Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 254 Xuanyuan Hao [Sixth update, please subscribe]

Thirty-six ways to eliminate the gods, eighteen mud people are like nothing.

There is Xuandi who has been arbitrary for eternity, and after eternity is Xuanyuan.


This is a poem written by a poet named Wu Ming for Xuanyuan Hao.

Wu Ming himself is a cultivator in the Jindan realm, but he is very talented and likes to play with words.

He wrote a poem for the four great geniuses of the time, including the poem "Shenxiu" by Zhong Shenxiu, the genius of the Northern Territory, which was also written by him.

There is a giant in the Northern Territory, who entered the pagoda at birth.

God Zhongxiu, the heaven and earth, is a sword.

The four great geniuses all have a poem tailored by Wu Ming.

And this "Xuanyuan", with only a few sentences, is easy to understand and not surprising.

But it basically shows Xuanyuan Hao's unparalleled talent.

Thirty-six ways to eliminate the gods: This sentence refers to the thirty-six ancient divine secrets mastered by Xuanyuan Hao, which cut off all magical powers.

Eighteen Ni Li as if nothing happened: This shows Xuanyuan Hao's personality. Even when facing the eighteen layers of hell, he is not afraid, as if nothing happened.

The following two sentences are easier to understand.

"There is the Xuan Emperor who has been arbitrary for eternity, and after eternity is Xuanyuan."

These two short sentences compare Xuanyuan Hao to the Xuan Emperor.

Who is the Xuan Emperor?

The man who sealed the sky and the earth. The most powerful man in the history of cultivation. In the eyes of countless cultivators, he is a god, a symbol of god.

Comparing Xuanyuan Hao to the Xuan Emperor is undoubtedly the greatest compliment to Xuanyuan Hao.

Xuanyuan Hao, the leader of the four great celestial beings, the only little real person among the four great celestial beings.

This man has too many titles on his head, so many that people admire and fear him.

No wonder people in the world regard him as the successor of the Xuan Emperor, and many people believe that only he can break the Xuan Emperor's Jedi Tiantong.

These days, Zhuo Bufan has heard too many words of praise for Xuanyuan Hao.

He thought that the legends of the world were just exaggerations.

However, when he saw Xuanyuan Hao stop the Northern Territory Tianjiao Zhong Shenxiu from running away, he realized that what the world said was true.

Xuanyuan Hao was such a powerful man.

The words "Northern Territory Tianjiao, you've gone too far."

It made Zhong Shenxiu calm down instantly.

After being baptized by Xuanyuan Hao's ancient god power, Zhong Shenxiu finally understood the gap between him and Xuanyuan Hao.

Everyone treats the four Tianjiao as equals.

Little do they know that the gap between these four Tianjiao is also a world of difference, separated by several gaps.

He, Zhong Shenxiu, was completely inferior to Xuanyuan Hao.

Zhong Shenxiu's messy hair flew up, and he looked up at the man in the sky holding the guqin, who was isolated from the world and had white hair like snow, and shook his head slowly.

"Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan, the world says that there are Xuanyuan in the east and Daoxian in the west, Shenxiu in the north and Haotian in the south."

"Haha, how ridiculous, how ridiculous. You actually compare us with you. It's ridiculous, the biggest joke in the world!"

"Thank you for stopping my stupidity and keeping my swordsmanship heart from being covered in dust. I will repay you for your kindness today."

"It's better to see Xuanyuan than to be in seclusion for two hundred years. I, Zhong Shenxiu, have learned a lot today! Goodbye, hahaha!"

Crazy, crazy!

After Zhong Shenxiu expressed his feelings spontaneously, he actually laughed up to the sky and flew away on his sword.

Everyone looked at Zhong Shenxiu, who didn't know whether he was crazy or enlightened, and flew away with great emotion.

"Laughing up to the sky and flying away on his sword, I will be a swordsman after this trip! My opponent has become stronger."

Many people thought Zhong Shenxiu was crazy, but Gao Yangxu was very emotional.

Watching Zhong Shenxiu leave, he looked solemn, but smiled.

His smile was a joyful smile.

Zhong Shenxiu only took one move from Xuanyuan Hao, and then he suddenly realized.

He was a great Northern Territory genius, the emperor of swordsmanship, but he actually fought here for his children's love, and even almost "dissolved his sword".

Xuanyuan Hao's timely move undoubtedly made Zhong Shenxiu suddenly realize.

"The next time I face him, it is very likely that he will face a virtual sword immortal!"

"I can't stand still."

Watching Zhong Shenxiu's departure, Gao Yangxu was perhaps the most shocked.

He had decided to go to Zhong Shenxiu for a duel after the trip to the Blood Desert.

But Zhong Shenxiu's enlightenment made him feel the crisis.

Looking at the nervous emotion between Gao Yangxu's eyebrows, the kind of sympathy for his opponent.

Let Zhuo Bufan suddenly have a feeling.

This is an era of geniuses, and everyone will be the protagonist of this era.

Xuanyuan Hao, Zhong Shenxiu, Gao Yangxu, Bai Su, the princess of the demon clan...

Too many people, these people are the protagonists of this era.

And he, Zhuo Bufan, is also!

He looked up at Xuanyuan Hao, the man holding the harp above his head. He was still shining brightly in the dark night.

Strands of white hair floated in the air, like an exiled immortal who was isolated from the world.

Xuanyuan Hao was also looking. He was looking up at the sky, watching the solar eclipse in the sky.

"Total solar eclipse, it's coming!"

Everyone looked again, looking at the sun disk in the sky, which was only a white light.

Only Bai Su, all her mental power was concentrated on Zhuo Bufan.

"Sister Bai!"

The little girl in Bai Su's arms, Xuanyuan Hao's sister, Xuanyuan Mo!

He looked up at Bai Su.

Just when Zhong Shenxiu was about to self-destruct with the sword, Bai Su resolutely stood in front of her and protected her.

At that moment, Xuanyuan Mo was moved and respected by Bai Su.

This was the feeling of being protected that she had felt from people other than her brother.

"Are you okay?"

Bai Su closed her eyes and touched Xuanyuan Mo's head after hearing what Xuanyuan Mo said.

"I'm fine, thank you sister, your eyes..."

Xuanyuan Mo then saw that Bai Su's eyes were no longer visible.

Suddenly, the little girl felt that Bai Su was so pitiful.

She was such a kind and beautiful sister, but now she has become the target of the world's pursuit.

"It's good that you're okay."

At that moment, Bai Su really wanted to protect Xuanyuan Mo at all costs.

Xuanyuan Mo also felt Bai Su's protection.

"Sister, the Ten Thousand Dragons are about to open. Sister, follow me and my brother!"

"No, I'm alone, I'm used to it."

"No, I want my sister to go to the Cloud Tower with me!"

Xuanyuan Mo ignored Bai Su's refusal and pulled Bai Su to fly onto the spaceship of the Ancient Temple.


Xuanyuan Mo brought Bai Su to Xuanyuan Hao's side, only to see Xuanyuan Hao still looking up at the sky.

"Go to the Cloud Tower and open the God's Forbidden Shield. It's about to begin."

Xuanyuan Hao didn't say much, he was watching the final changes of the solar eclipse.

"Sister, let's go to the Cloud Tower to take shelter, the storm is about to begin."

Then, Xuanyuan Mo pulled Bai Su into the Cloud Tower.

Then he opened the God's Forbidden Shield.

For a moment, a huge white light shield completely enveloped the entire Ancient Temple Cloud Ship.

And at this moment, the sun wheel above the head was finally completely swallowed by the darkness.


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