling the truth or whether she used her willpower to resist the powerful power of "Words Come True".

In short, Eternal Heavenly Dao was very dissatisfied with Wahuang's answer because he didn't get the news he wanted.

"Lord of Time, tell me where the Lord of Time is?"

Eternal Heavenly Dao began to strengthen his power of "Words Come True".

Under this power, he believed that even someone as strong as Wahuang would not be able to resist.

However, Wahuang's answer was still the same, still "I don't know".

After hearing this, Eternal Heavenly Dao was silent.

If the other party still insisted that he knew nothing under his power, then the other party might really know nothing.

"What did Daluotian tell you? "

"Did he tell you that killing the Lord of Time would replace the entire infinite world?"

"He also told you that the road of reincarnation is the way home for the Lord of Time? As long as the road of reincarnation is cut off, the Lord of Time will have no way to escape?"

After hearing these words, Wahuang shook her head repeatedly. She really didn't know this news.

Daluotian didn't actually tell him these things, but just told her to find the Lord of Time, and didn't even tell him where to find the Lord of Time.

So Wahuang could only shake her head at the question of Yongheng Tiandao.

Seeing this, Yongheng Tiandao frowned again.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

"Daluotian can't tell you anything and let you find the Lord of Time."

"How do you want to find it? How can you find it?"

"It seems that Daluotian should have set up some secret method for you. It should know that I will torture you, so this secret method will make me get nothing. "

After hearing this, Queen Wa was stunned.

She didn't know what the secret method was, but she had a feeling that the Eternal Heavenly Dao in front of her might be right.

Perhaps Daluo Tian really left her some secret method.

This secret method sealed a part of her memory.

That's why she doesn't know the whereabouts of the Lord of Time now.

Because this memory was sealed, the Queen of Wa didn't even have the memory of this memory being sealed.

The Queen of Wa had been feeling a sense of disharmony during this period of time, and that sense of disharmony might be the sealed memory.

But she didn't know that this memory was sealed, and the purpose should be to prevent the Eternal Heavenly Dao from tracking it down.

After the Eternal Heavenly Dao finished speaking, suddenly its power flew out from the depths of the Ni Cang Qiong.

It instantly merged into the body of the Queen of Wa.

Soon, the Eternal Heavenly Dao occupied the body of the Queen of Wa, and shouted excitedly in the tone of the Queen of Wa.

"Sure enough, that guy Daluotian really sealed something in your soul."

"This must be the secret of the Lord of Time."

The Eternal Heavenly Dao seemed particularly excited.

Because his guess was correct, it meant that as long as he unlocked this seal, he would know where the Lord of Time was.

But just when the Eternal Heavenly Dao was about to unlock the seal, he suddenly got the seal and began to collapse.

"No, Daluotian must have expected me to find this seal, so he set up a self-destruct mechanism."

"As long as it feels the power of my Heavenly Dao, it will collapse."

Eternal Heavenly Dao discovered the self-destruct mechanism of the seal in time.

He immediately stopped spying on the seal, and then immediately flew out of the body of the Queen Wa.

At this time, the Queen Wa was able to relax and breathe a sigh of relief.

Then, the Eternal Heavenly Dao returned to the body of Ni Cangqiong, and then it controlled Ni Cangqiong's body and came to the front of the Queen Wa.

"It seems that you didn't lie to me."

"It's just that even you don't know the existence of this seal."

"Daluotian is really good at tricks. If I hadn't been more careful, I'm afraid I would have let you escape with this secret."

"Now, you can't escape."

"Although I can't unlock the seal for the time being, it's only a matter of time."

"Just come with me!"

Eternal Heavenly Dao couldn't unlock the seal of Queen Wa now, so he could only take Queen Wa back to his Eternal Star Domain first, and then find a way to unlock the seal and find the whereabouts of the Lord of Time.

After Queen Wa heard what Eternal Heavenly Dao said, her feet began to follow Eternal Heavenly Dao uncontrollably.

Facing the power of Eternal Heavenly Dao's words, Queen Wa seemed very powerless.

Just when Eternal Heavenly Dao was about to take Queen Wa and penetrate the space channel that he had opened up to the Eternal Star Domain, he died.

Eternal Heavenly Dao had just stepped into the space channel.

He thought Queen Wa would follow, after all, Queen Wa had been controlled by his own law power.

However, the next second, a magical force suddenly broke through the barrier set by Yongheng Tiandao in this space.

Then he instantly appeared in front of Queen Wa.

Moreover, at a speed that Yongheng Tiandao could not react to, he opened up another passage, and then instantly disappeared in front of Yongheng Tiandao with the controlled Queen Wa.

"What was that just now?"

Yongheng Tiandao looked at the empty front, and then let out a series of low roars.


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