Zhuo Bufan left the front line and returned to Meicheng.

In Meicheng, Xiaomei had already mobilized the people of the Crazy Sect and the Su Nu Sect to prepare a full moon wine for Nian Nian.

Under the plum tree, the whole city was feasting, and the feast was ten miles away, and it was very lively.

When Zhuo Bufan returned to Meicheng, he immediately caused a sensation.

"It's the Sect Master who is back."

"Mr. Zhuo is back, that's great."

"Stinky Bufan, you still know how to come back?"

A group of people gathered around and looked at Zhuo Bufan with admiration in their eyes.

What Zhuo Bufan did in the outside world during this period of time, everyone in Meicheng learned about it through the Yunmeng Realm.

Now the outside world is in chaos.

Zhuo Bufan took the lead and became a hero, running on the front line for the people of the world.

Everyone was extremely worried about his safety, fearing that he would be assimilated by the Yin Beast.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan return, everyone was relieved.

Especially Bai Zifan, he also heard rumors about his father Zhuo Bufan from Aunt Xiaomei.

Now, the outside world has already spread Zhuo Bufan as a great hero.

His father is a great hero, and as a son, he is naturally prouder and more proud than his father.

"Dad, welcome back."

Bai Zifan came forward with his sister Bai Zinian in his arms.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan reached out and touched Bai Zifan's head, then smiled.

"I promised you that I would come back to prepare a full moon wine for my sister. A man should keep his word."

Zhuo Bufan came back specifically just for Nian Nian's full moon wine.

Then he stood up and looked at everyone around him, and then said.

"Everyone, thank you for preparing a full moon wine for my daughter. I, Zhuo Bufan, will remember it forever."

The Ten-mile Plum Street was filled with the aroma of wine and flowers.

Zhuo Bufan was very satisfied with this full moon wine.

Then, Zhuo Bufan took out the gifts that his wife had prepared for his two children.

First was Bai Zifan's.

"Zifan, this is a gift for you."

Zhuo Bufan gave the white dress to Bai Zifan.

Seeing this, Bai Zifan was surprised and asked, "Is it for me?"

He didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to prepare it for him as well.

"Yes, this is specially prepared for you by an old lady."

"Tell me your sister, and try it on."

Zhuo Bufan hasn't held his baby daughter for a long time.

He also took the opportunity of Bai Zifan changing clothes to take Nian Nian from Bai Zifan's arms.

Holding his little cutie again, Zhuo Bufan showed endless doting on his face.

Nian Nian in his arms opened a pair of round eyes, smiled and opened her mouth, looking at Zhuo Bufan and laughing.

"My little baby, Daddy misses you so much."

Zhuo Bufan loved her more and more as he looked at her, like a little sweetheart.

Little Nian Nian pinched his big nose with her little hand, and then kept giggling.

Obviously, she seemed to know that this big man was her father, the most important man in her life.

Little Nian Nian was very cute, especially her eyes, which were big and round, just like her mother Bai Su.

"Dad, does it look good?"

At this time, the eldest son Bai Zifan had also changed his clothes.

Wearing white clothes, he looked gentle and elegant.

Zhuo Bufan smiled and said, "Looks good, very handsome."

"Xiaofan, Dad has something to tell you." Zhuo Bufan squinted and looked at Bai Zifan.

After hearing this, Bai Zifan nodded seriously and said, "You go ahead."

"I have already heard about your mother. She is doing well and safe now."

"Really? Where is your mother?"

Bai Zifan said excitedly.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was silent for a moment, hesitating to speak.

"She...she has something important to do now. When she finishes, she will come back."

Zhuo Bufan could only comfort Bai Zifan in this way.

After all, he didn't know where Bai Su was now.

After hearing this, Bai Zifan seemed a little disappointed.

But soon, he smiled and said to Zhuo Bufan: "Since Daddy said so, Mom will definitely come back."

"My sister and I will wait for her to come back."

Bai Zifan is becoming more and more sensible.

Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly after hearing this.

He didn't know how to get along with the father-son relationship.

But it can be seen that Bai Zifan is also trying to integrate into this family.

"Well, I will continue to leave my sister to you to take care of."

"After I finish my work outside, I will take you out. After this catastrophe is over, I will also stop and be a competent father, watching the growth of the two children with my own eyes."

Zhuo Bufan said seriously.

As soon as the full moon banquet ended, Zhuo Bufan left Meicheng.

He couldn't stay in Meicheng for too long, because the outside world still needed him to save.

Since he has become a hero, don't back down.

He is determined to be this hero.

After leaving Meicheng, Zhuo Bufan continued to take his "orders" in Yunmeng Realm.

The so-called orders are the requests for help from the sects invaded by Yin beasts.

Of course, adhering to the principle of proximity, Zhuo Bufan has been active in the East Continent.

Most of the Yin beasts originally released from the Three Saints Sect have been basically eliminated by Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan came to Yunmeng Realm again. Unexpectedly, what came from the sky of Yunmeng Realm was not a cry for help, but a wave of blessings.

"Today is the full moon ceremony of Zhuo Yingxiong's daughter. Du Cheng, the lord of Gaoshan City, represents the entire Gaoshan City and prays for Zhuo Yingxiong's daughter."

"I, Baiwang City, also wish Zhuo Yingxiong and his daughter a long and happy life."

"I, Jiuhua Mountain, wish Zhuo Yingxiong's daughter peace and happiness forever."


Yunmeng Realm has become a place where all major forces pray for Zhuo Bufan's daughter.

All the forces that Zhuo Bufan has helped have stood up and expressed their blessings.

Sure enough, good people are rewarded!

Zhuo Bufan's performance in this catastrophe and his heroic deeds have infected the world.

All major forces have now formed an alliance with Zhuo Bufan and stood on the united front.

Unknowingly, Zhuo Bufan has become a key figure that affects all major forces in the world of immortal cultivation.

Just when the whole world of Yunmeng Realm was celebrating and praying for Zhuo Bufan's daughter.

Suddenly, an urgent cry for help came.

"Help, is Zhuo Yingxiong here? Mengyou Valley has been attacked by a large number of Yin beasts. We have resisted for three days and it is really difficult to resist. Please help Zhuo Yingxiong."

The sudden cry for help made the originally joyful atmosphere of universal celebration much colder.

Afterwards, everyone began to discuss.

"Mengyou Valley, isn't that the first female sect in the Eastern Xiuxian World?"

"Mengyou Valley is a big sect, but it can't resist the invasion of Yin beasts?"

"It's a pity for the fairies in Mengyou Valley. Don't let them become the prey of Yin beasts!"

Mengyou Valley is the first female sect in the Eastern Continent, and its disciples are all over the world.

Now that the sect is in trouble, thousands of female disciples have rushed back to Mengyou Valley.

However, Yin beasts cannot be killed except by life force.

Mengyou Valley has been struggling for three days and can no longer resist. So, in desperation, he asked Zhuo Bufan for help.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned and responded immediately.

"I'm now eighty miles west of Jiuhua Mountain. How can I get there?" Zhuo Bufan responded, which immediately aroused the cheers of everyone in Yunmeng Realm. "Zhuo Yingxiong has been in Yunmeng Realm all along. That's great. Mengyou Valley is saved now." "Thank you, Zhuo Yingxiong. My Mengyou Valley is three hundred miles north of Jiuhua Mountain." "Three hundred miles? Okay, I'll get there as soon as possible. You guys hold on for a while. Remember, don't fight hard when you go there. If you can, run away." Zhuo Bufan didn't want to see Mengyou Valley wiped out by the time he arrived. "Please come as soon as possible, Zhuo Yingxiong. Mengyou Valley will definitely be grateful to you." After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan directly disconnected, no, he directly exited Yunmeng Realm. Then, he determined the location of Mengyou Valley, and then rushed in the direction of Mengyou Valley.

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