Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 387: Team annihilation (Part 1) [Third update]

Zhuo Bufan briefly met Fu Yueban, Murray, Zhou Shan, Zhou Hai and Sun You.

Although Sun You was a bit suspicious, he had to be careful.

But Lu Fei, who was the most protective of Zhuo Bufan's interests, said so. Zhuo Bufan believed that Lu Fei must have gone through some investigation.

"Boss, where are we going now?"

When Lu Fei heard that he was going to seize the soul altar, he was obviously very excited.

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan opened the soul book and called out the "Yunmeng Tu".

Suddenly, a huge cloud image of ten square meters appeared in the sky.

Then Zhuo Bufan pointed to the soul altar in the center of Yunmeng Tu and said.

"On this Yunmeng map, there are about two thousand soul altars that have not been occupied. Our target is naturally these soul altars."

"The marks on the map show that there are about forty or fifty sects in the central area of ​​the Yunmeng Map who are fighting for control of the Soul Altar."

"Among them, the Tianwu Alliance and the Ancient Temple are the most powerful."

"As you can see, the main area of ​​activity of the Tianwu Alliance is this territory called the Storm Plateau."

"The main activity area of ​​the ancient temple is this area called the Soul Desert."

"Did you find that these two areas have one thing in common?"

Zhuo Bufan analyzed the current situation with these crazy disciples.

Different from the previous seizure of the soul altar, the soul beasts in the central area of ​​Yunmeng Realm are extremely powerful. If they accidentally encounter a powerful soul beast, they will probably be wiped out.

Moreover, some soul altars are specially guarded by soul beasts.

I heard that four heavenly kings from the Tianwu Alliance were ordered to open up the soul altar in the central area, but two of them are now dead.

Therefore, this time even Zhuo Bufan did not dare to act recklessly, but was fully prepared for analysis.

When faced with a guardian beast, Zhuo Bufan's ability to read files was obviously limited.

"These two areas, the plateau and the desert, have good sight lines. If you encounter a powerful soul beast, you can find the target immediately."

Sun You answered Zhuo Bufan's question.

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, that's the truth."

"We are all not stupid. We naturally know that the jungle and the inland sea must be full of dangers."

"And in such plain areas and desert areas, because there are no shelters, even soul beasts can be discovered in time. Then take countermeasures."

"So the activity areas of these sects are basically this kind of zone."

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's analysis, everyone nodded and asked.

"Then boss, do we also choose a safe area for activities like them?"

Lu Fei asked.

"No, our target is this area."

Zhuo Bufan pointed to the two areas on the Yunmeng map with the most Soul Altar points and said.

Those two areas are the Evil Ghost Forest and the Baizhou Inland Sea!

There are countless soul altars in these two areas.

Zhuo Bufan made a rough estimate and found that there were more than 800 of them.

"As the saying goes, wealth can be found in danger. There are not many soul altars in the inner circle now."

"And no other sect dares to enter the soul altar in these two areas. In this way, our opportunity will come."

Who is Zhuo Bufan?

A madman who occupies the soul altar, he has rich experience in occupying the soul altar.

Experience told him that the more dangerous a place is, the safer it is.

"Our goal is the Evil Ghost Forest and the Hundred Continents Inland Sea."

Zhuo Bufan did the opposite, making the few crazy disciples present look a little confused.

They didn't expect that the door owner was so playful and liked to risk his life.

"I'll make it clear in advance that this is not just for fun, and it will probably cost you your life."

"No, to be precise, there is an 80% chance that you will die."

"If you're scared, you can quit now."

Although Zhuo Bufan has the ability to reload the file and start over, he cannot reload the file for everyone's death.

He needs people who are not afraid of death.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's warning, no one backed away.

"Boss, we are not afraid of death. The worst we can do is lie in bed for a few months."

"That's right, Master, we were already prepared when we came. The worst we can do is die."

Because you won’t really die, it’s not so tragic.

"Okay then, follow the command in all actions. When the time comes, you will do whatever I say. Do you understand?"

Zhuo Bufan leads a special action team.

"I understand, all actions follow the command."

Lu Fei was the first to respond to Zhuo Bufan's command and call.

Upon seeing this, Zhuo Bufan pointed to a soul altar named "Lambo God" on the Yunmeng Map and said.

"Everyone, please prepare! We will collectively teleport to this soul altar later."

God Lan Bo, as soon as he heard this name, he knew that it was the soul altar occupied by the ancient temple.

The soul altars occupied by the ancient temple are very interesting. Each soul altar has a god.

It's a very recognizable camp name.

Afterwards, everyone began to prepare relevant props for this operation.

After the preparations were completed, they followed Zhuo Bufan to the Soul Altar, then determined the target location and teleported away.

Whirring whirring!

There is a billowing smell of fishy wind and rain in the air!

The nasal cavity is filled with a stench that is so disgusting that it makes you want to vomit.

Zhuo Bufan and the others teleported to the "Lambo God" soul altar, and then they all looked up and saw that the sky had turned gray-black.

The atmosphere around him became much more terrifying.

The soul altar where they were located was in a black swamp.

The soul altar was built on a small island the size of a basketball court, and it was surrounded by potholes and swamps.

In the swamp, the stench from various corpses attracted swarms of flies and insects.

Less than 500 meters to the north of them, there was a swamp jungle.

That endless jungle was exactly the target location chosen by Zhuo Bufan and his team, the Devil Forest.

The trees in this forest basically had no leaves, and they grew in a mess.

They looked like the claws and fangs of a demon, which was chilling.

"Is that the Devil Forest?"

Lu Fei looked at the forest and shrugged, feeling a chill on his back.

"It should be. I won't say much about the situation in the Devil Forest. You guys be careful, let's go."

Zhuo Bufan didn't say anything more and summoned his old friend, the Black Light Falcon Horse.

This horse has been following Zhuo Bufan and has made many achievements.

Although its current level is very low, Zhuo Bufan still did not abandon it.

At least in terms of speed, the Black Light Falcon can surpass most soul beasts of level 70 or 80.

However, it seemed a little anxious as it was about to enter the territory of soul beasts with much higher levels than it.

Then, Zhuo Bufan unfolded the Yunmeng Map and said to everyone.

"This is our first target, you guys should cheer up."

Zhuo Bufan warned Lu Fei and the others.

He knew very well how terrible the evil ghost forest was that they were about to enter.

The soul beasts inside didn't even take its sky battleship seriously.

Although the sky battleship was a strategic weapon, these soul beasts of level 80 or 90 were also strategic soul beasts.

A soul beast of level 80 or 90 was enough to easily destroy a camp.

After determining the target, Zhuo Bufan led everyone to fly towards the target soul altar.

And at this moment, suddenly from the depths of the evil ghost forest, a chilling roar came.


Not long after, a gust of wind, with a disgusting fishy smell, rushed from the depths of the forest!

By the way, the following content can only be seen by genuine readers! This book has been reported, I won’t go into details about the reasons. I was notified by the editor at noon that I needed to revise the text quickly. I spent the whole afternoon revising the text and being confused. I didn’t know if it would pass after revising it once, and I was very nervous. Because there are too many books that have been 404ed for this kind of thing, I am also afraid of being 404ed. I didn’t explode today! I’m sorry. I will never cross the line again in the future, and please give me some food. If you are a little more casual, it is very likely to ruin this book. I will pay attention in the future and will not have similar descriptions again. Thank you for your supervision. I am waiting for notification now, sorry everyone, I didn’t explode today!

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