Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 253: Fighting God Show (Part 2) [Fifth update, please subscribe]

That was a little girl in her teens, like an elf.

She was wearing a pink dress, falling from the sky like a peach blossom bud.

When he saw her, Zhuo Bufan seemed to see Xiaomei.

The little girl had a noble temperament, but was also playful and cute.

Her long white braids fell to her heels.

Her pair of jade feet, without overshoes, wore two jingling anklets.

Another feature exactly the same as Xiaomei.

A little girl without shoes.

The most dazzling thing was her pair of white eyes, which were as white and flawless as ice crystals.

She looked pure and moving, as cute as ice and snow.

When she appeared, the temperature between heaven and earth seemed to drop a lot, and a faint chill swirled in the air.

The words "Sister Bai, I'm here to help you" had already shown the girl's position.

The nine white secret arrows that fell with her, plus the previous white secret arrow.

Ten arrows were shot at Zhong Shenxiu, who had transformed into the sword art and was one with the sword.

No one knew who the little girl was, nor did they know why she suddenly called for help from Bai Su.

Surprisingly, Bai Su and her had a wonderful tacit understanding.

The two girls just sensed each other's thoughts, and then formed a left-right force and killed Zhong Shenxiu.

"Don't know whether to live or die, break!"

Seeing the two girls coming to kill each other, Zhong Shenxiu stretched out his right hand, pinched the first finger of his ring finger with the tip of his thumb, and shouted loudly.

Immediately, a terrible sword energy, with a destructive force that penetrated everything, attacked Bai Su.

Bai Su felt the extraordinary destructive force, opened the mysterious umbrella, and withstood the devastating blow.

As a result, the whole person was still blown away.


Bai Su was knocked away on this side, and on the other side, Zhong Shenxiu performed a strange and unpredictable finger technique.

He pinched the first finger of his little finger with the tip of his thumb and shouted again.

This time, an extremely powerful sword energy spurted out.

Unlike the previous sharp and piercing sword energy, this time the sword energy was more like a tiger descending from the mountain, with great momentum, directly blasting away the white-haired girl on the other side.

"What a powerful fighting technique, could it be the 'Wuji Twelve Sword Art' in the legend of Wuji Sword Dao?"

"Wuji Twelve Sword Art, what is that?"

"That is a technique that can only be practiced after the Wuji Sword Sect reaches the state of unity between man and sword. Legend has it that this technique no longer requires a sword, and a sword can be formed by pinching the fingers."

"There are a total of twelve words, each of which corresponds to the pads of the four fingers of the palm. Just pinch the thumb to release twelve different sword energies."

"Each sword energy has different combat power and can deal with different enemies."

"These twelve words are, Fighting the Universe, Breaking Yin and Yang, Cutting Life and Death, and Cutting Lieque."

Among the crowd of onlookers, there are naturally people who practice sword art.

Those who practice sword art are extremely familiar with Wuji Twelve Sword Art.

"I have also heard of the Twelve Swords."

"Fighting Sword, Qian Sword, Kun Sword, Po Sword, Yin Sword, Yang Sword, Zhan Sword, Sheng Sword, Si Sword, Duan Sword, Lie Sword, Que Sword."

"Each sword has a different sword energy. This battle has benefited me a lot."

Gao Yangxu, who was beside Zhuo Bufan, had already decided to fight Zhong Shenxiu, so he paid close attention to this battle.

After seeing the "Wuji Twelve Swords" displayed by Zhong Shenxiu, he nodded repeatedly and recognized this powerful opponent.


Outside the battlefield, everyone was secretly shocked by the little girl Bai Suyu.

The "Wuji Twelve Swords" displayed by Zhong Shenxiu was too amazing. The twelve different sword energies could deal with various killing moves and various enemies.

This battle might be dangerous for the two women.

But Bai Suyu, the little girl, felt that this was the fighting ability that Zhong Shenxiu should have.

Next, the good show began.

"Sister, I will ban his twelve-word determination, and you will kill him."

The little girl with white hair and pigtails was not afraid of the powerful Zhong Shenxiu.

She even shouted that she wanted to kill Zhong Shenxiu.

"Kill me? I'll kill you, the ignorant girl, first."


Zhong Shenxiu pinched the first fingertip of his middle finger, and the "Kill" spell broke through the air.

A huge sword energy with a length of 100 meters, chopped down from the sky, and chopped towards the top of the little girl's head.

"Hmph, look, I ban your twelve sword spells."

Seeing Zhong Shenxiu's "Kill" chopped down in the air, an unparalleled 100-meter sword energy fell down with a bang.

At this critical moment, the little girl clasped her hands together, closed her eyes silently, and was as devout as a believer.

Of course, it was also like she was waiting to die.

But, at the moment when Zhong Shenxiu's "Kill" chopped the little girl's head in the air.


All of a sudden, all the energy disappeared in an instant.

"Ancient God's mysterious method, return to nothingness, forbidden!"

At that moment, a huge ancient god's image of 120 feet rose from behind the little girl.

It was an extremely magnificent ancient god's image, majestic and magnificent.

He was naked, with solid muscles, white eyes, and flying hair.

The whole body leaned forward, and his hands clasped in the center, forming a square three-dimensional space, just surrounding Zhong Shenxiu and the little girl.

The space was half a hundred square meters, and all the energy in the space was imprisoned.

The sword energy transformed by Zhong Shenxiu's Zhan Zi Jue disappeared instantly.

"Sister, do it."

The little girl shouted towards Bai Su who was outside the confinement space.

At the same time, a word came from a thousand meters away.

"Attack his right hand!"

The person who made this sound turned out to be Zhuo Bufan.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan opened his magic eye of life and death and saw through Zhong Shenxiu's state.

Zhong Shenxiu's right hand is now the weakest point.

Obviously, using the Twelve Swords Technique is also very burdensome for Zhong Shenxiu.

It was so late and so fast that Bai Su almost didn't think about it. He controlled the black umbrella with Qi and flew away through the air, killing Zhong Shenxiu.

The mysterious umbrella turned into a sharp black light, with a terrifying murderous intent, breaking the confinement of the air and blasting towards Zhong Shenxiu's right arm.

The moment the mysterious umbrella flew over, the little girl removed the ancient god's forbidden method.

The ancient divine dharma image behind her disappeared instantly, and the energy that imprisoned Zhong Shenxiu also collapsed instantly.

The energy returned, and Zhong Shenxiu wanted to run away with his sword, but he couldn't escape.

Bai Su's mysterious umbrella cut off Zhong Shenxiu's right hand almost at the moment when he couldn't react at all.

Blood spurted out on the spot, dyeing the sky red.


Zhong Shenxiu burst out with a scream, and then countless flying swords flew towards Bai Suyu and the little girl to kill them.

Naturally, such a flying sword would not do anything to the two of them, but it could allow Zhong Shenxiu to retreat from the war.

The bell god scholar held a shaky flying sword and retreated hundreds of meters away.

At this moment, he had disheveled hair and looked extremely frantic.

Who is he? He is the Kendo Emperor Zhong Shenxiu.

I didn't expect that I would be defeated by two women today. This is impossible and cannot be admitted.

"You two forced me, Wuji, Jianjie!"

Zhong Shenxiu held his severed right arm and shouted towards the little girl Bai Suyu with a mouth full of bloody teeth.

"No, this guy is crazy, he wants to use the sword to solve it."

Gao Yangxu was surprised. Apparently the sword solution made him a little afraid.

"What is Jianjie?" Zhuo Bufan asked quickly.

"Sword Release is to unlock the restriction of the sword. It is the most powerful killing move of a swordsman. Once released, the physical body will be destroyed into countless invisible sword blades. Every hair will have the energy of the Sword Releaser's most powerful blow."

"This is a dead-end move."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was confused.

Every hair has the most powerful energy of a sword solver. If Zhong Shenxiu wanted to use the sword to solve it, the energy generated would probably level this ancient city to the ground.

"Does he want to die?"

"He won't die. The sword release is just the disintegration of the physical body. His soul is immortal and can retake the souls of others. This guy is just driven crazy by that woman and that little girl."

"No, you must run immediately. If you are slow, you will be affected."

Even Gao Yangxu was extremely afraid of this sword technique. Obviously Zhong Shenxiu's sword technique was extremely terrifying, comparable to an atomic bomb explosion!

Not only Gao Yangxu, everyone avoided him and fled one after another, but now it was too late to escape.

Zhong Shenxiu's body began to collapse and expand at this moment, and huge energy began to grow in his body.

"No, sister, this guy is crazy, let's run."

The little girl did not expect that Zhong Shenxiu would suddenly "sword solution". She naturally knew how powerful the sword solution was, let alone a person of Zhong Shenxiu's level.

"That's too late."

Bai Su also felt the great power gathering, and it was too late to run away.

She turned around and hugged the little girl tightly, trying to use her body to block the devastating blow for the little girl.

"Go to hell!"

Crazy, Zhong Shenxiu went crazy, he let out one last roar, and then cut his body with the sword, like an atomic bomb about to detonate.

"elder brother!"

The little girl raised her head and saw Bai Su who was resolutely standing in front of her, and then she let out a shrill cry toward the sky.

That's the moment!

Seeing that Zhong Shenxiu's "Wuji Sword Body" was about to detonate, destroying everyone present, and perishing with everyone.

Suddenly a ray of light fell from the sky and landed on Zhong Shenxiu.

That white light was like the setting sun.

Zhong Shenxiu, shrouded in white light, roared like a trapped beast fighting.

The energy in his body that was about to dissolve the sword instantly returned to nothingness.

And the "Wuji Sword Body" that Zhong Shenxiu had originally prepared to use as a sword suddenly misfired.

All energy disappeared in an instant.

Then, I felt a loud bang in the sky above the entire ancient temple.

The world trembled!

A vast and boundless sound of divine power, rolling like thunder, fell from the sky.

"Prodigy of the Northern Territory, you have gone too far."

Everyone looked up and saw a strange man with white clothes, white hair, white eyes and white eyebrows in the sky, holding a guqin, hanging in the sky.

At that moment, he was the only one in heaven and earth!

In fact, there is no water, it’s just that the protagonist has drawn water in these chapters. They are all important roles for other supporting characters. I want to slowly outline the image of each important supporting character. I don’t want to write all about passers-by, without any recognition. Don’t spray if you don’t like it! Thank you.

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