Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 181: Wanli Murder [Second update, please subscribe]

In March, the grass grows and the birds fly!

On the southwest coast, there is a peaceful and peaceful Guocheng, Muxuecheng!

The snow here has not melted yet. The wind in the air is cool.

Zhuo Bufan brought Yunyun and the children to the city to settle down. Duan Xinghe had traveled here with Yunyun. The two yearned for the peace of this city, so Duan Xinghe spent all his savings and bought a small courtyard in the city.

Originally thought that after they were driven out of Xingchen Mountain, they would have a place to stay. But they didn't expect such a change to happen later.

Zhuo Bufan was very worried about Duan Xinghe. He didn't have many friends in this world, so he cherished every friend very much.

The little cuties seemed very helpless at the moment, and they all hugged Yunyun blankly, at a loss.

Yunyun, on the other hand, was very calm and composed!

"I believe he will come back, so I will wait for him here. Keep waiting."

Zhuo Bufan saw Yunyun's appearance and didn't feel the strong emotions in her, so he felt much better in his heart.

"It's Xinghe's blessing to meet you! Don't worry, I will find him back."

Both of them believed that Duan Xinghe was not dead!

Zhuo Bufan had thought about reloading the game and changing the tragic ending.

However, he found that the tragedy could not be changed. The "demon" in Duan Yuefeng's body was already deeply rooted, and sooner or later he would explode.

Some things cannot be changed even if they are reborn.

"Brother, are you leaving?"

Mou Mou, Hua Hua, Dou Dou...

These lovely children made Zhuo Bufan feel a very comfortable time, and he will not forget them.

He reached out and touched the children's heads, then smiled.

"I will come back and grow up well."

"Thank you, Master Zhuo."

This was the first time Yunyun said thank you to Zhuo Bufan. She should thank Zhuo Bufan. If it weren't for him, they would never have come down from Xingchen Mountain.

"Don't worry, Xingchen Mountain is thousands of miles away from here. No one will follow you all the way. You can live here peacefully."

"Send the children to study. I will let the people in Fubao help take care of you. They will also give you part of the living expenses from my name every month."

"All you have to do is study hard and wait for your brother Duan to come back."

Zhuo Bufan arranged everything properly. For this reason, he did not hesitate to show his identity in Fubao, Muxue City.

With Zhuo Bufan's entrustment, the owner of Fubao naturally did not dare to neglect it.

Zhuo Bufan did not say that he did it specifically for someone. He just felt that these children were pitiful, Miss Yunyun was worthy of admiration, and his brother Duan Xinghe and his father Duan Yuefeng Company were pitied.

He did everything he could, and then left Muxue City without looking back.

When leaving, Yunyun took the children to see Zhuo Bufan off at the city gate.

For a moment, Zhuo Bufan felt like a hero!


This feeling made Zhuo Bufan save the game involuntarily. Sometimes saving the game is not for a good start when reborn, but to preserve the state of mind at that time.

Now, Zhuo Bufan's save files are:

Muxue City, Xingchen Mountain Main Altar (Yunmeng Realm), Mass Graveyard


After settling Yunyun and the children, Zhuo Bufan resolutely left Muxue City.

What should he do next?

Zhuo Bufan took out the sound transmission conch that he had not used for a long time. His sound transmission conch was still a first-level talisman, which could only contact three people.

The three people were Zhou Yu, Duan Xinghe, and Xiao Chenglang (XII).

Zhuo Bufan used the sound transmission conch to contact Duan Xinghe and found that Duan Xinghe's soul was still there, which meant that he was not dead yet.

It was just that the sound transmission conch was connected, but the other party did not answer.

Zhuo Bufan could be sure of one thing, Duan Xinghe was not dead. As for where he was now, perhaps only his father Duan Yuefeng, who had become a demon, knew.

The news that Duan Yuefeng had become a demon had been spreading like wildfire in the righteous sects of the Western Continent in the past few days, and was even reported to the whole world by some people with a grudge in the Yunmeng Realm.

Duan Yuefeng had become a demon that everyone wanted to kill.

In this rumor, Zhuo Bufan, the venerable of the Talisman Temple, was also deliberately slandered by many people.

Zhuo Bufan in the rumor was an evil venerable who helped the demons to commit atrocities, and it was he who helped the demon Duan Yuefeng escape.

The source of the rumor is unknown, but it is possible to guess who is slandering Zhuo Bufan's reputation.

Zhuo Bufan didn't care about it at all. No matter how others slandered him, Zhuo Bufan, his position in the Talisman Temple would not be shaken at all.

The lovely Talisman Temple would tolerate everything about the venerable, even if the venerable was a demon.

"Chou Bufan, now you have become a rat crossing the street, and everyone is calling for you to be beaten."

Walking on the grassland to the next Guocheng, Zhuo Bufan was bored and let Xiaomei out, chatting while walking.

"I am the venerable of the Talisman Temple, who dares to fight?"

Zhuo Bufan said proudly.

"Chou Mei, but it is really exciting to follow you. So many people want to kill you, but you can escape unscathed. At that time, I was so worried!"

Xiaomei recalled the tense scene at the Xingchen Mountain venue that day. Just thinking about it, I feel goosebumps.

"Hehe, do you feel happy to follow me? Don't worry, this kind of exciting life will continue in the future."

Zhuo Bufan said to Xiaomei with a smile.

"Can it be more exciting than that day?" Xiaomei looked up at Zhuo Bufan and said.


Before Zhuo Bufan could say the word "Ran", he and Xiaomei stopped at the same time.

At that moment, the man and the demon felt a great shock from their souls at the same time.

They turned their heads stiffly and looked at the front of the grassland.


The green grass rolled like waves under the breeze.

At the end of the grassland, less than a kilometer away from Zhuo Bufan, a dusty woman in a gray cloak stood in front of Zhuo Bufan and his friends with a cane.

Zhuo Bufan looked closely. For him who had the mysterious body of life and death and the evolution of his facial features, he could see everything clearly at a distance of a kilometer.

The cloak worn by the other party was covered with dust. The white running boots were covered with mud. There were bloodstains on the corners of the cloak.

This outfit looked like she had just survived a dirty battlefield.

Or maybe, she came from thousands of miles away, and she kept on riding all the way, killing everyone who stood in her way, and finally stood in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Raising his eyes slightly, the glimpse of the beauty under the gray cloak shocked Zhuo Bufan.

"Is it her?" Zhuo Bufan asked in surprise.

"Who?" Xiaomei asked anxiously.


Xiaomei's answer was the fear from the depths of Zhuo Bufan's soul.


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