Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 180 The power of the noble [First update, please subscribe]

When Zhuo Bufan raised the Black Venerable, which symbolizes the Tripod of the Supreme Being, the huge venue with hundreds of thousands of people fell silent.

"What is that? Is it a divine weapon that can destroy the world?"

"Can a small Black Venerable turn the world around?"

"I haven't seen it, but I can feel the energy contained in that small Black Venerable."


Most people have never seen the Black Venerable in the Talisman Temple. It can only be said that these people are not of high status and naturally lack experience.

But among hundreds of thousands of people, there are always a few who have seen the world.

The old man Sun, who had watched ten consecutive Star Conferences, couldn't help but tremble when he saw Zhuo Bufan holding up the Black Venerable.

"Black Honored, Black Honored? It's the Black Honored who symbolizes the position of Honored Person in the Talisman Temple! Only the Honored Person in the legend is qualified to obtain this Black Honored."

"The Honored Person in the Talisman Temple? No way, how can the Honored Person in the Talisman Temple be so young?"

"Old Sun, you are not mistaken, is that the real Black Honored?"

Some people couldn't believe it, but when they once again focused their perception on the black tripod in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

Inexplicably felt a terrible breath from the other dimension, as if in just a moment, across thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, stepped into the sacred hall, and came to the Talisman Temple in the center of the world.

"It can't be fake, that is Black Honored, the highest honor of the Talisman Temple, Black Honored!"

Even the Star Palace Master was greatly shocked.

Everyone present saw the legendary Talisman Temple through the Black Honored.

Black Honored is an existence that only exists in the Talisman Temple. It can be said that it symbolizes the Talisman Temple.

When seeing the eternal glory flowing above the Black Lord, more people recalled an amazing memory.

"I remember that half a year ago, a venerable person was born in the Fubao of Huoyun City in the far west. This incident caused a great shock in the Talisman Temple."

"I also remembered it. Yes, it was that venerable person, who was called the youngest venerable person in the history of the Talisman Temple."

"I heard that the Talisman Temple was very concerned about this young venerable person, and even sent the deputy hall master of the Light Talisman Hall to personally come to confer the title of Black Venerable."

"But I heard that the venerable person suddenly disappeared at another banquet and disappeared inexplicably. For this matter, the Talisman Temple mobilized tens of thousands of talisman fortresses in the western continent to investigate the whereabouts of this venerable person."

"No wonder, no wonder the Talisman Temple offered a reward everywhere some time ago, looking for a person called the Light and Shadow Venerable. Could he be the legendary Light and Shadow Venerable?"

"What a young venerable person, at such a young age, he can become a venerable person of the Talisman Temple. The Talisman Temple must have high hopes for him. Who dares to provoke him? This boy is a child of destiny!"

The shock of the people can no longer be described as incomparable.

When he looked at Zhuo Bufan again, there was only an inexplicable awe in his eyes.

"If he is really the legendary Light and Shadow Master, if he is really the youngest Master in the history of the Talisman Temple. Then if he wants to leave, no one dares to stop him."

"Hehe, I'm afraid no sect here dares to be the enemy of the Talisman Temple! Even the Star Temple doesn't dare."

"The world's number one casual cultivator is not just a casual statement. The apprentices of the Talisman Temple are all over the world, with as many as 1.3 billion."

"I believe that there are many apprentices of the Talisman Temple here. I wonder what they think when they see this Master."

What the man said was right. Among the hundreds of thousands of people present, there are indeed many apprentices of the Talisman Temple.

After seeing the legendary Black Master, these apprentices felt incomparable awe.

"Your Excellency, you are the Excellency of my Talisman Temple."

"I didn't expect to see such a person here. Aren't they all in the temple, concentrating on studying talismans?"

"I don't know, but you are the treasure of my Talisman Temple, and I will never allow anyone to hurt you."

Yunyun couldn't imagine that Zhuo Bufan could cause such a sensation in this venue by taking out a small black tripod.

The people who had previously clamored to catch them all in one fell swoop now all huddled into the crowd.

When the surrounding discussions were quiet, Zhuo Bufan spoke lightly.

He was the focus of the whole audience now.

"Open your dog eyes and see clearly, I am the Light and Shadow Excellency of the Talisman Temple. If I say I want to leave, who dares to stay?"

Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes slightly and scanned the whole audience. His eyes were filled with a solemn murderous aura, which frightened the whole audience so much that no one dared to return the favor.

"The Talisman Temple treats every Venerable as a treasure. So far, there are only about a hundred Venerables in the Talisman Temple still in the world."

"If those present today touch a hair on his head, I'm afraid the Talisman Temple will raze that sect to the ground the next day."

"I remember that there was a Venerable in the Talisman Temple who abandoned his wife, killed people for research, and did all kinds of evil. A righteous sect killed him in order to enforce justice. The Talisman Temple was furious and wiped out the sect in half a day."

"The Talisman Temple once said that the Venerables are not only the treasures of the temple, but also the treasures of the world. They are pioneers in exploring the truth of the world. Even if they are Venerables who step on piles of bones, they are also bearing the sins for the future of the world. In this world, no one can judge the Venerables, and no one can judge the pioneers."

This speech by Mr. Sun makes people feel that the Venerables are not to be messed with!

The Talisman Temple can tolerate the Venerable to such an extent that even the most heinous people can be protected.

It seems that no one dares to stop the Venerable in front of him.

"Xiaomei, take us away from this ghost place."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to stay any longer, nor did he want to say more.

He thought that if Hei Zun couldn't control these crazy people present, then he could only reload the game.

After receiving Zhuo Bufan's instructions, Xiaomei turned into countless plum blossom petals and lifted Zhuo Bufan and the others up.

"Venerable, please leave quickly. I am Long Yuxiao from the Talisman Castle in Aolai City. I will stop these people for you. Please leave quickly."

A strange man with a high ponytail shouted at Zhuo Bufan.

Countless people rolled their eyes at him: "No one is going to stop your master, who are you pretending to be?"

As a result, Zhuo Bufan really responded: "Good job, I will go to Aolai City to drink with you next time, Long Yuxiao, right? I will remember this."

Zhuo Bufan called himself the master. Since he is the master of the Talisman Temple, he deserves the title of master.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan and his team flew out of Xingchen Mountain under the leadership of Xiaomei.

This time, no one dared to stop them. No one dared to stop the master of the Talisman Temple, including He Chen, who hated Zhuo Bufan so much, and could only watch Zhuo Bufan and his team leave.

Without anyone to support him, he could only stand there helplessly with hatred in his heart!


A new day, a new volume, let's go!

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