Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 182 The beginning of a life of being hunted down [3rd update, please subscribe]

When Zhuo Bufan shouted "Run", he immediately called Xiaomei back to the Plum Blossom Seal.

Then he ran back with Xiaomei like flying.

Sometimes, people's instinctive intuition is often the most correct judgment.

Zhuo Bufan's intuition told him to run immediately, run for his life.

"Mr. Lou said that there are three talismans in the Black Lord, and now it's time to work."

Zhuo Bufan never thought that the three life-saving talismans in the Black Lord would really work one day.

Zhuo Bufan immediately called out the Black Lord from the ring, and then used his soul to trigger the first talisman mechanism.

Speed ​​of sound!

The next second, a ray of light shone from the Black Lord onto Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt that he was as light as a swallow, and his feet seemed to step on a rocket, and he passed through the grassland with a whoosh.

However, no matter how fast Zhuo Bufan ran, even if he took off, Zhuo Bufan could still feel the terrible power coming from behind him.

That power completely locked him, it was a lock from the soul, no matter how he ran, he couldn't escape. Just like Monkey King couldn't escape from Tathagata's Five Finger Mountain.

"Damn it, how could she appear here, isn't she the king of the Northern Tianwu League?"

The stunning beauty that Zhuo Bufan saw was Bai Su, who was dug out of her eyes by the Northern Emperor Xing Badao, and was determined to find Zhuo Bufan.

There is no global village, no hidden tribe.

Bai Su has always believed in her Five Finger Xiaoyan Technique, so she found Zhuo Bufan, the "needle" in the vast sea of ​​people, like finding a needle in a haystack in the world of immortal cultivation.

The first enemy that Zhuo Bufan couldn't resist, that terrible woman, came from the Tianwu League hundreds of thousands of miles away!

"It's sad and ridiculous, it turns out that you are just a little wandering servant, and you dare to provoke my Tianwu League in Yunmeng Realm. You are really bold and presumptuous."

Bai Su's voice sounded in Zhuo Bufan's mind, a warning from the soul.

Her voice was very cold, even with a bit of sarcasm.

Half of that sarcasm was directed at herself. She had never thought that she would be harmed by a small character in the realm of wandering spirits.

Who was she? One of the eight heavenly kings under the seat of the Northern Emperor, the daughter of a genius whose spirit and soul had taken over another's body and whose cultivation was empty.

Such a daughter of a genius was framed by an unknown thief and put in such a situation.

Her eyes were dug out, and she almost turned to ashes.

"Miss, did you recognize the wrong person? I don't know you! You should not know me either, and you have no idea what you are talking about."

Zhuo Bufan was running at the speed of sound while communicating with Bai Su in spirit and soul.

He could only pretend to be stupid now, after all, Bai Su had never seen him. The memory of meeting Zhuo Bufan had been erased by Zhuo Bufan's replay.

It can be said that for Bai Su, Zhuo Bufan should be a complete stranger.

Bai Su should not know Zhuo Bufan, because Zhuo Bufan had erased that memory by replaying the file.

But Zhuo Bufan remembered the other person's appearance deeply. Because of his deep memory, Zhuo Bufan just saw the other person's face shape and mouth corners and determined the other person's identity.

He didn't even see that Bai Su was blind now, and the eyes that made Zhuo Bufan remember deeply were gone.

"Although I don't know what's strange about you, you can't escape my calculations. You are the madman who occupied the soul altar of my Tianwu League in Yunmeng Realm."

"As long as you are killed, those soul altars will be liberated and return to my Tianwu League."

"Whether it is true or not, let me kill you and you will know."

Bai Su's murderous intentions rose again. Zhuo Bufan was not her opponent in Yunmeng Realm, let alone in the world of cultivation.

Even if there were a thousand Zhuo Bufans, she could easily wipe them out.

"Damn, what's the matter with this woman. Didn't I reload the game and be reborn? How can she still know me?"

Zhuo Bufan was thinking, and suddenly, a fierce murderous intention came from the direction of his escape in front of him.

He stopped in time and found that the woman was already standing in front of him.

Can't run away, even at the speed of sound.

The other party hasn't killed him yet, just wanting to torture Zhuo Bufan.

"Damn it, do we have to reload the game again?"

Zhuo Bufan was ready. But he found that even reloading the game was useless. The woman in front of him was even weirder than him. Why did she know of his existence from all the unknowns?

"No, I can't reload the game for no reason. I must find out what's going on with the other party."

Zhuo Bufan saw Bai Su suddenly appear in front of him.

Thumbs up!

He took three steps back, pulled the distance between the two sides, and then looked at Bai Su in front of him.

This time, Zhuo Bufan finally saw the other party's closed eyes. Those clear and moving eyes were gone!

"What's wrong with your eyes?"

For some reason, Zhuo Bufan asked this strange question.

However, when the other party heard it, he became even more angry.

"Thanks to you, go to hell!"

Bai Su pointed her right hand into the air, and the vast spiritual power was forced into a straight line by her, and instantly killed Zhuo Bufan.


At that critical moment, Zhuo Bufan activated the second talisman mechanism in the Black Lord.


The Vajra talisman can block all kinds of fatal attacks for Zhuo Bufan.

Under Bai Su's powerful volley, the Vajra Mantra formed an indestructible golden bell, protecting Zhuo Bufan.

But the so-called indestructible also has a limit.

Under the spiritual power that was forced into a cold light by Bai Su. In just a moment, the Vajra Mantra was instantly shattered.

"Too powerful, no power to fight back, as powerful as Sister Mo Qiu."

Zhuo Bufan was shocked. The woman in front of him reminded him of the Holy Envoy of the August Tower of the Four Seasons Mountain and River Autumn Hall-Mo Qiu.

The same powerful spiritual energy aura, the same suffocating peerless elegance.

"The next blow, I won't give you any chance. You are a stain on my life. I will always remember your existence. Although I can't see you, but, go to hell!"

After Bai Su finished speaking, she raised her hand again. However, this time, she did not point a finger in the air, but clenched it in the air.

"Hey, your sentence just now was incoherent!"

Zhuo Bufan was also a big-headed person, and he was still thinking about complaining at this time.

But even though he complained, he soon felt a terrifying energy that almost made him collapse.

I saw Bai Su's slender jade hand aimed at Zhuo Bufan and clenched in the air.

In an instant, Zhuo Bufan found that the space around him began to compress sharply, as if there was an invisible space cage that trapped him inside.

He wanted to escape, but found that he couldn't escape at all, and the space cage was still constantly compressing. In the end, he would be crushed into a pie, or even air.

"It's terrible, the power of controlling space, how can I beat this woman?"

Zhuo Bufan was confused. It seemed that he had provoked a tigress that he couldn't afford to offend.

This woman is his nemesis!


"By the way, there is another talisman in Hei Zun, and it is a space talisman."

Just when Zhuo Bufan was desperate, he was waiting for the moment to load the file.

Suddenly, he thought of the last talisman in Hei Zun - Yu Dun!

Zhuo Bufan didn't think much and immediately activated the Yu Dun talisman mechanism.

The next second, the little black dignified in his hand turned into a devouring black hole, swallowing Zhuo Bufan with a whoosh.

"Want to escape?"

Almost at the moment when Zhuo Bufan used Yu Dun, Bai Su realized that Zhuo Bufan was going to escape.

She pinched her right hand fiercely.


The entire space exploded instantly, and a deafening sound came from the air. A huge tiankeng with a diameter of ten meters was instantly formed on the ground.

The huge devouring force formed by the disintegration of space produced a powerful hurricane, which lifted the hood of Bai Su's cloak, revealing her beautiful face.

Her long hair was flowing, and she was as beautiful as a fairy. However, the only flaw was the pair of eyes that could no longer be opened.



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