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Chapter 1498 1499: Disappear, the path of reincarnation!

1499: Disappear, the road of reincarnation!

At the critical moment, Emperor Wa was rescued by a mysterious man who suddenly appeared.

This mysterious man is Mr. Zhou who has been quietly following Eternal Tiandao, waiting for an opportunity.

Mr. Zhou rescued Emperor Wa and rescued Emperor Wa from the hands of eternal heaven.

To be honest, it is very dangerous. If Mr. Zhou is a step slower, I am afraid he will be discovered by Eternal Heaven.

Once Eternal Heaven discovers Mr. Zhou in time, the consequences will be disastrous.

Even with Mr. Zhou's current ability, it is already the limit to save Emperor Wa.

He saw the powerful power of the eternal law of heaven.

To be honest, he was also shocked by the power.

He had only seen the Lord of Time use the power of the Word's Fasui before.

Because the Lord of Time is the co-owner of heaven and earth, anything he says will become reality.

It can be said that the power of speaking Dharma Sui only belongs to the Lord of Time, the strongest person in the world.

But now Eternal Heaven has also mastered this power.

Of course, the power of words and spells possessed by the Eternal Heavenly Dao is not strong enough, at least not as good as the Lord of Time now.

But this has made Eternal Heaven the most powerful existence besides the Lord of Time.

Therefore, the current eternal heaven can be said to be invincible. Even Mr. Zhou can only choose to escape.

And being able to escape with Emperor Wa was an extremely lucky thing.

When Mr. Zhou escaped with Emperor Wa, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, we arrived in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

"Who are you?"

Emperor Wa couldn't help but ask when he saw this man who suddenly appeared.

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou looked at Emperor Wa and smiled slightly.

"Lord of the Void, Zhouyi."

"Lord of the Void?"

This was the first time Emperor Wa had heard of this title.

Mr. Zhou nodded.

"Yes, the Lord of Time sits down as one of the three great priests. The Lord of the Void, the Lord of the Void."

After hearing this, Emperor Wa quickly said.

"Thank you Lord of the Void for saving your life."

"May I ask the Lord of the Void, if you know where the Lord of Time is?"

Emperor Wa couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard the other party say that he was the priest who sat down with the Lord of Time.

Since he is the priest of the Lord of Time, he must know where the Lord of Time is.

Now Emperor Wa is very eager to find the Lord of Time. If he cannot find the Lord of Time, then Eternal Heaven will probably do whatever he wants.

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou quickly replied.

"Sorry, I don't know where the Lord of Time is either."

"In fact, I came to you because of the Lord of Time."

"Don't talk about this, you need to cure your eyes first."

Mr. Zhou looked at Emperor Wa's empty eyeballs and felt very distressed.

Eternal Heaven used the power of words to make Emperor Wa gouge out his own eyes, which was very cruel.

Mr. Zhou also witnessed this scene.

To be honest, he was quite shocked.

Emperor Wa did not waver at all when faced with the power of eternal heavenly laws. His perseverance in the face of death is impressive.

It was precisely because he witnessed all this that Mr. Zhou knew how strong Emperor Wa was.

In addition, Mr. Zhou also learned about Emperor Wa's current situation and the seal deep in Emperor Wa's soul.

That seal was a seal that Emperor Wa himself didn't even know about.

In other words, there is likely to be news about the Lord of Time hidden in this seal.

This is also the reason why Eternal Heaven wants to capture Emperor Wa back.

After Emperor Wa used the Heaven-Mending Technique again to heal her eyes, she then looked at Mr. Zhou in front of her again and said.

"You really don't know where the Time Lord is?"

Emperor Wa began to wonder if this was a trick of eternal heaven.

Designing someone to rescue her, and then find a way to get the secret of the Lord of Time out of her mouth.

After hearing this, Zhou Yi, the Lord of the Void, said quickly.

"Although I am the priest of the Lord of Time, I do not know the whereabouts of the Lord of Time. There are many reasons for this, and I cannot explain it for a while."

"But you can trust me. Well, if I say someone's name, it might increase your trust in me."

"Zhuo Bufan!"

When the Lord of the Void said Zhuo Bufan's name, Emperor Wa's eyes lit up.

"Zhuo Bufan? Do you know this young man?"

The Lord of the Void replied with a smile.

"As expected, you know him. I saw that you used the same magical power."

Emperor Wa immediately thought of the Heaven-Mending Technique. Apart from himself, only Chanyi and Zhuo Bufan knew about the Heaven-Mending Technique.

"Now that kid is also looking for your whereabouts. But now he is preparing for a decisive battle with Eternal Heaven."

"So I can't get here now."

"And my mission is to find the Lord of Time before that."

"Yes, we must find the Time Lord as soon as possible."

After listening to Mr. Zhou's answer, Emperor Wa finally said suddenly.

"As of now, I can only believe you."

"But you must also know that I really don't know the whereabouts of the Lord of Time."

"But Da Luotian seems to have left a seal in my soul that even I don't know about."

"Unlocking the seal, you may be able to know where the Lord of Time is."

Emperor Wa thought, since Eternal Heaven cares so much about the seal in her soul, it means that the seal is anything but ordinary.

Perhaps it is really as the Eternal Heavenly Dao guessed, the seal in his mind is probably the whereabouts of the Lord of Time.

After hearing this, Zhou Lao also agreed.

"Now we have to find a way to unlock this seal."

After hearing this, Wa Huang asked.

"Can't you do it?"

Zhou Lao shook his head and replied.

"I'm afraid not, this seal is specially set, and only you can unlock this seal."

Zhou Lao is very clear about this kind of seal.

After all, it is a seal that even the Eternal Heavenly Dao cannot unlock, so even he is powerless.

This seal has a self-destruct mechanism. Except for Wa Huang, anyone who tries to unlock the seal will be destroyed.

Even the Eternal Heavenly Dao is helpless, so Zhou Lao naturally can't do anything about the mechanism.

But Wa Huang is now helpless about the seal in his soul.

"Only I can unlock it? How can I do it?"

Wa Huang even felt the existence of the seal, how can he unlock it?

After hearing this, Zhou Lao shook his head slowly.

"I don't know about that. This seal can only be lifted by you. As for how to lift it, you need to figure it out yourself."

"But we don't have time."

Emperor Wa knew very well that they had not escaped the pursuit of the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

Although they were safe for the time being, the Eternal Heavenly Dao would soon chase them again.

So their time was really running out.

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou frowned slightly.

"How about this, you follow me to the Infinite World to hide for a while."

Mr. Zhou decided to take Emperor Wa into the Infinite World.

The Infinite World is the upper world of the Chaos World, and the only passage to the Infinite World is the Road of Reincarnation.

But the Road of Reincarnation has been destroyed by the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

But fortunately, the Eternal Heavenly Dao also knew that Zhuo Bufan had discovered a gap in the Road of Reincarnation.

This road has been completely stabilized under Zhuo Bufan's efforts to maintain it for so many years.

And this road has also become the only passage from the Chaos World to the Infinite World.

Old Zhou planned to take the Queen to the infinite world, firstly to avoid the pursuit of the Eternal Heavenly Dao, and secondly to find a quiet place to better unlock the seal on himself.

After hearing this, the Queen was confused.

"Infinite world? Could it be the world where the Lord of Time lives in the legend?"

"Yes, that is the world of the Lord of Time."

After hearing this, although the Queen was a little hesitant at first, he answered without hesitation when he thought of the current task.

"I understand, then I will listen to your arrangement."

Hearing this, Old Zhou hurriedly replied.

"Well, I will notify Zhuo Bufan now and tell him the news of finding you first."

Old Zhou notified Zhuo Bufan as soon as possible.

After all, the most urgent task is to let Zhuo Bufan know the news of the Queen, so that Zhuo Bufan will not continue to worry.

Zhuo Bufan soon learned the news of the Queen.

When Zhuo Bufan learned that the Queen was still alive, he was ecstatic.

"Great, I'm glad that Queen Wa is fine."

"Mr. Zhou, let's do as you said and take Queen Wa back to the infinite world."

"If you need anything, let me know as soon as possible."

"I'm gathering experts from all walks of life to help, and our team is getting bigger and bigger. I believe it won't be long before we can organize a group of forces that are enough to deal with the Eternal Heavenly Dao."

Mr. Zhou replied after hearing this.

"Then you have to hurry up. The strength of the Eternal Heavenly Dao exceeds my imagination. I rescued Queen Wa, and I think the Eternal Heavenly Dao will start a war soon."

"We will crack the secret of the Lord of Time as soon as possible. When I find the Lord of Time, everything will be over."

Mr. Zhou's first task is to find the Lord of Time.

As long as the Lord of Time is found, he can solve any crisis.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan also understood Mr. Zhou's plan, and he replied.

"Then I'll have to trouble you, Mr. Zhou. Don't worry, leave the next thing to me."

After Mr. Zhou and Zhuo Bufan explained to each other, Mr. Zhou immediately took Wahuang and hurried to the reincarnation road channel opened by Zhuo Bufan and Meng Chanyi.

"We are here. There is a space crack leading to the infinite world in the space-time crack in front of us."

"This is a crack that Zhuo Bufan and his team found. It should be an unstable channel created when the reincarnation road was broken."

"But Zhuo Bufan has been stabilizing this channel over the years. Now this channel is the only channel besides the reincarnation road."

After Mr. Zhou finished speaking, he was about to take Wahuang into the space-time crack.

However, at this moment, suddenly, Mr. Zhou felt a hint of murderous intent.

"Not good, run."

Obviously, Mr. Zhou sensed the existence of the Eternal Heavenly Dao at the first time.

However, just as Mr. Zhou was about to escape, the Eternal Heavenly Dao descended into this void.

Immediately afterwards, it sealed this space with its backhand.

"It's too late to leave."

"I wonder who can save people from this Tiandao. It turns out to be a god from that world."

"Sure enough, in addition to the path of reincarnation, there are other ways to enter that world."

"Since this priest from that world is here, don't leave."

As soon as Yongheng Tiandao finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed to the space-time rift in front of them.


As soon as he finished speaking, he took the crack in time and space and disappeared in front of Mr. Zhou and Emperor Wa.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Zhou and Emperor Wa were stunned.

"How can it be?"

Mr. Zhou said in disbelief.

That is the reincarnation channel, the reincarnation channel connecting the infinite world.

This passage is maintained by the power of the infinite world and cannot be easily destroyed.

But now, with one word from Eternal Heaven, even the entire crack in time and space has disappeared.

Once the space-time rift disappears, will the reincarnation passage inside still exist?

"Gate to the Void!"

Without any time to think about it, Mr. Zhou had no other choice. He immediately opened a door to the void and threw Emperor Wa into it.

"You go first, I'll hold him back."

After Emperor Wa was pushed into the Void Gate by Mr. Zhou, he was obviously a little shocked.

Before Emperor Wa could react, Mr. Zhou immediately closed the Void Gate.

Eternal Tiandao was extremely shocked when he saw this scene.

"What kind of power is this that can break through my space seal?"

Eternal Tiandao obviously did not expect that Mr. Zhou could open a passage to send Emperor Wa away.

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou chuckled.

"I am the Lord of the Void, and the laws of the void I control are above you."

Mr. Zhou is the Lord of Void, and the Lord of Void in the Infinite World.

In other words, in terms of understanding the laws of void, Mr. Zhou is far superior to the eternal law of heaven.

Therefore, Mr. Zhou can easily open a door to the void in the space seal of the eternal heaven.

Of course, this is only the only thing that Mr. Zhou is better than Eternal Heavenly Dao.

Although he was able to send Emperor Wa away, it did not mean that he could escape unscathed.

Mr. Zhou must stay to prevent Eternal Tiandao from continuing to pursue.

He wanted to give Emperor Wa enough time to escape, as far away as possible.

Therefore, Mr. Zhou did not choose to escape with Emperor Wa, but stayed to block the eternal way of heaven.

When Eternal Tiandao saw that Mr. Zhou was determined to stop him, he did not immediately go after Emperor Wa. Instead, he looked at Mr. Zhou and smiled.

"It's kind of interesting. This is my first time fighting a god from that world."

"Just in time, I also want to see how powerful the god of the world above us is."

After Eternal Heaven finished speaking, Mr. Zhou took a deep breath, then flipped his palms, and the wheels of the void began to rotate around him.

The Law of the Void is the only way Mr. Zhou can suppress the eternal way of heaven.

Therefore, Mr. Zhou must go all out to use the Law of Void to suppress the eternal heavenly law.

When Eternal Tiandao saw Mr. Zhou making a fighting stance, he did not hesitate, but slowly spoke.

"Disappear, Void!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Zhou immediately felt that the void power around him disappeared instantly.

He is the Lord of the Void. If he does not have the power of the Void, how can he fight?

Fortunately, the Lord of the Void can not only use the void power from the outside, but it itself is the largest void energy.

"Blade of Falsehood, kill!"

Zhou Lao didn't say much, and with one move of the Blade of Falsehood, he started the battle.

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