Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 255: Ten Thousand Dragons Rising [Seventh update, please subscribe]

Endless darkness enveloped the earth.

The entire world of cultivating immortals was filled with darkness in an instant. An inexplicable panic swept the world instantly.

At that moment, the souls of all creatures in the world trembled inexplicably.

That feeling was like being stared at the back of one's head by countless pairs of dark eyes.

"Under the earth, there is something under the earth!"

Zhuo Bufan deeply discovered that the great beast under his feet had woken up.

When the sky closed its eyes, its eyes opened!

"Here you go, Xuanyuan Hao, it's your performance time."

Gao Yangxu raised his head and looked at Xuanyuan Hao holding the guqin in the sky.

Not just Gao Yangxu, everyone looked at him.

Xuanyuan Hao moved, and he sat down in the air, with the guqin placed flat on his legs.

The jade-white hands touched the strings lightly.


A sound of the piano resounded throughout the sky and the earth.

Suddenly, a huge ancient god's Dharma image rose up from behind Xuanyuan Hao.

That ancient god's dharma appearance was much larger than the ancient god's dharma appearance that Xuanyuan Mo showed before.

It was a dharma image thousands of feet high, covered in white light, standing tall against the sky, as if it had broken through the end of the sky.

I saw the ancient divine Dharma form raising his right hand, and the whole space was trembling.

When the right hand was at the same level as the chest, a huge guqin, as white as jade and brilliant, stretched across the air and appeared under the big hands.


Xuanyuan Hao plucked the strings again, and the ancient divine Dharma image behind him also plucked the strings.

Suddenly, the sound penetrated thousands of miles, spread throughout the Blood Desert, and even half of the Eastern Region, and the majestic sound of the piano could be heard.


There was another sound of strings being plucked, a mighty sound, a strong wind swept through, and there were wind, rain, thunder and lightning between heaven and earth.

Clang, clank, clank!

After the three preludes ended, the sound of the piano gradually became louder, continuous, and soul-stirring.

Sometimes it is majestic, like a mountain rising.

Sometimes it is low, like falling into an endless abyss.

Sometimes it is gentle, trickling, melodious and lingering.

Sometimes there are stirrings, rolling winds and thunder, shaking the earth.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he saw this scene.

"Is this Xuanyuan Hao? Play a guqin and the world will be shaken!"

Gao Yangxu on the side listened and replied.

"Xuanyuan Hao has two loves in his life. One is the piano, and the other is his sister! I'm sure that when he made Wan Long raise his head this time, it was just for a piece of piano music."

Gao Yangxu seemed to know Xuanyuan Hao very well. In other words, he knows every genius very well.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was secretly surprised.

"For a piece of piano music, move the world?"

"Unexpectedly! This guy is a piano madman. I heard that he played the piano continuously for eighteen years in the ancient temple."

"If the last string made of dragon silk hadn't broken, this guy might not have been able to stop at all."

"A whole eighteen years! This guy doesn't eat, sleep, practice, or retreat, so he just plays the piano."

"The people in the Ancient Temple thought he was crazy. Many disciples with lower cultivation levels in the Ancient Temple quit the Ancient Temple because they couldn't bear the sound of the piano."

"When he finished playing the piano and came out, he found that most of the people in the ancient temple had left. He made the old people in the ancient temple half angry to death."

"Later, in order to prevent his playing the piano from disturbing the people of the world, the Ancient Temple specially asked your Yin Master from the Talisman Temple to build a soundproof hall. Since then, this guy has not continued to disturb the people."

After hearing about Xuanyuan Hao's "feat" from Gao Yangxu, Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt that Xuanyuan Hao sounded down-to-earth and very interesting.

"This guy loves the piano so much, can I fool him with a few piano scores? High mountains and flowing water, three plum blossoms, a big smile!"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly found a way to fool Xuanyuan Hao.

Although Zhuo Bufan doesn't know how to play the piano, he has listened to a lot of guzheng music, so it should be no problem to get a few piano scores.

Of course, before that, he had to learn the musical notation and understand what Gong Shang Jiao Zheng Yu was.

After he got a few Guqin music scores, he went to Xuanyuan Hao to get some ancient and mysterious books.

This guy loves Qin so much that I believe he will exchange it with Zhuo Bufan without even thinking about it.

After the song is played, everything is silent!

For a moment, the whole world was quiet, deathly silent.

Everyone remained silent, waiting for the drastic change to happen.

The next second, suddenly, the ground began to tremble violently.

Boom boom boom boom!

The bloody desert and the billowing red dust, like the sea, began to have rough waves and ups and downs.

"It's coming, it's coming, the dragon is raising its head, it's coming."

Zhuo Bufan and Gao Yangxu quickly flew into the sky.

On the ground, the entire bloody desert began to tremble.

The ground cracked, red sand rolled, and ravines a hundred feet deep stretched for thousands of miles.

The rolling magma spurted out, like a demon opening its scarlet mouth and bloody tongue, instantly swallowing people up.

The endless blood and sand began to turn the world upside down.

The sky is full of sandstorms, making people's eyes blurred.

Not only on the earth, but also in the sky, thunderclouds began to spread, shaking the world.

Rolling demonic clouds, fierce thunder, in the sky, like demons baring their teeth and claws.

In an instant, tens of thousands of thunder blasted down from the sky.

The scene at that moment was extremely heroic and terrifying.

Some monks with lower cultivation were killed by the lightning on the spot.

The natural disaster and thunder tribulation can annihilate the soul and turn people into ashes.

Ten thousand thunders are just the beginning.

In an instant, the earth began to roll up tornadoes and hurricanes that penetrated the sky and the earth.

The formation of the storm made the monks have nowhere to escape.

There is no way to go up to the sky, and no door to go down to the earth.

They can only show their unique skills to resist this terrible natural disaster.

The most terrible thing is that the storm and lightning merged to form a terrible thunderstorm!

The thunderstorm swept in, and everything was turned into ashes wherever it went.

In the thunderstorm, there was a terrible energy that could destroy the world. Even a Jindan strongman could not resist it for long.

The cloud tower of the ancient temple opened the divine ban.

Like a small boat in the sea, it flows with the wind.

The purple cloud palace of the demon clan opened the demon gate defense.

Under the thunderstorm, they could only hold on.

Not to mention the thousands of cultivators, who could only be like leaves in the storm in this disaster.

Destroyed, tortured, finally broken, worn out, and then turned into dust and disappeared.

There is a proverb circulating in the world of immortal cultivation.

Opportunities are accompanied by crises!

The greater the opportunity, the greater the crisis.

The rise of ten thousand dragons is an opportunity for cultivators all over the world, and this crisis is naturally a crisis that cultivators all over the world are extremely afraid of.

"Ten thousand dragons are rising, it's ten thousand dragons."

Gao Yangxu shouted and laughed wildly in the storm.

Zhuo Bufan, however, could only hold on.

"Brother Zhuo, look, it's the Four Emperors' Discussion Hall, the Four Emperors' Discussion Hall has appeared."

Gao Yangxu raised his hand and pointed to the ruins of the imperial city on the ground.

Four huge dragon-shaped columns slowly rose from the ground.

Ancient altars, palaces, and buildings raised their heads in this terrible earthquake storm.

Looking around, the endless ruins began to rise.

Ten thousand dragons raised their heads, this is the ten thousand dragons of the Blood Desert!


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