Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 388: Group annihilation (Part 2) [Fourth update]

Before a group of people entered the Evil Ghost Forest, they heard the thunderous roar of the spirit beast.

Zhuo Bufan could feel that the black light falcon horse he was sitting on was trembling and showing timidity!

It hesitated, not daring to fly forward.

The other soul beasts sitting down also had the same situation.

Because a roar came from the evil ghost forest, making their spirit beasts start to panic!

It took a while for them to calm down.

"That's not good! Archive."

Zhuo Bufan became inexplicably nervous.

Archive in time, Zhuo Bufan has prepared for the worst.

He finally understood why no sect dared to occupy the inner soul altar of Yunmeng Realm for more than half a year.

The soul beasts here are too high level and too powerful!

After the soul beasts sat down and calmed down, they flew towards the target location again.

Flying over the swamp and entering the Devil's Forest.

The Evil Ghost Forest is filled with mist and all kinds of terrible miasmas.

From time to time a howl came from the mist, which was chilling.

"Boss, look quickly, there is a soul altar there."

At this moment, Lu Fei stretched out his hand, pointed at a mountain about a kilometer away and shouted.

There is indeed a large open space on the top of the mountain, and there is an unoccupied soul altar in the center of the open space.

The open space is quite large, at least the size of two football fields. It has an irregular oval shape and is covered with dense weeds.

However, around the open space, there were all black and strange trees with snarling teeth and claws.

And the hazy, thick fog that makes you unable to see your fingers.

"Let's capture it quickly."

Lu Fei couldn't wait to fly over and occupy the soul altar.

However, at this moment, suddenly the fog in the entire Evil Ghost Forest began to slowly float up.

Before they could realize what was happening, they were all surrounded by thick fog.

"Zhou Shan Zhou Hai, don't fall behind."

Zhuo Bufan shouted towards the two brothers Zhou Shan and Zhou Hai behind him.

This sudden thick fog is obviously not simple.

The flying spirit beast they sat down on was stagnant in the air and did not dare to continue flying.

"Fly, this stupid bird, why doesn't it fly?"

The big crotch of Lu Fei's legs slapped the gryphon under his crotch hard.

However, the gryphon did not dare to move at all. When the thick fog floated up, all of their soul beasts were in a state of extreme fear.

"Damn it, if I had known better, I would have bought a flying boat. If you buy this beast, it won't dare to move at all!"

Lu Fei shouted.

All of them ride flying mounts.

This kind of flying mount not only allows them to show off and fly, but more importantly, they are also a reliable combat capability.

Therefore, most people will buy flying mounts for transportation, but few people buy flying boats as transportation tools.

Not only does this flying boat need its own soul power to drive it, but it also has no combat effectiveness and is not gorgeous enough. There is only one function: flying.

However, this time, they all miscalculated.

In this evil forest, flying mounts are of no use.

They are soul beasts, emotional beings with souls.

They will be scared, nervous, and frightened.

When encountering this situation, their first reaction is to freeze, not daring to move, and even panic.

However, if you switch to a flying boat, you don't need to be so troublesome. The flying boat is a tool.

"Indeed, it's time to buy a flying boat."

Zhuo Bufan also felt that the black light falcon horse under his crotch was panicking.

The fog in front of me is getting thicker and thicker!

And the flying spirit beast they sat down did not dare to move forward.

At this moment, bursts of low roars suddenly came from the fog.

Ouch ouch ouch...

For a moment, everyone stood ready and summoned the soul codes one after another.

Each soul book releases a dazzling light.

There was a sound of flipping through the book, and the page stopped on his own Horcrux.

At this moment, only a few black shadows were seen, moving through the thick fog.

Coupled with the bursts of low roars, it couldn't help but be creepy.

"Everyone, be careful, there is something in the fog!"

Zhuo Bufan immediately reminded.

"What's going on? Why do I feel panic for no reason?"

Fu Yueban said nervously.

"It should be a high-level soul beast. Its soul power is much higher than yours. It will obviously make you feel oppressed."

Fu Yueban's soul power is considered to be relatively low among the team.

So the panic he felt was the most obvious.

"Everyone, stay close to me."

Zhuo Bufan snapped his fingers and also summoned the Soul Code.

Hua Hua Hua Hua!

The soul code opened and stopped on a page called "Vajra Circle".

With a thought in Zhuo Bufan's mind, the diamond circle flew out from the soul book, and then expanded into a huge halo, surrounding everyone.

"Wow, you are indeed the boss. The sixty-level soul weapon 'Vajra Circle' will kill soul beasts below the level if it touches it."

Lu Fei saw stars in his eyes and used the Xuanguang Mirror to examine the Horcrux used by Zhuo Bufan.

Diamond Circle: Level 60, can form a powerful shield aura. Soul beasts below level 60 will die if touched.

Unlike the natal Horcrux, the Horcrux exchanged at the Soul Altar has many restrictions on its use.

Moreover, the redeemed Horcrux has no growth potential. Growth is the unique ability of the original Horcrux.

In other words, this diamond circle cannot stop soul beasts above level 60 at all.

"I hope it's not a spirit beast above level 60."

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

As a result, I haven’t finished speaking yet...


A black demonic shadow as thick as a bucket penetrated Zhuo Bufan's diamond ring halo.


Hearing only a scream, Zhuo Bufan looked back and found that Fu Yueban had disappeared into their team.

"Fat man!"

Lu Fei and the others shouted, but Fatty had been dragged into the fog, and then he let out a scream, which was very dangerous.

"Wocao, are you really right about what I said?"

Zhuo Bufan was shocked. He did not expect that the level of the soul beast in the mist was much higher than level 60.

"Everyone, be careful and prepare to fight."

No one had time to observe a moment of silence for Fu Yueban!

Because there are more and more black demonic figures around, looking like huge flying black pythons. Surrounded them all.

"Damn it, catch my brother and you will die."

Without saying a word, Lu Fei summoned his natal Horcrux, a spear burning with fire.


Lu Fei shouted loudly, grabbed the magic flame gun in his hand, and then drew circles of flames in the air, blasting towards the soul beasts in the surrounding thick fog.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Balls of blazing fire seemed to hit the mysterious soul beast in the thick fog.

However, the other party didn't even hum.

What responded to Zhuo Bufan and the others were black demonic figures.

The speed was extremely fast, like a dozen black giant pythons rushing out of the fog in an instant, and no one had time to see what it was.


At this moment, a huge demonic shadow a thousand meters long, like a giant stick holding up the sky, fell from the sky.


Suddenly, the entire Evil Ghost Forest was hit by that "stick", creating a huge gully a thousand meters long.

Wednesday and Zhou Hai were unable to dodge and were beaten to death by the "stick" on the spot. They were destroyed in ashes in front of Zhuo Bufan.

"Damn, what the hell?"

Zhuo Bufan was angry and watched the two brothers Zhou Shan and Zhou Hai die tragically in front of him.

"Boss, be careful!"

At this moment, Lu Fei suddenly drove his griffin and crashed towards Zhuo Bufan.

The next second, another thousand-meter-long "black stick" hit Lu Fei and the griffon he was riding.


Lu Fei and his gryphon died tragically!

Thank you book friends for your concern. This book does describe some plots similar to H. I am not a dumb person eating coptis. Similar chapters have been changed. I will definitely pay attention to it in the future, and please continue to supervise it. That’s it for today! Continue tomorrow. It’s still the same old rule, watch the subscription for updates. I'll probably grind on this volume for two more days. I want to be well prepared for the next big climax. Well, thank you for watching, and good night!

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