Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 416 Reasoning [Second Update]

The big black bell is engraved with traces of the ravines of the years.

With a primitive and vast atmosphere, it floats quietly in the air.

The sound of chaos shocks the soul! It makes those who hear it stunned and frightened.

"Xiao Zunren, Xiao Zunren has come out."

But under the black chaos clock, there was a son of heaven-defying man in white clothes.

His sacred posture, independent and coquettish, makes people surrender.

Who else could this boy be besides Zhuo Bufan?

Zhuo Bufan's appearance instantly pushed the atmosphere to a climax.

"Brother Gao Yang, don't do anything yet."

Zhuo Bufan immediately stopped the battle between Gao Yangxu and the demon princess.

Zhuo Bufan was really touched that Gao Yangxu could come all the way to rescue him.

His friendship with Gao Yangxu was not deep, at least not the kind of life-and-death friendship.

But Gao Yangxu could make him an enemy of the Demon Lord. This kind of friendship is worthy of deep friendship.

But right now, Gao Yangxu really can't let Gao Yangxu fight with the demon princess.

After all, there is a peerless emperor above the sky, the Demon Lord Donghuang Taiyi!

If a fight really breaks out, ten Gao Yangxu will not be enough for half of Demon Lord's fingers.

When Gao Yangxu heard this, he stopped and flew towards Zhuo Bufan carrying the Seven Kill Demon Monument.

"Brother Zhuo, I'm late. I was slapped by that bastard Xuanyuan Hao in the East China Sea. I'll take revenge on him later."

After Gao Yangxugang got the Seven Kill Demon Monument, his strength grew rapidly and he wanted to challenge Xuanyuan Hao.

As a result, he was slapped into the East China Sea by Xuanyuan Hao's Sikong Ancient God.

He only recently returned to the interior. As a result, he heard the news about Zhuo Bufan immediately, and then he hurried to the central Talisman Temple.

Zhuo Bufan replied gratefully.

"Brother Gao Yang can help me when I am in danger. I am very grateful."

"The other party is the Demon Lord, so I'd better leave this matter to myself!"

Zhuo Bufan was very grateful for Gao Yangxu's help, but now, he didn't intend to implicate anyone.

The Chaos Clock hung above his head, and endless black starlight fell from the Chaos Clock, shrouding him and making him look extremely sacred.

Because of the light of chaos, Zhuo Bufan became one of the few people who could look directly at the "sun" in the sky.

Zhuo Bufan knew that the legendary Demon Lord was in that "sun".

But Zhuo Bufan slowly flew into the sky, and then sat on an equal footing with the Demon Lord.

The genius of the century confronts the unrivaled emperor. This scene is destined to become a classic of the times.

"My dear Lord, is it time to return the Donghuang Bell to my demon clan?"

At this time, the demon princess also flew up and asked Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan glanced at the demon princess, and she was indeed unparalleled in her beauty.

Yet he dismissed it.

"I'm sorry, I can't let this Chaos Clock go."

As soon as these words came out, the entire temple city fell into a deathly silence.

Everyone was shocked by Zhuo Bufan's courage.

None of them expected that this young gentleman would dare to refuse to return the Donghuang Bell in front of the Demon Lord.

"Is this little venerable man crazy?"

"I thought he would give in at this moment. He no longer has the protection of the Talisman Temple!"

"He has already issued a statement to withdraw from the Talisman Temple. Now no one has come out of the temple. How can he have the courage to reject Donghuang outright?"

"Who gave him the courage? The Tianyi Sect? Where is the Tianyi Sect that claims to protect my little lord?"

In the city, tens of millions of people are watching this battle of the century.

Who should the legendary innate artifact Chaos Clock belong to?

"My lord, are you serious?"

As the spokesperson of the demon lord, the demon princess Donghuangqin did not expect that this little lord would dare to reject her royal brother.

Zhuo Bufan quietly looked at the infinitely brilliant ball of light floating in front of him, and then said.

"Boy, the clock I got is called the Chaos Bell, not the Eastern Emperor Bell."

"Now that the Chaos Clock has recognized me as its master, I would like to ask you two, what kind of clock should I give you in return?"

The reason why Zhuo Bufan was so calm and courageous was because he wanted to reason with the Demon Lord Donghuang.

Zhuo Bufan believes that Demon Lord has been able to reach this stage, and his character has reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people. He is not the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately if he disagrees with you.

Since he is a false saint, he at least has the mind of a saint.

What is a saint?

It is a person who has achieved the highest achievement in a certain aspect.

As a descendant of the Qing Emperor, the Demon Lord naturally possesses the Qing Emperor's all-encompassing and all-encompassing tolerant heart.

If you are extraordinary, you must be reasonable.

It's not a strong argument, but a serious truth.

However, when the demon princess heard this, she shouted softly.

"My lord, are you trying to steal someone else's position and act like a fool?"

"This bell is the bell of my ancestor, the Eastern Emperor, the Qing Emperor. Everyone knows it. Do you admit it or not?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"No, Your Highness Princess. You should add "Once". This bell was once indeed the property of the Qing Emperor. Because the Qing Emperor's surname was Donghuang, the world called this bell the Donghuang Bell. I ask you, do you accept it? admit?"

Zhuo Bufan actually asked the demon princess.

When the demon princess Donghuangqin heard this, she was stunned for a moment and said.

"Yes, as you said, this is a relic of my ancestors. The world calls it the Donghuang Bell. No one knows about it."

Zhuo Bufan heard this and continued.

"Then, Princess, do you know that this Donghuang Bell was originally called the Chaos Bell, and is an innate divine artifact, a thing that was born and raised without an owner?"

Zhuo Bufan raised his voice, and his voice spread through the Chaos Bell to the streets and alleys of the Temple City and to the ears of millions of people.

The demon princess seemed to understand Zhuo Bufan's intention when she heard it.

"Do you want to confuse people?"

"No, I didn't confuse people. I just stated the facts."

"I want to ask your Highness, Princess, and the Demon King. Why did a thing that was born and raised without an owner become the property of your Dongjia family?"

"Is it because it once followed the Green Emperor?"

Zhuo Bufan relied on his quick tongue to make the demon princess speechless.

After hearing this, some people suddenly realized it.

"Yes, everyone has always called it the Donghuang Bell. But the Donghuang Bell is an innate artifact, a thing born and raised without an owner."

"Since it is an ownerless thing, there is no such thing as a family heirloom."

"The Dong family wants to ask for the Donghuang Bell, which seems to be out of place and unreasonable!"

The city has already started to make noise, and more and more voices support Zhuo Bufan.

Gao Yangxu, who was standing aside, laughed even louder after hearing this.

"Hahaha, Brother Zhuo said it well. What a bullshit Donghuang Bell, it's just a name imagined by your Dong family. Giving it a name means it's your Dong family's treasure?"

"Then I want to name this Xiuxian world Gaoyang World. Does it mean that the Xiuxian world belongs to me, Gao Yangxu, from now on?"

"Listen, everyone below, this world will be called Gaoyang World from now on, and you all change your surname to Gaoyang!"

Gao Yang said while teasing and shouting to the people on the ground.

The people in the city were confused when they heard it.

"Hahahaha, what a big joke."

"This innate divine weapon belongs to the capable. Just like I got the Seven Killing Demon Tablet, why didn't I see the descendants of the Red Emperor jump out to ask for it?"

"Only you demons are so troublesome."

For some reason, Gao Yangxu is very arrogant and fearless. Facing the Demon Lord, he is not afraid.

And such an arrogant friend is a rare confidant of Zhuo Bufan, and they are in harmony with each other.


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