Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 415 The Return of the Prodigy [First Update]

A voice of "My Emperor is coming" broke the tranquility of the Temple City.

Its sound was like thunder, exploding in the sky.

All the citizens ran out of their houses in fear.

On the streets, on the balconies, on the rooftops...

Everywhere was full of people, densely packed crowds, looking up at the sky, looking up at the peerless emperor above their heads.

"It's the Demon Emperor, he's here."

"So fast, it took less than two days to get from the southern demon world to the Talisman Temple?"

"Such a powerful energy, it's almost impossible to breathe. It feels like the whole world is filled with terrible demonic energy. Every breath is a struggle to breathe."

Some people with low cultivation can already clearly feel the terrible pressure brought by the Demon Lord.

Everyone looked up and saw a golden sun floating in the sky above the sky.

It was really a golden "sun", and no one could see what the legendary Demon Lord really looked like.

The sun was extremely bright. No one dared to look directly at it, their eyes were too greedy, and even their eyes would be blinded.

Even the rising sun at the end of the sky seemed extremely dim compared to it.

It was a "god" more brilliant than the sun. Its appearance made everything in the world dim.

On the nine circular walls of the Temple City, there were rows of talisman weapons.

They were the ultimate weapons to protect the airspace of the Temple City.

After sensing the arrival of the Demon Lord, the trumpet cannon, the blazing cannon, the aurora cannon, the thunder cannon, the soul-destroying cannon!

All the talisman turrets set up on the walls automatically aimed at the "god" above the Temple City.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

For a time, thousands of talisman turrets began to bombard the Demon Lord in the air.

The entire Temple City was shrouded in storms and thunder, deafening.

Everyone looked at the bombing talisman turret blankly.

These automatic turrets that were not operated manually obviously did not know what kind of terrifying existence the creature they were bombarding was.

The next moment, countless golden lightning burst out from the demon king.

Chi chi chi chi chi...

The golden lightning penetrated more than 5,000 talisman turrets of the Temple City.

In just a moment, the absolute airspace defense that the Temple City was proud of was instantly disintegrated.

Boom boom boom boom...

The deafening explosion sounded again, and this time, it was the turrets on all the city walls that exploded.

It was like fireworks, exploding continuously, and the scene was particularly shocking.

"Oh my god, is this the Demon Lord?"

"The city defense cannons of the Temple City can even kill real people."

"But in an instant, they were all reduced to ashes."

"It took the Temple City thousands of years to build these artillery platforms. In just an instant, everything was reduced to zero?"

"This is the strength of the Demon Lord, the most terrifying existence in the southern demon world. It is precisely because of his existence that no one dares to invade the demon world."

At this moment, the people standing in the Temple City were all in awe.

All of them had a feeling in their souls that as long as the Demon Lord wanted, everyone present would die.

Many people have begun to regret coming to the Temple City to watch the show.

Watching this show is deadly!

"Little Lord, come out! It's meaningless to hide now."

At this moment, a charming woman in purple flew out from the "sun" in the sky.

She has a pair of huge purple wings and is a peerless demon.

The sharp-eyed people, enduring the dazzling light, saw the woman and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's the princess of the demon clan, Donghuang Qin!"

This woman who looks like a phoenix is ​​the demon princess who leads the world in the Blood Wasteland Desert and shows her peerless elegance.

The appearance of this peerless demon girl caused everyone in the Temple City to exclaim for a while.

Donghuang Qin is definitely a peerless demon girl who is extremely beautiful. I believe no one can deny her beauty.

Although she is a member of the demon clan, it is precisely because of this that she has a charm that belongs to the demon clan.

"Little venerable, hand over the Donghuang Bell, and my demon clan will treat you as a guest."

"You brought the Donghuang Bell out of the Blood Wasteland Desert, which is also a contribution to my Dongjia family. But the Donghuang Bell is not something you have the ability to occupy, so come back!"

Donghuang Qin did not start a war directly after a disagreement. She first persuaded with kind words, and only drew her sword when she could not reach an agreement.

"Hahahaha, when will the demons also use courtesy before force?"

At this time, Zhuo Bufan had not appeared yet, and suddenly another person's voice came from the sky.


The demon princess frowned and looked back, only to see a man carrying a black magic tablet on his shoulder, crossing from the void.

"I am not afraid of the wrath of the blue sky god, my life is my own. When the world is in chaos, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!"

The demon shadow pierced the ears, and the thunder roared.

Everyone looked at the man who suddenly appeared, all of them were dumbfounded and unforgettable.

The man shouted the high-pitched Seven Killings poem, and every time the word "kill" was uttered, a terrifying demon shadow flew out of the magic tablet on his shoulder.

Seven demon shadows, holding seven kinds of divine weapons, swords, spears, halberds, axes, and hooks, are extremely frightening.

Such an exaggerated way of appearance, such a unique and powerful poem.

The identity of the visitor is about to be revealed.

"It's Gao Yangxu, Gao Yangxu who inherited the Seven Killings Demon Tablet of the Red Emperor. This genius actually appeared."

"He is on good terms with the little venerable. If the little venerable is in trouble, he will definitely show up."

Someone exclaimed.

Gao Yangxu, the era's genius who became famous in the bloody desert, actually appeared in the Temple City.

The Seven Killing Demon Stele on his shoulder was too dazzling.

That was the demon stele made by the Red Emperor, and he sealed his seven evil thoughts in the stele.

Each evil thought has extremely terrifying combat power and dares to challenge Xuanyuan Hao, the world's number one genius.

After the bloody desert, Gao Yangxu's name quickly spread in the world of immortal cultivation. Everyone is looking forward to this new genius.

As Gao Yangxu, who has a deep friendship with Zhuo Bufan, heard that his brother was in trouble, he came from the East China Sea.

"I am Gao Yangxu, old witch, we meet again."

Gao Yangxu, the arrogant and arrogant peerless genius, fought with the demon princess as soon as they met.

Last time, Gao Yangxu killed a general under the demon princess to settle the dispute.

This time, I am afraid that the battle between the two is inevitable.

In the world, Gao Yangxu may be the only one who dares to call the demon princess an old witch.

This stunning demon, the world calls it a princess, but he alone calls it an old witch.

Even the demon princess who has practiced for three thousand years can't hold back her anger at this moment.

"Shameless man, I don't have time to deal with you today, get out!"

The demon princess said that she didn't have time to deal with Gao Yangxu, but she still used a killing move in anger.

Thousands of purple steel needles flew towards Gao Yangxu, and each needle could penetrate the soul.

"Old witch, I really can't stand you. Brother Zhuo, I will kill her for you first."

Gao Yangxu didn't agree with the words and directly attacked the demon princess.

This madman is a bit fierce, a bit hateful, and has a heroic spirit of justice.

Seeing that Gao Yangxu was about to go to war with the princess of the demon clan, at this moment, a chaotic heavy sound rang out over the entire temple city.


The sound of chaos, as if coming from chaos, was deafening, making all living beings worship and submit in their hearts.


There was another loud bang, and everyone looked up, only to see a black bell floating up and flying into the sky.

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